I am committed to… - Alive Unit

I am committed to….

Investing the time DAILY to booking, selling and recruiting appointments so that I will be in front of enough people to accomplish my goals. I will be faithful to a Power Hour every day. Yes________ No_________

Listening to training cd’s and reading empowering books DAILY so that I will develop my confidence, knowledge and leadership skills. Yes______ No _____

Attending EVERY unit Success Meeting whether local or out of town. I will show support for my Unit and Director. I am willing to be the example of enthusiasm, work ethic, and possibility for my sister Consultants. Yes _____ No _____

Becoming a master influencer of people by bringing guest to every event I attend.

Yes____ No ____

Being a Star Consultant every quarter Yes ____ No ____

Not taking NO personally. They are not saying no to me, but what I offer.

Yes ____ NO _____

Attending Seminar Yes ____ No ____

Communicating with my Director by email or phone twice a week. I will update her as to my activities and recruiting prospects. If I get her machine, I will leave a message. I will not ask for a return call unless it is needed. I will be respectful of my Director’s time. I will skip the labor and just give you the baby.

Yes ___ No ____

Memorizing the Booster Facial Booking approach Yes ____ No ____

Memorizing our Unit Closing Technique Yes ____ No _____

Creating a Go Bag Yes ____ No ____

Placing a minimum of $600+ wholesale monthly. Yes____ No ____

Getting and maintaining $3600 to $4000 Wholesale. Yes ____ No____

Creating a Roll up Bag to Sample and use at classes Yes____ No ____

Holding 2-4 Power Classes or Collection Previews a week. Yes____ No _____

Bringing 20+ guests to sales meeting each month. Yes ____ No ____

Giving out 20 MK Opportunity CD’s to QUALITY women a month.

Yes ____ No ____

Having me or you follow up with all 20 Women. Yes ____ No _____

Holding 10 interviews with my Director a Month the other 10 can be with just my Director and my potential. Yes ____ No ____

Learning to close on the agreement. Yes ____ No _____

Learning to close on inventories. Yes_____ No______

Writing 3 positive affirmations. Submit them to my Director via email.

Yes ____ No ____

Getting a new haircut or polish something about your image. Look like a TOP Director. Yes ____ No ____

Read Mary Kay’s autobiography. Email me with your thoughts.

Yes ____ No _____

Finding a POWER PARTNER who has similar goals, time frame, and commitment. Encourage through notes or emails or phone calls at least once a week. No long chats! Yes ____ No ____

Pray in faith, expectancy, and thanksgiving twice DAILY! Keep track in your date book. Yes ____ No ____

Turn in my COMPLETED Weekly Accomplish Sheet every week to my Director.

Yes ____ No _____

I will enter DIQ no later than ____________ Yes ____ No _____

Being a woman of my word. I want my Director to know that she can count on me. If I get flaky, I give you permission to show me this paper. Yes _____ No _____

Name _____________________________________Date_____________


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