Annual Report Template {Year} - NSW Health

-571508001000Utility NameDate: October 2015Version: 3.11154000Utility NameDate: October 2015Version: 3.1left4732655Drinking Water Management SystemAnnual Report Template {Year}1154000Drinking Water Management SystemAnnual Report Template {Year}Document control DateChange madePersonGuidanceThis report template is designed to address the reporting (Element 10), evaluation (Element 11) and review and continual improvement (Element 12) requirements of [Utility’s Name] Drinking Water Management System (DWMS).The NSW Guidelines for Drinking Water Management Systems (2013) recommends review of the following areas:Performance of critical control pointsWater quality review (raw, treated and distribution water quality including verification monitoring in the NSW Health Drinking Water Database)Levels of Service (including consumer complaints)Incident and emergencies (including follow up) Drinking Water Management System implementationContinuous improvement plan implementation Review of system performance should be against ADWG, levels of service, NSW Water Supply and Sewerage Performance Monitoring Reports and other regulatory requirements (Element?1).Shortcomings should be captured in the Improvement Plan (Element 12).Executive Summary Include a summary of the annual report findings for the reporting period here. Include a summary of CCP exceedances for the reporting period here.Critical Control PointsCCP1CCP2CCP3Number of CCP exceedancesWater qualityInclude a summary of water quality issues for the reporting period here. Continuous improvement planInclude a summary of progress towards implementing continuous improvement plan actions here. CompletedIn progressItems addedTotalNumber of actionsDWMS Reviews Include a summary of internal and external DWMS reviews here. ReviewScope FindingsActions takenReservoir inspectionsInclude a summary of reservoir inspections here. DateReservoirs inspectedFindingsCorrective actions Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u \t "Heading 6,1,Heading 7,2,Heading 8,3" Document control PAGEREF _Toc506906922 \h iiGuidance PAGEREF _Toc506906923 \h iiExecutive Summary PAGEREF _Toc506906924 \h iCritical Control Points PAGEREF _Toc506906925 \h iWater quality PAGEREF _Toc506906926 \h iContinuous improvement plan PAGEREF _Toc506906927 \h iDWMS Reviews PAGEREF _Toc506906928 \h iReservoir inspections PAGEREF _Toc506906929 \h i1Report purpose PAGEREF _Toc506906930 \h 12Scheme summary PAGEREF _Toc506906931 \h 13DWMS document control PAGEREF _Toc506906932 \h 14Critical control points PAGEREF _Toc506906933 \h 24.1Critical limit exceedance PAGEREF _Toc506906934 \h 24.2Fluoride Critical limit exceedance PAGEREF _Toc506906935 \h 25Water Quality PAGEREF _Toc506906936 \h 35.1Data collection PAGEREF _Toc506906937 \h 35.2Non-compliant data PAGEREF _Toc506906938 \h 35.3Water quality discussion PAGEREF _Toc506906939 \h 36Consumer complaints PAGEREF _Toc506906940 \h 37Water quality incidents PAGEREF _Toc506906941 \h 38Staff Development and Training PAGEREF _Toc506906942 \h 39Continuous improvement plan PAGEREF _Toc506906943 \h 410Review of DWMS implementation PAGEREF _Toc506906944 \h 411Reservoir inspections PAGEREF _Toc506906945 \h 4Appendix AWater quality data PAGEREF _Toc506906946 \h A-1A.1Water quality graphs PAGEREF _Toc506906947 \h A-1A.2Water quality data summary PAGEREF _Toc506906948 \h A-1A.2.1Raw Water PAGEREF _Toc506906949 \h A-1A.2.2Treated Water PAGEREF _Toc506906950 \h A-1A.2.3Reticulation PAGEREF _Toc506906951 \h A-3A.2.4Verification monitoring PAGEREF _Toc506906952 \h A-3Appendix BContinuous improvement plan PAGEREF _Toc506906953 \h B-4Tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 41. Summary of critical control points PAGEREF _Toc429570344 \h 2Table 42. Critical limit exceedances PAGEREF _Toc429570345 \h 2Table 51. Summary of non-compliant water quality data PAGEREF _Toc429570346 \h 3Table 61. Summary of incident and emergencies, recommendations and corrective actions PAGEREF _Toc429570347 \h 3Table 71. Action/improvement plan activities that have been completed during the period XX/XX PAGEREF _Toc429570348 \h 3Table 81. Summary of internal reviews PAGEREF _Toc429570349 \h 4Table 92. Summary of external reviews PAGEREF _Toc429570350 \h 4Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 41. Critical control point PAGEREF _Toc425253983 \h 2Report purposeInclude the utility name, reporting period and purpose of the report here. Scheme summaryInclude a summary of the scheme here including: Supply system nameSource waterTreatment unit processesType and numbers of connections at the beginning and end of the yearUpgrade or system improvements details ChecklistHave there been any system upgrades within the reporting period??Upgrade or system improvements details have been provided?DWMS document controlInclude a summary of updates to DWMS documentation here. Major changes should be submitted to NSW Health Public Health Unit. DocumentVersionUpdatesSubmitted to NSW Health and date submitted? Critical control pointsInclude a summary of CCPs here and provide details of any changes to critical control points or critical limits. CCPs should be reviewed each year to confirm their validity. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 4 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Summary of critical control pointsCCP numberMonitoring ParameterTarget criterionAdjustment limitCritical limit12Critical limit exceedanceInclude a summary of the performance of the critical control points here. Report any exceedances over the reporting period including: the reason for the exceedanceimmediate action taken preventive action undertaken to prevent a recurrence of the exceedanceA monitoring template is available that can be used to record and plot monitoring data. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 4 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Critical limit exceedancesDateCCP1CCP2CCP3CCP4CCP5CCP6Water quality issueReasonImmediate correction Preventive Actione.g. XX/XX/XXe.g. 20 NTUe.g. Equipment failure e.g. Plant shut down, PHU notificatione.g. Maintenance schedule reviewInclude CCP graphs if desired. Figure STYLEREF 1 \s 4 SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Critical control pointFluoride Critical limit exceedanceWater QualityInclude a review of water quality data from the previous year and an analysis of longer term trends here. Data collectionInclude a summary of monitoring undertaken, details of any reviews of the monitoring schedules that were undertaken and any outcomes of these reviews.Non-compliant dataInclude a summary of any non-compliant data or water quality issues in addition to critical limit exceedances here. Include details of the corrections and preventive actions that were implemented.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 5 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Summary of non-compliant water quality dataDateLocationParameterExceedanceCorrectionPreventive actionNotese.g. Xx/xx/xxe.g. Reservoire.g. E. colie.g. 10 cfue.g. Retest, PHU notified, Pipe break fix, flushing, reteste.g. Review of maintenance schedulePipe break Water quality discussionInclude a discussion of the water quality results including any positive microbiological results and what actions were taken and any trends in the chemical results. Consumer complaintsInclude details of any water quality complaints and any lessons learnt here.Water quality incidentsInclude details of any water quality incidents/emergencies that have occurred over the reporting period here. Include details of investigation recommendations and any corrective actions undertaken as a result of the incident/emergency.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 7 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Summary of incident and emergencies, recommendations and preventive actionsDetails of incident/emergencyInvestigation recommendationsPreventive action undertakenStaff Development and TrainingInclude staff development and training courses completed hereContinuous improvement planInclude a summary of continuous improvement plan activities that have progressed, been completed or been added during the reporting period here. Include the full continuous improvement plan in Appendix B. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 8 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Continuous improvement plan activities that have progressed, been completed or been added during the period XX/XXAction no.ItemProgressDate for completionWho is responsiblee.g. 5.2e.g. Review verification monitoring sites after first year to ensure sampling sites are representativee.g. Sites have been reviewed. Three sample sites have been reallocated due to the expansion of the supply area.Xx/xxe.g. J. SmithReview of DWMS implementation Include a summary of any internal or external reviews of the DWMS and implementation here. Include details of relevant findings and any actions taken or identified. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 9 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Summary of internal reviewsDateReviewerScope FindingsActionsXx/xx/xxe.g. J. Smith, A. Johne.g. Drinking Water Policye.g. Fully Compliant – Council reviewed and endorsed the water policy on XX/XX/XX.-e.g. Verification Monitoringe.g. Council has undertaken all required verification monitoring-Table STYLEREF 1 \s 9 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Summary of external reviewsDateReviewerScope FindingsActionsXX/XX/XXXXXe.g. Peer review of critical control points and monitoring programe.g. Critical control procedures are not documentede.g. Protocols documented and reviewed by operational staffReservoir inspectionsInclude a summary of any reservoir inspections undertaken during the reporting period here. Include details of any corrective actions undertaken and any planned future work. DateReservoirs inspectedFindingsCorrective actions XX/XX/XXe.g. Reservoir 1Entry hatch is not sealedHatch has been sealed. Water quality dataWater quality graphsInclude summary water quality graphs here:Water quality data summaryInclude a summary of available water quality data over the reporting period here:Raw waterTreated waterReticulationVerificationThis data can be generated using the monitoring template spreadsheet. Raw WaterParameterMinimumAverageMaximumLower critical limitUpper critical limitNo. samplesTreated WaterParameterMinimumAverageMaximumLower critical limitUpper critical limitNo. samplesReticulationParameterMinimumAverageMaximumLower critical limitUpper critical limitNo. samplesVerification monitoring Include a summary of NSW Health’s Drinking Water Monitoring Program data here. ParameterLocationMinimumAverageMaximumADWG LimitNo. exceed-ancesNo. samplesContinuous improvement planInclude the full continuous improvement plan here. Include details of: progresswho is responsible the date for completion. Action no.ItemProgressDate for completionWho is responsible ................

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