Are You suprised - Broward County Public Schools

A Title I & Innovative Programs School2015 – 2016STAFF HANDBOOKSherry BeesPrincipalCamille OrrAssistant PrincipalTABLE OF CONTENTSSubject PagePreface.........8School Information........8The School Board of Broward County.....10Accident Reports........11Accreditation.........11Activities.........11Adults on Campus........12After School Program.......12Animals/Pets.........12Announcements........13Appointments........13Arrivals.........13Assemblies.........13Attendance Procedures.......14Audio Visual Materials.......14Before Care.........15Bell Schedule........15Bomb Threats........15Breakfast.........15Building Access........15Bulletin Boards........16Bulletins.........16Bullying.........16Bus Drill.........17Bus Transportation........17CAB Calendar........17CAB Conference........17Cafeteria Procedures.......18Cell Phones .........19Certification.........19Change of Name, Address and Benefits.....19Child Abuse Reporting.......19Children.........20Child Study.........20Class Rosters........21Classes Unattended.......21Classroom Care/Custodial Services.....21Classroom Equipment.......22Classroom Etiquette.......22Classroom Schedules.......22TABLE OF CONTENTSSubject PageClassroom Supervision.......22Classroom Visitation.......22Clinic Referrals........22Code of Ethics........23Committees.........24Communicable Diseases and Infestations....24Communications........24Competitions/Contests/Fairs......25Conferences.........25Confidentiality........25Copy Machines........26Copyright.........26Corporal Punishment.......28Correspondence........28Cumulative Folders........28Curriculum and Instruction.......29Daily Attendance Roster.......30Diagnostic Testing........30Discipline.........30Dismissal.........32Doors and Windows........34Dress Code.........34Drugs/Weapons........34Early Dismissal........34Early Release Days........35Email Abuse.........35Emergency Dismissal.......35Emergency Information.......35Emergency Procedures.......35Equipment Check-out.......38ESP’s..........39ESOL..........40Exceptional Student Education......40Evaluation.........43Faculty Lounge........43Faculty Meetings........43Fax Machine.........44Field Trips.........44Films/Videos.........47Fund Raisers.........48TABLE OF CONTENTSSubject PageGrade Level Assignments.......48Grades.........49Grants.........50Guidance Services........50Guidelines for Parent/Teacher Conferences....51Hall Passes.........52Health Records........52Homebound Services.......52Homework Policy........52Illness/Injury: Students and Staff......53Improper and Unethical Testing Practices....54Inspections.........55Instructional Television.......55Insurance.........56Intercom.........56Interim Reports........56Keys..........57Laminating Procedures.......57Lesson Plans........57Lice and Hygiene Precaution......58Lost Textbooks........59Lunch Procedures........59Mailboxes.........59Maintenance Personnel.......60Management of Student Conduct......60Media Center........60Medication.........61Message from Parents.......61Money Collected........61Newsletter.........62News Release........62Office Procedures........62Open House.........63Ordering of Supplies.......64Ownership of Materials.......64TABLE OF CONTENTSSubject PageParent Phone Calls........65Parent Teacher Conferences......65Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).....66Parking.........66Parties.........66Partners-In-Education.......66Paychecks.........67Phone Calls.........67Physical Classroom Management......67Planning.........68Playground.........68Pony Mail Service........71Positive Behavioral Management Plan (PBMP)....71Poster Maker Procedures.......72Power Failure........72Principal’s Designee.......72Professional Judgment.......72Professional Library........73Professional Organization.......73Property and Inventory.......73Public Records Law........75Public Relations........75Relief Time.........76Report Cards.........76Retention.........76Room Parents........77School Advisory Council (SAC)/School Improvement Plan (SIP).77School Advisory Forum (SAF)......77School Calendar........77School Cancellation........78Senate Bill 1108........78Sign-In/Sign-Out........79Smoking.........79Social Worker........80Soda, Coffee, Etc.........80Speech and Dress........80Staff Absences........81Staff Early Sign-Out Procedures......81Staff Expectations........82Storm Day Procedures.......84Student Awards and Incentives......85TABLE OF CONTENTSSubject PageStudent Data Files........86Student News Publications.......86Student Withdrawals.......86Substitute Plans........87Substitutes.........87Sunshine Social Committee......88Supply Orders........89Take Home Handouts.......89Teacher Absence........89Teacher Duties Outside Classroom.....89Teacher Inservice........89Team Leader Responsibilities......89Technology.........90Telephones.........90Television/Video Use.......90Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA).....91Testing.........91Textbooks.........91Today Board.........92Tornado Procedures.......92Transportation........93Tutoring Policy........94U.S. Mail.........94Vandalism or Property Damage......94Volunteer Guidelines/Procedures......95Worker’s Compensation.......95AppendixAttendance Letter.......97Birthdays........98Custodial Comment Sheet......99Custodial Request.......100ESP Evaluation.......101ESOL Instructional Strategies.....102Notice of Field Trip.......104TABLE OF CONTENTSSubject PageOrder Form for Items $999.99 or Less....105Laminating Request.......106Poster Request.......107Request for Supplies......108Safe Use of Artwork/Teaching Materials on Classroom Walls.109TDA Form........103Uniform Policy Letter......110Behavior Concern Form......111Child Abuse Report Form......112Child Abuse Report Form Directions....113Positive Behavior Management Plan....114------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return the following to Mrs. Reynolds no later than Friday, August 28th, 2015.Notice: Federal Drug Free School Act....130Handbook Acknowledgement.....131PREFACE (back)It is the responsibility of all faculty members to become familiar with the contents of this handbook. We will operate within the constraints of the law, School Board Policy and employee contracts. School decisions will be established through collaborative efforts and based on what is best for the entire school community.All information will be applicable throughout the school year, unless you receive written notification regarding any changes.In addition to the information contained in this handbook, you should become familiar with the following documents:Student Conduct and Discipline Code BookSchool Board PoliciesCurriculum GuidesCode of Ethics and Principles of Professional ConductThe purpose of this handbook is to provide valuable and necessary information to teachers regarding procedures and policies that will ensure quality educational programs for all Maplewood Elementary students. Sections of the handbook will be updated as need arises. It should serve as a professional guide for each teacher in fulfilling his or her daily obligations as a contributing member to the total school program.SCHOOL INFORMATION (back)School Address: 9850 Ramblewood DriveCoral Springs, FL 33071School Phone: 754-322-6850School Fax: 754-322-6890Student Hours: 7:50 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.Staff Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.School Colors: Blue and whiteSchool Mascot: OwlSchool Song: “Stand Up and Cheer” Lyrics By: Judy Slade, Reading Coach (retired) Stand up and cheer. Cheer for Maplewood, the best. For today we raise the blue and white above the rest. We are always striving to be all that we can be. The Magic's here. Let's give a cheer. For the school that we hold dear! Innovation Zone (Taravella): Maplewood ElementaryRamblewood ElementaryChallenger ElementaryRiverside ElementaryTamarac ElementaryRamblewood MiddleMillenium MiddleTaravella HighMISSION STATEMENTMaplewood Elementary provides optimal learning experiences for all students in a respectful and safe environment. VISION STATEMENTA healthy mind + A healthy body = A child prepared for the future!Perceive it, Believe it . . . Achieve it!BELIEF STATEMENTOur school climate fosters individual creativity, critical thinking and enthusiastic learning.Students receive differentiated strategies and instruction in the core curriculum utilizing teacher led instruction, as well as, hands-on learning centers.Teachers utilize innovative techniques and technology to enhance the core curriculum.Opportunities are provided to students to explore their individual and unique interests and abilities.Character traits are modeled and encouraged through interactive opportunities to develop personal and global responsibilities in our diverse munity, parents, administration, staff and teachers share the responsibility of educating our youth.Our Maplewood community promotes healthy habits of mind and body working together to produce our future leaders.We value…. CHARACTER TRAITSResponsibility Honesty Citizenship Self Control Kindness Tolerance Respect CooperationPHYSICAL EDUCATION MISSION STATEMENTA person is physically fit if he/she can go through his/her normal day and still have enough energy to participate actively in his/her selected activity.Goal: Our basic goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by being active for 60 minutes per day, five days a week.When staying active becomes a part of our daily lives, we have more energy.We’re more alert. We do better at school or work.Physical fitness is for everyone. We do not have to be the best, but we have to strive to do our best.At Maplewood in grades one through five, we utilize Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Programs:To encourage an active lifestyleTo assess current fitness levels and to show where improvement is neededTo reward outstanding physical fitness levelsPhysical Fitness Test Items Test Component1. Curl-ups1. Abdominal strength/endurance2. Shuttle Run2. Speed and agility3. Endurance Run/Walk3. Cardio-respiratory endurance4. Pull-ups/Right angle push-up4. Upper body strength endurance5. Sit and Reach5. Flexibility (lower back/hamstrings)THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY (back)STRATEGIC PLAN THREE GOALSHigh-Quality InstructionContinuous ImprovementEffective CommunicationVISION: Educating today’s students to succeed in tomorrow’s world. MISSION:Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is committed to educating all students to reach their highest potential CORE VALUES: All students will learn when their individual needs are metLearning is lifelong processEvery student has a right to a high-quality educational optionEngaged families combined with highly effective teachers and school leaders are the core components of a successful schoolPositive character education is essential to whole child developmentThe diversity of our community is valuable and must be embracedStudents must be prepared as innovative thinkers and responsible citizens to compete in a global economyHigh-quality customer service is a critical component of high-quality educationPositive stakeholder involvement enhances student achievementEveryone must be held to the highest ethical standards to achieve excellenceEveryone must contribute to and be held accountable for student achievementAn equitable education provides all necessary resources to meet student needsAll District services must clearly tie to student achievementRespect and dignity are critical, both in and out of the classroomPublic education is the foundation of a democratic societyIt is essential that BCPS develops an informed, engaged and responsible citizenryACCIDENT REPORTS (back)When a child is involved in an accident the teacher must report it to the office and must complete a "Student Accident Report Form". This form is completed to protect you in any future legal action (School Board Policy #2301).The staff member on duty at the time and location of the accident will sign the accident report as the witness. The Accident Form is submitted to the Data Processor.ACCREDITATION (back)The schools of Broward County are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Overall school improvement is the underlying reason for school evaluation and self-study. Every year, the school will develop goals that relate to the SACS self-study and school improvement.ACTIVITIES (back)All student activities (celebrations, assemblies, etc.) must receive administrative approval. This includes activities during the school day and after school. Please note the following requirements for having a program during the school year: All activity dates are to be set with the Principal or the Assistant Principal and posted on the master CAB calendar by the Assistant Principal. The date, number of students and sponsoring group must be clearly stated. Practice dates and/or a list of chaperones must accompany the initial request. It is generally desirable to invite parents or other interested persons to assemblies. Notify the custodian and Assistant Principal via email with a custodial request if you need tables and/or chairs set up.ADULTS ON CAMPUS (back)All adults who have business on campus are required to report to the office upon entering the campus. This applies to visitors, tutors, volunteers, etc. If visitors come to your classroom call the front office so that the visitor can be escorted to the front office for processing their photo ID and to acquire a visitor’s badge. There are no exceptions. Please remember that parents may not bring younger children with them when they visit or work in the school. All adults are asked to stop visitors who do not have a badge and escort them to the office. Staff members are required to wear their school badges at all times. Part of the contractual agreement between the BTU (Broward Teacher's Union) and the School Board is the restriction of interruptions to the classroom. Parents must make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance if they wish to visit classrooms. This requirement of advanced arrangements helps us restrict interruptions. Please don't tell parents in conferences, etc., that they can drop in unannounced.These procedures are devised to facilitate a safe and orderly environment for students to learn and staff to work.AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM (back)Director: Deborah SaulsbyCo-Director: Linda TrimbleMaplewood’s after school program is held from 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. If a student has a change in their dismissal, contact the front office clerical staff. Teachers are to check their CAB email for notification of new students attending aftercare posted by Linda Trimble.ANIMALS/PETS (back)Animals or pets must not be kept in the classroom. The potential liability incurred when pets bite children is of great concern. Prior administrative approval must be obtained for any animal related activities (fish, chicks, etc.). ANNOUNCEMENTS (back)"All Calls" will not be made during the day, except in extenuating circumstances. APPOINTMENTS (back)Our students are depending on you. Teacher’s work day is 7.5 hours a day. It is imperative that you as the classroom teacher be committed to this time with your students.Please schedule all appointments or other engagements after your scheduled hours. If arrangements cannot be made around your working time please notify the office manager prior to any scheduled appointment so that a substitute may be utilized in these situations. If you must leave prior to the end of the school day, you MUST enter your absence on SmartFindExpress.It is extremely difficult for us to obtain coverage for classes in hourly blocks or portions of a day. When you are in need of coverage, please make sure an administrator is notified in a timely manner (BTU Contract Article #23).ESP’s are assigned to work with teachers and are not to be used to take charge of classes for extended lengths of time.ARRIVALS (back)The student’s day is from 7:50 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.ESP’s, Support Staff and Administrators are strategically posted throughout the school to supervise students, and are to actively monitor them.Students are to be admitted to the classroom at 7:50 a.m. No student is to leave after the initial entry into the classroom without a pass. Any student arriving after the 8:00 a.m. bell is considered tardy. Tardies are to be indicated on Pinnacle and the student report card. If a student is constantly tardy, the teacher is to contact the parent after three tardies and make record of the contact on a Parent Conference Form located on Pinnacle. If a student is tardy after parent contact, a Broward Truancy Intervention Program (BTIP) Report is to be filled out through the BTIP Coordinator after notifying them. The BTIP report will be handled by the BTIP Coordinator and forwarded to the School Social worker.ASSEMBLIES (back)Assemblies are to be scheduled through an administrator. Have your students line-up single file and walk them to the cafetorium with a CHAMP’s Level 0 (no talking) as close to assembly time as possible. Students are to enter and be seated in a designated spot. Caution children to sit quietly until the program begins. It is not appropriate for teachers to grade papers at this time. The person in charge or teacher will dismiss children. Classes are to stand straight in line and leave the area quietly. Stand only when called and after the preceding class has been dismissed. Teachers are expected to present appropriate lessons prior to taking students to an assembly. Teachers should attend all educational assemblies and present appropriate follow-up activities in the classroom. During planning periods, the special teachers who are scheduled to have the students, will supervise during the assembly. ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES (back)Attendance records are legal documents and must be handled carefully. It is the responsibility of instructional personnel to keep accurate attendance records. Absences are to be recorded daily on Pinnacle. An attendance sheet will be placed in sub-folders by clerical staff. Substitutes will enter the class attendance each day. This applies to all teachers, including PreK, Special Programs (a.k.a. Cluster), Music, Art, P.E., etc. Attendance is recorded on Pinnacle under the “Homeroom” tab only. A student’s absence is considered unexcused unless the school has been notified (by the parent/guardian) on the attendance line or through written/telephone communication within 48 hours of the absence. All notes from parents regarding their child’s absence must be submitted to Natalie Anjos, the IMT.PinnacleAll students who are attending for the first day are to be marked as “E1.” Students who are on the roster who have not come to school yet, will be marked as “AU” until their first day of school.Daily attendance and tardies are to be recorded until 8:10 a.m. Afterwhich, the IMT will enter tardies.AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS (back)The Media Clerk and Technology Specialist serves as the key person in coordinating the A.V. materials and equipment. Many materials and services are available through the County Material Center, I.T.V. Center, and the Graphics Department. Discuss any needs or ideas with the Media Clerk and Technology Specialist.Students should also be instructed in the proper use of all A.V. equipment that is utilized in the classroom. Students should never be allowed to. move A.V. carts containing heavy equipment.Each teacher is issued numbered equipment (record players, tape recorder, overhead projectors, etc.) which is to be kept in the classroom until the end of the school year. Please avoid using masking tape to label A.V. equipment. Equipment needing repair should be returned to the Technology Specialist.Staff members may check out equipment by completing a Property Pass and receiving written approval from the Principal. Staff members will be responsible for the return of this equipment.Maps and movie screens should be checked regularly to make certain that they are securely fastened and are not in danger of falling on anyone thereby causing serious injury.BEFORE CARE (back)Before Care is offered to Maplewood students on all school days from 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. Please refer the parent to the front office for the updated fee information. Tutoring services are not offered during Before Care.BELL SCHEDULE (back)7:30 a.m.Teachers arrive/students may arrive for breakfastStudents enter to their designated hallway7:50 a.m.Teachers greet students at their classroom door.Students are not to be kept on the sidewalk or in the hallways unattended at any time.8:00 a.m.Morning announcements via Closed Circuit Channel #31:50 p.m.Begin staggered dismissal as directed via intercom.All bus students dismissed through cafeteriaAll students are dismissed to their designated areas3:00 p.m.Front Office/Administration ClosedBOMB THREATS (back)In the event that there is a bomb threat, the procedures used for a fire drill will be in effect. Please check your evacuation plan and discuss these procedures with your students. You are to practice an evacuation before we have a drill. This practice should include procedures for leaving via the primary and secondary routes that are provided to you. All staff and students are to be on a CHAMP’s Level 0 (no talking) during the evacuation.BREAKFAST (back)ESP’s that are assigned to breakfast duty must be actively involved in supervising students in the cafeteria during the breakfast program.BUILDING ACCESS (back)To provide for maximum security and individual safety, the building will be accessible only during regular hours of operation.BULLETIN BOARDS (back)Bulletin board displays are an important part of each classroom and should be considered a valuable teaching tool. Each teacher is expected to have attractive, informative and appropriate displays at all times. Broward’s Safety Department policy states that only school approved flame retardant paper cover only 30% of the walls in your classroom. Do not hang items from the ceiling. This activates the alarm system and will result in the arrival of deputies from the Broward Sheriff's Department being dispatched and a member of the school's emergency team called out. Every bulletin board can: Teach Give recognition Enhance the room's appearance Develop deeper understanding Stimulate new interest Reflect the personality of the teacher and class Standards should be maintained for all displays and bulletin boards: Correct spelling Simple, uncluttered and maintained Pertinent to curriculum or management procedure Remain up for a reasonable length of time Have titles and borders BULLETINS (back)It is imperative that all bulletins, newsletters, flyers, etc. be sent home to parents. Teachers are to read the correspondences before they are sent home. Every effort is made to proofread all correspondences but to err is human. If an error is found in a bulletin etc., do not send the correspondence home. Bring the error to the immediate attention of administration/office staff.Read bulletins to your class when time permits. Please impress upon your students the importance of the information that we send home. A tear-off parent return will be part of many school handouts. You are to devise a means to keep a record of those items collected and to positively reinforce student compliance with returns. Make a concerted effort to collect requested forms and to establish a sense of responsibility in your students. Teachers are to keep a copy of newsletters, bulletins, etc., that are sent home.BULLYING (back)Please refer to School Board Policy #5.9 for detailed information on the Broward County School Board’s position on bullying. See the designated employee contact (Assistant Principal) for the Bullying Complaint Report Form or enter a Bullying Referral onto Virtual Counselor. If a Bully Referral is entered onto Virtual Counselor, you are to also send an email to the Assistant Principal to ensure prompt handling of the referral. Bullying Complaint forms are located in the Front Office Copy Room. Bullying Guidelines:R = RepeatedI = Imbalance of PowerP = PurposefulBUS DRILL (back)A bus drill will occur once a semester, either in the morning when the buses arrive or in the afternoon prior to departure. Each drill is timed and reported to the Transportation Office. A copy of the Drill Form is to be brought to the front office when arrival has been completed for the day.BUS TRANSPORTATION (back)Broward County provides bus transportation for students living more than two (2) miles from their school. It is the responsibility of each teacher to see that students are dismissed at the appropriate time to catch their buses. All bus students are to be dismissed at 1:50 p.m.Teachers are to keep a bus roster in their plan book and post a bus roster in their classroom. Detailed information such as schedules, transportation forms, etc., will be provided at the beginning of the school year.Transportation will determine if buses have “empty seats” available for students who live under two miles. This information is usually available to administration by the end of September. Parents may submit a request for an “empty seat” to the Assistant Principal. Empty seats will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis for students who maintain good behavior.CAB CALENDAR (back)The Maplewood CAB Calendar provides information with regards to field trips, assemblies, meetings, dates of special interest, etc. This also includes reserving areas of the school for use (cafetorium, environmental lab, etc.), for a specific day/time. All calendar requests will be given to the Assistant Principal for approval and entry on the Maplewood Elementary CAB Conference.CAB CONFERENCE (back)The Maplewood CAB Conference provides a means of communication for the entire staff to utilize. Information posted on the CAB Conference includes the weekly memo of the upcoming activities for the week and special announcements.CAFETERIA PROCEDURES (back)Green Cone:CHAMP’s Level 1 – Whisper VoicesYellow Cone:WarningRed Cone:CHAMP’s Level 0 - No TalkingA cone stack in the order of red, yellow and green are placed on the table for the first 5 minutes with the red cone on top. The red on top indicates no talking (CHAMP’s Level 0). This ensures that lunch is eaten and a reduction of noise since at any one time, 2-3 classes will not be talking. Overall, the noise level is reduced. Adult Cafeteria Monitors keep time so that cones are changed to green after 5 minutes and the students can speak with a whisper (CHAMP’s Level 1). The cone remains on green provided the class follows the cafeteria rules. When a reminder is given, the cone is changed to yellow. If the class continues to not comply, their cone is changed to red. The cones are changed back to green when the rules are followed. If the class remains on green during the entire lunch period AND have a clean area, they will receive a life preserver at the Finish Line.For non-emergency situations, (students are in need of hearing instructions and/or given direction) the Adult Cafeteria Monitor in charge, will hold two fingers up and say into the microphone, “May I have your attention please!” The students are to be silent (CHAMP’s Level 0) within 5 seconds. Students are to use the restroom before or after their lunch period. They are permitted to use the restroom only in an emergency. When students use the restroom, they must go to the restroom in pairs. Each zone is permitted to release only two students at one time. The two students must return prior to releasing another two for the restroom.When the class is being dismissed from the table, the Leader will implement the “1, 2, 3” process.“You’re on a 1”: Students begin silence (CHAMP’s Level 0) through the remaining dismissal process. They are to clean-up around their tray/lunch box and get ready to go.“You’re on a 2”: Students pick-up all of the trash around them including under the table.“You’re on a 3”: Students stand-up, pick-up trays/lunch boxes, face the Leader and be prepared to listen/follow for directions.Students who are finished eating should read silently (CHAMP’s level 0) at their seat so that they can earn a Caught Being Good Award. The award ticket is placed into the Caught Being Good box located in the cafeteria and will be entered in that week’s drawing.Classes may earn up to 5 life preservers per week and can redeem them for a special treat on Friday afternoons.CELL PHONES (back)Cell phones are not to be used while working or monitoring students. Cell phones are permitted to only be used in case of an emergency, during planning or break times.CERTIFICATION (back)It is imperative that each teacher have an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Teachers new to the school must bring in their certificate, leave it with the Office Manager, and it will be copied and returned.A current copy of each teacher’s Florida Teaching Certificate is maintained in the school’s files. New teachers must bring their certificate to the Office Manager so that a copy can be made. Returning teachers whom may have changes or additions to their certificate should also submit their new certificate to be copied to the Office Manager. By State of Florida Statutes, it is the responsibility of each teacher to keep his/her certificate current. Failure to do so will result in non-renewal of your contract.Any questions regarding Certification should be directed to the Broward County School’s Certification DepartmentESOL certification is being intently monitored by the Certification Department. Every effort is made to provide necessary training to school personnel. You will be advised of training, etc, when we get the information. The curriculum facilitator will keep you abreast of these services.CHANGE OF NAME, ADDRESS AND BENEFITS (back)The Employee Self-Service (ESS) system is a place for all employees to change their address, emergency contact(s), view and change benefits, dependent coverage, etc. All employees must use ESS to change any personal data. The directions for using ESS can be obtained from the Technology Specialist. It is also important that any change in address or phone number be submitted to the Office Manager.CHILD ABUSE REPORTING (back)The Assistant Principal and Guidance Counselor are the child abuse contacts with county level officials. You are to fill out a reporting form each time you report a suspected child abuse and place it in the pony attention to Student Services. The Guidance Counselor, Principal or Assistant Principal can assist you in telephoning in an abuse case and completing the necessary forms. Refer to School Board Policy #5.3.CHILDREN (back)STUDENTSStudents are the number one reason for Maplewood’s existence and consequently why we are employees here. We must always act and react with that fact at the forefront. It is essential that all staff strive to be positive role models and put children first.CHILDREN OF STAFF MEMBERSStaff members with children on the school campus are responsible for supervision of their children BEFORE and AFTER class hours. Children should not be given free access to the school. All rules and regulations that apply to the student body also apply to children of staff members.CHILD STUDY (back)RESPONSE TO INTERVENTIONS (RTI) PROCESSIn the past few years, the county has made changes to the Reponse to Interventions and Evaluation Process for identifying students who are experiencing academic and/or behavioral problems. A more central role is played by the classroom teacher at the beginning of the process. The process begins with the teacher identifying a student, informally asking for additional instructional/behavioral strategies and interventions from teammates and coworkers, and contacting parents to let them know of your concerns. Maintaining documentation of all interventions and their outcomes is important, as they are part of the Child Study Packet information. Parents should be kept informed of the child’s progress as you implement interventions. Document concerns during your conferences, and conduct a 30-minute observation, as two conference forms and a written teacher observation MUST be included for the Child Study Packet to be complete. A Comprehensive Evaluation is considered ONLY after academic and behavioral interventions are NOT successful. The Collaborative Problem Solving Team is the first line of defense. The team meets bi-monthly to discuss students you have urgent concerns about, to address new cases, and to review and monitor prior cases. As students are referred, case managers are assigned. The case manager will observe the student and provide assistance in obtaining information for educational planning. The case manager is your Child Study Team liaison. A Comprehensive Evaluation is the outcome when interventions are not effective and testing is the next logical step. If the team deems testing is appropriate, the child study folder is given to the ESE Specialist. Consent forms are then sent home to the parent for Psycho/Educational testing. From the date consent is signed there is a 60 school day window for testing. Testing does not mean that a child will meet criteria for ESE services. After testing is completed, a staffing committee meets, where the psychologist goes over the evaluation information. At that time, the committee determines if the child meets eligibility criteria for ESE services.CLASS ROSTERS (back)A current and accurate class roster must be maintained at all times. Student names are to be arranged alphabetically - last name first - without regard to sex, race, creed, etc. (Title IX). The names indicated on the child's birth certificate, not a nickname, is to be used. An updated copy of this roster is to be included in the substitute folder.CLASSES UNATTENDED (back)In view of the liability laws wherein school and personnel may be held liable in case of negligence, it is mandatory that classes are not left unattended. If an emergency arises which necessitates your leaving the classroom, please call the office for someone to cover your class.CLASSROOM CARE/CUSTODIAL SERVICES (back)The cleanliness of the building can greatly influence both students' and teachers' attitude about school. This is a cooperative effort that must exist and teachers play a vital role in any custodial efforts. There is no reason for rooms to be unclean. Have students clean their areas. Throw out all trash used and unused papers that are cluttering areas.Each class will be cleaned daily.Teachers must supervise students in cleaning the classroom daily. Large articles are to be picked up off the floor by students prior to dismissal.Particular care must be taken when using water supplies such as water paints, glue and other substances which may stain walls, carpets and furnishings. Do not use tape on painted surfaces or carpet.Encourage students to pick up trash inside and outside the building.Chairs are to be stacked at the end of each day by the students.Tacks and staples are not to be left on the floor of the classroom. They destroy the vacuum cleaners.Food, either for cooking or art projects, is to be stored in airtight containers to avoid insect and rodent infestations.Cleanliness, organization and neatness should be considered as part of the educational process. Students should clean their desk frequently. The best method for teaching these skills is by example.Students must not put their feet on the walls. Students must be made responsible for any graffiti, marks etc. that they place on school property, walls, furniture, etc.No furniture, TV sets, etc. are to be placed in front of the rear exit door. This is a fire hazard. Classroom furniture must be arranged in a manner conducive to learning, safety and visibility of students. There are to be safe pathways which will allow evacuation of the room in case of emergency. No furniture is to obstruct the classroom door.CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT (back)Each classroom has been issued equipment to meet all teaching needs. It is checked-out to the classroom and not the teacher; therefore, it is important that equipment not be exchanged or loaned to other classrooms. An equipment inventory will be taken at the end of the school year to account for each item of equipment.CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE (back)Classroom etiquette is an established code of conduct, developed by students and teachers that form the foundation for a fair, kind and respectable environment for reaching one's teaching/learning potential. Encourage your students to assist in maintaining a good school environment by being respectful of self and others. Lessons on indoor voices, listening and general compliance to procedures will aid in student/teacher success.CLASSROOM SCHEDULES (back)All teachers will be required to post class schedules in their classrooms and submit a copy to the office by Friday, August 28, 2015. CLASSROOM SUPERVISION (back)Children are never to be left unsupervised. In an emergency, notify the office and/or have a certified staff member who is available monitor your classroom. Please do not have students stand in the hallways for time-out. They are not under your supervision. This is a safety concern.Noise and conversation tend to magnify over the intercom system. Remember that all conversation can be heard by anyone in the office. Teach children to get quiet immediately when you are called by the office. Children are not to answer for the teacher. An intercom call is to be answered by the teacher only. Children must have an established procedure to follow when the teacher is interrupted.CLASSROOM VISITATION (back)This is a public school. Parents, visitors and the general public are always welcome. However, prior to visiting any area, all visitors must report to the office for a school visitor’s pass. Please do not allow visitors in your classrooms without a pass. When administration visits your classroom, continue with your regularly scheduled activities. Visits are not to be an interference or disruption of the teaching/learning environment. If your assistance is needed, measures will be taken to gain your attention in a manner that does not upset the order of the class.CLINIC REFERRALS (back)If students become ill or are injured during the day, the supervising adult should send the student to the clinic with two other students and a completed clinic form. You will be notified if it becomes necessary to send the student home. You must check the clinic form when the student returns to your room to be sure that he/she did go to the clinic.Students are not allowed to take medication in the classroom. This includes but is not limited to: prescription drugs, cough syrup, cough drops, aspirin/Tylenol, etc. If a student brings medication to school, it must be sent to the office immediately.ILLNESSUnder NO circumstances should the teacher or anyone administer medication to a student unless they have completed the Medication Administration class from Health Services. Please review the procedure listed in the handbook concerning medication. INJURYWhen a student is or appears to be injured, or has been involved in any type of accident in your classroom, make the child comfortable, call the office if necessary and complete a student accident report. This report MUST be completed. Accident report forms are in the front office. If a student has fallen and cannot move, do NOT move the child! You MUST call a code blue (medical emergency). CODE OF ETHICS (back)As per the Florida Department of Education Principles of Professional Conduct (FL DOE Standard #6B-1.006):No staff member should buy, sell or solicit goods, wares, merchandise, materials or supplies for personal gain on campus. We are employed to educate our students. Other profitable interests are illegal while on the premises of Broward County Schools.Please make sure that all of your personal goods and services are purchased on your own time. Schedule your pick-ups or deliveries at a time that you can meet sales personnel off campus.SEXUAL HARASSMENTDefinition:Sexual harassment is UNWELCOMED sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – EEOC)Submission to such conduct is made either implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of employment.Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual.Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering without the individual’s work performance or crating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.EMPLOYEE’S RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES/VICTIM’S RIGHTSEvery employee has a right to work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Each and every employee has a responsibility to conduct him or herself in a manner that is nondiscriminatory and/or harassing. School Board Policy #4001.1 - Nondiscrimination Policy MITTEES (back)All staff members are encouraged to serve on various school-wide committees. Committees will be formed to promote a cooperative approach to problem solving, planning and implementation of all school MUNICABLE DISEASES AND INFESTATIONS (back)The School Board Policy #5012, states that students infected with any communicable disease or infestation or suspected of being infected with a communicable disease or infestation shall not be permitted to attend school. The School Board Policy #5012 shall also apply to students having outbreak of infestation of pediculosis, impetigo, scabies or ring-worm.Students having such communicable diseases or infestations shall be excluded from school according to rules of this Policy until shown by examination to be free of infection or infestation. A complete explanation of the rules can be found in the Policy Handbook located in the Media Center or administration office. COMMUNICATIONS (back)Communication is the key to a successful school year. You are welcome in the Principal's or Assistant Principal’s office anytime. The door is open! Further opportunities for communication will include: Faculty/Staff Meetings (monthly)MemosTeam Leader Release Days (see CAB Calendar)Grade Level Meetings (see CAB Calendar)Vertical Team Meetings (see CAB Calendar)Notes via mailboxes“Today Board” or bulletin board in the loungeStaff Input formsWeekly MemoGrade Level MinutesCAB E-MailNESS Meetings (monthly)ParentLinksEmail Blasts from our WebsiteCOMPETITIONS/CONTESTS/FAIRS (back)Throughout the year various competitions are available for students to enter. Please make your students aware of these competitions and promote student participation.A teacher should prepare their students throughout the year for the Broward County sponsored fairs. These are wonderful learning experiences and an opportunity for students to receive recognition.CONFERENCES (back)Parent-Teacher Conferences Make every reasonable attempt to notify parents of the need to schedule a conference. Parent-Teacher conferences are an effective means of communicating and solving problems. School Board Policy #6000.1 (section J #7) states, “conferences with parents or guardians are a required part of the reporting system. At least two (2) per year are required.”Conferences in person are always most desirable; however, there are times when it is impossible for parents to come to school. In these cases, a telephone conference will be acceptable. Written evidence of conferences held with parents should be maintained and documented including the parent teacher signatures. The provided Parent-Teacher Conference Form on Pinnacle is to be completed with one copy presented to parents at the end of each conference. When appropriate, involve other members of the staff who may have valuable input to share in the conference (ESE, Specials, Teachers and Support Staff.)If the attendance of an administrator is desired at any conference, notification should be early enough to allow the administrator ample time to review student records and to discuss any anticipated problems and/or concerns.Parents may choose to bring an interpreter to any meeting. If a school interpreter is needed, an administrator must be contacted to ensure the availability of the staff person needed for the conference. In most instances, it is most desireable for conferences needing an interpreter be held in the afternoon.Have available at all conferences: ? Work samples in all subject areas (graded accurately) ? Grade book/grade report generated by Pinnacle Reports to indicate daily/weekly performance ? Copies of tests, both informal and formal assessment CONFIDENTIALITY (back)One of the most profound traits of professionalism is confidentiality. Student and employee information should not be shared or discussed with anyone outside these walls. Due respect shall be given to all of our staff and students. It is only when we are discussing growth and achievement as it is relevant to the business of education will we in a professional manner discuss issues related to student and staff in the best behalf of all involved.COPY MACHINES (back)In order to maintain maximum efficiency and proper maintenance and copiers can be operated only by designated personnel. Selectivity should be used when choosing material to be copied. Material protected by Copyright Law may not be reproduced except where expressly allowed by the publisher. Please do not ask staff members to violate copyright laws. Before making a request, teachers should ask the following question: ? Can a transparency be used effectively without making multiple copies? ? Can a board activity be used effectively without making multiple copies? ? Is this a significant piece of material? How does this material rate on the Maplewood rubric? ? Can activities be run on both sides of sheet to save paper? ? Does every student need this paper? Requests for greater quantities of copies (i.e. tests) are to be submitted by Team Leaders. Personal copies are not to be made on any of the school copy machines. COPYRIGHT (back)Copyright is a law. When authors write books, they have their books copyrighted. When a book is copyrighted, this means that no one can use part of the book without permission from the author. The author is the “owner” of the book.The copyright law also protects plays, songs and music, videotapes, movies and computer software.Sometimes we would like to use a picture from a book, music or song from a record or cassette tape, or something else that has been copyrighted. The Fair Use Doctrine helps us understand when we can use parts of a book, parts of a videotape, songs, or music from a record or tape.When you see the copyright symbol, you may use something from the item (according to the Fair Use Doctrine) only if the following is true:It is school project for educational purposes.It will not be sold.The project will only be shown to the students, teachers and parents of my own school.My project will only be shown a few times, not over again.Only a small part of project is from the copyrighted material.I will give credit in my project for the copyrighted material that I use.If any of the above is not true about your project, you must write the copyright owner for permission. Ask the Media Specialist to help you do this.Mary Ellen Cravotta and Savan Wilson: Media Cookbook for Kids (reprinted with permission from Libraries Unlimited)Guidelines for Reproduction of Copyrighted Print Materials1. Single Copying for TeachersA single copy may be made of any of the following by or for his or her scholarly research or use in teaching a class:a. a chapter from a bookb. an article from a periodical or newspaperc. a short story, short essay or short poemd. a chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picturefrom a book, periodical or newspaper2. Multiple Copies for Classroom UseMultiple copies (not to exceed more than one copy per pupil) may be made by or for the teacher, provided that:there not be more than nine instances of multiple copying for one course during one class termthere not be more than one short poem, article, story essay or two excerpts copied from the same author during one class termthere be no copying from works intended to be “consumable”, such as workbooks and test bookletscopying shall not substitute for the purchase of booksReproduction of Computer SoftwareMaking a copy of a school-owned copyrighted computer program is permissible for archival purposes only. All archival copies are to be destroyed in the event that continued possession of the computer program should cease to be rightful.Prohibitions for Educators:1. Copyrighted programs may not be reproduced on school equipment except for those which rights have been procured.Copies of programs which have been reproduced in violation of the copyright law may not be used on school equipment.Guidelines for Educational Uses of Copyrighted Music Permissible Uses:1. Multiple copies of excerpts of works may be made provided that the excerpts do not comprise more than 10% of the whole work.A single copy of a sound recording (such as tape, disc or cassette) may be made from sound recordings owned by the school or an individual teacher for academic purposes other than performances.Prohibitions:Copying for the purpose of substituting for the purchase of music.Copying for the purpose of performance.CORPORAL PUNISHMENT (back)It is unacceptable to hit, pull or demean a student and is considered to be inappropriate and unprofessional. If it becomes necessary to remove a student from class, please call the office for an administrator or support personnel for assistance. Do not hesitate to alert the office prior to a situation escalating.CORRESPONDENCE (back)Staff at Maplewood Elementary utilizes a variety of ways to communicate with parents, Partners-In-Education and the community members. Teachers have a minimum of two conferences a year. In addition, a newsletter shares accomplishments, concerns and information with parents, Partners-In-Education and community members. Each grade level may submit an article to the newsletter each quarter. Examples of communication may include but are not limited to: 1. Grade level teams can write a summary of the learning activities for newsletter. 2. Individual teachers may explain what is happening in his/her classroom during the month/quarter. Be Creative. Name your publication. The major purpose of this communication is to keep parents informed as to what has happened or is about to happen at your grade level or in your classroom. These communications do not need to be lengthy. Make sure all communication that is sent home is legible and that good grammar, punctuation and spelling is used. All written communications must be submitted to Administration for approval. Good spelling and sentence structure are essential. Always be tactful. Good public relations will make your job more effective and pleasant. Interim reports should be written on a professional level and submitted to the Principal/Assistant Principal as scheduled.CUMULATIVE FOLDERS (back)1. Cumulative folders may be checked out during the months of August and September for perusal. Cumulative folders are kept in the Cum room and always available to the teacher.2. All non-school related persons (or school related persons on non-official business) seeking access must sign the Consent to Access form. 3. Parents seeking to view records should be directed to the office. 4. Cum folders should not be left or unattended in any area of the school, including teacher's desk; nor should students or unauthorized personnel be allowed to transport or receive these records. 5. Cumulative records are never to be taken home. 6. Students transferring within the County: Registration packets will be held until the cum folder arrives from the sending school except at the beginning of the school year when the volume is greatest. Please find below the procedures that will be used for students transferring from the school and a checklist for cum folder organization. 1. When a student is transferring out of the school, the IMT will give you a Notice of Transfer and cum folder checklist. Prepare the records accordingly, and within 3 days complete and return to the Registrar. 2. Please assist by organizing the cum folder so that documents appear as they are listed on this checklist (which is not mandated). It will be to your advantage to maintain these folders throughout the school year so that they will be ready for the checkout process at the end of the school year and be useful to you during the school year. 3. All grades must be entered onto your Pinnacle Gradebook by the end of the school day of notice that a student will be transferring to another school.CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (back)When used appropriately, developmentally appropriate curriculum, and energized, exciting instruction can impact student behavior and student performance. Teachers are encouraged to exercise good professional judgment in providing for maximum student success.Grade levels are to have the same daily schedule. The schedules are to be prepared by the teachers and are due to administration on the last day of pre-planning. The schedule must show each curriculum area, day per week and number of minutes devoted to the curriculum area. There must be time devoted to daily openers, and a 90-minute uninterrupted reading block each day. If, modifications are made to the original schedule, it is the responsibility of the grade chairperson to submit an updated schedule to administration, and other district personnel. In order for the visitations to be successful, we must have accurate schedules.Accountability procedures shall be established through district-wide management system, standardized tests, state testing, and other accountability procedures. Substantial monitoring of Directed Instruction Programs will be maintained to provide accountability records for program assessment.DAILY ATTENDANCE ROSTER (back)All Instructional Staff and ESP’s are to initial each morning on the sign-in sheets (a.k.a. Staff Attendance Roster) located on the “Today Board” in the copy room behind the front office. Clerical and Custodians are to sign in and out daily indicating the time. Sign-in sheets are used as school documentation for payroll/attendance verification and are subject to an audit exception. All staff members are required to sign-in. DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (back)If you feel a child possesses behavior disorders, shows inability to learn and progress normally, or exhibits signs of being gifted, discuss the student at a grade meeting. After interventions have been implemented; the team is to make a decision as to whether testing is warranted. If so, a diagnostic referral is to be made to the ESE Specialist. The teacher should request a diagnostic referral sheet and packet will be given to you by the ESE Specialist.Once these forms are completed, the ESE Specialist will follow county procedures to insure that an appropriate program is provided to the student in question. Any questions on completing forms should be directed to the ESE Specialist.The length of time that is required to complete the testing procedure is affected by the amount of time that it takes to get all forms back properly filled out. The teacher is a vital link in this process. Please expedite this process by filling out all papers in a timely manner. This process should take no more than two days, except in a case of anecdotal records which must be- maintained for six weeks.Do not diagnose a student. Do not tell a parent that you think the student is SLD, gifted, EH, etc. This can only be determined by appropriate qualified personnel. You must, however, indicate to the parent that you feel there may be a need for individual testing to insure an appropriate educational program is provided for the child.DISCIPLINE (back)CHAMP’s Strategies are used for the school-wide discipline plan in addition to the discipline guidelines of the School Board of Broward County. Staff are trained on the CHAMP’s Strategies and implement them throughout the school day. Discipline guidelines are established in School Board Policy #5301 as follows:The Principal, or in her absence, the administrative designee shall have the responsibility for maintaining overall discipline within the school setting. The Principal shall share with the teachers the responsibility for maintaining proper school conduct and morale. Further, he/she may delegate to the teachers such responsibility for control and direction of the students as he/she considers desirable, except that corporal punishment shall not be used under any circumstances. When and where such responsibility has been delegated, the teachers shall be supported in any reasonable action they may take. Each student in a school, during time he/she is being transported to or from school at the public’s expense, during the time he/she is attending school during the time he/she is on the school premises, shall be under the authority of the Principal or principal designee, and under the immediate control and direction of the teacher or other member of the staff or of the bus driver to whom such responsibility may be assigned by the Principal. The Board shall do everything within its legal power to protect and support the Principal and teachers in their disciplinary role. This shall include legal support in accordance with Florida Statute #1003.02. In addition, the Board shall assist the Principal, teacher, bus driver, and/or other school staff members in bringing about penalties for the disruption of school functions or assault upon the instructional staff as set forth under Florida Statute #1003.02.All suspensions or expulsions shall be made in accordance with Florida Statutes and School Board Policy #5006. Rules 1. Referrals are to be completed electronically by accessing Virtual Counselor.2.When disciplinary action is taken by the Principal and/or his/her designee, the teacher referring the disciplinary case will be advised of the action. 3. A teacher may not suspend a child from school or class. However, in cases where an emergency situation develops, the teacher shall take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect the students. The use of reasonable force necessary to isolate the disruptive student from the classroom shall not constitute corporal punishment as defined in accordance with Florida Statute 1003.02.Each staff member shall assume authority for the control of the students assigned to him/her and shall keep good order in the classroom and in other places in which he/she is assigned to be in charge of students. These school rules in conjunction with the Elementary Code of Student Conduct should be explained to each student during the first week of school and reminders issued thereafter. All teachers will be expected to use this standard within the school so that children are provided constant and consistent reinforcement and training. Discipline methods which will not be tolerated by the principal are: ridiculing a child, placing tape on mouth, placing child outside with no supervision, hitting the child, assigning meaningless written work, depriving natural needs, putting child in restroom, making child wear sign, or other indication of ridicule. No child is to be sent to the office for discipline until the appropriate steps have been completed, unless an extremely serious offense has taken place. Documentation is required and will be handled according to the Broward School’s Discipline Matrix. It is the sincere desire and intent of the administration to support each teacher in any reasonable manner to maintain good discipline and a classroom climate suitable for learning. Involvement of parents is vital to the success of any discipline plan. Children may not be sent to the office to sit or to complete work. Secretaries are not instructional personnel and cannot be responsible for supervising students. Students and parents are to sign the front cover of the Elementary Code of Student Conduct Handbook - this form is filed in the cum folder for each child. Fill in the form for Elementary Code of Student Conduct as you receive the signed statements. Teachers should utilize the Child Study Team for support in working with students who are not responding to classroom instruction and intervention. There are Discipline and Unsatisfactory Conduct forms available in the file draw under the mailboxes. After completing an Unsatisfactory Conduct Report form please place it in the Assistant Principal’s mailbox. For further information on our Positive Behavior Support Plan, see the appendix at the end of this handbook. DISMISSAL (back)ALL persons who pick up a child at the dismissal area MUST have a school issued colored tag designating the child’s and teacher’s name. Anyone who does not have the colored tag MUST go to the front office to sign the child out.Students who wear harnesses will have their harnesses tagged to match the backpacks of children who ride the bus. All students that ride a school bus will need a color coded tag on their harness as well as their backpack. Tags should be attached to the harness and the bus number should be identified in writing on the outside of the harness. Inside the harness, the name of the student and the teacher should be identified in writing.Kindergarten and first grade students and their siblings will be dismissed on the west side of the school. They all have a designated color tag on their backpack. The students will be walked to their color coded dismissal location by a staff member and will remain in their designated location until they are picked up. All bus students will meet in the cafeteria and sit at their color-coded table when dismissed. Private Day Care bus students will be dismissed to the hallway near Room 129 to sit at their designated place until they are picked up. Second, third and fourth grade students will be dismissed from the front of the school. They will sit in their designated grade level area until they are picked up. Fifth grade students will meet in the cafeteria and escorted to their dismissal area. Maplewood Aftercare students will be picked up at their classrooms and walked to their After Care Room. All students will have a designated color tag on their backpack. No student may leave the campus during regular dismissal, before 2:00 p.m. or 12:00 noon on Early Release Days. Students must be released via the front office before 1:30 p.m. for early dismissal. There will be no dismissals after 1:30 p.m., unless it is approved by the Principal or the designee.Helpful reminders:**All staff assigned to a dismissal area please be prompt to your post. This helps make the process run so much smoother. Thank you!** Teachers who are participating in the dismissal process, it would be most helpful if you maintain a CHAMP’s Level 1 voice. This way the runners who are locating children/putting them in the vehicle can communicate with each other effectively. Thank you!**Please remind safety patrols to help keep children quiet at a CHAMP’s Level 0. Please also have them stand behind the white line.**If everyone participates and fulfills their role, this process will get smoother with each day! ?**If a parent does not have a sign to pick up a child then please send them to the office. The child will need to be transported to the office with school staff. If there is no available staff then please send parent to the office they will need to return to you and show you an “I’VE BEEN DISMISSED” slip from the office.**We will continue to use the dismissal notes to indicate a temporary change in the mode of dismissal. You may obtain these forms from the front office. Please hand the notes to the adult escorting the child to the dismissal area. The adult that collects the slips will give them to the Support Staff designated to the area.**PLEASE collect “I’VE BEEN DISMISSED” notes from parent when they pick up their child. THEY MUST hand the note to the person dismissing the child. Then the notes will be given to Support Staff Designated to the front of the building and Support Staff designated to the West side of the building.Storm Day Dismissal:Storm day dismissal occurs when there is thunder and lightning in the area and/or the rain is very heavy. Directions will be given over the intercom. When the administration determines that the storm danger has passed, an announcement will be made to release children.(See Storm Day Dismissal)DOORS AND WINDOWS (back)Windows in classroom doors are not to be covered with curtains, signs, etc. They are to remain unobstructed at all times. Outside doors and windows are to remain closed at all times. The air conditioning units will not function adequately with the doors and windows open. It is sometimes difficult to maintain the temperature at a level comfortable for everyone. School staff and students need to bring sweaters to school if they find the temperature uncomfortable.DRESS CODE (back)Professional dress is strongly encouraged. While a specific dress code is not set forth, teachers and staff are expected to look professional, refraining from shorts, jeans, form-fitting and revealing clothing. Slides and flip flops should not be worn to school. The staff sets the examples for students by what they wear. Special classroom projects and "restrictive" field trips are an exception to this rule.Maplewood’s uniform colors are navy blue, light blue, royal blue or white. Staff may wear jeans and a uniform top on Fridays if they wish. Uniforms are available for purchase through the PTO or In Unison located at 4747 Nob Hill Rd., Suite 8 Sunrise.DRUGS/WEAPONS (back)The Broward County School Board Policies and the Elementary Code of Student Conduct contain specific rules and consequences dealing with drugs and weapons see School Board Policy #5006. EARLY DISMISSAL (back)For the safety of our students, parents are to report to the office when picking up children early (even if it is just 5 minutes early). Parents must sign children out in the office before they leave campus early. Teachers will not dismiss students to parents at the classroom door. Remember that you are ultimately in charge of a student from 7:50 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.A list of persons to whom a child may be released is found on file inthe office. Special note should be taken in regards to primarystudents and in cases where family situations warrant the elimination of a person from this approved list. A child shall not be released to any person not included on the registration and/or office information card.Students whose parents send notes to request early dismissal should be sent to the office five minutes prior to the time the parent will arrive to sign them out. This will prevent interruptions in the classroom by the office staff.If you release a student early from your classroom without following the appropriate early dismissal procedures and there is no documentation of the person picking that child up, you may be putting yourself in a legal situation.EARLY RELEASE DAYS (back)September 17, 2015October 22, 2015January 7, 2016February 25, 2016March 17, 2016June 9, 2016EMAIL ABUSE (back)School Board Policy #5306 – School and District Technology UsageAcceptable Use of Computer Network and Online Telecommunications:All use of telecommunication services and networks shall be consistent with the mission, goals, policies and priorities of the school district.Successful participation in a network requires that its users regard it as a shared resource, and that members conduct themselves in a responsible, safe, ethical and legal manner while using the network.Staff and students who are exchanging communication with others outside of the school are representing the School Board of Broward County, Florida, and should conduct themselves appropriately.Use of these services shall be properly monitored and, to the extent reasonably possible, users of school sponsored telecommunication services and network shall be protected from harassment or unsafe, unwanted or unsolicited contact.EMERGENCY DISMISSAL (back)In the event of hazardous conditions, the School Board of Broward County may deem it necessary to dismiss school before normally scheduled times. Each incident is handled in a specific manner as specified by the board. The school staff will be instructed as to the procedures which are to be followed if this occurs.EMERGENCY INFORMATION (back)Each teacher is to maintain a current list of all students' names, phone numbers, addresses and dismissal information (to include bus numbers where applicable). In case of an emergency, this information will be readily at hand to contact the parent. This information is to be in a folder on the teacher's desk for easy access. Keep this file up to date. The crisis folder will be tacked on the wall near the intercom or by the exit door. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (back)In the event of an emergency in the classroom, notify the administrative office via the intercom system or phone. Upon response from the office state your name, room number and Teacher’s room where the emergency occurred. The specific teams responsible for the emergencies are listed below. They will be called over the intercom system and will proceed immediately to the emergency area.CODE VIOLET (SERIOUS BEHAVIOR PROBLEM)Team Members: Sherry Bees PrincipalTeam LeaderCamille Orr Assistant PrincipalTeam LeaderMindy MansdorfGuidance CounselorUpon RequestErika BretzResponse TeamUpon RequestNaomi Church Response TeamUpon RequestThe team leader upon arrival on the scene, will assess the situation, plan the intervention, and be the only person to communicate with the out-of-control individual. EACH INCIDENT MUST BE DOCUMENTED BY COMPLETING A REFERRAL ON VIRTUAL COUNSELOR.CODE RED – FULL LOCKDOWNNo movement in the building other than by police/fire officials and persons designated by them. Please review crisis folder. CODE YELLOW – INTRUDER (LOCKDOWN)No movement in the building other than by Crisis Response Team (CRT) members and other specifically authorized.Team Members: Officer Ashley Kozlowski Coral Springs School Resource Officer (SRO)Sherry Bees Principal/Team LeaderCamille OrrAssistant Principal/Team LeaderNaomi Church Designee/Teacher in ChargeDarnell Fortune Head Custodian/Lock all outside doors computer lab, science lab, office; call North Area Office if necessary; radio contact; go outside to wait for police Linda Trimble Office Communication – Lock front and west doors to office; radio contact; go outside to wait for policeKaren Zaslow Office Communication – Lock front and west doors to office; radio contact; go outside to wait for policeEnid EstevezOffice Communication - Call 911 if necessary; radio contact; check clinic; report to front office Cynthia Prieto Office Communication - Call 911 if necessary; radio contact; check clinic; report to front office Jeanne ReynoldsOffice Communication – Answer intercom; lock student windows; remove students from the east bathroomsPROCEDURES TO FOLLOW FOR CODE YELLOW – INTRUDER (LOCKDOWN)1. Code is announced.2. All teachers should immediately lock their classroom doors. 3. Support personnel-Check hallways and take any students in the halls to the nearest classroom/office. 4. Custodian: Lock all outside doors, computer lab and science lab 5. Media: Take all students in the Media Center to the Media office. 6. PE: Take all students to the nearest portable/classroom. 7 Outdoors: Take students to the nearest portable/classroom. 8. Cafeteria: ESP’s will follow emergency plans to take students to the Kitchen. 9. Office Staff: Mrs. Trimble - Call North Area Office if necessary; lock front and west doors to the office; radio contact; go outside and wait for police. Mrs. Prieto – Call 911 if necessary; radio contact; check clinic; report to front office. Mrs. Reynolds- Answer intercom; Lock student window; lock east side-door to office; remove students from the east bathrooms to the art room; report to front office. 10. Administrators: Handle intruder. Lights in the rooms are turned off and students are away from doors/windows. The code will be cleared by Administration/designee unlocking doors. The Team Leaders will assess the situation, plan the intervention, and direct the intervention team. All staff members should wait until the code is cleared before resuming normal activities! CODE BLUE – SERIOUS MEDICAL EMERGENCYTeam Members:Officer Ashley Kozlowski Coral Springs Police School Resource OfficerSherry Bees Principal/Team LeaderCamille Orr Assistant Principal/Team LeaderTBANurseNaomi Church Response Team/Teacher in ChargeMindy MansdorfResponse Team/Watch for AmbulanceAnnie Estevez Office/Pull medical information from clinic; Respond to intercom/walkie talkieLinda Trimble Office CommunicationJeanne ReynoldsOffice Communication-call 911Darnell FortuneHead Custodian/Unlock gatesCynthia PrietoPull all information on studentKaren ZaslowOutside to direct EMSPlease advise a teacher next to you to immediately open the connecting door so that supervision is provided. If you are in a portable and the emergency occurs outdoors near you, arrange with another teacher for coverage or make the determination to respond only if you are the nearest to the scene. The team leader (nurse or someone trained in CPR/First Aid) upon arrival on the scene, will assess the situation, plan the intervention, direct the intervention team, and be the only person to communicate with the injured/ill person. DOCUMENT EACH INCIDENT.CODE BLACK – BOMB THREAT Key Issue: Electrical signals may trigger explosive devices. Turn off all walkie-talkies, cell phones, pagers and radios immediately. Leave all lights, fans, etc., as they are, on or off. Use of intercom, bells and tones will be discontinued. Depending upon the situation, CODE BLACK: BOMB THREAT will be followed by one or more of the following: 1.Full lockdown 2.CRT (Crisis Response Team) activation 3.Evacuation In the case of CODE BLACK evacuation, do not turn on or off lights or fans, etc. EMERGENCY EVACUATION 1. Evacuation route must be posted in each room. 2. Respond immediately to alarm. Evacuate building using established procedures. Take your name flag with you. 3. Close all doors.4. When outside, take roll from roll book. Be sure all students are accounted for. 5. Remain out until the all-clear signal. 6. Drill students occasionally on proper procedures for fire drill evacuation route 1 and 2. 7. An individual will be assigned to check bathrooms and hallways. 8. Return entry will be through the front doors only. 9. All staff and students are to be on a CHAMP’s Level 0 (no talking) during the evacuation.If you are first to see a fire, DO NOT SHOUT FIRE. Sound the alarm located in the hallway, evacuate children, close doors and notify the office as quickly as possible of the location of the fire. EQUIPMENT CHECK-OUT (back)Any equipment that leaves the school must be checked out and checked back in through the front office with Jeanne Reynolds or Administration. A Property Pass form must be completed and approved by the Principal. School Board insurance will not pay for items lost, damaged or stolen while signed out to you. Be sure that your Homeowners Policy will cover such loss or be prepared to pay for the damage yourself. Audiovisual equipment and other types of technological equipment is assigned to a classroom and is not to be moved by anyone but the Technology Specialist. The Technology Specialist will make sure that a corrected inventory sheet is placed on the wall at the time of the move. DO NOT LOAN EQUIPMENT TO ANOTHER FACULTY MEMBER. Computers and printers should not be moved by anyone except the Technology Specialist. ESP’S (back)ESP’s play a vital role in the instructional process and are to be actively involved in the school program. ESP’s will be available to assist teachers with their programs. Budgetary restrictions, SACS requirements and. school needs will control the number of ESP’s available in any particular grade level.Under the supervision of instructional staff, ESP’s assist in the preparation of instructional materials, assist in the supervision of students in the cafeteria, work with individuals and small groups of students, supervise students' arrival to and dismissal from school, duplicate materials, and other responsibilities. Their main function, however, is to assist with the reinforcement of skills.ESP’s are not to be solely responsible for classes. A teacher must be in a supervisory position of his/her class at all times.ESP’s assigned to ESE classes are to accompany the students to the bus loading area and remain with the students until all students are safely on the assigned bus.ESP’s are not to contact parents about student behavior, etc. This is the responsibility of the classroom teacher.Teachers are to work with the ESP and train him/her in the following:Working with individual studentsBehavior techniques which are in compliance with the school-wide discipline planScoring, papersRecord keepingConducting direct instruction math and reading groupsReinforcing skills needing remediationSupervisory teachers of ESP’s are to monitor compliance with schedules and work assignments. If a problem should occur with a ESP, the first action is to be taken by the teacher. The ESP is to be advised of the area of concern and the actions which needs to be taken to rectify the problem. If the concern continues, the grade chairperson is to assist. A written record of all discussions is to be maintained.In the event that the situation continues after the intervention of the grade chairperson, the next step for non-compliance or failure to improve is to contact administration.ESOL (back)The ultimate goal of ESOL education is to produce students who can communicate orally and in writing in English and in another language. Students’ proficiency should be commensurate with their experiential and educational level, age and interests. The use of ESOL Instructional Strategies Matrix is required at all grade levels with LEP students when providing instruction in all subjects including English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics and Computer Literacy. LEP students are to have an English to Foreign Language and Foreign Language to English dictionary for their use in the classroom at all times. A copy of the state matrix for ESOL Instructional Strategies is in the appendix. EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION (back)Lines of communication between exceptional and regular education teachers must be kept open so that a positive relationship will develop and benefit the shared students. Points to Remember: Teachers are to be involved in staffings. Brief pre-staffings are beneficial when establishing a program for a student. Student referrals and related data sheets must be completed promptly so that testing is not delayed. Teachers are to refer students to the Response to Intervention Team (RtI). Referrals should be made promptly as the need arises. The RtI Team will meet routinely to assist teachers in making suggestions concerning appropriate academic and behavioral strategies for students experiencing difficulty. IEP’sIEP Data (collected bi-weekly) MUST be brought to the IEP meeting and shared with the parent/guardian.IEP closeout, PLP’s and goals must be completed 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. This will provide adequate time for the ESE Specialist to review them and insure preparation for the parent(s)/guardian(s) arrival.IEP level of mastery must be written either 80% or 4/5 trialsIn the Impact Statement, you must list the disability (i.e. due to cognitive or intellectual disability…, due to ASD… or due to SLD…)GIFTED REFERRALSLook for the following students:Quick recallAdvance vocabularyCuriousGeneralizes/Grasps cause & effectSensitiveEasily bored with routineNon-ConformingImpulsiveSense of HumorAbsorbed in areas of interestIf you have students with the above characteristics, be sure to refer them to be tested for the gifted program. First grade teachers should wait a few months to refer students. First graders handle the testing situation better during the second semester of the school year.Check Stanford Achievements test scores. Potential gifted students usually score in the high 90 percentile.Check with the ESE Specialist to see if the child has ever been referred before.If the child has never been referred, discuss the testing with the parents at your next conference.If the parent agrees to testing, leave a note with the child’s name and teacher’s name.A consent form goes home to the parents. After the parents return the consent form, a screening on the gifted referrals for a verbal IQ will be obtained. Parents and teacher will be notified of results.LD REFFERRALS(INTERVENTION FORM) 1. Attempt two interventions six weeks apart. Make sure both interventions relate to academics and not behavior. (Retention is an intervention). Be sure this one-on-one attention. This could be a teacher, parent volunteer, peer tutor, parent help at home, etc. If the interventions are successful, there is no need to refer a child. You must tell how the intervention failed to meet the child’s needs.(CHILD STUDY FORM) 2. Complete the Child Study form and submit it to the ESE Specialist.(CONSENT FORM) 3. When the intervention and Child Study form is received, the consent form will then be sent home. Document the conference to discuss the student’s difficulties in class and make sure parents sign the form.(INITIAL SCREENING) 4. After the parent returns the consent form, two tests will be administered. Parents will be notified of the results.Please complete all forms in ink.OBSERVATION – Teachers will need to do one (1) observation at least 20 minutes long. Report only what the child does and says. Do not make comments. ESE Specialist will do a second observation during the referral process. When your observation is done, be sure to allow the child to answer questions. Indicate in a subtle way how.B. PARENT CONFERENCES – Make a copy of two parent conferences. If using a telephone conference, please send the form home to be signed. Conferences should be at least three (3) weeks apart, since you are attempting an intervention.C. SCREENING FORM – Fill out screening form. Be sure to indicate weakenss. This form is used to determine needs – if you are too positive on this form, the psychologist may question why this child is being referred.D. PARENT INFORMATION FORM – This form is mailed home. Be sure the child returns it. A periodic check will be mailed do see what has not been returned.REFERRAL NOTICE – You will receive a notice letting you know that the referral has been sent to Psychological Services.PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICESIt takes approximatley 10 days for the referral to be given to the school psychologist. Then the child is placed on the list of students awaiting testing. The pschologist tests one or two students a week. During this waitng period, the child should be receiving interventions. After testing, it take another 10 days to write and type the report. When the report is received, a call will be made to the parents within two days to arrange a staffing.SPEECH/LANGUAGE REFERRALSIf you suspect a child has a speech and language impairment that interferes with communication and/or academic learning, complete a speech and Language Referral form, which may be obtained from our Speech/Language Clinician.ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDERLook for the following symptoms:Complains of boredomActs and speaks before thinkingFails to finish classwork/testsExtremely poor listening habitsJumps from one activity to anotherVery easily distractedDifficulty taking turnsEasily frustrated/angeredOveractive/always on the goDisruptive in group situationsPoor sustained concentration skillsExcessive talkingBlurts out answersDoes messy work/handwritingFidgets excessivelyPoor organization (messy desk)Always lateDisjointed thought processConsistently inconsistentAggressive/unintentional destructive behaviorEVALUATION (back)An evaluation is completed annually by an administrator for all staff members. See for evaluation and walk through forms.FACULTY LOUNGE (back)Students are not permitted in the faculty lounge or teacher work areas. While in the school, volunteers may occasionally use the lounge; this is the only place available to them. Please be aware of their presence. Teachers and staff are not to discuss students and students' parents in the faculty lounges. Comments taken out of context have a way of getting back to the community. Please assist in keeping the lounge picked up and clean. The refrigerator/freezer will be defrosted during the winter and spring vacations. All food items not removed before these vacations will be discarded. Do not leave your valuables in the lounge. Label lunches and please respect the property of others.FACULTY MEETINGS (back)Faculty Meetings will be held monthly. Additional Faculty Meetings may be called when necessary and attendance is required unless arrangements have been made with the Principal or Assistant Principal in accordance with the procedures stated previously in the handbook for early dismissal. No parent conferences, workshops, etc. are to be scheduled on a Faculty Meeting day. All teachers, support staff and ESP’s are to attend the meetings if it is being held within their work hours. A representative from the cafeteria, custodial and office staff are to attend if business necessitates. These groups will be notified by administration that their presence it needed.FAX MACHINE (back)The fax machine is only for school related correspondence only. NO PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE SENT OR RECEIVED OVER THE FAX MACHINE. FIELD TRIPS (back)Field trips will be limited to activities that are considered educational, not recreational. The scope of the trip will be limited to an educational activity. At the conclusion of the activity students will return to school to resume their regular activities including lunch. An educational field trip is one that has value in meeting educational objectives. These objectives are a part of the teacher's current unit of study. Grade chairpersons will be asked to complete a proposed field trip worksheet. All necessary forms for your field trip can be found in the cubbies above the ESP mailboxes. All field trips must be submitted to the office eight (8) weeks prior to a trip. Arrangements for field trips will be the responsibility of the team leader. 1. Complete Field Trip Worksheet Request and the Field Trip Planning Form and have both signed by an administrator. All overnight trip requests must be approved by the Principal. Upon approval, submit these forms along with the Field Trip Authorization Form and the Transportation Request for Extra-Curricular Trips form to the Bookkeeper. Please note that COUNTY BUS REQUESTS MUST be done six (6) weeks prior to the trip. A bus form is needed for each bus requested as well as a handicapped bus. Add an extra hour to each trip for travel time to and from the bus depot on your transportation form. Do not forget to figure this time into your estimated cost. 2. Grade chairpersons must make all arrangements for a field trip. This includes transportation, collection of money, permission slips, contacting chaperones, notifying the cafeteria and special area teachers of the trip, and the actual visitation date, time and place. All money must be handled through the school's internal accounts. 3. Each teacher and staff member is responsible for filling out and submitting a TDA. All TDA’s, Chaperone Forms, and Field Trip Authorization Forms must be turned in to the Bookkeeper no later than the day of the trip. 4. The deadline date for students to turn in money will be typed on the Field Trip Authorization form sent home for parent signature. All money is to be in your individual money bags. All money and field trip envelopes with be submitted to the Bookkeeper by 9:30 a.m. every 2-3 days, but it must be submitted every Friday, or before any holiday or vacation and, of course, on the deadline date. Do not sign the bottom of your envelope until you hand it in on the last day. ONLY CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK OR MONEY ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED AND THE BOOKKEEPER CAN NOT GIVE CHANGE. ENVELOPES AND RECEIPT BOOKS MAY ONLY BE HANDLED BY TEACHERS. STUDENTS MAY NOT BRING THEM DOWN TO THE OFFICE.. 5. Field trips may be taken by individual teachers or by teams. On the Field Trip Worksheet Request form, be sure to indicate all classes participating. 6. There must be at least one adult chaperone per each ten children. 7. Non-students (including young children, teacher's children) will not be allowed to accompany adults on field trips. 8. Special area teachers are entitled to arrange field trips of educational value in conjunction with their curriculum. 9. Be sure to inform the Cafeteria Manager when there is to be a change in lunch schedule at least one week in advance if your class will not be eating in the cafeteria on the day of the field trip, of if you will need bag lunches.10.All trips taken out of the tri-county area (Broward, Palm Beach and Dade County) must also be approved by the North Area Superintendent. In addition, a typed listing of all attending students and chaperones, and a full itinerary, must be submitted to the Risk Management Dept. four weeks before the trip. 11. See the Bookkeeper for field trip envelopes or receipt books. They must be signed out at least the day before you start collecting money, and they must be signed back in on the last day of collection. Envelopes are for trips costing $15 or less; and books, are for trips costing more than $15. 12. Any trips necessitating the use of a travel agent or private bus must have three bids (See Bookkeeper). Travel agents may only be used for out of County trips. Even if you have always used the same travel agent, you must fill out a Telephone Bid form with 3 bids. Unless the travel agency has it’s own buses, charter buses must be booked by the school trip coordinator, NOT the travel agency. 13. Take a copy of Emergency Dismissal information for your students in the event that a parent has to be contacted while on the field trip. 14. Make arrangements for students who take medication during the school day when there is a change in their regular schedule. 15. All trips require a typed list of students, by bus number, to be left with the Bookkeeper, and one copy to go with you on the trip. A list of the students who will not be going, and where they will be, needs to be left with the Bookkeeper. 16. Field Trips are not paid to the site or activity in advance, nor can a check be taken on the day of the trip. An original invoice/receipt is needed for payment to be made. When planning your trip inquire if a purchase order is accepted. If not, explain that we will make payment upon completion of the trip. If you have questions about this, see the Bookkeeper before you make a commitment with regard to payment. 17. Complete bus verification form if using a private bus. plete the Field Trip Information Checklist and give to the bookkeeper prior to departing on the trip. 19. Please be aware that these guidelines are set by the School Board and by the Principal. The Bookkeeper is not responsible for parents who do not submit payments or permission slips on time. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS for children who do not have their payments in by the deadline date! Also, there will be no refunds after the due date except in extenuating circumstances. It is the teachers’ responsibility to communicate this to the parents. Please submit field trip proposals to the Bookkeeper for administrative approval. 20. No child who is not a student of Maplewood Elementary is to participate in a school sponsored field trip. This means that parents may not bring younger siblings with them when they chaperone. Young children of chaperones may not ride the school bus.CHECKLIST FOR A SUCCESSFUL IN-COUNTY FIELD TRIP____1. Submit Field Trip Worksheet Request and Field Trip Planning forms for an administrator’s approval eight (8) weeks prior to date of field trip. Cost of trip per student should be based on 90% attendance. ____2. Submit the above forms along with Field Trip Authorization form and the Transportation Request for Extra Curricular Trips, in a manilla folder, to the Bookkeeper. You will receive a copy of the confirmed transportation request when it arrives. ____3. On the Field Trip Authorization form be sure to include the cost of the trip and information regarding changes in lunch. ____4. A TDA must be completed and on file for you and any other staff member going on the field trip with you. Be sure to check off that you do not need a substitute, and hand it in to the Office Manager two weeks before the trip for an administrator’s signature. ____5. Sign for your field trip envelope. Only list those students on the field trip envelope form who have actually paid and you have a signed permission slip. No student may go on a field trip without a signed permission slip. Remember, no personal checks will be accepted. If your trip is $15.00 or more, check with the Bookkeeper about receipting the money. ____6. Send field trip permission slips home with the students. ____7. One week prior to your trip, notify the cafeteria of any change in your lunch schedule or if your class will not be eating lunch in the cafeteria on the day of your field trip. ____8. Notify special area teachers of your impending field trip one week prior to your trip. ____9. Make lists of all students going on trip and which bus they are on. ____10.Check with the school nurse regarding medication for any of your students who take medication during the school day, and about who will accompany any student needing medication while on a field trip. ____11. Hand in your Field Trip Folder to the Bookkeeper with the following: TDA’s for all School Board employees attending. Permission slips for all classes-each class in a separate folder List of all students attending, by bus number Field Trip Procedures for the Special Programs ClassroomsWhen a Team Leader contacts a Teacher with the Special Programs classrooms about a field trip for any students, the Teacher is to see the ESE Specialist as soon as notification is received (no later than the end of the work day).Do not send home any field trip information (including permission slips) before speaking with the ESE Specialist.After it has been determined by the ESE Specialist and/or Administration that the field trip is appropriate for the student(s), you will be notified that the field trip information can be sent to the parent(s).Once the field trip form is returned, you must let the ESE Specialist know by the end of the work day, who from the class will be attending. This way the ESE Specialist and/or Administration can try to assist you with providing coverage for the student(s) attending. (As you know coverage is very difficult to come by).Please remember that you may plan a fieldtrip that is age/level/curriculum appropriate for the entire class. Then speak to the Team Leader to assist you with the appropriate paperwork. FILMS/VIDEOS (back)Films/videos may be ordered from the county film library through the Media Specialist. Such requests are made on a county film request form which can be obtained from the Media Clerk. The Media Clerk will then make arrangements for the film to be sent to the person requesting it. Films/videos are to be returned to the county film library on time.Please remember - films/videos may only be used if they are a part of the educational program. They are to supplement or introduce lessons taught by the teacher. Films/videos are to be ordered to enhance curriculum. They may not be shown for entertainment purposes. Films/videos must be used in "face to face" instruction rather than closed circuit TV. Lesson plans are to include the titles of all films/videos being used, the time the film/video will be used, and the subjects for which the film/video is applicable.Any film/video which is not obtained from the county must also be approved by the Principal/Assistant Principal and must be on the county's approved collection list. The Media Clerk has this list on file in the media center. Only films/videos rated as "G" may be shown at school.FUND RAISERS (back)Clubs or grade groups who wish to raise funds for an activity must submit a written request for such an activity to the school Principal for approval. The request must include what group wishes to raise moneys; how the moneys are to be utilized; and, the person in charge of the fund raiser. Karen Zaslow will provide you with the form for this requestGRADE LEVEL ASSIGNMENTS (back) Kindergarten1st GradeCarmen Chirino Cheri Celesti Ashleigh Errico Donna ChiarelliMelissa MesaJessica Gerwig Caitlin Kurzenberger Erika LoyJulia Simmons Wendy MaderLysesett HernandezKrista Marin2nd Grade3rd GradeAmy Euler Miriam SandbrandAmber LentzAnnette TingleyDoreen Williams Dayna Chapman Stephanie TamRebecca LevineDanielle DeCorte Charmaine Loever Angelica CouryAlexis DeMatteis5th Grade4th GradeJennifer RovetoAlyssa VanValkenburgJessica SantiagoPuspha RajMaria CastranovoAlexis MihacyRonald SmithLaurie MarcovichHannah DarlingKelli WilderESELeadership TeamChristine Lallance (Spec. Prog.)Katie Davy (ESE Specialis)Alan Jablonowitz (Spec. Prog.)Mindy Mansdorf (Guidance)Natalie Gooden (Spec. Prog.)Lori Moore (Reading Support)Marcia McCrea (Spec. Prog.)Naomi Church (Reading Coach)Jennifer Neiheisel (PreK) Erika Bretz (Reading Coach)Rachel Tyman (PreK) Eleanor Goldberg (Reading)Ashley Randall (Intensive PreK)SpecialsMarjorie Mitter (Intensive PreK) TBA (Art)Marissa Selbst (PreK) Justin Wexler (Music)Faithlyn Brown (PreK) Ann Marie Walters (PE)Megan Stamper(Speech) Neeraj Suri (STEM)GRADES (back)Grades are to be maintained by all teachers for the purpose of recording daily grades and test scores on Pinnacle’s Gradebook. Grades are to be recorded by indicating specific assignments given. Make sure that the date the grade was given for a specific skill/page correlates with the assigned date. At least two grades per subject must be recorded per week (minimum of 8 grades per quarter). It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that his/her Pinnacle Gradebook is kept up-to-date on a weekly basis.Grading for a student who has attended another Broward County School, will be averaged with the grades from Maplewood. When doing so, an Override will be used to change the grade. When Overriding grades, there must be a notation under the “Notes” section of Pinnacle indicating the reason for the override. All other overrides are to have administrative approval.A student must be in attendance twenty-five (25) days in a Broward County School during any marking period to receive a grade on their report card. If they are not in attendance for 25 days, a letter stating the number of days in attendance is available in the front office. Primary:Using assessment data, students receive a 1, 2 or 3 in academic areas. Grades are recorded on Pinnacle Gradebook using percentages. The following equivalencies will be used to convert grades for use with Pinnacle:90% - 100% = 1 (consistently demonstrates mastery)70% - 89% = 2 (developing skill)69% and Below = 3 (area of concern) Students need to also receive at least 8 science AND social studies grades EVERY quarter.Intermediate:In reporting student progress the symbols A, B, C, D and F are used in grades three through five. These symbols represent the equivalent numerical grades as shown below.A90-100, superior progressB80-89, above average progressC70-79, average progressD60-69, below average progressF59 and below, failingStudents need to also receive at least 8 science AND social studies grades EVERY quarter.As per School Board Policy #6000.1 any student failing (i.e. getting a D, F or 3 in an academic area) or receiving a 2 or more letter grade drop in a subject area, must have an interim and/or conference form documenting this information. The interim and/or conference form must clearly state that the student is in danger of failing or is going down two or more letter grades. An interim report shall be sent to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty including, but not limited to, the following: failing (“D” or “F”, a drop of two or more grades, unacceptable behavior, 3 in an academic and excessive absences. In schools with an automated system for record-keeping and grading, interims will be provided for all students. Be sure that the quarterly grade averages in your Pinnacle Gradebook correlate with the grades indicated on your report card.ESE:Students who are receiving ESE services (i.e. have an IEP) and have grades on work assignments of a “D” or “F”, are to be retaught and retested. A teacher is to refer the the student’s accommodations on his/her IEP. Students are graded based on their performance on their instructional level. If a student is working below their instructional level in grades 3-5, the grade for the content area and instructional level the student is working on must be entered in the “Below Grade Level” box. This is an important part of the communication to parents about their child’s performance. Do not leave this box blank.Gradebooks and report cards are archived on Pinnacle upon the completion of the school year and are considered an auditable document. Gradebooks are legal documents and should be maintained up-to-date and accurate.GRANTS (back)All professionals are encouraged to get involved with grant writing. Explore new horizons and enhance your curriculum and the school's effectiveness-through innovations that can be acquired through grants. For additional information please see Grants Department online and Maplewood’s CAB Conference.GUIDANCE SERVICES (back)The responsibility for seeing that the individual problems of a child are properly and fairly dealt with resides with the classroom teacher. In situations where extra counseling or assistance is needed, the teacher should discuss the matter with the Principal, Assistant Principal and/or Guidance Counselor. The Principal, Assistant Principal and/or Guidance Counselor are available for counseling after referrals for specific misbehavior or problems.GUIDELINES FOR PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES (back)Conferences are important part of reporting pupil progress to parents and can be of great help in promoting home/school understandings. Teachers must hold a minimum of two (2) conferences per student each school year with parents (one conference per semester). A person-to-person conference is always most desirable; however, there are times when it is impossible for parents to come in. Therefore, a telephone conference will be acceptable. Results of conferences must be written on conference forms located on the Maplewood Database, signed by the parent and placed in the student’s CUM FOLDER. If a parent cannot be reached, please notify our school social worker to make a home visit.BE PREPARED: Prepare for the conference by reviewing all information in the cumulative folder, conferring with other teachers including art, music and physical education in order to complete a well-rounded picture of the student. It is also a good idea to gather records, papers and drawings as examples of the student’s work and discuss the upcoming conference with the student.BE OPEN: Allow no barrier such as a desk to separate you and the parent. Do not represent yourself or other staff members as a subordinate. Avoid use of education or psychological terms unfamiliar to parents.BE POSITIVE: After greeting the parents, open the conference agenda by saying that the staff would like to join with the parent and student to create a positive working relationship and to provide the best possible educational program for the student. Relate positive attributes to the parent about the student.BE AWARE: Parents come to school conferences with half-buried memories of their own school experiences with principal, teachers and counselors. Parents also have hidden agendas. Observe with your ears – what is said and what is glossed over or avoided. Be supportive.BE HONEST: Be tactfully truthful with parents. Be professionally honest but avoid being brutally frank. Avoid superlatives in either direction. A child is seldom the worst or the best.BE REASURRING: Remember the parent may be apprehensive, fearful or resistant. Assure the parent that a conference may be a tense difficult situation for everyone, but we wish to help each other and the student by sharing our information and insights.BE SENSITIVE: Avoid being so objective and business-like that you can not empathize with the parent in some of his/her anxiety. Avoid reacting defensively which means you must also be sensitive to your own reaction.PROJECT OPTIMSIM: Reinforce participants’ contributions. Project the rationale that individuals can, to a great extent, control what happens to them by making considered choices based on available information.BE PUNCTUAL: Begin conferences on time, but make a professional judgment to the need for extending time limits.BE AWARE OF:Preaching or moralizingArguing with hostile parentsJumping to conclusionsUsing technical languageNot knowing enough about the studentTalking more than listeningHALL PASSES (back)No student is to leave the classroom unaccompanied by a teacher or ESP without a hall pass. The Principal/Assistant Principal or any staff member who sees a student in the hall without a pass is to bring the student back to his/her classroom. Students, when not accompanied by an adult, must always walk with a partner when leaving the classroom. A classroom pass may be used for small groups of students attending regularly scheduled classes (speech, adaptive P.E.). HEALTH RECORDS (back)There must be a Health Record Sheet for each student. Pupils are weighed and measured according to grade placement. The information must be recorded and graphed. Chronic illnesses should also be recorded on a student's Health Record Sheet.Records or information concerning a student's health should be placed in the health folder immediately. If a parent divulges health information to the classroom teacher that is of a delicate matter, the teacher is required by law to keep this information confidential to the point as indicated by the parent. A student's health status is a legal matter which could result in litigation being taken if confidentiality is violated. Remember that you should treat every child the way you would want yourself or your child to be treated.HOMEBOUND SERVICES (back)Homebound services are provided for those students who have an illness or disability that would prohibit his or her attendance at school over an extended period of time. Once the teacher has been notified or become aware that a student will be out of school for an extended period, the office should be notified so that these services can be arranged. Please see School Board Policy #5.5 for further information. HOMEWORK POLICY (back)Please refer to School Board Policy #6306 and Homework Manual School Board Policy #6306-A.The following guidelines will assure that homework activities will result in a satisfying session for both students and parents: Assignments should be on the student's independent level.Assignments should be no longer than 30 minutes combined for each evening (Monday-Thursday) Directions should be clear and concise. Copies should be clear and readable. Homework emphasis should be on strengthening basic skills taught in the classroom. Homework should be checked by the teacher or with students in class on the following day. Students/Volunteers are not permitted to check homework nor enter grades in grade books or on computers. ILLNESS/INJURY: STUDENTS AND STAFF (back)Persons who become ill, or have an accident at school, no matter how slight it may seem, must be sent to the clinic (if doing so will not compound the injury). If a student becomes ill or is injured during the day, the supervising adult should send the student to the clinic with two other students and a complete clinic form. You will be notified if it becomes necessary to send the student home. You must check the clinic form when the student returns to your room to be sure that he/she did go to the clinic. If it is felt that moving an injured person will. cause more injury, the following procedures are to be used:Do not move the injured party or bring him/her to the office.Contact the office immediately. Inform the person answering that there is a Code Blue and state your room number. If you are not near an intercom, send two children to the office with accurate information, i.e., Tom Jones has been injured - he is on the P.E. field near the southwest corner. NEVER ALLOW MORE THAN TWO STUDENTS TO COME TO THE OFFICE. The students are to be instructed to carefully but swiftly come to the office and advise the office personnel that "There is a CODE BLUE ROOM #_____." This is vitally important should the intercom system be disabled by lightening and/or storms.Remove all other students from the scene. Advise a teacher next to you to immediately open the connecting door so that supervision is provided. If you are in a portable and the emergency occurs outdoors near you, arrange with another teacher for coverage or make the determination to respond only if you are the nearest to the scene.Keep the injured child/adult warm and comfortable.Keep the child/adult as quiet as possible.The Team Leader (nurse or someone trained in CPR/First Aid) upon arrival on the scene, will assess the situation, plan the intervention, direct the intervention team, and be the only person to communicate with the injured/ill person.Injuries must be reported to the school office. Any accident should be reported, however minor it may appear. The accident report form is available in the front office and must be completed by the end of the day. When completing the report, please keep in mind that these documents are sent to the Risk Management Department and can be used for litigation. Be clear and concise. Report what you saw, and the information given to you by witness(es). Do not state your personal opinion of why or how an injury/accident occurred. State only the facts.If an employee is injured while at school, an accident report must be completed as soon as possible. The Benefits Coordinator will provide you with a packet of information outlining the procedures to be followed to obtain medical treatment. Injuries should be reported within 24 hours, if not you may not be covered by Worker's Compensation.IMPROPER AND UNETHICAL TESTING PRACTICES (back)The following guidelines are to be adhered to in regards to testing:Standardized test materials should be secured at the school level under the direction of the principal until the tests are administered during the time designated by the county test department as testing week.To coach pupils on the specific content of the current tests in use in the Broward County Schools is prohibited.Do not use any of the tests covered in item 2 above as an abridged course of study or as a supplement to the district's regular course of study.4. Do not reproduce items from various standardized tests for use either as instructional materials or as a so-called "teacher-made" test. 5.Do not use results of a previous item-difficulty report to get pupils ready for a test by teaching specific items on the standardized test.6.Do not develop elaborate sets of drill materials that use the same specific content - especially vocabulary, spelling, science and social studies - possibly just changing a few of the answers in multiple choice questions.7.Do not give one form of an achievement test just a few days before giving a second form that is part of a district survey.8. Do not exclude from a survey test one or more normal pupils who are known to be weak achievers or who say they don't want to take the test.9.Do not exclude children because they dislike tests or you feel that they are of a low aptitude.10. Do not stretch the time limits when it appears that many pupils will not finish a test or a test section.11.Do not interrupt a test to explain to the class a seeming difficulty in the test directions or to "doctor up" the directions 'when these are to be read aloud by the examiner.12. Do not give help to pupils during a test when this is not allowed by the test manual.13. Do not give special help to poor readers in a class; for example, in mathematics, by reading test items aloud.14. Do not spread rumors that other teachers in your school or school system regularly cheat on tests.15. Do not believe without question every rumor that you hear that other teachers in your school or school system regularly cheat on tests.This list of practices is distributed by the Testing Department of the Broward County School System.INSPECTIONS (back)The Fire Marshall and District Maintenance will be inspecting our building periodically. Please adhere to the following: Nothing hanging from the ceiling No opened food items stored in the room No blocking doorways or walkways No lamps in classrooms No personal microwaves in room No hot plates in room No coffee makers in room Space between cabinets/shelving and the ceiling, must be atleast 12 inchesNo personal refrigerators in room No non-school board approved carpets/lamps/furniture INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION (back)There is an excellent selection of programs provided by the Instructional Television Department (ITV). Teachers are encouraged to utilize these programs. Lesson plans must include the times and titles of the programs being viewed.Students are not to play, talk, draw, etc. while watching ITV. The ITV program is the "teacher". This holds true of all multi-media presentations utilized for instruction. These procedures are to be taught to the students as you would teach your expectations for every other procedure of the day.INSURANCE (back)StaffEach year staff is required to select the insurance coverage of their choice during “Open Enrollment.” This typically happens in October. Our school’s benefits coordinator will provide you with the information you need to make these selections. In addition, if you have questions regarding benefits, the coordinator can provide you with direction of who to contact to get clarification. StudentParents are given the opportunity to enroll children each fall, and any time throughout the year, in a school insurance plan at a very reasonable cost. This coverage can be for up to 24 hours or merely during the school day. They receive this insurance information in the first day packets that go home with the students. INTERCOM (back)We will attempt to limit all announcements during the school day. Teach children to get quiet immediately when you are called by the office. Students are not to answer for the teacher. As visitors come to the room, students should have an established procedure to follow when the teacher is interrupted. INTERIM REPORTS (back)Interim reports are to be issued on the designated date in accordance with School Board Policy #6000.1. Interim Reports are to be completed on Pinnacle and shall be sent to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty, including but not limited to the following: D or F grade A drop of two or more grades Area of Concern (“3”) Unacceptable behavior Excessive absences Students who are in danger of receiving a grade below a "C" should receive an Interim Report midway in the marking period. Parents need this information to assist you in correcting measures before the student fails. Interim Reports may be used at any time during the marking period to communicate with parents. Interim Reports should not be given to all students. Interim reports are to be printed and submitted to the Principal/Assistant Principal so they can be reviewed before being sent home. These reports are due to the Principal/Assistant Principal on the date assigned on CAB calendar. A copy of each Interim Report is to be placed in child's cum folder at the end of the year. DOCUMENTATION IS A MUST.KEYS (back)Keys are issued to a teacher and are not to be used by anyone but the teacher unless approved by the principal. Teachers must not allow students to use their keys. School keys are not permitted to be copied. Teachers are financially responsible for any key lost during the school year.LAMINATING PROCEDURES (back)All laminating will only be done by Karen Hart. The procedures have been put in place to reduce items being laminated for personal use, excessive items being laminated, lamination film allowed to melt onto the rollers and require repair, etc. Due to the costly operations of this machine, we must be selective in what we laminate. If you require items for lamination, the following process is to occur:All items for laminating are to be approved by the Assistant Principal. Submit your approvals at least 4 days prior to you needing yourmaterials. Complete a Laminating Request Slip (located in the Xerox room nearthe other forms) and attach to items needing lamination. Place the items needing approval along with the Laminating RequestSlip, in the designated cubby located in the Xerox room (Titled:Laminating Waiting For Approval). Items approved will be approved by the Assistant Principal and movedto the next cubby located in the Xerox room (Titled: LaminatingApproved). The Media Clerk will pick-up from this location. The Media Clerk will laminate, clip together and place untrimmed items inthe cubby located in the Xerox room (Titled: Laminating Completed). Teachers are to pick up their items from the cubby in the Xerox room(Titled: Laminating Completed). If items are not located in the cubby at the time of expectedcompletion, please see the Assistant Principal. The laminating machine is located in the Media Center workroom.LESSON PLANS (back)Lesson plans will be reviewed by the Principal or Assistant Principal in accordance with Teacher Contract #5.2 (page 5-6). Please be sure they are complete and clear enough to be understood by anyone reading the plans. Include specifics which you, the regular teacher, take for granted such as daily schedules and special procedures for certain students.Grade level lesson plans are to reflect consistency in curriculum content and pacing. Supplemental materials, worksheets, movies, filmstrips, etc. are to complement the curriculum. All of these supplemental items are to be listed in your lesson plan book by title, page, etc. and the curriculum area where they apply. Lesson planbooks are to be made available upon request. The entire binder and all the pages are to be left not just the pages for the upcoming week. The Principal or Assistant Principal will review lesson plans.Plans are to be maintained by all teachers. This includes but is not limited to Specials, Speech, ESE, PreK, as well as the regular classroom teachers. Lesson plans will be a part of the evaluation process.These specific details must be included in plans:Date of the weekly set of plansName of book and teacher manual page number for each instructional group in Reading and math. For Directed Instruction Programs, you will need to include the program used, the lesson number, and the teacher presentation page number.Time schedule for each instructional group and each area subject area.Specify your lunchtime as well as instructional planning (art, music, etc).Check items that you complete in the plan book for the benefit of a substitute.Write in at the top of page weeks you have any special duty/assignment. This is a reminder to yourself as well as means of assisting your grade chairperson to be sure your duty is covered.List ITV programs, videos, movies, etc. that are used for instruction.Include study skills, conflict resolution, and social skills instruction.List of students designating where they go for reading, math, and language. ? List of students who attend speech, SLD, etc. List ESOL strategies utilized, use district checklist (See Appendix)State StandardsLesson ObjectivesInstructional Focus CalendarsRemember that lesson plans are legal documents and can be used in court to verify that a student was taught the curriculum that was endorsed by the county and state. Make sure that your plans reflect this. Lesson Plans will be collected at the end of the school year and stored for future reference by a school or legal official.LICE AND HYGIENE PRECAUTION (back)School Board Policy #5012:If you suspect that a child may have lice, ask for the child to be checked in the clinic.If a child has lice, they must be isolated in the clinic until they leave the school. They should have two letters with them: a letter from the Principal a notice (half sheet) from Broward County Health Services Children cannot return to class until they are checked in the clinic. If there is a case of lice in your classroom, please be sure to follow procedures. Audio headsets, helmets and other items in prolonged intimate contact with the hair of more than one student should be thoroughly wiped with alcohol after each use. An individual cotton ball can be moistened with isopropyl alcohol for this purpose. No cotton ball or alcohol wipe should ever be used more than once. LOST TEXTBOOKS (back)Each teacher is responsible for an account of all textbooks. Students are to be made aware that they must pay for lost and damaged books. Report lost books to the textbook coordinator. The student who was responsible for the book will be fined. The Media Specialist will assist teachers in developing a tracking system for textbooks.LUNCH PROCEDURES (back)Each teacher has a duty free lunch period.All children must be assigned permanent seats in the cafeteria. The seating chart may be changed at the teacher's discretion Teachers are to walk their children to the serving area if they are buying lunch. PICK UP YOUR CLASS ON TIME - This is the key to making our lunch program successful. Students will be seated at their assigned table waiting for their teacher. Move your class from the lunchroom quickly. Do not handle housekeeping chores in the cafeteria. Provide a bathroom break before lunch. Children are not to leave the cafeteria to use the bathroom during their lunch period.Cafeteria rules and the consequences for misbehavior will be posted in the cafeteria. Classes will be rewarded for appropriate cafeteria behavior. Review and practice the appropriate behaviors with your students. ESP’s that are assigned to lunch duty must be actively involved in supervising students in the cafeteria during the lunch program.MAILBOXES (back)Mailboxes are located in the workroom in the main office. Please check your “box” upon arrival, during your planning period and at the end of each day. DO NOT SEND A STUDENT TO RETRIEVE ITEMS FROM YOUR MAILBOX.MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL (back)All School Board of Broward County (SBBC) maintenance personnel are to have an identification badge which indicates a picture and their name. Each maintenance personnel MUST be checked into the front office PRIOR to entering the building. NO EXCEPTIONS. Even with such identification no person is to enter your classroom unless you have been notified by the school office that such person is to be present. You must notify the school office in the event that a person enters your classroom and you have not been advised of this person's presence. This includes SBBC maintenance personnel. If the work of maintenance personnel interferes with instruction, notify administration immediately.MANAGEMENT OF STUDENT CONDUCT (back)Management of student conduct consists of at least three types of performance: a) teacher performance that reduces the probability of student disruptions, b) ways of stopping disruptive conduct once it occurs, and c) ways of dealing with serious misconduct rooted in personality aberrations.We ordinarily do not think of misconduct as being the result of specific teacher actions. Yet research of the last two decades supports the striking fact that much teacher behavior is upsetting to students and definitely increases the amount of student deviancy. The reduction of student misconduct can result from improvement in teacher performance, for example, in ways teachers move groups of students from one location to another, in changing from one activity to another, or in handling concurrent events. Some items in the following pages, based upon research studies, describe teacher performance that can reduce instances of classroom disruptions.When disruptive conduct does occur, as it will even in the classrooms of the most competent teachers, the effective teacher knows what to do to stop the disruption before it spreads or becomes serious. The teacher who knows how to desist a deviancy not only stops the deviancy but at the same time has a salient effect upon other students in the classroom. The behaviors included are those which enable teachers to manage conduct in their classes with minimal disruptions through the use of effective responses to student behavior. They do not deal with serious social, cultural, and psychological problems of individuals.When a student demonstrates disruptive behavior to warrant a referral, the teacher is to complete an electronic referral on Virtual Counselor. All other staff unable to access Virtual Counselor may obtain a paper referral in the front office. The consequences will be determined by the Principal or Assistant Principal utilizing Broward School’s Discipline Matrix.MEDIA CENTER (back)The goal of the library media program is to support, compliment and expand the instructional program of the school. Library media services and resources support the curriculum and seek to meet the varying needs of all learners. The library media center provides a learning environment which promotes inquiry, creativity, self-direction, recreational reading and communication of ideas through both print and non print media.The Media Center offers a full range of library media services and functions to individuals, small groups, and whole classes so that students and staff may browse, explore, use, and circulate materials at the time of need or interest.Media Center RulesComputers located in the Media Center is for student use only. There are two computers that are located in the Teacher’s Lounge for staff to use.Please take a few minutes to go over these reminders with your students before they come to the media center and reinforce them throughout the year. Thank you for your help.Use quiet voices.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.Follow directions immediately.Treat other with respect.MEDICATION (back)As per School Board Policy #6305, teachers are never to dispense medication to students or allow students to take medication while under their supervision. Students who bring medication to school are to be sent to the office. This includes over the-counter medications (aspirin, cough syrup, cough drops, etc.) as well as prescription medications. School personnel shall not administer or dispense prescribed medication to any student without a completed Authorization for Medication Form from the Broward County Health Department (BCHD) by the student’s doctor or parent. MESSAGE FROM PARENTS (back)Teachers are to keep all letters from parents in the individual student folder. Notes that authorize a change in student transportation, verify absences, or indicate a forthcoming student absence are to be sent to the office and are kept in a file. Teachers are encouraged to keep a record of notes sent from home.Do not allow a student to change his/her mode of going home without written authorization from his/her parents.MONEY COLLECTED (back)All monies collected should be in the form of cash, cashier’s check or money order. No personal checks are to be accepted. When the teacher collects money, each student’s name and the amount collected should be listed on a “Monies Collected Envelop.” The envelop, together with the money, must go through the Grade Chairperson and be checked for accuracy. The entire packet will then be turned in to the Bookkeeper, who will issue an official receipt. DO NOT SEND A STUDENT TO THE BOOKKEEPER WITH MONEY.All funds collected by any member of this staff during the work day on campus must be handled through the office bookkeeping system. It is the intent of the Auditing Department that the school pays all expenditures by school check only. All money must be handled in the same manner. Please see Mrs. Zaslow for clarification. NEWSLETTER (back)Newsletters are available on the school’s website ). A hardcopy will also be available in the front office upon request: Sept. 1, 2015 (1st Quarter)Nov. 2, 2015 (2nd Quarter)Jan. 4, 2016 (3rd Quarter)May. 2, 2016 (4th Quarter)NEWS RELEASE (back)Every effort will be made to share our success with the community through the newspaper. Please inform the Principal if you have events to be shared with the media. OFFICE PROCEDURES (back)Teachers/ESP’s will not be called out of class or away from their duties for incoming telephone calls except for the following reasons: Caller identifies the call as an emergency. Caller must give his/her name. 2. Staff informs the office staff of a call pending that they will need to receive. Other than the above, messages will be transferred to your voicemail box. Please check your voice mail twice daily. Student contact time will not be interrupted for telephone calls. The telephones in the office are for the office personnel use only. All other school personnel are not permitted to use the phones on the secretaries' desk or the phone at the front counter. The clinic phone is not to be used from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. daily, as this is the attendance line and must be open for incoming calls of parents reporting absences. If you need to place a school related long distance call, please see the Bookkeeper. Phones are available for school personnel use in the following areas: computer room (front office), lounge, workroom and clinic (after 9:00 a.m.). At no time is a Directory Assistance call to be made. Personal longdistance calls are not permitted at any time. Students are to be reminded that they will not be allowed to make calls for homework, lunch money or making arrangements for after the school day. Please impress upon your students the importance of coming to school prepared. No students will be dismissed after 1:30 p.m., unless administrative approval is given. If you need items copied, please follow copy procedures. Do not send students to the office during the school day to have copies made. If you are in need of general supplies, please fill out the “Request for Supplies form” and put it in the correspondence basket in the Bookkeeper’s office. A copy of the form can be found in the files draws near the mailboxes. Typing-there will be no personal typing done for the faculty by the office staff. There are computers in the library and in the classrooms for teachers’ use. Intercom Messages-There will be little to no interruptions over the intercom during the school day. If you have messages that include the entire school, they will be made in the morning before classes begin and late afternoons or via e-mail. Student Card File-Cards are not to be pulled by anyone other than office personnel. If you need information from the cards see the Data Processor. STUDENT CARDS SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE OFFICEStudent Lunch-If you have a student in the clinic, it will be necessary for you to see that he/she gets their lunch. Students will be sent back to class if they do not have the proper form/note from the teacher. OPEN HOUSE (back)Be positive. No conferences Have a conference sign-up sheet available. Have volunteer sign-up sheet available. Have work samples on desks; chairs in correct position. Check spelling and handwriting of all bulletin board and board work. Have all in-house memos, etc. out of sight. Be careful of leading questions. Say "I'll get the information and get back to you." (Follow through) Have children write invitations to open house using correct form. Have work from all students displayed. Have appropriate bulletin boards. Purpose-Meet parents. Acquaint parents with their child's school. Group preparation: Explain long range goals and curriculum. Be prepared to explain each subject area. (What is taught) Explain school procedures. Explain your expectations, grade level goals and procedures. Explain school-wide discipline plan. Do not defend. Be assertive. Circulate. Talk to all parents. Be sure you understand the volunteer policy. Explain textbook procedures, which books may be taken home and why. Prepare parent handout outlining important procedures, etc. ORDERING OF SUPPLIES (back)The following is the proper procedure for requests for vendor orders.These procedures apply to all staff members and refer only to orders from vendors: 1. All orders need to be typed on an official order form. The form is on the Broward School Board website. Click on Departments, then Supply Management and Logistics (Purchasing), then on Forms. You will use the form for "Orders under $999.00", unless each item is $1000.00 or more. Be sure to fill in the complete vendor name, address, and phone number, your name as the requestor, and the shipping (school) address. Be sure to find out if there are shipping charges, and how much. 2. The form is to be submitted to the Principal for approval. Make a copy for your own records. 3. Submission of a form is not a guarantee that the items will be ordered. That will be determined by the Principal and you will be informed if a request cannot be fulfilled. 4. As soon as possible after an order is delivered to your room, unpack it, check that all items have arrived or are on backorder, sign and date the packing slip, and return it to the Bookkeeper. If you cannot find a packing slip, check the order in against your original order form and submit a copy to Karen Zaslow. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS (back)All materials and supplies purchased with school or PTO funds become the property of Maplewood Elementary School.Teachers leaving the school or transferring to different grade levels or programs are to leave all materials and supplies in the room they occupied during the school year.Teachers purchasing materials with their own funds or without authorization must assume the financial responsibility of the purchase. Prior approval must be obtained for any personal reimbursement.PARENT PHONE CALLS (back)Use the Conference/Interim Forms located on Pinnacle to record all phone conferences to or from parents. This will be of value if parent/teacher difficulty arises. PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES (back)At least two conferences are to be held for each student each year. School Board Policy #6000.1 states "Conferences with parents or guardians are required as part of the reporting system. Teachers will request at least two (2) conferences per year per student. The school shall request a conference between the classroom teacher and the parent on or before May 1 for each student being considered for retention." At this conference teachers are to discuss the possibility of retention and document such on the conference sheet.In the event that a conference is scheduled and the parent/guardian fails to attend, evidence of an honest attempt on the part of the teacher to have these conferences must be documented and placed in the child's cum folder. An honest attempt can be evidenced when the teacher makes at least four attempts to schedule a conference. Documentation of such requests must be placed in the child's cumulative folder, and recorded on the conference log.Conference forms should be prepared before the parent arrives for a conference. If a parent does not attend at the scheduled time and does not notify the office of the need to reschedule the meeting, "no show" is to be noted on the conference sheet. Telephone conferences are to be documented on a conference form located on Pinnacle. Indicate that the conference was conducted on the telephone. Duplicate a copy and send a copy home or parent/guardian signature. In the event that the parent/guardian does not return the signed conference form, the duplicated copy is to be placed in the child's cum folder with a notation that the parent did not return the signed sheet. Include attempted to call a parent and reached only an answering machine, a busy signal, etc. This is documentation.All requests for conferences must indicate a specific date and time. Do not schedule conferences in the middle of the day when you are teaching children. You may schedule conferences during your planning period, if you wish.A conference log is to be maintained by every teacher. This log will be provided by administration and is to be kept in the teacher's plan book. Also, record conferences on the child's individual card.For the conference, parents are permitted to invite another person of his or her choice as per Senate Bill 1108. At the conclusion of a meeting, parents and school district personnel in attendance must sign a form stating whether any school district personnel have prohibited, discouraged or attempted to discourage the parents from inviting anyone to the meeting. If the parent participates in a meeting via telephone, then the teacher should mail or send the form electronically and request that the parent sign and return.PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) (back)Teachers are automatically PTO members. You do not need to pay a membership fee to the organization. PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Association. In order to keep lines of communication open and to adequately serve the PTO will meet at regularly scheduled times. There will be staff and faculty representation at PTO meetings. public, the faculty is urged to actively participate in our PTO. PARKING (back)Please refrain from parking on the grass at all times. All staff members are to park in the faculty/staff lot in the EAST or the WEST side of the school. We have adequate space for our parking needs. Please refrain from parking in front of the school unless there are no spots available on the EAST or WEST side lots. Do not park in any loading zones. PARTIES (back)Parties are to be kept at a minimum by having no more than three per year. The word “party” is not to be used and is to be replaced with the word “celebration” on any communication. Maplewood holds a celebration in the fall (October), winter (December) and the end of the year (June). Specific dates will be designated and/or approved by administration.As adults, we need to celebrate our successes and reaching our goals. PARTNERS-IN-EDUCATION (back)Maplewood participates in the Taravella Innovation Zone Partnership in Education (PIE) Program. The Zone partnership will enable us to access businesses that is shared with the entire zone. Currently, Maplewood’s partnerships include:AXA Equityable Bru’s Room CareSpotChick-fil-AFirehouse Subs Fitwize 4 Kids FKA Martial Arts Galaxy Skateway Joe’s Pizza & PastaKawa OrthodonticsKilwins Ice CreamKohl’sMcDonaldsPapa John’sPNC BankSawgrass Lanes BowlingWhole FoodsXtreme Indoor CartingZona FrescaPAYCHECKS (back)You may view your pay stub on BRITE and then log-on to ESS (Employee Self Service) account. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your check, please see the Office Manager. The Office Manager is our payroll contact person and will help to clarify any questions or concerns.PHONE CALLS (back)No personal long distance calls may be charged to the school's telephone account. Official calls may be made from the front office, but only with permission to do so. Authorized long distance business calls must be logged on the official School Board form located in the front office.Under no circumstances is the wireless cell phone earpiece for personal cells to be worn during student contact time, team planning, faculty meetings, parent conferences or committee meetings. Student contact time involves post coverage and instructional time. Do not call directory assistance. The school is assessed charges for each of these calls. A monthly printout indicates the number of such calls placed from each phone in the school. Phone books are easily accessible throughout the school.Students may use only the phone on the office counter. PHYSICAL CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (back)All teachers are responsible for the physical condition of the classroom. Displays and bulletin boards should be pertinent to the units of study and should be changed frequently. ALWAYS TURN OFF THE LIGHTS AND LOCK DOORS WHEN LEAVING THE ROOM. All chairs should be put up and papers off of the floor before students leave. This is part of teaching respect and responsibility.Counters and teacher’s desks need to be neat and organized. Insects love clutter. Please keep the rooms neat and clean. ALL CHAIRS SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM DESKTOPS AND TABLES BEFORE INSTRUCTION BEGINS EVEN IF A STUDENT IS ABSENT. The learning environment is of paramount importance! Children need stimulation and good adult models. The administrators will visit rooms on a regular basis. Keep area near doors clear of displays. A extended PE of 15 minutes must be included in daily plans. It is to be indicated on the master schedule given to administration.Unsatisfactory progress report marks should not be a surprise to parents when the progress reports are distributed. All parents like to hear good things about their children. Positive notes are valuable as a means of communication to parents and to reinforce positive behavior, academic performance, and effort. Interim reports will be issued on specific dates for students who are experiencing difficulty. Teachers should schedule conferences so that they do not conflict with scheduled meetings. Respond immediately to all notes and phone calls. The established response time is 24 hours (1 school day). All academic work that is sent home should be graded accurately. Retain samples of student's work throughout the year so parents can see the student’s progress. Check all health sheets in the registration packet to identify student who have health problems. PLANNING (back)TEACHER’S CONTRACT, ARTICLE #10: EMPLOYEE PREPARATION, CONFERENCE AND PLANNING STATES:Elementary school employees shall have a preparation/conference time, totaling not less than sixty (60) minutes, per day, excluding relief period. Elementary employees will use the time during which all their students are in special classes such as art, music or physical education as a preparatory/conference period and/or relief period. Maplewood teachers have a planning time of at least 65 minutes between 7:30 a.m. and 7:50 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. (2:00 to 2:15 is considered dismissal time.) In addition, each teacher receives additional time during special area classes. PLAYGROUND (back)Playground time should not exceed 15 minutes. In order to meet the state guides for daily P.E., it must be a supervised, structured activity. Please sign up for an extended PE time by Fri., August 28, 2015. A playground handbook is available in the front office.Supervision of Students on the Playground: Help maintain a safe environment by watching for unsafe conditions (loose bolts on equipment, bare sand areas, etc)notify administration immediately. Monitor and supervise all activities.Chairs are not to be taken to any outside areas. Enforce the rules for playground equipment. Enforce the appropriate behaviors on the playground. Know what to do in an emergency. If a student is injured, send two students to the nearest classroom or to the office for assistance. If the PE teacher is on the field, send two students to the teacher so that he can radio the office. Remain with the child. If injury is serious, DO NOT MOVE THE STUDENT. The office will call for 911 assistance if needed. Complete an accident report including the area of the playground (K-2, 3-5 or basketball court, environmental lab or field).Children may never be left unattended.Be alert at all times. Continuously patrol the entire play area in use. Maintain visual supervision over as much area as possible. Remain visible to the students. Encourage and reinforce good playground behavior. Think PREVENTION. Stop behaviors that may be inappropriate BEFORE something happens. DO NOT BECOME DISTRACTED TALKING TO STUDENTS OR OTHER STAFF MEMBERS. The following information on Playground Safety is an attempt to establish some uniform guidelines to protect all of us - students and staff from undue strain and lawsuits. It is of utmost importance that you adhere to these guidelines if you wish to be free from charges of negligence.Free Play: Do not permit your entire class to have free run on the various pieces of equipment on the playground. Keep your class close together and remain in the immediate area to make certain that children are using the equipment safely (one at a time and no horseplay) and that you are able to see them at all times.Games: Play one game at a time with the entire class under your immediate supervision. It is not possible to watch two or more games in more than one area at a time.Teacher Position: Teacher/ESP must remain standing at all times on the playground. If more than one teacher is on the playground, do not stand together and talk. Keep your total attention on the children for their safety and protection. If you need to sit down, please arrange to do this while you are in the classroom where there is not as much likelihood of a safety problem. In other words, there is a time and a place for teachers to sit down, but, the playground is NOT the place to sit and visit with fellow teachers and/or ESP’s. Therefore, NO chairs should be on the outside.Accidents: If there is an accident on the playground, no matter how minor, have it recorded on a form in the office. It is your responsibility to see that this is recorded and to sign the form indicating that you were a witness. This applies to post duty also.Indoor or Outdoor: If you feel that your class is too unruly to play outdoors, keep them inside and play quiet games or have them do some standing exercises to keep their blood circulating: Don't place yourself in jeopardy by taking an uncontrollable group to an area which could lead to problems for you and accidents for them.Legal Point: It is my responsibility to keep you informed of guidelines and it is your responsibility to follow them. Failure to do so can result in legal suits. My intent is to protect everyone. You are expected to use your professional judgment at all times.Safety: Please share with your students that if they see a snake on campus, they are first to avoid it and tell the closest adult. The adult is to have their students leave the area and must contact the Front Office/Administration immediately. All grade levels will submit to the office their playground schedule.PONY MAIL SERVICE (back)Mail service is an integral part of the education system in Broward County. Mail services (also called "the Pony") covers each of the schools, centers and departments everyday of the school week. The primary purpose of "the Pony" is to provide pickup and delivery for all schools, centers, and administrative correspondence each day. Mail service also handles pickup and delivery of testing materials, some audiovisual equipment, printed materials and numerous other authorized items. Do not use "The Pony" to send personal items to friends or family employed by the SBBC.POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (back)Our school-wide Positive Behavioral Management Plan (PBMP) is based on the premise that all students can benefit from well-implemented, evidence-based practices for improving student behavior. The school-wide PBMP is a system of behavioral supports for all students. Our school-wide PBMP provides a positive focus to encouraging desirable student behaviors by setting universal expectations for behavior, positively stated that are established for all students in all locations of?the school. These expectations promote core values such?as respect, responsibility, and safety. Strategies are implemented to teach and reinforce these expectations. These include:Direct instruction in specific student behaviors that demonstrate respect, responsibility and safety in various locations in the school. Positive adult/teacher attention and other reinforcements to students for demonstrating positive behaviors. Predictable consequences for behavior infractions that are delivered consistently by all staff throughout the entire school. Consequences are not primarily punitive in nature; they are an opportunity for the student to learn from his or her mistakes and to accept responsibility for the choices that he or she made.Students can benefit from instruction in positive behavior expectations and positive acknowledgments. PBMP is an approach that will strengthen the repertoire of social skills for any student. As students become effective models for each other (respect, order and safety), these skills become embedded in our school’s culture. For complete details of the PBMP, please see the manual at the end of the appendix of this handbook.POSTER MAKER PROCEDURES (back)All poster making will only be done by Karen Hart. Due to the costly operations of this machine, we must be selective in what we posterize. If you require items for posterizing, the following process is to occur:Submit your approvals at least 4 days prior to you needing yourmaterials. Complete a Poster Request Slip (located in the Xerox room nearthe other forms) and attach to items needing posterizing. You may also choose to save your document onto a jump drive in the PDF format.Give your item or jump drive to Karen Hart. She will get approval of your request from the Assistant Principal.Upon completion, your poster(s) will be placed in the cubby to the right of the copier that is located in the front office work room.The poster maker is located in the Media Center workroom.POWER FAILURE (back)If a power failure should occur, the office is to be notified immediately. All students and staff are to stay in their classrooms, remain calm, and open all windows and doors. Every effort will be made to rectify the situation in an expeditious manner. Patience is the key word in these situations.PRINCIPAL’S DESIGNEE (back)When both the Principal and Assistant Principal are absent, designated personnel will serve as the Principal’s designee: Maria Castranova and Ron Smith are administrative designees for the 2014 - 2015 school year. PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT (back)Interaction with Students:1.Maintain a professional barrier between you and students. You are the adult, the teacher and the professional; do not act like one of the kids.2.Refer students to the appropriate resource person for counseling and/or discussions about personal matters.3.Do not flirt with students.4.Do not discuss your personal life or personal matters with students.5.Do not discuss your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or dates with students.6.When transporting students, coordinate transportation ahead of time, and use school or mass transportation if possible. If necessary, call a taxi for the student. If you must transport a student in your vehicle, ask a co-worker to accompany you.7.Avoid leaving students unsupervised; have an alternate plan of action.8.Keep your hands and other parts of your body to yourself.9.Use verbal praise and positive reinforcement.10. Do not use any form of corporal punishment. Establish and follow a consistent behavior plan. Treat each student with respect. Know the student's rights.11.Chaperone only school-sponsored functions. Do not socialize with students. Do not drink alcoholic beverages in front of students. Do not take students home with you.12.Do not make telephone calls or write notes of a personal nature to students.13.Do not harass students; respect their differences.14.Do not place paper of any kind over windows as a concealer.PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY (back)See our Media Clerk for a list of materials that are available throughout the County and District Library/Learning Resources systems. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION (back)The administration strongly encourages affiliation with professional organizations. Telephone numbers and information regarding professional organizations is posted in the staff lounge.PROPERTY AND INVENTORY (back)Inventory procedures have been developed to ensure that the school’s equipment is monitored and available for use. The following is the Inventory Procedures to ensure that all appropriate policies and procedures are being followed and that future audits do not result in an exception: When new equipment, i.e. computers, laptops, printers, TV’s, DVD’s, VHS, arrive at the school, the office staff will sign for the item.The Karen Zaslow will enter the serial number and location on-line.The original packing slip will be compared with the purchase order to verify information.Original documentation for all purchases will be located in the office and a copy in the Micro Tech’s office.It is the responsibility of the Micro Tech to enter all purchase orders along with the equipment description and the serial number into the school’s inventory that is over $1000.Once the location of the equipment has been determined and delivered, the recipient will certify the status and sign the “Maplewood Inventory Form.”Each teacher will complete a “Maplewood Inventory Form.” These forms will be checked with the school’s database and cross-referenced with the PNI.Each classroom/office at Maplewood Elementary has a posted listing of equipment (“Maplewood Inventory Form”).Location of the equipment will be constantly maintained. Equipment should not be moved from its current location under any circumstances, unless approved by an Administrator.Notification should be given to the Micro Tech within twenty-four (24) hours of missing or defective equipment.An office cabinet is designated as the “Check Inventory File” and all copies of transfer/surplus forms are maintained in this one central location.Four in-house audits will be conducted annually. Any missing items found during such audits will be immediately reported to the police department.Inventory removal procedures are reviewed with all faculty and staff members. This process must be administratively approved.An updated in-house database of all inventory items has been created which has been cross-referenced with the PNI. Included on such database are electronic property passes and Declaration of Surplus Forms: signed copies of all forms are maintained in the “Inventory File.” These forms are also double checked by Jeanne Reynolds and initialed to verify their accuracy.Procedures are reviewed with all members of the office staff regarding the appropriate receipt of new purchases.Any item received by the school with a value over $1000 are maintained on a dated log by the Karen Zaslow.Administration and Jeanne Reynolds will ensure that all outdated equipment from the inventory will be properly processed and removed using the 3290A Form. Copies of all B-Stock Transfer Forms are maintained in the “Inventory File.” The Assistant Principal and Jeanne Reynolds will work together to continually monitor the PNI in order to ensure that all removed items by B-Stock have been deleted from the school’s inventory.All Property Passes and B-Stock Transfer forms will be initialed by Jeanne Reynolds or the Assistant Principal for verification purposes. Only the Principal shall have the final signature on a Property Pass or B-Stock Transfer Forms. PUBLIC RECORDS LAW (back)The 1988 Legislature has re-enacted the following exemptions to Florida Statute #119, The Public Records Law. These are the items, which are not subject to review by the public.Personnel RecordsComplaints against teachers and administrators will be investigated by the Commissioner of Education who will determine if there is probable cause to take action or the investigation becomes inactive.Employee evaluations until the end of the school year immediately following the school year in which the evaluation is made. (Example: an evaluation done in March of 1988, will be open to the public the end of June in 1989)Derogatory materials until 10 days after the employee has been notified the material exists and has had a chance to respond.Payroll deduction information.Employee medical reports.Examination and related materials pertaining to certification of instructional employees.Student RecordsStudents’ cumulative records.Personally identifiable records and reports of studentsIdentity of exceptional education students who need post-school services offered by an appropriate state agency.Student’s records and juvenile justice records exchanged by agencies participating in drop-out prevention programsStudents’ examination and assessment instruments including developmental materials and work papers related to the assessment instruments.Records of hearings challenging the content of student records. Other RecordsIdentify all information identifying donors and prospective donors to direct-support organizations established by the school rmation related to appraisals, offers and counteroffers for the purchase of real property by the school board.Materials generated during the development or implementation of an industry services training program under contract with the State Department of Education. This information was taken from a memo from the Associate Superintendent of Government Community and Employee Relations. The School Board of Broward County, Florida. PUBLIC RELATIONS (back)The most satisfactory progress can be accomplished when the home and school work together for the benefit of the child. Communicate regularly with parents of students experiencing difficulty. RELIEF TIME (back)Each elementary employee, including special subject teachers shall have at least a ten (10) minute relief period in both the morning and afternoon each day in a manner to be determined by the employees and immediate supervisor in each school. An employee shall not be removed from that assignment to supervise the students of another employee for such relief periods unless such relief periods cannot otherwise be provided, in which case not more than one such assignment per day shall be given. REPORT CARDS (back)Student report cards are to comply with School Board Policy #5100.All teachers who work with a child are to input grades onto Pinnacle. If a child receives instruction in a subject from a teacher other than the assigned classroom teacher, that teacher is to give the child's grade for that subject. All areas of the report card are to be properly completed, printed and submitted by the deadline provided on the CAB Conference Calendar. Report Cards are submitted to the Assistant Principal to review before they are sent home. SPECIAL NOTE: School Board Policy #5.5 stipulates that a student must be in attendance twenty-five (25) days in a Broward County School during a quarter in order to receive grades for that period. If a student transfers from another Broward County School and has been in attendance for 13 days and enrolls in Maplewood Elementary and is in attendance for 12 days of the same quarter, we are required to give a report card.RETENTION (back)Decisions concerning promotion or retention are to be made after due consideration by the teacher and the principal. The policy of our school system is that total growth of the individual child forms the basis for promotion practices.Emphasis shall be placed yearly on the mastery of skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Likewise, student size, maturity and parent attitude must also be considered before recommendation for retention.Parents must be notified of the possibility for retention by May 1. This notification is to be done via a parent/teacher conference. This conversation is to be noted on the parent/teacher conference form each time it is discussed. Promotional outlook is indicated on report cards beginning in the second quarter.The Child Study Team will convene to discuss the reasons for retention. The teacher is to actively participate in this committee. The committee's responsibility is to provide support and additional information to the teacher as he-she makes the decision to promote or retain a student.The committee should be viewed as a support in reviewing student placement. Ultimately, student placement is the responsibility of the teacher and the principal.A Retention Packet will be provided to each teacher during the month of March. The guidelines set forth in this packet are to be strictly adhered to.ROOM PARENTS (back)Teachers are to choose a room parent and an alternate for their homeroom. Explain the duties and the fact that a working parent can do the job and be a working parent. Some of their functions are to help organize the celebrations, chaperone field trips and arrange for other parents to assist.Personal contact by the teacher is the most effective method for obtaining room parents. Names, addresses and phone numbers are due to the front office within the first two weeks of school. Please refrain from discussions regarding personal student/family issues with any volunteer. SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL (SAC)SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS (SIP) (back)The School Advisory Council meets monthly to monitor the school’s annual goals and academic progress. They work together to create the School Improvement Plan. The meeting dates are established by the committee and published in school publications, weekly memo and the marquee. SCHOOL ADVISORY FORUM (SAF) (back)The School Advisory Forum meets monthly to discuss matters directly affecting our school, its organization and instruction.SCHOOL CALENDAR (back)First QuarterMonday, August 17, 2015 Employee PlanningTuesday, August 18, 2015 Employee PlanningWednesday, August 19, 2015 Employee Planning Thursday, August 20, 2015 Employee Planning Friday, August 21, 2015 Employee Planning Monday, August 24, 2015 Start 1st Quarter - Students Report (41 days)Monday, September 07, 2015 No School HolidayThursday, September 17, 2015 Early Release Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Day OffThursday, September 24, 2015 Interim Reports IssuedThursday, October 22, 2015 Early ReleaseFriday, October 23, 2015 Employee PlanningSecond QuarterMonday, October 26, 2015 2nd Quarter Begins (40 days)Wednesday, November 11, 2015 No School HolidayThursday, November 12, 2015 Report Cards IssuedThursday, November 19, 2015 InterimsWednesday, November 25 - 27, 2015 Schools & Offices ClosedMonday, December 21-January 1, 2016 Winter BreakThird QuarterMonday, January 11, 2016 3rd Quarter Begins (47 days)Monday, January 18, 2016 Day OffThursday, January 28, 2016 Report Cards IssuedThursday, February 11, 2016 Interim Reports IssuedMonday, February 15, 2016 Schools & Offices ClosedThursday, February 25, 2016 Early ReleaseThursday, March 17, 2016 Early Release & End of 3rd 9 WeeksFriday, March 18, 2016 Employee PlanningMonday, March 21 - 25, 2016 Spring BreakFourth QuarterMonday, March 28, 2016 4th Quarter Begins (52 days)Wednesday, April 14, 2016 Report Cards IssuedThursday, April 28, 2016 Interim Reports IssuedFriday, May 27 Planning DayMonday, May 30, 2016 Schools & Offices ClosedThursday, June 9, 2016 Early Release/Report Cards Issued/Student’s Last DayFriday, June 10, 2016 Employee Planning/Teacher’s Last DaySCHOOL CANCELLATION (back)In the event that school will be canceled on a regularly scheduled day due to weather conditions or other emergency situations, the phone relay will be employed to notify faculty and staff members of the situation.SENATE BILL 1108 (back)Section 1002.20 of Bill 1108 applies to all students. The provision that parents may be accompanied by another adult of their choice to any meeting with school district personnel is a long-standing requirement in law that is applicable to all students. The recently amended language adds the stipulation that districts may not “object to the attendance of such adult, discourage, or attempt to discourage…parents from inviting another person of their choice to attend any meetings.” Although most examples in the law are meetings specifically related to students with disabilities or students who are gifted, not all are. For example, a meeting related to “other issues that may affect a student’s educational environment, discipline or placement” is very broad and could apply to any student.School district personnel may not object to, discourage or attempt to discourage the attendance of an adult of a parent’s choice at any meeting with school district personnel. Actions that are prohibited include attempted or actual coercion or harassment of parents or students, or retaliation or threats of consequences to parents or students.At the conclusion of a meeting, parents and school district personnel in attendance must sign the form stating whether any school district personnel have prohibited, discouraged or attempted to discourage the parents from inviting a person of their choice to the meeting. The form is available in the front office work room.This pertains to any parent meeting/conference that has been planned in advance. If the parent participates in a meeting via telephone, personnel should mail or send the form electronically and request that the parent sign and return.SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT (back)All Instructional Staff and ESP’s are required to initial each morning on the Daily Attendance Roster located on the “Today Board” upon arrival. Clerical and Custodians are to sign in and out daily indicating the time. Sign-in sheets are used as school documentation for payroll/attendance verification and are subject to an audit exception.All staff members who are signing out or need to leave early and must speak to administration for approval and then call his/her absence through SmartFind Express (if they are not returning for the remainder of the day), as well as notifying the Office Manager and Classroom Teacher (if applicable). If you are returning within the workday, you are to complete the Request to Leave Early Form. This form will be initialed by an Administrator and given to the Office Manager for payroll processing.Example: If you are leaving at 12:00 p.m., you must call SmartFind Express and indicate your absence from 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. No Exceptions. If you are not registered with SmartFind Express, let the Office Manager know immediately. SMOKING (back)As of July, 2014 smoking has been prohibited in schools. This is in accordance with School Board Policy #1120 as well as the state law. Please do not smoke or allow parents to smoke, in the classroom or any area of the building inside or outside. SOCIAL WORKER (back)Our school is served by a School Board Social Worker who works with attendance problems and welfare. He/she will investigate truancy and other problems of children at request of the principal or guidance counselor. When needing to request the assistance of the School’s Social Worker, a referral shall be made. Social Worker Referrals are available on Virtual Counselor.Do not confuse this position with that of the “homebound” teacher who works with children confined to their homes by reason of illness. If you have a concern, please notify the office.SODA, COFFEE, ETC. (back)Soda, coffee, etc. are not to be consumed in classrooms or any areas where students are present. Students are not allowed to have empty food and drink containers placed around the room, neither should teachers. SPEECH AND DRESS (back)Speech and dress are as important to teaching children as they are to impressing adults. We feel that teachers who represent high standards of education and culture neither dress sloppily nor speak poorly. Children learn through seeing and listening as well as reading. Children tend to imitate adults. Teachers need to set a good example for the youngsters to follow. Teachers are judged in the eyes of other teachers and the public by what they wear. Be conservative when dressing for work. Dress appropriately for the context of the days teaching.The standards for dress which are set forth in the Broward County Student Discipline and Conduct Code Book should be reviewed by all faculty and staff members. These regulations will set a guideline for appropriate student and staff dress. A better teaching, learning, health and safety environment exists with students when they are dressed and groomed in such a way that they reflect pride in themselves and the school. Therefore, we strongly encourage students to dress appropriately.Review the Conduct Code to familiarize yourself and your students with the stipulations on dress. Major changes were made last year by the code Committee. Please be sure that students have an understanding about what clothing is and is not appropriate.Teachers are to monitor student dress. If a student wears clothing in violation of the dress code, the teacher is to take steps to rectify the situation. A letter will be provided for you to send home to parents of students who violate the designated dress code. Parents may be asked to bring a change of clothes to school for any student who wears clothing which violates the rules. This will be done when a student's attire is extremely offensive, unsafe (i.e. flip flops) or - if the child chronically violates the dress code.The last day of every school week is Spirit Day. Students and staff are encouraged to wear school colors and/or school t-shirts. Students and teachers are encouraged to wear a school t-shirt or school colors on field trips.The best way to establish appropriate dress and grooming is to model these behaviors. Though there is no dress code for teachers, you are highly encouraged to dress in a professional manner.STAFF ABSENCES (back)An employee shall have the right to use sick leave in one-half day or full-day units, for the purpose of medical or dental appointments. All absences must be reported to SmartFind Express (754-321-0050). You must inform the office when taking half-days.A certificate of absence will be placed in your mailbox at the end of each payroll period. This form must be signed and returned to the Office Manager as soon as possible. All sick time, time missed because of family illness, personal time, vacation time, official leave and accidents in line of duty will appear on the form. As per BTU Contract, Article #23, If an immediate supervisor suspects an abuse of sick leave, he or she shall first investigate the matter and discuss the findings with the affected employee. An abuse of sick leave is defined as a pattern or series of absences which occur over an extended period of time and on a regular and predictable basis and without adequate justification. For example a regular and predictable basis would be: sick leave being used as soon as earned; absence on only Mondays or Fridays; absences occurring on the days before or after a holiday period; absences occurring on the day after a payday on a regular basis. If the investigation sustains that a documented pattern of abuse does exist the employee may be subject to disciplinary action. Sick leave shall be taken only when necessary because of illness. Use of more than the 10 days per school year is considered as excessive.Personal reasons leave shall not be granted on the day preceding or following a holiday (A holiday on the official School Board calendar is any date marked as a "holiday" or "day off.") nor during the first or last week of school. The first week of school starts on day one of the 196 day work calendar and the last week of school concludes on the final day of said calendar. For additional information regarding absences and leaves, refer to the contract to your job classification. For information on personal, medical or other types of leaves, contact the Leaves Department at 754-321-3130.STAFF EARLY SIGN-OUT PROCEDURES (back)Personal appointments should be made after school hours. Staff members are to request permission from the Principal to leave the campus prior to regular dismissal time. If you need to sign-out early for personal illness please complete and sign your individual sign-out form. The sign-out logs need to be approved by the Principal or designee prior to you leaving campus. Excessive use or abuse of the log may result in an administrative conference. It is important that you notify the Office Manager before signing out. The following is the half-day schedule for the purpose of recording absences and attendance. 7:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m.11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Anyone who needs to leave the school campus during the school day to attend a workshop or any other school related business will submit a TDA prior to the event. All TDA’s should be documented on your individual TDA log. These procedures inform us of the whereabouts of the staff and covers Worker’s Compensation stipulations. STAFF EXPECTATIONS (back)OUR ROLE IN THE SCHOOL AND COMMUNITYWe expect all staff members to recognize the authority of the School Board as the representative of the community, and the administration as delegates of the Board.We expect all staff members to maintain open lines of communication, non-confrontational.We expect all staff members to be actively involved in school functions.We expect all staff members to accept the obligations and responsibilities of the teaching profession or pursue another career that is commensurate with your life-long dreams and desires.PREPARATION:We expect all staff members to model and teach correct oral and written English.We expect all staff members to take risks and try new ideas.We expect all staff members to seek help from the administration, peers and support staff as needed.We expect all staff members to academically engage and entertain students in learning daily.We expect all staff members to seek opportunities to enhance their education, participate in learning communities and in-service training through the district and/or other viable agencies.ATTITUDE TOWARD THE JOB:We expect all staff members to maintain professionalism in their day-to-day work experiences.We expect all staff members to maintain classroom discipline. It is part of your teaching responsibilities and obligations as an effective teacher.We expect all staff members to serve as positive roll models by:Demonstrating productive thought processesTaking care personal appearanceDisplaying positive work ethicsExhibiting and teaching respect for others in actions, deeds and communicationPossessing integrity and demonstratingBe a vessel or channel for positive thinking, thereby producing positive energyWe expect all staff members to demand and set high standards in academic and social behavior for and from your students.We expect all staff members to recognize and respond appropriately to different styles of learning and the special needs of children.We expect all staff members to help students build self-esteem.We expect all staff members to challenge students’ critical thinking.We expect all staff members to motivate students through inspiration and by providing excitement for learning.We expect all staff members to raise students’ aspirations.GENERAL:We expect all staff members to allow students out of class only when necessary and only with proper documentation/supervision.We expect all staff members to supervise students at all times: during class, between class, before and after school and during school activities.We expect all staff members to follow operational procedures outlined by the school.We expect all staff members to be at work every day, on time and be prepared to teach. For unforeseen circumstances, the staff member is going to be late, he or she must contact Ms. Trimble at 754-322-6853.We expect all staff members to be able to link the information they are teaching with the real world in which we live.We expect all staff members to “have fun” (i.e…enjoy) with their professional responsibilities while performing at the highest possible level.STORM DAY PROCEDURES (back)STORMS: When we have been alerted that there is a need for a Storm Day dismissal, Administration will make an announcement for you to proceed to your assigned locations (see below).Bike riders, students in modulars, students in portables and walkers will remain in their classrooms during lightning until an announcement has been made for them to proceed to their dismissal areas. Teachers should have students call to request parents pick them up. Teachers are to verify with parents regarding the decision for dismissal at that time. If someone is coming to pick the student up, please send them to the designated hallway and tell the person in charge that the parent has been contacted and the results of the phone call. Car riders will be taken to the designated hallways closest to their normal dismissal area (see below). A staff member will ask each driver for the name and grade level of their children, check their tag to verify authorization for pick-up and will call for the students to come to their cars. Car Riders go to the following hallways when the dismissal announcement is made: K – Between rooms 137 & 139 1 – Between rooms 133 & 1352nd – Down room 131 hallway 3rd – Down Main West hallway near North door (front of school)4th – Down room 119 hallway5th – Down Main East hallway near North door (front of school)East-side walkers and bike riders are to proceed to the cafeteria. When an announcement has been made, Grades 1 – 5 West-side walkers and bike riders are to proceed to the Media Center. When called, the student will be escorted to the west-side down room 133 and room 135 hallway to the outside. Kindergarten West-side walkers and bike riders are to be escorted with their teachers to the west side between rooms 137 & 139.Buses - Buses depart at 2:00 p.m. 1:35 p.m.Mrs. Reynolds checks weather conditions No Aftercare dismissal until further notice. Staff Assignments Sherry BeesIf available, run dismissal out frontNaomi Church & Camille Orr(back-up)Run dismissal on the West sideIf Sherry Bees is not available for dismissal:Run dismissal out front if Sherry Bees is not outside for dismissalTake charge with the ESP’s in the hallway if Sherry Bees is not at dismissalAssign 2 ESP’s to get pads of paper and pencils (1 primary & 1 back-up)While going to the cars, write the student’s name down and then call for them on the walkieKaty DavieAssist with 2nd/3rd grade hall with a walkie and listen while names are called to send students outsideJeanne ReynoldsIntercom Camille Orr/Karen Zaslow (back-up)Go to Media Center with a walkie to be ready to send West-Side walkers and West-Side bike riders to their dismissal area when called.When the number of students are less than 10, re-locate them to the front office.STUDENT AWARDS AND INCENTIVES (back)Awards assemblies are held each quarter in the cafeteria. The awards assembly is to honor our students for their hard work throughout the school year. Refer to the CAB calendar for upcoming assembly dates.STUDENT DATA FILES (back)Teachers are to maintain a current student data file with information that will be relevant to the student’s academic achievement. The data that should be included, but not limited to: Work samples, assessments and writing promptsSTUDENT NEWS PUBLICATIONS (back)School Board Policy #6308 prohibits the collecting of funds for news publications (i.e. Scholastics). These items must be ordered and paid for from monies approved by the Principal. STUDENT WITHDRAWALS (back) A child is officially withdrawn from a classroom only upon notification from the office/IMT. By the end of the school day, the teacher is to make sure that all grades have been updated onto Pinnacle Gradebook so that a download can occur by the IMT or Assistant Principal.The teacher is to make sure that the following items are completed and turned into the office within two days of notification of official withdrawal. The folders will be reviewed by the office and Guidance before they are forwarded.CUM FOLDERCheck the front of the folder for accuracy. Add the withdrawal date. NOTICE OF TRANSFERFill in the teacher section of the Notice of Transfer received from the office and return it to the office by the end of that school day.REPORT CARDA copy of the report card is made and printed from Pinnacle for an in-county transfer. The report card is included in the cum folder for both types of transfer. Even if a child has not been in attendance for the required 25 days, it is professionally courteous to give the receiving teacher some idea of the child's academic performance. This can be accomplished by a note to the teacher which should be attached to the report card.INTERIM REPORTSA copy of all interims should be sent to the office for inclusion in the cum folder when it is sent to the new school.PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE FORMSA copy of all conference forms should be sent to the office for inclusion in the cum folder when it is forwarded to the new school.SUBSTITUTE PLANS (back)The Team Leaders are to monitor and coordinate substitute folders and turn them in to the Office Manager. When there is a substitute teacher, the Office Manager will assist the teacher and give him/her the sub folder. There should be enough work included in the sub folder for at least (3) days. If at any time you feel that a substitute performed unsatisfactorily, please inform the Office Manager. Take into consideration the following when evaluating the performance of a substitute:attendance recordadherence to class schedulecondition of classroomclassroom managementSUBSTITUTES (back)A "Reference Guide for Teachers" for SmartFind Express can be found in the front office. This guide provides valuable information in assisting you with the SmartFind Express system. Our school requires that you call SmartFind Express by 6:00 a.m. if you will need a substitute for that day. You must also notify the Office Manager of your absence. You may call the Office Manager at 305-651-3161 (home #) or 754-321-0050 (SmartFind #) to notify her prior to her arriving after she has left for the day. If you are aware that you will be out ahead of time, please secure your sub through SmartFind Express and notify the Office Manager. business. You may call into SmartFind Express up to five (5) days prior to any absence and receive a job number. Be sure to turn in a TDA if you will be out due to a workshop or other school related business along with your substitute information form to the Office Manager. If you have arranged personally for a specific substitute for any reason, please call into SmartFind Express immediately so that the system will issue a job number for that substitute and will not automatically call them for that day. If it becomes necessary for you to get a substitute during the school day because of an emergency or illness, please let the Office Manager know and she will try and get a substitute for you. AS A REMINDER, ALL TEACHER ABSENCES, INCLUDING TDA’S MUST BE REPORTED THROUGH SMARTFIND EXPRESS. Each substitute will complete a form at the end of the day covering the total school experience. Each teacher will complete a similar form concerning the substitute. Please give the completed form to the Office Manager. The Principal will then review the information from the substitute and the teacher. A specific procedure for sub plans has been established and will be used uniformly throughout the school. All sub plans must be completed and turned in to the Office Manager no later than Friday, August 28, 2015. 1. Sub folders will be prepared by each teacher and kept on file in the school office no later than August 28, 2015.2. Every procedure used in the classroom is to be included in the sub folder (re: lunch, specials, extended PE, schedules, dismissal procedures). 3. Sub plans consist of 2 complete day's work, a seating chart and special activities in detail sufficient to cover 2 complete student days. These should be changed each marking period. 4. The 2 days may include of review or skill maintenance work. 5. Include all emergency procedures (evacuation, codes, etc.). 6. Sub folders are to be updated as needed.SUNSHINE SOCIAL COMMITTEE (back)This committee is appointed each year by the staff. It is the duty of this committee to determine and collect staff dues at the beginning of each school year. They also assume responsibility for arranging and promoting special events. Membership in the committee is voluntary. Staff members will receive a copy of established guidelines once the committee meets. SUPPLY ORDERS (back)Teachers are to order materials and supplies using forms and ONLY those catalogs obtained from the Karen Zaslow. Many supply items are in the warehouse catalog or are considered "bid" items. Therefore, these items can only be ordered from specific companies out of specific catalogs. Orders will be handled through the grade chairperson. Remember to order appropriate materials for left-handed students (i.e., left-handed scissors, etc.) as well. Receiving procedures: All orders must be approved by the Principal. Team orders will be compiled by the Team Leader and submitted to the Bookkeeper on an official Order Form. The Team Leader will make a copy of the form for her records. All deliveries need to be opened and checked ASAP. Check all items against the packing slip, sign and date the slip, and return it to the Bookkeeper. If you cannot find a packing slip, you need to check the order against your original order form. TAKE HOME HANDOUTS (back)It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to handout notices on the designated day. Notices will be in mailboxes by noon for home delivery that day or will be hand delivered during the afternoon if necessary. PLEASE BE SURE NOTICES GO HOME ON TIME. A tear-off parent return sheet will be a part of many of the school handouts. Make a concentrated effort to collect these to foster responsibility in your students. TEACHER ABSENCES (back)The following is the half-day schedule for the purpose of recording absences and attendance: 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 11:00 - 3:00 p.m.. TEACHER DUTIES OUTSIDE CLASSROOM (back)On a daily basis, teachers should be at their classroom doors at arrival and dismissal times. Parent conferences should end prior to the 7:50 a.m. bell so that teachers may welcome their students’ daily. No class should be seated in hallways and monitored by the school’s Safety Patrol.TEACHER INSERVICE (back)Inservice Facilitators are selected every year. Inservice flyers will be posted on staff bulletin board in the staff’s lounge.Applications are to be completed and submitted to the facilitator at least one week in advance of the activity or course. Inservice points can be used for recertification or incentive pay or both. Recertification - 120 points earned in the last five years. Incentive – Basic and advanced services are offered for teachers who continue course work or receive Inservice beyond a Bachelor or Master’s degree. Teachers should maintain individual inservice logs to ensure accurate records are on file. TEAM LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES (back)Grade Chairpersons are a vital and irreplaceable part of the functioning of the total school program. The duties and responsibilities assist the administration in providing a safe and positive learning environment.The duties listed below are a partial representation of those required by administration for Team Leader:Monitor lesson plans.Assist teachers in supervising ESP’s when necessary.Hold weekly grade meetings to promote consistency in planning.Submit minutes of the weekly grade meeting by Friday or the last day of the school week. Monitor team teaching process.Attend monthly Team Leader meetings and share information with grade level.Submit grade level materials/supplies list and distribute materials equitably.Monitor textbook inventories.Review cumulative folders:When student withdraws mid-year.When student enters mid-year. When student enters at beginning of school year.Advise administration of any concerns related to grade group.Maintain and distribute forms to grade level. All other responsibilities assigned by the Principal/Assistant Principal.TECHNOLOGY (back)CODE OF ETHICS FOR COMPUTER NETWORK AND ONLINEAll users are expected to read and understand the privileges, rights and responsibilities when using property or facilities (WAN, LAN, networks, Internet, Intranet, etc.) of Broward County public schools as per School Board Policy #5306. TELEPHONES (back)All classrooms have a telephone, however, they are only an extension from the main lines that come into the school. Calls will not be transferred to the classroom except in emergencies. Messages will be transferred to your voice mailbox. Please check your voice mail twice daily.Directory assistance calls are prohibited. Long distance calls are limited to school-related matters only on phones in the front office. TELEVISION/VIDEO USE (back)Televisions are provided for student instruction, not entertainment. Limit the television use to programs that meet the needs of the students. All videos must be approved by administration before viewing. Lesson plans are to include television/video use times and programs. Video tape copyright law permits the use of videos for planned direct instructional activities if they are part of the educational program and reflected in lesson plans. The use of videos must be expressly related to the instructional process. Teachers must receive permission to show any video. Please complete the Video Request Form one week prior to showing a video. Make sure you indicate the length and curriculum alignment are included on the approval request form in your lesson plan. TEMPORARY DUTY ASSIGNMENT (TDA) (back)In the event that a teacher or ESP is to perform his/her duties at a location other than his/her regular assignment, that teacher must complete a temporary duty assignment (TDA). This includes field trips and over night trips. All TDA’s are to be discussed with the Principal prior to submitting them to the Office Manager for final approval from the Principal. It is important to initiate the TDA at least two weeks in advance, preferably sooner. Prior to going on the TDA, you must make sure that the TDA has been signed and dated by the Principal indicating approval. Individual TDA logs must be accurately maintained. All grade levels field trips requiring TDA must be submitted to your Grade Chair person. The Grade Chair person will submit Grade TDA’s to the Office Manager. If reimbursement is required, make sure you save ALL your original receipts. See Karen Zaslow immediately following the activity to obtain the necessary forms for reimbursement. Teachers must report to school prior to attending any training, workshop, etc. to insure that a substitute is covering their class. TESTING (back)The County Testing Office coordinates a series of standard tests to be administered at specific dates for purposes of diagnostic and prescriptive evaluation. Instructional personnel will be asked to cooperate with prescribed procedures.TEXTBOOKS (back)Textbooks are available from the state adopted book lists. Purchase orders are handled through the central textbook center. Each school receives a yearly budget for purchase of books based upon enrollment. This budget includes a designated amount which may be used for supplemental materials that are not state adopted.Every student shall have textbooks for all subjects. Please notify the Textbook Chairperson if you do not have one textbook per student. The Textbook Chairperson will issue all books. He/she will issue a schedule and procedures for distributing texts. The Textbook Chairperson is also a teacher and may not be available at all times. Lost or damaged books are to be paid in full. The teacher will notify the parents. The teacher will issue another book. Book damages are collected at the time books are returned. A teacher determines damage to a book. The amount of damage collected will be based on cost of the book as listed on the State Book List. Teachers are responsible for teaching pupils how to care for books. The inspection of books at the termination of each nine weeks will make the student aware of the importance of book care. DO NOT allow texts to go home unless they have been properly numbered, signed out and number recorded. Students are to use texts according to their instructional level, not grade level. Sufficient time should be used at the beginning of the year to establish the instructional level of each student before texts are obtained from chairperson. Books are issued for Math, Spelling, Language, Social Studies and Science. Teachers are responsible for the proper assigning of texts. Keep an accurate list of books assigned to each student. Encourage students to cover books and keep them covered. A good procedure is to assign books using the student number assigned to each student at the time of registration.Students should never be denied the right to take a textbook home for study. A classroom sign out sheet is suggested. TODAY BOARD (back)You will note that a bulletin board in the xerox/work area has been marked with "Today" and "Old News." This is another way to facilitate communications. Please read this board as you sign-in during the morning hours to be sure you have not missed an important message. PLEASE SEE THE OFFICE MANAGER BEFORE PLACING ANYTHING ON THE TODAY BOARD.TORNADO PROCEDURES (back)Tornado drills will be conducted at least twice a year to familiarize all students and faculty with the procedures of what to do during a tornado. WARNING SYSTEM Utilizing the public address system ‘TORNADO DRILL – ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF REPORT TO THE ASSIGNED AREAS.’EVACUATION ROUTE AND SHELTER ASSIGNMENTEach class will be assigned to a specific location which is posted in each classroom. Teachers should be familiar with the area assigned to their room and the route to be used from their classroom. Specific personnel should be assigned to round up the children on playgrounds or other outdoor areas during a tornado warning. INSTRUCTIONAL COMMANDWhen students are assembled during a tornado drill or during a tornado warning and danger is imminent, they should be instructed to respond to a specific command to assume protective postures, facing interior walls. Such a command might be: ‘EVERYBODY DOWN. CROUCH ON ELBOWS AND KNEES. HANDS OVER BACK OF HEAD!’ It is essential that this command be instantly understood and obeyed. Most tornado deaths are caused by head injuries.ALL CLEAR SIGNALThe signal to return to class will be given over, the intercom, "ALL CLEAR ".IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBERall inhabitants of the school take position away from windows seated on the floor in a duck and tuck position - preferably in the hallwaysteachers account for every child in the class and maintain quietall-clear signal - follow directions given over the intercomSPECIAL SITUATIONSESP’s assist in assigned area and take positionoffice staff supervise students in office and take positioncustodial staff direct students in restrooms and halls to a class and take positionPE teacher move all students inside, supervise, direct, and take position students in cafeteria carefully take position under tables cafeteria staff assist students and take positionThe main consideration in these procedures is to remain calm and help students remain quiet. Panic will only result in more injury than is necessary. Your first and foremost responsibility is to the safety and well-being of the students.TRANSPORTATION (back)It is essential that the office be notified regarding all concerns that would affect the transportation or accountability of a student. This would include the following situations: A student comes in late or leaves early because of an appointment, illness, missed bus, etc.A student will not be riding the bus home; parent or other authorized person will be picking him up. A student is sent to the clinic and will be going home because of illness or other health problems.When dismissed,all bus students report to the cafeteria, sit at the table indicated for their bus, and wait to be dismissed. Private After Care buses are dismissed to Room 121 and Room 123 hallway to wait for their dismissal. TUTORING POLICY (back)Every effort should made by the principal and teachers to increase student achievement. Teachers can refer students to the Child Study team to receive assistance with curricular, behavioral, and/or instructional needs. School Board Policy #4202 prohibits a teacher from receiving reimbursement for tutoring a student in any of his/her classes. A suggested tutoring list will be provided by the Guidance Counselor.No tutoring on school campus. Teachers working Aftercare are not permitted to tutor during that time. Work completed under private instruction shall not be accepted for credit unless strictly in accordance with accreditation standards for Florida schools, Florida State Board of Education administrative rules and/or statutes. Teachers who receive compensation for tutoring shall not use public school facilities for such purposes. Teachers will not use school materials to tutor students for compensation. U.S. MAIL (back)Outgoing U.S. mail may be deposited for carrier pickup in a basket on the counter in the front office. Mail is received and picked up daily by the postal service. Mail will not be taken to the post office by the office staff. VANDALISM OR PROPERTY DAMAGE (back)Every member of the instructional staff should consider that it is his/her responsibility to report any incidents of property damage by students or others so that restitution may be gained and repairs made. This pertains to the damage of equipment, materials, furniture, the building, or property. Such damage is covered by the insurance company servicing the School Board. Reports are to be submitted to repair such damage to the building.Here are some helpful hints to help limit vandalism:Be sure you lock the classroom door when leaving the room.Students should never have possession of the classroom keys.No money should be kept in the classroom.Do not bring large sums of money to school with you. Purses should be kept out of sight, in a locked desk drawer, file cabinet or car trunk.Notify the main office whenever you see a stranger or older student on school grounds.Instill ownership for the building, its contents, school materials and supplies.Make it a priority that students keep their areas clean.Any damage that is not accidentally caused to the building by a student or staff member that is not considered routine wear and tear is vandalism.VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES/PROCEDURES (back)Volunteer utilization will be determined by school personnel based on the needs of the educational program. All in-house information to which volunteers are subjected must be considered confidential. Volunteers will be inserviced for specific task assignments. Once volunteers commit themselves to assist our program we ask that they remain consistent. Volunteers must sign in/out and complete a volunteer registration from each year. A staff liaison and a PTO representative will be Volunteer Coordinators for Maplewood Elementary School. All volunteers will be processed through the county registration program. WORKER’S COMPENSATION (back)Any work related accident that will require medical attention must be reported to the office on the day of the accident. Specific instructions must be followed in filing any claim and only doctors approved by Worker's Compensation Insurance can be seen for treatment. Any delayed claim of more than twenty-four (24) hours will not be honored. APPENDIX(back)MAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL9850 Ramblewood DriveCoral Springs, FL 33071Phone: 754-322-6850 Fax: 754-322-6890Date: ____________________Dear Parent/Guardian,________________________ will not be receiving a grade this quarter. A student must be in attendance 25 school days each quarter to receive a grade.Sincerely,TeacherBIRTHDAYS (back)JANUARYFEBRUARYMARCHAPRIL8- ANTHONY JOHNSON3-ZEPPORAH ABRAHAM3-DARNELL FORTUNE2-JUSTIN WEXLER10-ANN MARIE WALTERS29-KAREN ZASLOW7-JENNIFER NEIHEISEL7-JESSICA SANTIAGO24-WENDY MADER30-MARY MARTINELLI11-NAOMI CHURCH7-REBECCA LEVINE30-LAURIE MARCOVICH13-AMY EULER10-ALEXIS MIHACY27-ERIKA BRETZ12-AMBER LENTZ12-ASHLEY KOZLOWSKI (SRO?21-ERIKA LOY?25-DEBORAH SAULSBY?28-CARMEN COLLADOMAYJULYAUGUST7-CHERI CELESTI1-MARIANNE LABOMBARDA6-SONDRA APPLEBY11-MARCIA MC CREA12-RON SMITH16-CHRISTINE LALLANCE19-SHERRY BEES17-MINDY MANSDORF22- KAREN HART28-MARIA CASTRANOVO23-JULIA SIMMONSJUNE4-DAYNA CHAPMAN21-LINDA COTE21-ELEANOR GOLDBERGSEPTEMBER30-CYNTHIA TORRES-PRIETONOVEMBERDECEMBER8-DOREEN WILLIAMS1-ASHLEY FASEL5-JEANNE REYNOLDS10-LYSSETT HERNANDEZ2-ALAN JABLONOWITZ9-LORI MOORE16-LINDA TRIMBLE5-CAMILLE ORR14-DOLLY DOE18-MERCEDES SPEID-WHYTE8-KIMBERLY SMITH26-CARMEN CHIRINO18-RHONDA SMITH16-ANNETTE TINGLEY31-RACHEL TYMAN25-MIRIAM SANDBRANDOCTOBER31-EWA DZIALOWSKI27-DONNA CHIARELLI9-CHARMAINE LOEVER11-STEPHANI TAM15-SARA JEANNOT28-ANNIE ESTEVEZ29-NATALIE ANJOSMAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL9850 Ramblewood DriveCoral Springs, FL 33071CUSTODIAL COMMENT SHEETDate: ____________________Teacher: ___________________ (code: 1 = good; 2 = fair; 3 = poor; NA = not applicable)_____ Bathroom Clean_____ Paper Towels_____ Sink Clean_____ Toilet Paper_____ TV Dusted_____ Lights_____ Baseboard Dusted_____ Soap_____ Room Vacuumed_____ Board(s) Cleaned_____ Trash Emptied_____ Trash Can LinerOther: __________________________________________________________Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OFFICE USE ONLY:CUSTODIAN: _______________________ACTION(S) TAKEN: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORMS TO MRS. PHILLIPS BY___________.MAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL9850 Ramblewood DriveCoral Springs, FL 33071CUSTODIAL REQUESTDate: ____________________Teacher: ______________________Room: __________Request(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________Assistant Principal’s Signature Custodian’s SignatureDate Completed: ________center0ESP EVAL.- (back)00ESP EVAL.- (back)TDA-(back)The School Board of Broward County,FloridaSchool Food Service Department NOTICE OF FIELD TRIP DATE: _____________________CLASS(ES): ___________________________________________________ Number of students participating: __________ Date of Field Trip: ____________________ Departure Time: __________ Please check one of the following: _____ Will be eating lunch away from school _____ We will be eating lunch at ________ instead of our regular time. Please complete and return this form to the Cafeteria Manager no less than one week before the field trip. Sponsor’s Signature: __________________________ORDERS-(back)2400301394460 HYPERLINK \l "_TABLE_OF_CONTENTS" Laminating RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Laminating RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Laminating RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Laminating RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Laminating RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Laminating RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Poster RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Poster RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Poster RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Poster RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Poster RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________Poster RequestToday’ s Date: ______________Name Date: _____________Date Needed: ______________Grade/Dept.: _____________7594609403080THE SAFE USE OF ARTWORK-(back)559435688340MAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL9850 Ramblewood DriveCoral Springs, FL 33071Phone: 754-322-6850 Fax: 754-322-6890Date: ____________________Dear Maplewood Parent or Guardian,This letter is to inform you that your child _____________________ was not in uniform today. Our uniform policy has been in effect since August 29th of this year.Please sign and return this letter to your child’s teacher on the next scheduled school day. Thank you for your support in assisting your child in following the dress code policy. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact your child’s teacher.Respectfully,The Uniform Committee________________________ (parent signature)MAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL9850 Ramblewood DriveCoral Springs, FL 33071Principal: Sherry Bees Assistant Principal: Michele PhillipsBehavior Concern FormStudent:_________________ Grade:_____ Date:_____ Time:_____Reported by:__________________Reason for unsatisfactory conduct report:__ inappropriate behavior (see comments) __throwing objects __stealing__destroying property __threatening/fighting/bullying __being rude__inappropriate physical conduct __inappropriate language/gestures __running __using bathroom facilities inappropriately __talking excessively __leaving classroom without permission __not completing assignments in class__bringing toys/games __cafeteria behavior __specials behavior __otherTeacher actions taken:__reprimand __writing assignment __time out of class __phone call home __parent conference __loss of privilege __daily/weekly progress sheet __student/teacher conference __visit to guidance/behavior specialist__referral to child study __otherComments: Administrative Action:___before school detention ___after school detention ___lunch detention___parent contacted ___parent conference ___student conference Student Signature:_______________________Administrator/Counselor Signature:______________________13811257874000Child Abuse Report Form(back)Child Abuse Report Form Directions (back)-457200-228600Maplewood Elementary00Maplewood Elementary2015 - 2016Positive Behavior Management PlanSuperPositiveOutstandingWorthyEnthusiasticRespectfulMaplewood ElementarySchool-Wide Behavioral ExpectationsRATIONALEOur school-wide Positive Behavioral Management Plan (PBMP) is based on the premise that all students can benefit from well-implemented, evidence-based practices for improving student behavior. The school-wide PBMP is a system of behavioral supports for all students. Our school-wide PBMP provides a positive focus to encouraging desirable student behaviors by setting universal expectations for behavior, positively stated that are established for all students in all locations of?the school. These expectations promote core values such?as respect, responsibility, and safety. Strategies are implemented to teach and reinforce these expectations. These include:Direct instruction in specific student behaviors that demonstrate respect, responsibility and safety in various locations in the school. Positive adult/teacher attention and other reinforcements to students for demonstrating positive behaviors. Predictable consequences for behavior infractions that are delivered consistently by all staff throughout the entire school. Consequences are not primarily punitive in nature; they are an opportunity for the student to learn from his or her mistakes and to accept responsibility for the choices that he or she made.Students can benefit from instruction in positive behavior expectations and positive acknowledgments. PBMP is an approach that will strengthen the repertoire of social skills for any student. As students become effective models for each other (respect, order and safety), these skills become embedded in our school’s culture.This guide provides specific goals, behavioral expectations, teacher and staff responsibilities, strategies for acknowledgement, procedures for handling infractions of behavioral expectations, and specific routines to be followed.School Goal:Students at Maplewood Elementary will use their SUPER POWERS throughout the school day by following the behavioral expectations.STUDENT BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS AND RULES:EXPECTATIONSRULESBe RespectfulRespect others and all property.Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.Use appropriate and positive languageListen when others are speaking and speak when it is your turn.Be ResponsibleFollow all staff directions the first time given.Take care of your personal belongings and clean up after yourself.Be prepared to learn.Be SafeKeep your hands and feet to yourself.Staff Responsibilities:The teacher will teach, model and practice each of the behavioral expectations throughout the year.Staff will acknowledge student behaviors that meet expectations.Teachers and staff will implement interaction strategies. Interact with studentsAlways look around at studentsMove constantly in and around studentsCHAMP’sA classroom management system used to develop structure in which students are responsible, motivated and engaged in activities. The teacher teaches students how to be successful in specific classroom activities by using Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation.CHAMP’s Common Area Behavior ExpectationsHallways - Level 0Front Office - Level 2Cafeteria - Level 1Outside Walkways - Level 0Playground - Level 4Field - Level 4Restrooms - Level 0Classrooms – Based on Activity – Determined by the teacherSUPER POWER BehaviorsPOSITIVEOUTSTANDINGWORTHYENTHUSIASMRESPECTMANDATORY SCHOOL UNIFORMSMaplewood has a unified dress code and ALL students are to wear a uniform daily. The styles selected are in compliance with the Broward County Dress Code and are comfortable and safe for school activities. Examples of uniform styles are on display in our front office. Slacks, Skorts, Culottes, Skirts, and Shorts Navy, Khaki, and PlaidPolo Shirts and Oxfords (long or short sleeve) White, Light Blue, Navy, and Royal BlueResearch suggests that school uniforms improve discipline, self-esteem, and self-respect. School uniforms tend to shift the child’s attention to learning and eliminate the fear of whether the choice of clothing will be acceptable by peers. Uniforms provide students with a school identity and strengthen school pride. Uniforms for students help identify student population from strangers on school grounds. Student uniforms will be checked by school staff. Incentives will be provided for classes that have 100% uniform participation. Teachers can help support the 100% uniform participation through Class Dojo, tickets for privileges, etc.Periodically Primary and Intermediate students will be selected to appear on WOWL to highlight their uniform style.Acknowledgment SystemMaplewood’s BPMP focuses on acknowledging students who demonstrate behavioral expectations. The program works in conjunction with classroom goals.Specific verbal feedbackWhen you observe students being safe, organized, accountable, and/or respectful, acknowledge them by giving specific positive verbal feedback such as:“That was so helpful the way you held the door open for your classmates.”“Thank you for walking with your hands and feet to yourself.”Super BehaviorStudents who demonstrate Super Behavior expectations can receive Super Bucks. Super Bucks may be used to purchase items in Maplewood’s “Super School Store”.Kids of CharacterMonthly, one student in each class is acknowledged for exhibiting the “Character Trait” of the month. Kids of Character have their picture displayed on a bulletin board in the cafeteria for all to see and the student also participates in a monthly breakfast with the Principal. CHARACTER TRAITSCooperation - SeptemberResponsibility - OctoberCitizenship - NovemberKindness - DecemberRespect – JanuaryHonesty – FebruarySelf-Control - MarchTolerance - AprilStudent who exhibits to be overall a Kid of Character model student – MayGuidelines for Teaching Positive School BehaviorsWhen introducing behavioral expectations, follow four basic steps:Step 1: Access prior knowledge of appropriate behaviors in specific settings. Step 2: Identify behaviors for specific setting.Step 3: Model appropriate behaviors for specific setting.Step 4: Review expectations for specific settingCafeteria ExpectationsSafety in the cafeteria:Hands and feet to yourselfEat your own foodRaise your hand for permission to get out of your seatWalk on the blue line when entering and exitingResponsibility in the cafeteria:Focus on eating firstFollow proceduresClean up after yourselfUse table mannersRespect in the cafeteria:Wait your turnUse a CHAMP’s Level 1 (whisper voices)Respond to adult’s signal for silence (“May I have your attention please”)Follow directions given by the adultsRespect others’ personal spaceCafeteria Staff ResponsibilitiesInteract with studentsAlways look around at studentsMove constantly in and around studentsStaff ResponsibilitiesAlways monitor studentsBring and pick up your students at your scheduled timeWalk students to the kitchen entrance.Cafeteria ProceduresEnter the cafeteria by walking on the blue line at a CHAMP’s Level 0 (no talking).Students bringing lunch – walk to your table.Students buying lunch – stand in line quietly, keeping hands and feet to yourself.Give your attention to the cafeteria staff.Walk to your table.Remain seated facing forward.Use a CHAMP’s Level 1 (whisper voices) Talk only to those across and next to you.For adult assistance, raise your hand and wait.Eat your food only.Use good table manners. Pick up any food or trash you dropped onto the floor. When finished, wait for adult’s permission to throw trash away and line up on the blue line.Dispose of all uneaten food and trash carefully in the somat or garbage can.Walk on the blue line and wait for your teacher. Green Cone:CHAMP’s Level 1 – Whisper VoicesYellow Cone:WarningRed Cone:CHAMP’s Level 0 - No Talking A cone stack in the order of red, yellow and green are placed on the table for the first 5 minutes with the red cone on top. The red on top indicates no talking (CHAMP’s Level 0). This ensures that lunch is eaten and there is a reduction of noise since at any one time, 2-3 classes will not be talking. Overall, the noise level is reduced. Adult Cafeteria Monitors keep time so that cones are changed to green after 5 minutes and the students can speak with a whisper (CHAMP’s Level 1). The cone remains on green provided the class follows the cafeteria rules. When a reminder is given, the cone is changed to yellow. If the class continues to not comply, their cone is changed to red. The cones are changed back to green when the rules are followed. For non-emergency situations, (students are in need of hearing instructions and/or given direction) the Adult Cafeteria Monitor in charge, will hold two fingers up and say into the microphone, “May I have your attention please!” The students are expected to be silent (CHAMP’s Level 0) within 5 seconds. Students are to use the restroom before or after their lunch period. They are permitted to use the restroom only in an emergency. When students use the restroom, they must go to the restroom in pairs. The two students must return prior to releasing another two for the restroom.When the class is being dismissed from the table, the Leader will implement the “1, 2, 3” process.“You’re on a 1”: Students begin silence (CHAMP’s Level 0) through the remaining dismissal process. They are to clean-up around their tray/lunch box and get ready to go.“You’re on a 2”: Students pick-up all of the trash around them including under the table.“You’re on a 3”: Students stand-up, pick-up trays/lunch boxes, face the Leader and be prepared to listen/follow for directions.Hallway ExpectationsSafety in the hallway:Always walk with a buddyHands and feet to yourselfWalk on the right side of the hallwayLook straight aheadClasses walk in a single file with their hands behind their backs (“Maplewood Walk”).Responsibility in the hallway:Stay with your classGo directly to your destinationRespect in the hallway:Respect others’ personal spaceUse CHAMP’s Level 0 voiceFront Office ExpectationsSafety in the front office:Wait patiently while sitting or standing in one placeResponsibility in the front office:Tell the truthRespect in the front office:Report to a desk and address the staff politelyWait quietlyUse please, thank you and excuse me.Maintain a voice at a CHAMP’s Level 2.Restroom ExpectationsSafety in the restroom:Walk with your buddyUse restroom facilities appropriately Tell an adult if restroom needs attentionResponsibility in the restroomFollow Steps 1, 2 & 3 Handwashing ProceduresClean up after yourselfReturn directly to class or designated area when finishedRespectful in the restroom:Lock stalls when entering and unlock when leavingRespect privacy of othersUse a CHAMP’s Level 0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handwashing ProceduresStep One Turn on waterStep Two Use soapStep Three Wash and dry handsExtended PE ExpectationsSafety at extended PE:Follow playground proceduresIn class line walk on the sidewalk to recreational areaFollow game rulesInform adult of unsafe behavior Responsibility at extended PE:Put equipment away when finishedLine up quickly when calledListen for directionsBe responsible for equipmentRespect at extended PE:Respect school propertyShare equipmentUse positive wordsTake turnsUse good sportsmanshipStaff ResponsibilitiesInteract with studentsAlways look around at studentsMove constantly around studentPlayground ProceduresPlayground EquipmentGet off equipment carefullyCross bars should be crossed using hands onlyOne person on cross bars and slide at a timeHands and feet to yourself while on equipmentEquipmentTake care of all equipmentUse equipment properlyReturn equipment when finishedLet teachers know when balls go over the fenceFieldShare space on field for different activitiesFollow rules of the gameStaff ResponsibilitiesInteract with studentsAlways look around at studentsMove constantly in and around studentsArrival ExpectationsSafety during arrival:Enter building when doors are opened by walking to your designated areaArrive at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m.Proceed to your designated area on a CHAMP’s Level 0 Responsibility during arrival:Make sure all materials are in your backpack (lunch, planner, homework etc.)Arrive at school on time (between 7:30 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.)If you are having breakfast, proceed to the cafeteria and follow Cafeteria ProceduresSit in your designated area and read a book until the bell rings at 7:50 a.m.Go straight to classroom when dismissed from the hallways or cafeteriaArrivals after 8:00 a.m., report to office for a tardy slip Respect during arrival:Keep hands and feet to yourselfUse CHAMP’s Level 1 voiceRespect others’ personal spaceRespond appropriately to adult directions------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dismissal ExpectationsSafety during dismissal:Walk to designated dismissal area with adultFollow hallway expectations CHAMP’s Level 0Responsibility during dismissal:Be packed and ready to goKeep materials in backpack until arriving homeRemain in your dismissal area until directed by an adult Respect during dismissal:Keep hands and feet to yourselfRespect others’ personal spaceRespond appropriately to adult directionsStaff ResponsibilitiesInteract with studentsAlways look around at studentsMove constantly in and around studentsCar Rider Dismissal ProceduresWalk quietly in line on a CHAMP’s Level 0 with the teacher on duty to the appropriate dismissal area Wait in your designated area on a CHAMP’s Level 1 until you are called to stand next to your designated coneStaff ResponsibilitiesInteract with studentsMake positive comments to students following expectationsCheck parent car tag before allowing student to get in the carCheck dismissal tags to ensure a safe dismissalAssist students to proceed to their designated coneWalker/Biker Dismissal ProceduresWalk at a CHAMP’s Level 0 while going to your dismissal destinationWait in designated area at a CHAMP’s Level 0 until you are called by an adultStay on sidewalk between the adults walking you to the end of campusRiders must get off and walk bikes, scooters, or skateboards while on school property and across the streetStaff ResponsibilitiesInteract with students by providing guidance with dismissal proceduresMake positive comments to students following expectationsCheck dismissal and parent tags to ensure a safe dismissal prior to releasing the studentIf designated to walk students to the end of campus, monitor students to ensure safety on the sidewalkIf designated to release walkers to walking parents, be sure to check the student tag and parent car tagBus Dismissal ProceduresWait at your designated table until your bus number has been calledWait on the blue line at a CHAMP’s Level 0 until you have been dismissed by an adultWalk in a single file line to your busLeave personal space for people around you when entering the busStaff ResponsibilitiesWalk around the tables to monitor studentsInteract with studentsMake positive comments to students following expectationsCheck dismissal tags to ensure a safe dismissalBus ExpectationsSafety on the bus:Wait your turn and keep personal space while getting on the busRemain seated in one seat until bus comes to your stopKeep hands and objects inside bus, and out of the aisleResponsibility on the bus:Keep all materials inside your backpack until arrival in classroom or homeKeep your belongings, hands and feet out of the aisleBoard or exit the bus only at your designated stopKeep all food and drinks in backpack until off of the busRespect on the bus:Follow bus driver instructionsTalk on a CHAMP’s Level 1Keep hands and feet to yourselfMove over to allow others to sit in a seat when askedCLASSROOMPOSITIVE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PLAN (PBMP)Classroom PBS Mirrors School-Wide PBSEach classroom in a school building replicates the school-wide behavior expectations and establishes rules specific to that setting (e.g., art class, band class, gym class, first grade). The expectations should be displayed on a poster or bulletin board when a student enters the room. Behavioral expectations are directly taught to the student and always modeled by the teacher. Strategies for discipline in the classroom are consistent with the strategies used across all settings in the school. The consistency of classroom PBMP that mirrors the school-wide PBMP will increase instructional time. Classroom teachers provide instruction within a classroom management system that has universal systems of behavioral support. The basic ingredients for creating classroom PBM can be viewed through the Four R’s:1. Rules aligned to behavior expectations.2. Rewards to acknowledge student behavior.3. Routines to support efficient classroom management and prevent downtime.4. Relationships to build a positive working relationship in a safe and civil environment.Setting clear and consistent routines/procedures in your classroom may include:Procedures for turning in papers. Procedures for passing out papers and collecting papers. Procedures for taking tests. Behavior for entering the classroom. Behavior for entering the classroom when late to class. Behavior for exiting the classroom. Procedures for throwing away garbage, sharpening pencils, getting paper and other supplies, using the bathroom, and getting a drink of water. Processes for making up work. Consequences for late or missed work. Behavior for asking questions, answering questions and ?volunteering answers. Procedures for recording assignments. ?Active teaching of classroom rules. Teaching procedures for transition times; rehearsal of transition. Praise/encouragement contingent Delivering effective redirection or corrections. Promoting positive behavior through attribution: “I know you can do this,” or “I know you will do your best.” Problem-solving student conferences.Advanced organizers and reminders of expected behaviors.Reinforcement of the appropriate behavior of other students. Moving closer to students with behavior concerns.Moving throughout the classroom?as a “roving reinforcer” of student behavior.Universally understood signal for students to give the teacher their full attention (e.g., hand clap pattern, sustained teacher silence, count down).Class DoJoClip up/down color systemWhole Brain StrategiesConsider the following when implementing classroom student support plans:Does the strategy treat students with dignity? Does the teacher’s response to inappropriate behavior include a component to teach the student the appropriate response? Is the response to any rule violation clear to the student? Is there a sequential or hierarchical response to rule violations? Classroom meetings—can improve working relationships ?This process can support the implementation of classroom PBMP and involves the whole classroom and teacher in problem solving. ?Purpose of the classroom meetings is to: Increase positive involvement with school, teacher, and one another. Solve class problems. Learn to think. Types of meetings: Problem solving: to find resolution to the problems of living in a school community. Open ended: to increase thinking skills and understanding of topics. Educational diagnostic: to civilly evaluate effectiveness of instruction. ?Meeting mechanics: Seated in a tight circle with no furniture or other barriers within the circle. Regularly scheduled time. Ten to twenty minutes as ?developmentally appropriate. Guidelines for the leader:Non-judgmental responses.Display warmth and enthusiasm for the processSet ground rules and review often.Reflections after the meeting:Were the students engaged in discussion?Did these students share their concerns and ideas thoughtfully and politely?Did the students listen attentively?Handling Infractions of Behavioral ExpectationsMaplewood Elementary will maintain a level system for handling infractions of behavioral expectations. Outlined below is the level system along with the instructions for handling such behaviors:Level 1 behaviors include (Classroom):Inappropriate language (i.e. casual curse word in a sentence)Defiance, disrespect, insubordination, non-complianceLying, cheatingDisruption, excessive talkingDress code violationNot turning in homeworkNot prepared for classStep 1: Level 1 behaviors are to be handled by the classroom teacher or staff member witnessing such behaviors. The behaviors should be noted on Virtual Counselor under Teacher Strategies. Step 2: The classroom teacher should contact the parent to advise them of the concerning behaviors. Contact the Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal if you need assistance in this process by completing the Tier 1: Teacher Behavior Strategy/Activity Form on Virtual Counselor. Note your parent contact attempts on the form when contact is made or not.Step 3: If Level 1 behaviors do not improve, please email the Guidance Counselor to set up an appointment to discuss concerns and interventions.Level 2 behaviors include (Referrals):Abusive language towards othersFighting, physical aggression (pushing, shoving intentionally) Forgery TheftProperty damage/VandalismViolation of district technology guidelinesThe staff person who witnesses the infraction is to complete a Referral on Virtual Counselor. It would be helpful that the teacher also contact the Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal via email to notify them of the referral waiting. For additional information on referable offenses and consequences see the SBBC Discipline Matrix contained in this document.An administrator will notify parents.Level 3 behaviors include (Bullying Referrals):Repeated, Intentional and Purposeful (RIP) harassment, teasing and/or taunting (physical and/or verbal)The teacher is to contact the Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal regarding these behaviors via email or calling the front office.CODE VIOLET (SERIOUS BEHAVIOR PROBLEM)Called by the Classroom Teacher when a student displays aggressive and/or disruptive behaviors that continue to occur after CHAMP’s and Maplewood’s Positive Behavioral Management Plan (PBMP) have been implemented with fidelity.A Support Staff (Principal, Assistant Principal, Guidance Counselor, ESE Specialist or Reading Coach) will respond to the Code Violet and the classroom teacher will communicate why the Code was called. It will be up to the person responding to assess the situation as to determining the need of removing students from the classroom.Code Violet = Support Staff will determine if a Referral should be entered on Virtual Counselor or a Conduct Concern form should be completed. Either is to be completed by the end of the work day from the teacher who called the Code.SUGGESTED LINKS FOR BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIESClass DOJOImprove specific student behaviors and engagement by awarding and recording real-time feedback. Print or email behavior reports to easily engage parents and staff. Save time by recording behaviors and accomplishments right in class, with just one click and no extra data entry required.Daily Teaching Tools downloadable classroom resourcesLEAPS support for educators (teachers, administrators and families) that is researched-based, practical and improves behavior, grades and attendance. District has a license for free access.CHAMP’sSee Instructional Strategies for CHAMP’s Classroom and Behavior Management training modules and video gallery. See Violence heading to locate Anti-Bullying curriculum videos.Character TraitsInstruction-strategies/character/curriculum-2Click on the box of crayons to view the Primary curriculum Click on the pencil case to view the Intermediate curriculum*NOTICE: FEDERAL DRUG FREE SCHOOL ACTTHE FEDERAL DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES ACT (PL 101-226) REQUIRES THE SCHOOL BOARD TO NOTIFY ALL EMPLOYEES ABOUT THE FOLLOWING FACTS: 1. School Board Standards of Conduct for its employees prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school premises or as part of any of its activities. 2. Any employee who violates the Standards of Conduct listed in #1 above will be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and referral for prosecution. Disciplinary action may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program. 3. Information about drugs and alcohol counseling rehabilitation are available through the School Board's Employee Assistance Program 754-322-6550 4. Board employees must notify their supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. All of the above provisions are also required pursuant to School Board Policy #2400 (Drug-Free Workplace). I have read and understand the Federal Drug-Free School Act. SIGNATURE: ____________________________Date: _______________________ Please return to Mrs. Reynolds by Friday, AUGUST 28, 2015. MAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARYHANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2015 - 2016Employee AcknowledgmentI have received, read and understand Maplewood Elementary School’s Handbook for the 2015 – 2016 school year.3251835142874005143514287400 Print Name Signature5143516128900 DatePlease return this form to Mrs. Reynold by Friday, AUGUST 28, 2015. ................

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