LESSON PLAN – Responsibilities At Work

LESSON PLAN – Responsibilities At Work

Theme – developing Myself

CAREER SKILLS – Self Development

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Problem Solving, Working With Others


COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *cii, *di, **ei, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiv, ***Iii, ***Iiv, ***kiv, ***kv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi, ****ni, ****pi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Social Studies, Personal Development, English

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

• Know and understand basic health and safety rules.

• Understand their responsibilities in the workplace.

• Develop an awareness of health and safety issues.

Preparation and Materials

• Copies of Info Sheets (1) and (2) and Activity Sheet “Responsibilities At Work” for each student (these can be photocopied back to back).

• Teachers’ Notes for reference.


1. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on Info Sheet (1).

2. Brief the students on the issues raised in the Teachers’ Notes – stress how their safety and everyone else’s safety is important.

3. Give out Info Sheet (1) and (2) and go through them with the class and explain/discuss the issues.

4. Give out the Activity Sheet. Ask the students to pair up with a partner and complete the Activity Sheet. All of the answers can be found on the Info Sheets.

5. In the discussion of the responses to the Activity Sheet, accept no compromise. Emphasise that taking responsibility for your own health and safety is essential.

6. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.

7. Summarise the min learning outcomes..

TEACHERS’ NOTES – Responsibilities At Work


Of the 16,500 people seriously injured at work in Canada last year, many still suffer from their injuries. Some 250 cannot tell us about their injuries – they are dead!

From official statistics published by the Occupational Health and Safety Board, which controls safety in the workplace, in the year ending 31 march 1999 one child had died and 156 school children had been injured.

The 156 who sustained injury of a major kind where those who had suffered bone fracture, amputation, loss of sight in a eye, chemical burns, electric shock, acute illness or loss of consciousness caused by inhaling, ingesting, touching or exposure to some substance or material. As a result the children had been kept in hospital for over 24 hours. Many thousands more had experienced a “minor injury” resulting in them being away from their placement for 3 or more days.

These statistics are old. More modern and up-to-date figures will show these figures may have increased. The majority of accidents are caused because people, students or school children do not listen or read instructions about their safety. “it will never happen to me” is not the right attitude to take – it can and it does.

There is a massive amount of legislation dealing with health and safety at work. For example, there are laws about the temperature in the workplace, the protective clothing, the weight and essential resistance properties and how all dangerous substances have to be labeled and stored.

Everyone has a responsibility to ensure their own safety, that of others to maintain a safe working environment. Work experience students are considered to be an employee of the firm. Therefore, they have as much responsibility as anyone else to fulfil their obligations.

There is no flexibility in these statements – it is essential that students understand that they need to look after their own safety and that of others.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

• Know and understand basic health and safety rules.

• Understand your responsibilities in the workplace.

• Develop an awareness of health and safety issues.

INFO SHEET (1) – Responsibilities At Work


INFO SHEET (2) – Responsibilities At Work

Duties of the Employer


Duties of the Employee


ACTIVITY SHEET – Responsibilities At Work


The Canadian Parliament has laid down rules which employers and employees must obey.

The health and Safety Executive enforces these rules

The law states that every single aspect of a persons’ safety has to be accountable and there is a massive amount of legislation which satisfies this.

There are laws concerned with the amount of space available for each person, about the temperature you can safely work at and the activities you can do, about using computers, how to sit, how to stand, how to lift and carry – ALL of which are designed to protect you.

Most important, the employer has many duties covered by the law towards the people who work in the place, visit the place, and to ensure that they know that they have responsibility for their OWN safety.

An employer must provide:

• A safe workplace – including the entrance and exit.

• Safe equipment to work with.

• Work procedures and systems that are safe and cause no risk.

• Training to ensure safe competent working.

• Safe arrangements for using, handling, storing and moving materials.

• Adequate facilities for the welfare of employees.

• A healthy working environment.

• Employers can be prosecuted for injuries to employees.

• Employers can be charged with manslaughter if an employee is killed.

• Inspections leading to fines are put into place.

• Placement closed and work practices stopped.

An employee must:

• Take care of his/her health and safety.

• Take care of others who might be affected by his/her actions.

• Know the employer’s safety policy and rules.

• Keep to those rules.

• Behave safely.

• Report any accident, damage or hazardous situation, no matter how small.

• Discipline leading to firing.

• Prosecuted by law.

• Fined for disobeying the law.

• Face manslaughter charges.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who is responsible for health and safety at work?

2. What duties do these people have to ensure safety?

3. How much can an employer be fined?

4. How much can an employee be fined?

5. If a company is found guilty of wrong or unsafe practices what can happen to that company?

6. If an employee is found guilty of wrong or unsafe practices what can happen to that person?

7. You have responsibilities towards yourself and others – make a list here and draw a small picture to illustrate one aspect of these.


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