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March 28, 2016 7:30-8:30PMPeople Over PipelinesConference Call AttendeesAgnes, Belinda, Beth Ann, Al, Glen, Martha, Katie, Rita, Lena, Andrea, JeanAgenda:Vote for Endorsing Clean Energy RevolutionMacArthur Coffee April 1Sign On Letter finish getting signatures for presentation April 13, 2016, ask signee’s to attend DEP?dewatering?hearingDEP?dewatering?hearingTransco asking FERC to accelerate approvalBeth's?photo?documentation 3 different endangered animals – rare animals who is helping us with this? NJ Conversation, FERC gets permits which are from NJDEP because they manage this.DeAngelo meetingSweeney meetingMeetingVote for Endorsing Clean Energy RevolutionLena briefed us on Clean Energy Revolution. They are asking for signees and will march Sunday before Democratic National Convention. Clean Energy Revolution endorses a Ban on Fracking, and advocates keeping fossil fuels in the ground. They would like democratic candidates to put this on their platform. This is particularly timely because there is a Plan for Philadelphia to be dirty fossil fuel hub. Result: Agnes, Belinda, Beth Ann, Al, Glen, Martha, Katie, Rita voted in favor for POP to endorse. We are encouraging POP members to endorse on a personal level as well as March.What: Coffee with Congressman MacArthur??When: Friday,?April 1, 2016 @ 4:30 pm??Where: Medford Memorial Community Center??21 South Main Street, MedfordObjective- Get as many people to attend as possible either sitting at different tables. We should be asking people to come. Lena will ask Pinelands Pipeline Action Network. Ask Cattona’s--RitaAsk Sherry Dudas--AgnesTenative list of POP attendees: Rita, Agnes , Lena, Martha and 3 friends, JeanREQUEST ALL ATTENDEES WEAR RED That way if you see a lot of RED at a table don’t sit there, move to another table.Sign On Letter to be submitted to Burlington County Freeholders April 13, 2016Everyone Continue to ask businesses, organizations to ‘sign on’Ask Chesterfield Fire Dept – Rita, Ask Bordentown Fire dept – Derby-GlenAsk Chesterfield General Store- MarthaCompose press release for Sign on Letter – LenaForward instructions for sign on letter – MarthaCompose letter asking those who signed-on to show up at Freeholder meeting and support the cause--MarthaAsk those who signed-on to show up at meeting and ask Freeholders not to allow compressor station and pipeline- AllOrganize crash course in DEP dewatering-Ag organize this with Micah & Bill Wolf who will help us learn leverage points around DEP and clean water act.Transco asking FERC to accelerate approvalWrite letter to the editor, NJNG is rushing the process for Transco approval on AprilBeth's?photo?documentation 3 different endangered animals – rare animals-who is helping us with this???? NJ Conversation, FERC gets permits managed by DEP. Members will go on nature hunt April 9 afternoon. Members please try to find contact to help us document and present this issue to the proper authorities.DeAngelo meeting-need to organize, ??? leading , setting it up, Al will attendSweeney meeting- Rita leading setting it up. Prior Sweeney meeting with Pinelands alliance subject was ban pipelines in pinelandsNon Agenda ItemsWe want to continue supporting our local government to be against the pipeline & compressor stationAgnes flyers- Please review before March 29.Get Pinelands preservation to present the next steps needed for pipeline and compressor station approval, maybe next meeting Update Petitions to reflect POP – Agnes leadOrganize Volunteers to support?Chesterfield School 5 K Run?event with an informational table----Saturday April 9, 7:30 AM – Martha lead put out to group to solicit for helper – one maybe two volunteers so far. ................

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