Problem Set 2: Solutions Math 201A Fall 2016 Problem 1 ...

Problem Set 2: Solutions Math 201A: Fall 2016

Problem 1. (a) Prove that a closed subset of a complete metric space is complete. (b) Prove that a closed subset of a compact metric space is compact. (c) Prove that a compact subset of a metric space is closed and bounded.


? (a) If F X is closed and (xn) is a Cauchy sequence in F , then (xn) is Cauchy in X and xn x for some x X since X is complete. Then x F since F is closed, so F is complete.

? (b) Suppose that F X where F is closed and X is compact. If (xn) is a sequence in F , then there is a subsequence (xnk) that converges to x X since X is compact. Then x F since F is closed, so F is compact. Alternatively, If {G X : I} is an open cover of F , then {G : I} F c is an open cover of X. Since X is compact, there is a finite subcover of X which also covers F , so F is compact.

? (c) Let K X be compact. If (xn) is a convergent sequence in K with limit x X, then every subsequence of (xn) converges to x. Since K is compact, some subsequence of (xn) converges to a limit in K, so x K and K is closed.

? Suppose that K is not bounded, and let x1 K. Then for every r > 0 there exists x K such that d(x1, x) r. Choose a sequence (xn) in K as follows. Pick x2 K such that d(x1, x2) 1. Given {x1, x2, . . . , xn}, pick xn+1 K such that

d(x1, xn+1) 1 + max d(x1, xk). 1kn

By the triangle inequality,

d(xk, xn+1) d(x1, xn+1) - d(x1, xk) 1 for every 1 k n.

It follows that d(xm, xn) 1 for every m = n, so (xn) has no Cauchy subsequences, and therefore no convergent subsequences, so K is not compact.


Problem 2. Let A be a subset of a metric space X with closure A?. Define the interior A and boundary A of A by

A = {G A : G is open} , A = A? \ A.

(a) Why is A open and A closed? (b) Prove that X \ A? = (X \ A). (c) Prove that A is closed if and only if A A, and A is open if and only if A Ac. (d) If A is open, does it follow that (A?) = A?

Solution ? (a) A union of open sets is open so A is open, and an intersection of closed sets is closed so A? and A = A? (A)c are closed. ? (b) Note that x A if and only B (x) A for some > 0. If x A?c, then B (x) A?c for some > 0 since A?c is open. Since A? A, we have A?c Ac, so B (x) Ac, meaning that x (Ac). It follows that A?c (Ac). For the reverse inclusion, note that if x (Ac), then there exists > 0 such that B (x) Ac, so x is not the limit of any sequence in A, meaning that x A?c. It follows that (Ac) A?c, so (Ac) = A?c. ? (c) If A is closed, then A? = A so A = A(A)c A. For the converse, note that since A A A?, we have

A? = (A? A) (A? (A)c) = A A.

If A A, then it follows that A? A, so A = A?, meaning that A is closed. ? (d) This is not true in general. For example, define A R2 by

A = (x, y) : x2 + y2 < 1 \ {(x, 0) : 0 x < 1} .

Then A is open, but (A?) = {(x, y) : x2 + y2 < 1} = A.


Problem 3. Let X be a metric space with a dense subset A X such that every Cauchy sequence in A converges in X. Prove that X is complete. Solution

? Let (xn) be a Cauchy sequence in X. Since A is dense in X, we can choose a sequence (an) in A such that d(xn, an) 0 as n . (For example, choose an A such that d(xn, an) < 1/n.)

? Given any > 0, there exists M N such that d(xn, an) < /3 and d(xm, xn) < /3 for all m, n > M , so d(am, an) d(am, xm) + d(xm, xn) + d(xn, an) < , which shows that (an) is a Cauchy sequence in A. It follows that (an) converges to some x X.

? Given any > 0, there exists N N such that d(xn, an) < /2 and d(an, x) < /2 for all n > N , so d(xn, x) d(xn, an) + d(an, x) < , which shows that (xn) converges to x and proves that X is complete.


Problem 4. Let d : X ? X R be the discrete metric on a set X, 1 if x = y,

d(x, y) = 0 if x = y.

What are the compact subsets of the metric space (X, d)? Solution

? A subset of X is compact if and only if it is finite. ? Every finite set is compact. If F = {x1, x2, . . . , xn} X and

{G X : I} is an open cover of F , then xk Gk for some k I, so

{G1, G2, . . . , Gn} is a finite subcover of F . Alternatively, every sequence in F has a constant subsequence, which converges to a point in F . ? Conversely, if F X is infinite and Gx = {x}, then {Gx : x F } is an open cover of F with no finite subcover. Alternatively, if F is infinite, then there is a sequence (xn) in F with xm = xn for all m = n, so d(xm, xn) = 1 for m = n, and (xn) has no Cauchy or convergent subsequences. Remark. A rough heuristic is that compact sets have many properties in common with finite sets. For example, finite sets have the finite intersection property.


Problem 5. Let c0 be the Banach space of real sequences (xn) such that xn 0 as n with the sup-norm (xn) = supnN |xn|. Is the closed unit ball

B = {(xn) c0 : (xn) 1}


Solution ? The closed unit ball in c0 is not compact. ? For example, let

ek = (nk) n=1

1 if n = k nk = 0 if n = k

denote the sequence whose kth term is one and whose other terms are

zero. Then ek c0 since limn nk = 0, and ek belongs to the closed unit ball in c0 since ek = 1. However, ej - ek = 1 for every j = k, so (ek) k=1 has no Cauchy or convergent subsequences in c0.

Remark. A similar argument using the Riesz lemma shows that the closed unit ball in any infinite-dimensional normed space is not compact in the norm topology.



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