

March 12, 2012

PRESENT: Vice President James Chewens

Trustee Patrick McCulloch

Trustee Joseph Kozloski

Trustee Brian Kehoe

ABSENT: President Vincent Seeley

The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Chewens and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Motion made by McCulloch, second by Kozloski, to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion made by McCulloch, second by Kehoe, to approve Department reports. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion made by Kozloski, second by Kehoe, to Bond $600,000 for work to restore the 2 piers of the Black Bridge that were destroyed with Tropical Storm Irene. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried. Further on this matter, FEMA will cover $480,000 of this project (75%); the State will cover 12.5%; and the Village will cover 12.5% of the remaining $120,000 which would be $60,000 paid by each the State and the Village.

Motion made by Kozloski, second by McCulloch for a Resolution to hire Advanced Enterprise of Saugerties, New York to design repair specs on an emergency basis. Work is to commence as soon as school is out for the summer.

Lt./C Philip Roeber made a presentation regarding Flare-Up Day on May 20, 2012. ‘A ‘Flare-Up’ is an educational event for boating public and to provide training and practical experience in the operation of marine emergency flares and fire extinguishers.’ This event will be held at Dutchman’s Landing on May 20th between the hours of 2 and 6 PM. The public is invited to bring expired emergency flares and fire extinguishers so they can receive a safety briefing, and then fire the flares off under the supervision of experienced boating safety instructors. The Catskill Fire Department has been invited as well as NYS Park Police, Homeland Security, NYS Encon Police, Catskill Ambulance and Catskill Police Department.

Fawn Potash of Masters on Main Street made a presentation with regard to a new exhibit taking place in the area. The exhibit is “Wall St. to Main St.” which takes current protest themes happening now in America and provides a setting for this experiment. Fawn Potash went into detail of the upcoming events and artists coming to Catskill. The Board will be notified in advance of any street closings, if needed, during this event. The Village Board was very excited that this happening in the Village of Catskill.

Nancy Richards made presentation of upcoming events.

The Annual Clean-Up Day is set for Saturday, May 5th from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm. Nancy is seeking volunteers and already has Holcim on board to help. Nancy was going to talk with Kate Farrel at CHS to see about life vests and volunteers for help.

May 12, 2012 is the Greene County Cancer 5KWalk from 8am (sign-up) walk starts at 9 am.

March 17th Young’s General Store is having a big sale. They are also helping with a Seed Program at the Catskill Elementary School; and the Garden Club with their plantings.

Nancy received a letter from Al Gasparini with regard to the sunrise Easter service at 6am Easter morning and the Walk of the Cross on Good Friday.

May 3rd is National Prayer Day and it will be held on the sidewalk in front of the Courthouse from 11am to 2 pm.

Spring Rush is being held on June 2nd at the Catskill School parking lot.

Announcement was made that the Town of Catskill is holding a Public Hearing with regard to parking on Landon Avenue at the Village and Town lines. The Hearing is being held on April 3rd at the Town Hall.

Motion was made by McCulloch, second by Kozloski, to place Joseph Richard McCredry of Highland Avenue, Catskill, on the Catskill Fire Department active list. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.


Chuck Adsit wanted to thank Mike McGrath and the Water Department for their quick response to Jeff Adsit’s home where there was an issue with his water meter.

Carol Miller wanted to personally thank the Catskill Fire Department for all that they do on a day-to-day basis. She wanted them to know that they are very much appreciated in the Village.

Trustee Kehoe brought up the matter of re-painting the crosswalks in the Village this year.

Trustee McCulloch made an announcement that the Fire District Formation Committee is holding a meeting on March 13th at 7:oo Town Hall.

All were reminded to vote on March 20th from 9am to 9 pm for Village elections.

Motion made by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to go into executive session.

Respectfully submitted:

Betsy Cothren, Village Clerk=s Office


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