Douglas MacArthur High School

891540-139700Douglas MacArthur High School North East Independent School District________________________________________________________________________________________________2923 MacArthur View, San Antonio, Texas 78217 (210) 356-7600 Fax (210) 650-119500Douglas MacArthur High School North East Independent School District________________________________________________________________________________________________2923 MacArthur View, San Antonio, Texas 78217 (210) 356-7600 Fax (210) 650-1195August 24, 2020Dear Parents/Guardians,IN THIS TOGETHER! – We now have week one of the school year behind us. It was a week of learning, flexing, and adjusting as we learned together. I want to thank you all for helping by encouraging your kids to log in daily. Please help us out as we start week two, by reminding your Brahmas about the Student Expectations while working and participating in our virtual classrooms. Students join their class by logging in through the NEISD Launchpad, then getting into the teacher's Google Classroom, and finally joining the teachers' Zoom link.Students must join with their camera on and showing who they are. This is for security same as in-person to let the teacher know who is joining their classroom. If the student does not have their camera on, the teacher will remove this person from their class.Students must join with their full name in their Zoom profile. If the name is not on the teachers' roll, the person will be blocked from entering that day. If there is a problem with using the full name, the student should contact their Assistant Principal. Any student that is removed from class will be able to join asynchronously and complete their work before midnight with no absence or penalty for late work.To assist with teachers being able to have continuity with teaching their lesson, we ask that students log in during the first 6 minutes of class. Students may also choose to do their lesson asynchronously for that day. If your child is having difficulties with these requirements, please have them reach out to their teacher. Communicate with the teacher and that will solve most issues.If you are still on the waiting list for technology, please contact Mr. Clewett, Assistant Principal for technology, at a-clewe@ and we will do our best to help you as soon as possible.We want to provide the best, most secure learning environment for our students, but we need your help. Please cover these expectations with your Brahmas and remind them about making great decisions while online.Do not share your email or password with other students.Do not share or publicize the Zoom meetings' IDs for others to see.The same expectations for behavior in the classroom exist for the virtual classroom.If a student is not following expectations or is a disruption in their virtual classroom, they will be removed and will be assigned to learn asynchronously.Please remind your child to login early and be ready for class on time.I have attached an explanation on how to help a student who gets the "internal only" message when trying to authenticate their login in Zoom. This will help the student gain access through their NEISD account.Our teachers have prepared for this year, and they are enthusiastic about helping our Brahmas do their very best. Henry Ford once said that “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” That is what makes MacArthur such a great place. We have come together to start a new year. We keep together because we know that is where our strength is. We work together to build success, especially in these tough times. That is the very essence of Duty, Honor, Country. It is the basis of who we are. We are in this together! Go Brahmas! Is your friend or neighbor not receiving updates from NEISD or MacArthur?If you know of any MacArthur family that is not receiving updates from our school or NEISD please share these directions below with them. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Stay connected with NEISD via text, phone, and emailIf you have unknowingly ‘blocked’ messages in your Skyward account, click here to find out how you can unblock your numberHere is all the news for the week:ANNOUNCEMENTS-SURVEY - For those of you who have chosen the “In-person” option for your child this year, the District sent out a brief questionnaire to the primary Parent/Guardian on August 19th through text messaging.??This survey will help us determine which students will be included in NEISD’s approved “Phase In” plan that was presented to the NEISD Board of Trustees on Thursday, August 13th.? To view the plan, please visit the District website at? complete the questions and submit no later than Monday, August 24th.?However, if you have changed your mind, or you did not get the text, you can submit your preference directly to the school at the following link: can also access it by using the following QR Code:IMPORTANT REMINDERS - Bell Schedule - I have attached our Bell schedule for this school year. This is the same schedule we will use for both online, and when we have in-person classes. The classes are spread out over two days. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we will have periods 1 through 4, and they will be 60 minutes long. On Tuesday and Thursday, we will have periods 5 through 7 and they will be 90 minutes each. Lunch is included but is not a separate period as in previous years. You will also see that from 8 to 10 am is blended learning. Students will be able to receive tutoring and assistance according to the teachers’ posted schedule, except for Wednesday mornings, which is dedicated to faculty and department meetings. Below is a link to a video explaining the schedule in more detail. you know from this past week, this year classes will begin at 10:00 am and will end at 3:25 pm. There will be another blended learning time just like in the morning, starting at 3:30 pm. Teachers will be available according to their posted schedule, until 4:30 pm. Morning and afternoon blended learning times will also provide for practices and rehearsals for any extra-curricular activities. During virtual learning, attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period based on when the student enters the virtual classroom. If for some reason a student cannot make it into the synchronous (live) time they can still be counted present for the period as long as they log in through the NEISD Launchpad into the Google classroom by 5 pm. As long as students log in and complete the daily assignment before midnight of the same day, the teacher will see that they logged in and will be able to change the attendance the next day. According to the minimum time schedule required by the Texas Education Agency, if a student exceeds five (5) absences per course, he/she will be subject to loss of credit for that course. Students will have to work with their assigned Assistant Principal to work out credit recovery. We will provide additional information as we approach in person classes.Help Information – You can also find helpful information on the campus website at: under the link titled “How to Start Your School Year Virtually.” For helpful information with questions about student logins and email addresses you may click on the following link: Student Login and Email TipsThe district has also provided an excellent video on what to expect during virtual learning. You can watch the video in English at: High School. You can also watch it in Spanish at: . Textbooks – Textbooks for AP classes can be picked up Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm at the front entrance of the school. It is best if you call ahead. All other classes have online resources available and/or online textbooks. However, if a student desires a textbook, they should speak with their teacher. If you have questions you can email Mr. Villanueva, Assistant Principal over textbooks at cvilla3@, or Ms. Bustinza, Administrative Assistant at jbusti@. We look forward to working with everyone. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or have any questions. Remember, together we can accomplish VIRTUALLY anything!Prep Days - Our 2020-2021?PREP DAYS and FRESHMEN CALF SCRAMBLE were?100% virtual and they are still available for you to view.?We invite everyone to watch the virtual prep day and to use them as a resource. It is interactive, so you can move back and forth to get the information you need.?Because it is virtual, you can view it when you want. You can also go back into it if you need to review the information. Parents, we urge you to view this information with your child(ren).?Prep Day for Grades 10, 11, and 12:?2020-2021?Virtual?Prep!Freshman?Calf Scramble:?2020-2021?Virtual?Calf Scramble!Health and Wellness - Our North East ISD community is facing more obstacles than ever in and out of the classroom. This is always a challenge; teachers, staff, students, and parents are now navigating the unknowns of the COVID-19 pandemic. While mental health and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) have always been important to NEISD, the added pressures brought on by COVID-19 prompted the District to focus our support systems so help is more accessible to our community.NEISD wants its employees and families to put their own mental health, and overall wellness needs first. The District's Student Leadership & Well-Being team launched a new website focused on offering adult wellness resources, from mental health hotlines to virtual fitness classes, professional counseling, and more. This one-stop webpage houses the many programs available to NEISD staff and families. Mental health education and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) remain a priority for NEISD. To help empower and train staff and parents, the District has partnered with health centers like Laurel Ridge, Deer Oaks, Clarity Child Guidance Center and Communities in Schools. Visit adultwellness. to learn more about the programs and resources that are currently available.ACTIVITIES –Meet the Brahmas –Due to the current limitations, we cannot hold our annual Meet the Brahmas event. To provide the best possible presentation, we are planning our Virtual Meet the Brahmas event for Thursday September 3rd, which is the week before we are supposed to return to Phase one of in-person classes. We have a great plan for this event, and I will send more information as we approach that date. Go Brahmas!Athletics - Late Friday, August 21st, all North East high schools were given permission to have Strength & Conditioning and Sport Skills Training, for fall sports, beginning Monday, August 24th. Cross Country, Football, Tennis, and Volleyball will be the only sports involved. These workouts are voluntary but will give the athletes the opportunity to intensify their training and preparation for their upcoming season. All morning workouts will end by 9:00 AM, or earlier, to allow the athletes to get back home for their first online class of the day. All evening workouts will not begin until 4:30 PM. Athletes will not be allowed in any of the buildings on campus other than Volleyball which will hold workouts in the gyms.Protocols are in place to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. Athletes and coaches are required to wear masks while on campus and answer the screening questions for Covid-19 daily. There are also plans in place to account for social distancing throughout the workouts. All Coaches have been in contact with their athletes.The Strength & Conditioning and Sport Skills Training will follow the schedule below:Football:· 10th, 11th, 12th graders – 7-9 AM Monday-Friday· Freshmen – 4:30-5:30 Monday-FridayVolleyball:· Freshmen -7:30-9 AM Tuesday/Thursday,· Sophomores – 7:30-9 AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday· Varsity & Juniors -4:30-6PM Monday-FridayTennis:· Team Meeting during athletic period on Monday, 8/24· Varsity only 7:30-9AM Monday-Friday· Boys & Girls will alternate days beginning 8/25Cross Country:· All levels 7-8:30 Monday-Friday ?We are very excited to have our Brahmas getting ready for their seasons. Go Brahmas!Dance and Cheer – Plans are under way for the beginning of practices for Dance, Cheer, and Pep. Our Directors will be contacting Parents and students with more information. We look forward to having our Brahma Spirit teams back in action. Go Brahma Spirit!DEPARTMENTS-FROM OUR MAC LIBRARY – The MacArthur Library welcomes you to the 2020-2021 school year! We are dedicated to serving our students, even from a distance. Here’s some information to kick start your digital learning experience:Get to Know Your Library Digital Resources: There are a wealth of digital resources available to students through our Library Resources folder in Launchpad. See our NEISD Electronic Resources Guide. The icons on the list show how students will see them in Launchpad. Each icon on the list also links to a basic tutorial as well.Student Login and Email: Here is a quick refresher for how to log into your NEISD student account and/or email.Check out our Virtual Library: Your Mac Library has gone digital for online learning! Explore our interactive virtual library to find collections of ebooks by subject and genre Ebooks and Audiobooks in Sora: For the duration of distance learning, library books will be exclusively digital. If a student searches our library catalog, they will only see books that are available online. Explore our Sora Reading App Learning Menu to found out more about features of the Sora online reading app and see a quick start video. The Sora reading app connects to all the same content you can also find in the NEISD OverDrive app.Expand Your Sora Collection with San Antonio Public Library: Students can connect their NEISD Sora account to the San Antonio Public Library for access to even more digital titles. Click here to see instructionsSora Scavenger Hunt: To help our students learn how to navigate our Sora collection and practice using its features, the library is offering a Sora Scavenger Hunt Promotion. Students who complete the scavenger hunt will be entered into a prize drawing. Sora Achievement Badge Prize Promotion: Students can earn digital achievements as they use the Sora app and the library is offering prizes for the badges students earn. When students are able to return to campus, they can redeem prizes for the various digital achievement badges they have earned. Click this link to see the prizes you can earn with each set of Sora achievement badges.College, Career, and Military Readiness: Check out Learning Express and PrepSTEP, a fantastic college, career, and military readiness resource that is available in the Library Resources Folder in Launchpad. Students can create their own free account to save their progress on online practice tests, career prep resources, and college and scholarship searches. Library and Technology Refreshers for Students: In this 8 Things You Always Wanted to Know About the Library but Were Afraid to Ask learning menu, you can find important library and technology refreshers for digital resources, ebooks, digital note taking, MLA style, , student logins, and email accounts. Parent OverDrive Accounts: Students already have their own OverDrive accounts, but if you would like to have your own parent account to access ebooks and audio books in OverDrive, please complete this Online OverDrive Parent Registration Form. Please allow 2-3 days for the account to be built. Existing parent accounts must be renewed each year by completing the registration form.Stay Connected: Follow us on twitter and Instagram @MacArthurLib. Visit our Mac Library Website for more great resources and informationStay Connected: Follow us on twitter and Instagram @MacArthurLib. Visit our Mac Library Website for more great resources and information. Go Brahma Library!MAC COUNSELORS’ CORNER – Welcome back Brahmas! We are excited to kick off the 2020-2021 school year! Counselors are available for students and parents through phone, email and zoom Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm. Counselors are assigned alphabetically by student last name. Below you can find your counselor and throughout the year you can find your counselor’s name and contact information in the “Counselors Corner” of the MAC website under “Find my counselor.”?A-Ba??????????????????? Ms. Sebastian??????????????????ksebas@?Be-D????? ????????????? Mrs. Obey????????????????????????jobey@?E-Hi?????? ????????????? Mrs. Reyes???????????????????????areyes4@?Hj-Mon? ????????????? Ms. FitzSimon??? ??????????????sfitzs@?Moo-R ????????????? Mrs. Nicholson????????????????knicho2@?S-Z???????? ????????????? Mrs. Ybarra??????????????????????lybarr2@?Counselor Support Line: We have a counseling support line available students and parents can call?Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm for counseling questions and concerns. The number for MacArthur is 210-356-7619?Registration - If you need to register your child or you need registration information, please call (210) 356-7629.? You will be provided with information for online registration.?In-person registration will be by appointment only and will only be if necessary.? For online registration, please click on the link below.?NEISD Register Here First!!Go Brahma Counselors!FROM OUR FAMILY SPECIALIST – As we consider the days that are ahead of us, we know that Covid-19 will continue to bring many challenges to all of us. Be certain that the MAC team is ready to assist you an any way we can.? All you have to do is reach out to us. We want for parents and students to know that our Family Specialist, Ms. Jaramillo is available for any assistance you might need. For complete information, please see the attached flyer.FROM OUR MAC CLINIC – Please remember that students must have current immunizations, even for online learning. This is a legal requirement. Please make sure that your child’s immunizations are up to date.PARENT INVOLVEMENT-MAC ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS – If your child is a part of Mac Orchestra, you need to come out and be a part of this great group of parents.? All are welcome. Go Brahma MOPA! MAC CHOIR BOOSTERS – If your child is in choir then you need to come out and join this great group of parents and support MAC Choir. Go Brahma Choir Boosters!MAC BAND BOOSTERS – If your child is a member of our awesome Brahma Band, then you need to come out and be a part of these awesome parents.Please remember, for the latest updates and information as well as current news, information, and schedules, join us on Facebook (Mac Band Parents), Twitter (@MacBandParents), and Instagram (@MacBandParents), or log in to your Charms account. Go Brahma Band Boosters!MAC ATHLETIC BOOSTERS – All Sports Program and Baby Calf Ads –?Our Brahma Boosters are now accepting ads for the 2020-2021 All Sports Program. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your business. The ads are not just for businesses. You can also purchase a personal ad to support/give a shout out to your athlete, dancer, cheerleader, etc.Please see the attached form. In addition, the annual Baby Calf ads are now being accepted as well. This is an opportunity to put your seniors’ baby picture in the All Sports program, which is another great MAC tradition. Please see the attached form and secure a spot for your Baby Calf!If your child is a Brahma Athlete or you are just looking for a way to be involved, you need to come out and be a part of these great parents. If you want to keep up with our Boosters, check out the Brahma Booster Club Facebook page link:? Brahma Athletic Boosters!PTSA – Join PTSA! The MacArthur PTSA is a vital link in connecting with our parents and families and a great way for every parent to be involved. The beginning of a new school year means it is time to show your support for our students, our school, and our community. We invite all students, parents, and teachers to join! The PTSA is here to advocate and positively influence the lives of all children and families. Make a difference and get involved! To join PTSA, please go to the following link: We want to remind the Mac Family and community to please remember to check out the PTSA website and blog for important information on what is happening at MacArthur!This is a great resource and it can be found at: . Go Brahma PTSA!COMMUNITY-VOTER REGISTRATION – Voting is a precious right and your vote makes a difference. Do not be silent; let your voice be heard. Each High School Principal is a Deputy Voter Registrar by law. I want to encourage you to make sure you are registered to vote. If you or your child need to register, you can get a registration card at MacArthur in the Principal’s Office. You can either send it in yourself, or turn it in, and we will make sure it is turned in for you. Go Brahma Voters!BRAHMA FANS – We want to remind all of our parents, students, and guests who attend games or any event at home or away, that we need your assistance to ensure that we observe appropriate spectator behavior. It is okay to disagree with a call and to be a little loud when supporting our Brahmas. It is not okay to be disruptive or engage in personal attacks or confrontations with Coaches, referees, or students. Anyone causing a disturbance or verbally abusing the officials, coaches, or students will be removed from the game and may face removal from all athletic events. Please let the coaches take care of the coaching and dealing with the officials. It is extremely important for us to model appropriate behavior at any function. Your cooperation and support is greatly appreciated. Go Brahmas!Here are the events going on in Brahmaland: Monday 082420:Second week of School Online Only First Day for Athletics Tuesday 082520:N/AWednesday 082620:All Teachers Conference Period 8:45 to 9:55Thursday 082720:N/AFriday 082820:N/ASaturday 082920:N/ASunday 083020:N/AMonday 083120:Third Week of School Online OnlyHave a Great Week!Peter MartinezPrincipal, MacArthur High School“An Investment in our children pays the best interest of all.” ................

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