Sample Nomination

Sample Nomination #1

Employee Innovation

Concisely explain why the above-listed nominee(s) should be recognized using the selection criteria and instructions/guidelines given for the Superstar program.

I would like to nominate Steve for a superstar award based on his performance this past year. He deserves an award for the contributions he has made to Surplus Sales. In the past year Steve has accomplished the following which has contributed to the success of the Surplus Sales (SS) operation.

Steve’s accomplishments that deserve recognition

(period --/--/-- to --/--/--)

Steve used his own initiative to research and find a way to obtain a truck for SS. The truck was needed for SS to perform pickups and deliveries of surplus equipment on/off campus. Steve was creative and found a way to obtain a truck with no cost to SS. He basically took goods that were going to be dumped at a landfill and instead used them to barter for a used vehicle. He saved the University over $2,500 by this transaction. In addition, he was environmentally conscious by finding a way to avoid dumping materials that still could be used. This was a win/win situation. We received a truck and the person who donated the truck received goods that they needed that were just trash to us. This had a positive impact on (1) SS for keeping overhead low, (2) the University because it gave us a way to better serve UCSD (pickups/deliveries) and (3) he helped the environment by conserving and using old items. This was 100 % the effort, creativity and initiative of Steve. This was way beyond the scope of this position. Steve could have just said “I need a truck” and funds would have been expensed to purchase one. He is truly an innovative employee who has UCSD’s best interest at heart.

Steve has saved the University thousands of dollars this past year by taking the initiative to learn about computers on his own time. SS is a very busy operation with only two employees running it. There is little time to learn all there is to know about all the equipment that comes in and out of the University. Steve, however, makes the time. On his own he has learned about computers to a point that he can repair them, put systems together , and make them attractive (increasing their value) to an outside buyer. When he gets a computer system in he must first clear off the hard drive of all programs and files, he then loads on the operating systems. He specs them out to determine any problems. He does this all on his own and by his own initiative. To hire someone from the outside to do this prep work would be costly and lower the income generated from these sales. He has taken laser printers, added a few parts and sold them for an excellent profit. Without someone with Steve’s expertise, initiative and desire to learn, the computer equipment would probably not sell. This is above and beyond his job scope. He is not a computer programmer; he is a Lead Storekeeper. Normally a Lead Storekeeper would sell the item as is and probably not have the expertise to talk to customers about the type of system it is, how much memory, the RAM etc. etc. He answers questions to the best of his ability and is able to assist customers more. Steve is directly responsible for the success of all computer equipment sales at the UCSD Surplus Sales. Steve’s innovation has made this a success. This is an on-going type of activity that requires constant learning and effort. He has been a huge benefit to the University selling computers, which brings money back to departments and has also saved hundreds of computers from being dumped in landfills. He fixes, conserves and sells!

Steve has kept SS running this past year short handed. The Stores Worker that normally works with him was out a lot last year due to a workman’s Comp injury. Steve’s innovation and hard work allowed him to continue business at the same high level of service for his customers, with little or no assistance.

Steve has taken the initiative to use the Internet to sell equipment outside the University. He uses free bulletin boards and other methods on the Internet to advertise used equipment that he has for sale. Some equipment that Steve gets in at SS is highly specialized equipment used by campus researchers. Steve takes the time and energy to actively seek out buyers for these types of items and does not rely solely on walk in customers. He has a wealth of information and contacts that he uses to make the sale. This once again is beyond the scope of his job. He goes the extra mile, which benefits our department, and the UCSD Campus.


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