River Thunder Study Guide Questions

River Thunder

Study Guide Questions

(104 points possible)

Directions: Answer the following questions according to information from the novel. You are not required to write in complete sentences for this study guide. Make sure all answers are complete!

Chapter 1 (5)

1. Find the simile (comparison using like or as) on page 1.

2. When did Downriver take place in relation to River Thunder?

3. What has changed about Rita?

4. What has changed about Pug?

5. Why is the group back together?

Chapter 2 (1)

6. Troy shows up in this chapter. What is different about him?

Chapter 3 (3)

7. What does Troy admit to the group?

8. How does the group feel about his admission?

9. What is the date ‘tomorrow’ in the novel?

Chapter 4 (2)

10. How do Star and Jessie react to Troy when he is leading them to their destination?

11. What reading does Star give Jessie in order to keep her around?

Chapter 5 (2)

12. Find a simile on page 30.

13. What does Troy make sure of in terms of Jessie?

Chapter 6 (5)

14. What was the name of the first rapid? What was it rated?

15. What was the name of the second rapid? What was it rated?

16. Troy and Jessie have a conversation. What does Troy give Jessie?

Chapter 7 (5)

17. What rapid do they go through?

18. Rita announces they will have a ceremony. What happens at this ceremony?

19. They name their rafts. What is the name of Troy’s raft? What is the name of Jessie’s raft?

20. Toward the end of the chapter, they go through what rapid?

Chapter 8 (2)

21. What happens to Jessie and Star at House Rock Rapid?

22. Find a simile on page 53.

Chapter 9 (4)

23. Find a metaphor (direct comparison) on page 58.

24. What rapid do they go through right before Mile 21 Rapid?

25. Find a simile on page 58.

26. What is the message from the helicopter?

Chapter 10 (6)

27. Find a hyperbole (exaggeration or overstatement) on page 66.

28. Troy invites Jessie to go on a walk. What is her response?

29. What three rapids do they go through in this chapter?

30. Who do they find at Tanner Rapid?

Chapter 11 (2)

31. Who does the group catch up to when they are approaching Hance?

32. Find a simile on page 81.

Chapter 12 (4)

33. While Jessie and Kit have a conversation, what couples seem to get cozy?

34. After drinking a little, Jessie goes to console Troy. What does he admit he wants to do at Phantom?

35. What happens between the two?

Chapter 13 (4)

36. What three rapids do they make it through?

37. What did Rita find in Troy’s bag?

Chapter 14 (5)

38. What is alarming to the group at the beginning of the chapter?

39. Jessie confronts Troy about what Rita had found. What else does she confront him about?

40. What does Troy admit?

41. What two Big Drops did they make it through?

Chapter 15 (3)

42. The two groups are scouting Crystal and witness two other groups go through. What does Kit suggest?

43. Does Troy agree? What about Jessie?

Chapter 16 (3)

44. Canyon Magic runs the rapid while Troy and Jessie are still deciding. What do they decide?

45. Jessie finds Rita alone. What is she doing? What does she admit?

Chapter 17 (8)

46. Canyon Magic comes in handy at the end of Crystal. Why?

47. What does ABC stand for?

48. What are the five rapids they go through after Crystal in this chapter?

49. Kit and Jessie sit and talk about past rapids. Troy comes up on them but decides to keep going. What is the “final” exchange between the two girls?

Chapter 18 (2)

50. What does the group encounter after they see junk coming down the river?

51. Who seems to takes charge in this situation?

Chapter 19 (6)

52. What did Adam do at the beginning of the chapter that caused Troy to feel belittled?

53. On page 144, Adam tells Jessie what his plans are for the future (2 things). What are they? How old will he be in the fall?

54. Troy reveals his true thoughts behind the trip to Jessie. What are they?

55. How does Jessie know that Troy was in Boulder during the bike race?

Chapter 20 (8)

56. The group camped at Blacktail Canyon. What four rapids have they completed?

57. What do they decide to do at Tapeats Creek Rapid?

58. Find the simile on page 154.

59. In this chapter, the group meets Joe while hiking. Where does he take them?

Chapter 21 (5)

60. Find the allusion on page 161.

61. The group is worried about Troy. What prompts this worry?

62. Two couples go off to be by themselves. Who is it?

63. Jessie decides to sleep on the raft that night. What does Troy do?

Chapter 22 (3)

64. Troy calls a meeting before they go out for the day. What does he want to discuss?

65. How does Rita react to Troy’s announcement during the meeting?

66. What day is this for the group on the river?

Chapter 23 (3)

67. The group is rounding the bend and heading toward Upset. Why is this spot important?

68. The group is in a flash flood. What happens to Rita? Who responds heroically?

Chapter 24 (2)

69. What is the belief behind Vulcan’s Anvil?

70. What does Troy admit to Jessie?

Chapter 25 (2)

71. Jessie and Troy awake early to scout Lava Falls. They come across a boatman. What does he warn them about?

72. The group makes it through Lava Falls. What happens to Star and Jessie during the run?

Chapter 26 (3)

73. How many rapids did the group go through?

74. Are you satisfied with the ending? Why or why not?

Final Response (6)

Write three questions you would ask Will Hobbs if you had the chance to talk to him today.





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