ORGANIZATION - Workplace Safety North

|Task/Activity |

|Develop measures and procedures for response to an | |Pandemic Planning policy and procedures| | | |

|influenza pandemic | | | | | |

|Identify a pandemic coordinator and/or team with defined| |Pandemic policy with responsibilities | | | |

|roles and responsibilities for preparedness and response| |outlined in line with Incident | | | |

|planning. The planning process should include input from| |Management Plan | | | |

|HSR/H&S Committee. | | | | | |

|Identify essential employees and other critical inputs | |Documentation of critical employees and| | | |

|(e.g. raw materials, suppliers, sub-contractor services/| |inputs arranged by location and | | | |

|products, and logistics) required to maintain business | |function | | | |

|operations by location and function during a pandemic. | | | | | |

|Prepare and, if necessary, train ancillary workforce | |Document essential services, training | | | |

|(e.g. contractors, employees in other job | |and operational needs based on phased | | | |

|titles/descriptions, retirees) to perform essential | |implementation | | | |

|services | | | | | |

|Develop and plan for scenarios likely to result in an | |Document outlining the service | | | |

|increase or decrease in demand for your products and/or | |increase/decrease according to a phased| | | |

|services during a pandemic (e.g. restriction on mass | |response | | | |

|gatherings, psychological support). | | | | | |

|Determine potential impact of a pandemic on company | |Document outlining the financial impact| | | |

|business financials using multiple possible scenarios | |according to a phased response | | | |

|that affect different product lines and/or production | | | | | |

|sites. | | | | | |

|Establish an emergency communications plan and revise | |Document as part of pandemic plan a | | | |

|periodically. This plan includes identification of key | |communication plan | | | |

|contacts (with back-ups), chain of communications | | | | | |

|(including suppliers and customers), and processes for | | | | | |

|tracking and communicating business and employee status | | | | | |

|Implement an exercise/drill to test your plan, and | |Tabletop exercise with scenario with | | | |

|revise periodically. | |minutes | | | |

|Ensure access to necessary knowledge and support in | |Contact name / number of knowledgeable | | | |

|pandemic influenza | |individual | | | |

|Based on risk assessment and previous pandemic | |Control document indicates review and | | | |

|responses, update plan, control measures and training as| |updates made | | | |

|appropriate | | | | | |

|Plan for the impact of a pandemic on your employees and customers |

|Create an implementation plan for a pandemic response | |Pandemic plan with implementation | | | |

|based on the WHOs pandemic alert phases and actions | |according to phases | | | |

|Forecast and allow for employee absences during a | |Communication document outlining | | | |

|pandemic due to factors such as personal illness, family| |absence management according to phased | | | |

|member illness, community containment measures and | |implementation | | | |

|quarantines, school and/or business closures, and public| | | | | |

|transportation closures. | | | | | |

|Implement guidelines to modify the frequency and type of| |Environment use document outlining | | | |

|face-to-face contact (e.g. handshaking, seating in | |absence management according to phased | | | |

|meetings, office layout, shared workstations) among | |implementation | | | |

|employees and between employees and | | | | | |

|Customers. | | | | | |

|Encourage annual influenza vaccination for employees. | |Documented communication | | | |

|Evaluate employee access to and availability of | |Document healthcare services | | | |

|healthcare services during a pandemic and improve | |geographically | | | |

|services as needed. | | | | | |

|Consider the use of space and non-traditional space in | |Map the use of current and future space| | | |

|relation to a pandemic response (sleeps, eat, public | |according to phases | | | |

|space, reception) | | | | | |

|Establish policies to be implemented during a pandemic |

|Establish policies for employee compensation and | |Document absences requirements and | | | |

|sick-leave absences unique to a pandemic (e.g. | |guideline according to phases | | | |

|non-punitive, liberal leave), including policies on when| | | | | |

|a previously ill person is no longer infectious and can | | | | | |

|return to work after illness. | | | | | |

|Establish policies for preventing influenza spread at | |Document outlining communication of | | | |

|the worksite (e.g. promoting respiratory hygiene/ cough | |influenza spread to be used by each | | | |

|etiquette, and prompt exclusion of people with influenza| |office | | | |

|symptoms). | | | | | |

|Establish policies for employees who have been exposed | |Document procedure for individuals who | | | |

|to pandemic influenza, are suspected to be ill, or | |have or suspected influenza | | | |

|become ill at the worksite (e.g. infection control | | | | | |

|response, immediate mandatory sick leave). | | | | | |

|Establish policies for restricting travel to affected | |document outlining travel restrictions | | | |

|geographic areas (consider both domestic and | |according to phases | | | |

|international sites), evacuating employees working in or| | | | | |

|near an affected area when an outbreak begins, and | | | | | |

|guidance for employees returning from affected areas. | | | | | |

|Establish policies for flexible worksite (e.g. | |Document outlining use of flexible | | | |

|telecommuting) and flexible work hours (e.g. staggered | |worksite based on phases | | | |

|shifts). | | | | | |

|Enhance communications and information technology | |Document outlining alternative working | | | |

|infrastructures as needed to support employee | |arrangements according to phases | | | |

|telecommuting and remote customer access. | | | | | |

|Set up authorities, triggers, and procedures for | |Documents responses phases and triggers| | | |

|activating and terminating the company’s response plan, | |to move through phases and into post | | | |

|altering business operations (e.g. shutting down | |pandemic phase | | | |

|operations in affected areas), and transferring business| | | | | |

|knowledge to key employees. | | | | | |

|Communicate to and educate your employees |

|Find up-to-date, reliable pandemic information from | |Appoint communication liaison (see | | | |

|community public health, emergency management, and other| |pandemic plan) and monitor reliable | | | |

|sources and make sustainable links. | |information sources | | | |

|Has the organization incorporated information for | |Conduct a TNA for outlining training | | | |

|workers into its ongoing training program | |requirements | | | |

|Identify the training needed for employee in relation to| |Implement training based on risk | | | |

|controlling risk from a pandemic | |assessment and risk control | | | |

| | |recommendations | | | |

|Develop and disseminate programs and materials covering | |Communication documents displayed at | | | |

|pandemic fundamentals (e.g. signs and symptoms of | |each site | | | |

|influenza, modes of transmission), personal and family | | | | | |

|protection and response strategies (e.g. hand hygiene, | | | | | |

|coughing/sneezing etiquette, contingency plans). | | | | | |

|Anticipate employee fear and anxiety, rumours and | |Communication that addresses employee | | | |

|misinformation and plan communications accordingly. | |anxiety | | | |

|Ensure that communications are culturally and | |Communication has this incorporated | | | |

|linguistically appropriate | | | | | |

|Disseminate information to employees about your pandemic| |Communication, training, portal/hub or | | | |

|preparedness and response plan. | |webinar update on the plan on a | | | |

| | |determined frequency | | | |

|Provide information for the at-home care of ill | |See above | | | |

|employees and family members. | | | | | |

|Develop platforms (e.g. hotlines, dedicated websites) | |See above | | | |

|for communicating pandemic status and actions to | | | | | |

|employees, vendors, suppliers, and customers inside and | | | | | |

|outside the worksite in a consistent and timely way, | | | | | |

|including redundancies in the emergency contact system. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Risk Management to protect your employees and customers during a pandemic |

|Complete a risk assessment in consultation with HSR/H&S | |Risk Assessment document and | | | |

|committee to determine workers level of risk during | |recommendations | | | |

|influenza pandemic (consider environment, venerable | | | | | |

|individuals, contact with public, waste, essential | | | | | |

|service) | | | | | |

|Implement control measures based on risk assessment | |Control measure implemented | | | |

|outcomes, consider - | | | | | |

|Elimination – restrict/close access | | | | | |

|Engineering – isolation, distance | | | | | |

|Administrative – Hand/cough hygiene | | | | | |

|PPE – respirators, gloves, gown, shield | | | | | |

|Based on risk assessment determine the level of service | |Purchase and stock of PPE | | | |

|response, PPE requirements and stock appropriately | | | | | |

|(respirators, gloves, gowns, shields) | | | | | |

|Provide sufficient and accessible infection control | |Purchase and stock of infection control| | | |

|supplies (e.g. hand-hygiene products, tissues and | |products | | | |

|receptacles for their disposal) in all business | | | | | |

|locations. | | | | | |

|Consider the existence or exclusion of building | |Discussion with building management | | | |

|ventilation systems | |provider and document assurances of | | | |

| | |quality of ventilation | | | |

|Based on risk assessment and service outcomes determined| |Based on risk assessment, document the | | | |

|the level of that essential services are to be provided | |roles and phased operational need | | | |

|and employees must come in contract with the public are | | | | | |

|trained and fitted in the use, donning and doffing of | | | | | |

|PPE | | | | | |

|Ensure availability of medical consultation and advice | |Geographically map healthcare services | | | |

|for emergency response. | |and availability | | | |

|Surveillance and management of individuals with Influenza-like Illness |

|Implement an influenza-like-illness surveillance program| |Document outlining the management of | | | |

| | |influenza-like-illness | | | |

|Create a procedure to assess whether workers are fit to | |Procedure on the process to ensure safe| | | |

|work | |and early RTW | | | |

|Support for employee during a pandemic event |

|Evaluate employee access to and availability of mental | |Document and provide contact | | | |

|health and social services during a pandemic, including | |information for support of employees | | | |

|corporate, community, and faith-based resources, and | | | | | |

|improve services as needed. | | | | | |

|Create a peer support program and enhance leadership | |Through TNA identify any additional | | | |

|skills to assist with increased supportive needs of | |training needs | | | |

|employees | | | | | |

|Coordinate with external organizations and help your community: |

|Collaborate with insurers, health plans, major local | |Document the agencies and determine the| | | |

|healthcare facilities and other shared occupants of a | |need for relevant parties to our | | | |

|building/environment to share your pandemic plans and | |pandemic plan | | | |

|understand their capabilities and plans. | | | | | |

|Share best practices with other businesses in your | |Document the measures taken that could | | | |

|communities, chambers of commerce, and associations to | |be utilised by other parties | | | |

|improve community response efforts. | | | | | |


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