Year 10 New Generations 2011 program (based on new edition of Fundamentals of Science 4)

|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Every week there may be a short quiz on a topic studied the previous week to help in | | | |

| |revising past topics. Also this should help identify your strengths and weaknesses so that | | | |

| |you may need to revisit some topics and gauge how much effort you need to put into your | | | |

| |studies. |FOS | | |

| |If you wish to undertake Human Biology in Year 11 you should be aiming at 65% at least in |Chapter 2 |Chapter Questions |Brainstorm reproduction |

| |the quizzes. |P13-17 |p21-22 | |

| | | |Nos 1-3,5,15 | |

| | |NG | |Activity 1 |


| |Define extinction. | | | |

| |Define and justify the need for reproduction. | | | |

| |Define asexual reproduction. | | | |

| |List and give examples of different types of asexual reproduction. | | | |

| |Identify advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Introduction | | | | |

|(Assessment Sheet) | | | | |

|Reproduction | | | | |

|Asexual reproduction | | | | |

| | | | | |

|2 periods | | | | |

|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

|Sexual reproduction |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | |Video - sexual reproduction – |

| |Define sexual reproduction. |FOS | |VTR 043f |

|2 periods |Label and describe the function of reproductive organs. |Chapter 2 |Chapter Questions | |

|( ( 4 periods) |List advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction. |P4,17-18 |p21-22 |Activity 3 |

| |Understand that sexual reproduction leads to variation. | |Nos 4,9,13,16,19,20 |NG P6 |

| |Understand the two types of sexual reproduction: |NG | | |

| |- External and internal. |P6 | |Activity 4 |

| | | | |NG P7 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Activity 5 |

| | | | |NG P8 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Worksheet 1 |

| | | | |NG P10 |

|Pollination |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | |Activity 8 |

| |Define pollination. |FOS | |NG P13 |

|2 periods |Label and describe the function of reproductive parts of a flower. |Chapter 2 |Chapter Questions |Video “flowers to seed - VTR |

|( ( 6 periods) |Understand the fertilisation process that occurs in a flower. |P18-20 |p21-22 |582.046 FLO ”. |

| | | |Nos 8,10-12 | |

| | |NG | |Worksheet 2 |

| | |P13,14 | |NG P12 |

| | | |Worksheet 2a |Activity 8b |

|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

|The cell and the nucleus |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | |Activity 9 |

| |Label the organelles within a cell. |FOS | |NG P15 |

|2 periods |Describe the role of organelles. |Chapter 1 |Chapter Questions | |

|( ( 8 periods) |Label a diagram of a DNA. |P5,6 |P12 |Activity 11 |

| | | |Nos 15 |NG P20 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Worksheet 3 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Worksheet 4 |

|Cell division | | | |Video – meiosis – 571.8 MEI |


|3 periods |Understand the process of mitosis. |Chapter 1 |Chapter Questions |Activity 13 |

|( ( 11 periods) |Understand the process of meiosis. |P9,10 |P11 |NG P23 |

| |Demonstrate meiotic division using a diagram. | |Nos 6,9,17 | |

| |Understand that meiosis leads to variation. | | |Activity 2 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Worksheet 5 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

|Inheritance |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | |Chapter Questions |Activity 16 |

| |Define the term inheritance. |FOS |P30,31 |NG P28-30 |

|5 periods |Use the model of meiosis to explain inheritance. |Chapter 3 |Nos 3,4,6-11,13-17 | |

|( ( 16 periods) |Identify dominant and recessive inheritance. |P23-28,36 | |Video – Inheritance – 575.1 |

| |Describe the following terms: | |P40,41 |FAM |

| |- gene and allele, dominant, recessive, | |Nos 5-7,16 |VTR 377b |

| |phenotype, genotype, homozygous, heterozygous. | | | |

| | |NG |NG | |

| | |P32-33 |Qs. 1-4 | |

| |Use the punnet square to determine possible gene combinations. | |P31-32 | |

| |Use the punnet square to determine genotype/phenotype ratio of offspring. | | | |

| | | |NG | |

| |Explain the term co-dominance. |NG |Qs. 1-6 |Worksheet 6 |

| |Identify an intermediate/incomplete inheritance. |P34 |P35-36 | |

| | | | |NG |

| |End of stage 1 | |NG |Worksheet |

| |4 Week Test | |Qs. 1-2 |P38 |

| | |NG |P39 | |

| | |P37 | | |

| | | |NG | |

| | | |Qs. 1-4 | |

| | | |P40 | |

|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

|X-linked inheritance |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | | |

| | |FOS |Chapter Questions |Activity 20 |

|4 periods |Interpret pedigrees. |Chapter 4 |P40 |P42-43 |

|( ( 20 periods) |Determine genotype from a pedigree. |P36-38 |Nos 8-13,18 | |

| |Identify sex chromosomes from a karyotype whether male or female. | | |Activity 21 |

| |Identify sex-linked / X-linked diseases- haemophilia, colour blindness, Duchenne muscular | |NG |P44-46 |

| |dystrophy. | |Qs. 1-5 | |

| |Calculate genotypic/phenotypic ratio of sex-linked inheritance using punnet square. | |P45 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |NG | |

| | | |Qs. 1-4 & 1-3 | |

| | | |P46 | |

|Genetic disorders |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: |FOS | |Library research |

| |Define the term mutation. |Chapter 5 | | |

|7 periods |Identify disorder resulting from too many sex chromosomes and body chromosomes. |P44-49 | |Video – Genetic disorders – |

|( ( 27 periods) |Explain how they result using meiosis. | |Chapter Questions |575.1 FAM |

| |Recognise sex chromosomes of a Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, triplo x syndrome and |NG |P52 |- VTR 044e |

| |Down syndrome. |P48-51 |Nos 10,12-14,21,22 | |

| | | | |Activity 23 |

| | | | |P52 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Video – agent orange |

|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

|Biological control |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: |FOS | | |

| |Define the term ‘introduced species’. |Chapter 6 |Chapter Questions |Activity 25 |

|3 periods |Explain how rabbit population increased exponentially. |P53-56 |P61 |P55 |

|( ( 30 periods) |Explain measures used to control their population. | |Nos 10,11,12,16,17 | |

| |Explain resistance to disease or toxin and link it to variation (due to meiosis). |NG | |Video - rabbits |

| |Explain the term natural selection and use examples. |Qs. 1-8 | | |

| | |P55-56 | |Video – biological control |

| | | | | |

| | |Info sheet1 | | |

| | |Info sheet2 | | |

|Death of a species |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | | |

| |Differentiate between the terms: |Jacaranda Science2 |Jacaranda Science |Activity 26 |

|3 periods |Endangered, vulnerable and rare. |P218-219 |P219 |P57 |

|( ( 33 periods) |Give examples of Australian natives that belong to each group. | | | |

| | | |Remeber | |

| | | |Nos 1-6 | |

| | |Info sheet3 |Think | |

| | | |Nos 1,2 | |

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|Content area |Objectives |Text: Fundamentals of Science 4; |Questions |Activities |

| | |New Generations booklet (NG) | | |

|Conservation |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | | |

| |Explain the process of IVF | | |Library research |

|4 periods |Discuss the issues related to IVF | | | |

|( ( 37 periods) |Age, same sex marriages, | | | |

| | | | | |

|Biotechnology and cloning |STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: | | |Video – Genetic engineering – |

| |Define the term ‘genetic engineering’. |FOS | |VTR 004 |

|7 periods |Explain how genetic engineering helps in biological control. |Chapter 7 |Chapter Questions |VTR 009b |

|( ( 44 periods) |Explain the impact of genetic engineering on global food supply. |P63-71 |P78 | |

| |Describe what is meant by ‘genetic screening’ and ‘genetic counselling’ | |Nos 5-10 |Video – cloning – VTR 009a |

| |Define the terms: selective breeding, outbreeding and inbreeding. |Info sheet5 | |Library research |

| |Describe the two methods of cloning. | | |Activity 28 |

| |Present points for and against cloning. |Info sheet6 | |P61 |

| | | | |Activity 30 |

| | | | |P64 |

| | | |Unit test |Online cloning activity |


This program is designed for those interested in doing Human Biology in upper school. Some of the topics dealt with in this course are challenging and requires hard work and diligence. If you are on task and complete your work on time there will be time for fun activities and cool videos to watch.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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