How to register for training through ELM

How to register for training through ELM

Step 1: Log on to Employee Self Service

Self Service

Favorites Main Menu



User ID [0 1 12233

Password [??????????

!S ig n In


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I> State of M N Self Service - Forgot Your Password? - Problems Signing On? - P rivacy Statemen t

Step 2: Click "State of MN Self Service" on the Enterprise menu.

Self Service

nterprise Menu State of MN Self Seiv,ce

C o..,.

Welcome to Se~ Service

,. 0 ..

To enter the State of Minnesota Self Service, click the State of MN Self Service link under Enterprise Menu.

Step 3: On Main Menu page, Select the "Enterprise Learning Mgmt (ELM)" Category

Self Service

Favorites Main Menu

State of MN Self Service

State of MN Self Service

S tate of Min nesota Employee Self Service informal.Ion and acbvities ~ - - - - - - - -

My Pavstub

-c("') View pay stub information.

,- ~ i:;?a~JJ1~t~on ~~

~ My Leave Activity ~ View Leave Information

fil My Leave Activity C Instructions








~ Time Entry ~ Enter lime worked and leave taken

~ Other Payroll ~~ Update and view all other payroll self

L\!J l ~t3 fn'}-gr~~~n



First Report of Injury

Lmks for superv1sors or workers' compensation coord inators t o report woric: related 1nJunes or 1nc1dent s

r=' F irs t Re rtof l nu

n ~ E rE7nEtenrteprrpisriseeLLeeaarmniinnggMMgmgtm(Et L(EML) M)

@I i ~ Need Assistance" ~ ou have quesbons or you are havir

::. n ~~~gre~~~hng~t';?te"

Voter Registration

Links to vo ter inform ation and registr~ information about the state law requin n ~ ~ ;:~retary of State's site ~ More mformat1on

Step 4: On Learning Home page, Select "Find Learning"

Mam Menu ?


Learnin Home

Quick Links

r~ Find Learning -c~---?

My Learning

5! Certifications

I@) Learning Plans

Supplemental Learning

I!] Announcements

0 No Current Announcements.

C o..-

Step 5: On the "Find Learning" page:

In Advanced Search section, Type "Intruder" in the "Description field" Select Search

Advanced Search ? From Date End Date

Learning Type IAJI Title







Description Intruder



Search Results

View All First 1 -1 ol 1 Last

B [?] Expand


DLI Armed Intruder and Workplaco Violence Provontion Training (B42DLI0006)

Search Results will list the course "DLI Armed Intruder and Workplace Violence Prevention

Training (B42DLI0006)" four classes:

Class Code Type

Start Date


B42DLI0019a Classroom 8/20/19 (9:00 a. m. ? 11:30 a.m.)

Minnesota Rm. St. Paul

B42DLI0019b Classroom 8/20/19 (1:00 p.m. ? 3:30 p.m.)

Minnesota Rm. St. Paul

B42DLI0019c Classroom 8/21/19 (9:00 a.m. ? 11:30 p.m.)

Minnesota Rm. St. Paul

B42DLI0019d Classroom 8/21/19 (1:30 p.m. ? 3:30 p.m.)

Minnesota Rm. St. Paul

Select "View Details" to get details of times and of what will be covered in the training.

Search Results

View All First

1 - 1 of 1


[?) Expand E] Collapse

DLI Armed Intruder and Workplace Violence Prevention Training (B42DLI0006)



Plan for Later

Armed Intruder and Workplace Violence Preventio~ ? ? :, fe Pl I 11?

Pl ' nroll in only one session. All sessions will be

held in the Minnesota Room at the St. Paul Office.~ ew Details ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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