Letter inviting an employee to a performance review ...





Invite to performance review hearing

As you know we have recently spoken informally about our concerns regarding your poor performance. Unfortunately, these informal discussions have not had the necessary impact on your performance. You are now required to attend a formal performance review hearing to discuss this further on [DATE] at [TIME] at [VENUE].

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the following concerns: [GIVE DETAILS ABOUT POOR PERFORMANCE - FOR EXAMPLE: "[NAME] has provided copies of your sales figures for the period [DATE] to [DATE] and has received feedback about your customer service from the following customers on [DATE]."]. We also sought the views of [NAME OF MANAGER] on this information, having regard to your previous performance.

I enclose copies of the relevant documents concerning the above issues, as follows:



If there are any further documents you wish to be considered at the hearing, please provide copies as soon as possible. If you do not have those documents, please provide details so that they can be obtained.

The meeting will be held in accordance with the Company’s [Capability OR Disciplinary] policy which I enclose for your information.

The hearing will be conducted by [NAME] and the following people will also be present: [GIVE NAMES OR JOB ROLES OF PARTICIPANTS]. You have the right to be accompanied at the hearing by a fellow worker or trade union representative. Please let me know if you wish to be accompanied by a member of staff so that I can ensure they are released from duties.

At the meeting you will be encouraged and have every opportunity to make any comments you feel are appropriate relating to the above issues. If you do not understand any part of this letter or the performance review process please let me know as soon as possible. Following the meeting we may decide to [set targets for improvement within a specified time-frame AND/OR issue you with a written warning or a final written warning].

Please confirm that you have received this letter and that you will attend at the time stated above. If, for any unavoidable reason, you or your companion cannot attend at that time, please contact me as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely


On behalf of [EMPLOYER]


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