The Power of Words

The Power of Words

The words we speak are powerful. They can transmit love, peace, joy and life, or they can cause destruction and death. They can be written down and published for all to see for centuries, and now they can be recorded on a vast array of media for all to hear as well. Their strength does not abate due to time.

We must give attention to our words not just because of this, but because everything we speak is being recorded by God. Note these verses in The Message Bible: Mt 12:36-37 “Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time of Reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation."

Our family and close friends hear us speaking to them all our lives. We can use our words to empower them, or we can cause their lives to be burdened with low self-esteem and other weights that they must overcome.

We have enough difficulties in life that we all must battle. Must we also add to the battle the thoughtless words that we may hurl at others? We cannot control what others may say. But, we can control what we say.

We can give careful thought to our words. Each one of us can begin to say things that will build up one another. Does the encouragement of your words cause your spouse and children to welcome your communication? Do they hang on every word you speak? Or do they dread your negativity?

In this country we are blessed to have freedom of speech. We can give our opinions and speak our minds, but sometimes that is the problem. Our opinions which we are free to speak can be hurtful to others.

But for Christians we have a higher mandate. Christians are given many instructions from the bible on how to conduct ourselves, including our speech.

‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free,’ it states in Galatians 5:1. So, we are free to say anything, even things that are hurtful and God will forgive us. Yes, that is true, but our real freedom in Christ is that we can be His ambassadors, and speak His Word to people, and thus, bring truth and light into their situations.

Pay attention to what you are saying. Is it always negative? Are you so hurt that you cannot speak kind words that will lift another up from their struggle? Allowing Christ to speak into our lives to heal our hurts is the first step to being a treasury of love and faith-filled words that can flow out of us to help others.

Ephesians 4:29 summarizes how we should use the power of our words: ‘Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen’.

Make positive confessions of faith toward your loved ones today, and even your enemies. And may they be forever transcribed on their hearts as well as recorded in heaven.

What do you say about yourself? The bible says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. You are precious to God. Say to yourself what the Word of God says about you.

Take your family to church this Sunday and allow the power of God’s spoken Word to fill the treasury of your heart to overflowing. Take the bible with you wherever you go, by hiding His Word in your heart. Then, when you speak those Words they will be faith-filled and powerful, not only for you, but for others to whom you speak.

Pastor Kevin Humphrey

Abundant Life Church

River Falls, WI


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