ISA End of Year Inventory Report - Institute for Student ...

ISA End of Year Inventory Report

Cover Sheet

Name of School:___________________________________________________

Date of Visit:______________

External Reviewer:_______________________________________________

Participants on Visit:

Name Position

Review of School Documents

Name of School: External Reviewer:

|Outcomes in School’s ISA Action Plan align with ISA principles | |

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|Schedule shows advisory or other student advocacy mechanism meets | |

|regularly at least once a week | |

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|Schedule shows that grade level teams of teachers and counselor meet | |

|for common planning time at least once a week | |

|Agendas and decision minutes from grade level team meetings show that | |

|teams are addressing student issues and instructional issues aligned | |

|with ISA principles | |

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|Professional development calendar shows that professional development | |

|addresses ISA principles | |

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|Issues principal and coach are working on together are aligned with | |

|ISA principles | |

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|There is a written instructional framework (review during discussion | |

|of inventory chart) | |

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Responses to Questions

Name of School_________________________ External Reviewer:____________________________

On the basis of the review of the inventory chart, discussion with the principal and coach, review of other information, and walk through, respond to the following questions:

Responses to Questions

Name of School_________________________ External Reviewer:____________________________

On the basis of the review of the inventory chart, discussion with the principal and coach, review of other information, and walk through, respond to the following questions:

1. Where is the school in the implementation of each of the ISA principles?

2. In what areas does evidence show that the school is effective in implementing the ISA principles?

3. In what areas does evidence show that the school needs further development?

4. What student performance outcomes did the school achieve?

5. What do you recommend that the school focus its resources on to a) help sustain the school’s achievements and b) continue the school’s development in those areas that need work? (Part b must map on to the areas you mention in item #3. No recommendations for the school’s development should be made in areas not mentioned in item #3).


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