Town of Schaghticoke

November 9, 2012


There were none.


7:30 p.m. Members present were Chairman Brian Davidson, Frank Alessandrini, Wayne Akin, Dan Clow, Elizabeth Hale, Jack Walsh and Robert Weir. David Brennan, town attorney, was present. Minutes from the regularly scheduled meetings of September and October were reviewed.

Jack Walsh made a motion to accept the September minutes as submitted. Frank Alessandrini seconded.

Ayes: Davidson, Akin, Alessandrini, Clow, Hale, Walsh, Weir

Nays: None

Frank Alessandrini made a motion to accept the October minutes. Dan Clow seconded.

Ayes: Davidson, Akin, Alessandrini, Clow, Hale, Walsh, Weir

Nays: None

Bonnier’s Garage- Sign Permit. The applicant did not appear. Application is for a 4’ X 8’ back-lit sign to be erected at Bonnier’s Garage located in an HC district on NYS Route 40, north of the town hall. A copy of the design for the sign was submitted. It will be placed 30’ from the roadway, and will be situated higher than the current one. Concerns about displacement of lighting were discussed. Since the sign will be facing north-south and there are few homes in the area, the Board concurred that the sign’s position would not cause any glare in the neighborhood.

National Grid Lot Line Adjustment. Andrew J. Leja, atty. of Hiscock & Barclay, appeared. Mr. Leja apologized for the lack of a National Grid representative, stating that representatives were located downstate addressing problems following Hurricane Sandy. National Grid is purchasing 67.3 acres located off Plank Road in Speigletown. The Roarkes own the 67.3 acres and farm the surrounding land. There is a National Grid power-line that bisects the property. The proposal is to do a lot line adjustment and add the 67.3 acres to the 1.5 acre power line property. There is additional property currently owned by National Grid adjacent to the power-line and located south of the proposal. Discussion ensued with regard to the future use of the acquired acreage. Mr. Leja stated that National Grid has been seeking property to construct a substation in order to provide the community with more power. This parcel would provide a location for the project. However, construction cannot progress without additional transmission lines and acquisition of more property.

Two neighbors appeared and expressed concerns with regard to the proposed project. Maps were submitted.

Frank Alessandrini made a motion to approve the waiver contingent upon the receipt of surveyor-signed maps. Wayne Akin seconded.

Ayes: Davidson, Akin, Alessandrini, Hale, Walsh, Weir

Nays: None

Steve Dumas Update. Steve Dumas appeared. Proposal is for the subdivision of a ±7.78 acre parcel into a ±3 acre lot with a dwelling and private well and a ±4.48 acre lot located in an HC district on River Road, across from the River’s Edge subdivision. Mr. Dumas would like to subdivide for residential purpose and, prior to subdivision, is requesting a change from HC classification to RA from the Town Board. The Town Board will entertain his request at the board meeting next week. The Planning Board will schedule a public hearing for the proposed Dumas subdivision at next month’s meeting at 7: 40 pm, providing approval for a change in the zoning district is granted from the Town Board.

Jason Feldman. Mr. Feldman appeared to discuss a proposed subdivision of property located on Bentley Road. Upon examination of the map, the Board concluded that the subdivision would create a land-locked parcel with inadequate access. Neither of these characteristics is desirable –at the zoning or state-wide regulatory level.

Robert Chartier. Mr. Chartier appeared. He has been granted a special use permit for a marina located on River Road. Mr. Chartier explained that he is no longer interested in developing a marina. Rather, he would like to subdivide the property into four house lots. He intends to comply with the zoning regulations and cooperate with the Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer. Jack Walsh added that the property is located in a floodway and may not be considered buildable land. To determine whether the parcel may be considered appropriate for housing, the Code Enforcement Officer, the Building Inspector, and Mr. Chartier plan to meet with Tom Blanchard, ENCON and FEMA regulatory officer to discuss the proposal. Chairman Davidson will include a Chartier update as an item on next month’s agenda.

Jack Walsh made a motion to close the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Wayne Akin seconded the motion.

Ayes: Davidson, Akin, Alessandrini, Hale, Walsh, Weir

Nays: None


ENCON –Department of Environmental Conservation

FEMA –Federal Emergency Management Agency

HC –Highway Commercial District

RA –Residential Agricultural District

NYS –New York State

Respectfully yours,

Elizabeth Hale, Clerk

Planning Board, Town of Schaghticoke


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