Vacation Leave - Asheville–Buncombe Technical Community ...

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College(A-B Tech) ProcedureProcedure 507: Vacation LeaveFull-time regular employees will accrue vacation in accordance with the following table. Time accrued will be consistent with the contract agreed upon by the College and the employee.Years of Aggregate Membership Service*Less than 5: 15 Days, or 120 hours per year, 10 hours per month5 but less than 10: 18 Days, or 144 hours per year, 12 hours per month10 but less than 15: 21 Days, or 168 hours per year, 14 hours per month15 but less than 20: 24 Days, or 192 hours per year, 16 hours per month20 or more: 26 Days, or 208 hours per year, 17.33 hours per month*Aggregate Membership Service is service earned while an active employee contributes to one or more of the NC Retirement Systems: Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement SystemLocal Governmental Employees’ Retirement SystemConsolidated Judicial Retirement SystemLegislative Retirement System.Exceptions to years of aggregate service must be approved by the President.Accumulation Full-time regular employees who are in a pay status for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays and holidays in the pay period or on workers’ compensation leave, are eligible to accrue vacation leave.Vacation may be accumulated on a monthly basis without any applicable maximum until December 31 of each year. On December 31, any employee with more than 30 days of accumulated vacation shall have the excess automatically converted to the employee’s sick leave balance. If an employee separates prior to December 31, the employee will not be eligible to have the excess leave converted to the sick leave balance.If an employee has accumulated insufficient paid leave to be away from work, the President may grant leave without pay in rare circumstances. Individuals who are employed with the College who have previous service will accrue vacation leave based on their verified aggregate service. Use of Vacation LeaveVacation time can only be taken during the contract period, in units of one hour. Vacation requests must be submitted in accordance with the Requesting and Reporting Absence Procedure. Anyone taking leave without prior approval may be subject to leave without pay for the time taken as well as disciplinary action.In unusual circumstances when vacation time has been depleted or not yet accrued, the President may approve leave without pay. That approval must be obtained prior to an absence.Deduction for pre-approved vacation leave on days of inclement weather will coincide with the operating hours of the College.Vacation may be used for inclement weather or emergencies when the College remains open. If vacation leave will run concurrently with Family/Medical Leave (FML), applicable FML requirements and procedures will be applied. Transfer or Payment of Vacation LeaveUnused vacation accrued at the College may be transferred when an employee accepts employment with another State agency, providing that agency is willing to accept such vacation leave.Lump sum payment for leave that is not transferred to another State agency is made only at the time of separation of employment and shall not exceed a maximum of 240 hours.For newly hired employees, the College will accept a maximum of 240 hours of vacation leave from North Carolina State governmental agencies covered by the North Carolina Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement Plan or local government upon receiving a verified statement of unused vacation leave from the previous employing agency. Up to 240 hours of vacation leave may be accepted from other NC government agencies at the discretion of the College.Bonus VacationThe North Carolina General Assembly has the authority to grant bonus vacation in lieu of salary increases. Bonus vacation is separate from other leave plans and may be used or paid out in full at the time of separation, or if allowed by the North Carolina General Assembly. To date, the schedule of Bonus Vacation awarded includes:80 hours on September 30, 200280 hours on July 1, 200340 hours on September 1, 200540 hours on September 1, 2014Special Annual Bonus Leave awarded July 1, 2017The North Carolina General Assembly authorized in Section 35.18 a one-time annual leave bonus of an additional three days of annual leave for any person who is full-time, permanent on July 1, 2017. The additional leave shall be accounted for separately and shall be available during the length of an employee’s employment. This additional annual leave has no cash value and is not eligible for cash in. If this additional leave is not used prior to an employee’s separation or retirement, the bonus leave cannot be paid out and is forfeited.Special Annual Bonus Leave awarded July 1, 2018The North Carolina General Assembly authorized in Section 35.26 a one-time annual leave bonus of an additional 5 days of annual leave for any person who is full-time, permanent on July 1, 2018. The additional leave shall be accounted for separately and shall be available during the length of an employee’s employment. This additional annual leave has no cash value and is not eligible for cash in. If this additional leave is not used prior to an employee’s separation or retirement, the bonus leave cannot be paid out and is forfeited. Any vacation leave remaining on December 31st of each calendar year in excess of 30 days shall be reduced by the number of days awarded in this section that were actually used by the employee during the year. Therefore, the calculation of vacation leave days that would convert to sick leave shall reflect a deduction of those days of special annual leave awarded in this section that were used by the employee during the year. Section 35.26.(e) clarifies these days deducted will be awarded back to this Special Annual Bonus Leave bank on January 1. Other Legislative LeaveThe North Carolina General Assembly has the authority to grant other leave that may include restrictions for use.Retention of Leave RecordsPursuant to the North Carolina Community College System of Records Retention and Disposal Schedule, Item 45622, leave records for all separated employees shall be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of separation if no litigation, claim, audit or other official action involving the records has been initiated.References: Positions categories are defined in Policy 503.05, Employment Categories and Classifications.Requesting and Reporting Absence Procedure Pursuant to Board Policy 507, this procedure must be followed when addressing vacation leave with employees.Owner: Executive Director, Human Resources & Organizational Development, Ext. 7900Updated: January 24, 2024 ................

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