Nifty Thrifty Fifty Word List - West Branch High School

Nifty Thrifty FiftyWEEK 1Words to introduce: composer, discovery, encouragement, hopeless, impossible, musician, richest, unfriendlyWords contained within the introduced words: compose, pose, discover, cover, encourage, courage, hope, possible, music, rich, friendly, friendWords related by combining parts: dispose, discourage, discouragement, enrich, enrichment, richly, uncover, hopelesslyWEEK 2Words to introduce: expensive, governor, impression, independence, submarine, transportation, unfinishedWords contained within the introduced words: govern, impress, press, depend, marine, transport, port, finish, finishedWords related by combining parts: express, expressed, expression, export, exported, exportation, governed, impressed, pressed, depended, transported, inexpensive, import, imported, importationWords students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-2): expose, exposed, composed, posed, discovered, covered, encouraged, uncovered, hoped, transpose, transposed, government, compress, compressionWEEK 3Words to introduce: beautiful, classify, community, communities, electricity, happiness, prettierWords contained within the introduced words: beauty, class, unity, electric, happy, prettyWords related by combining parts: beautify, classiness, electrify, happier, unifyWords students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-3): impressionable, unimpressionable, classifiable, unclassifiable, governable, ungovernable, transportable, portable, classification, electrification, communication, depressant, important, classifying, hoping, encouraging, discovering, composing, finishing, transporting, dependingWEEK 4Words to introduce: continuous, conversation, forgotten, nonliving, swimming, unpleasant, valuableWords contained within the introduced words: continue, converse, forgot, living, live, swim, pleasant, please, valueWords related by combining parts: livable, unlivable, continuing, conversing, valuingWords students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-4): impressionable, unimpressionable, classifiable, unclassifiable, governable, ungovernable, transportable, portable, classification, electrification, communication, depressant, important, classifying, hoping, encouraging, discovering, composing, finishing, transporting, dependingWEEK 5Words to introduce: dishonest, illegal, irresponsible, misunderstood, performance, rearrange, replacementWords contained within the introduced words: honest, legal, responsible, response, understood, perform, form, arrange, replace, place, stoodWords related by combining parts: displace, displacement, reform, rearrangement, misplaceWords students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-5): conform, conformity, inform, informed, informant, information, misinform, uniformed, formation, formal, transform, transformation, performer, responsibility, responsive, responsiveness, honesty, dishonesty, honestly, legally, illegally, responsibly, irresponsibly, arranging, rearranging, placing, replacing, misplacing, report, reporter, refinish, relive, repose, reclassify, revalue, recover, rediscover, electrical, displease, discontinue, irreplaceableWEEK 6Words to introduce: deodorize, different, employee, international, invasion, prehistoric, signatureWords contained within the introduced words: odor, differ, employ, national, nation, invade, historic, history, signWords related by combining parts: signal, design (note pronunciation change for s ), deployWords students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-6): disposal, musical, continual, employer, employment, unemployment, unemployed, employable, unemployable, difference, consignment, nationality, nationalities, internationalize, interdependence, depress, depression, depressive, deport, deportation, deportee, devalue, declassify, decompose, deform, deformity, prearrange, resign, resignation, designation, significant, significanceWEEK 7Words to introduce: antifreeze, forecast, midnight, overpower, semifinal, supermarket, underweightWords contained within the introduced words: over, under, super, freeze, cast, night, power, final, market, weightWords related by combining parts: overnight, overcast, overweightWords students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-7): freezer, freezing, freezable, subfreezing, underclass, overexpose, underexpose, superimpose, undercover, forecaster, forecasting, miscast, antidepressant, overture, deodorant, empower, empowerment, powerful, powerfully, powerfulness, finalizing, finalization, weighty, weightier, weightiest, weightless, undervalue, friendlier, friendliest, friendliness, unfriendliness, unpleasantness, historical, historically, expressive, impressive, repressive, invasive, noninvasive, invasiveness, hopefully, hopelessly, predispose, predisposition, courageousWEEK 8 and WEEK 9Students should now be able to spell and analyze the parts of all 50 words. Over the next two weeks, the focus is prefixes, suffixes and the spelling changes that happen when an affix is added.PrefixesDiscuss how when prefixes are removed, they leave an independent word. However, discuss that some words begin with what looks like a prefix, but do not leave a recognizable word when removed. Help students see how these are predictable spelling and pronunciation chunks rather than try to try to show students how to analyze these words for meaning clues.Suffixes and EndingsFocus on a change in how and where the words fit into a sentence. Discuss how the spelling of the word often determines the spelling of the suffix. Continue to practice transferring to other words. ................

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