Endangered Species Project - Mrs. Mudd

Endangered Species Trading Cards


For this project you will create trading cards for 10 Endangered Species of your choice.

General Specifications:

• Cards may be created by hand or digitally, but MUST be printed and submitted as trading cards (front and back).

• Species chosen must currently be listed as endangered by the federal FWS.

• Species chosen MUST include at least one invertebrate animal and at least one plant.

• YOUR NAME must be discreetly included on each card AND cards should be discreetly numbered 1-10. DO NOT LOSE THIS PAGE. IT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH CARDS.

Requirements for each card:

Grading Rubric: (For each card)

NOTE: ONLY cards will be evaluated. No research will be graded.

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|Component |Point value |

|Picture of species |1 |

|Common name and scientific name |0.5 |

|General classification |0.5 |

|Location |0.5 |

|Habitat |0.5 |

|Population decline over time |1 |

|Causes of endangerment (MUST be detailed and specific for that particular species) |2 |

|Appearance (neat, easy to read, uses color, appealing layout, printed front/back) |1 |

|TOTAL (per card) |7 |

|TOTAL (all cards) |70 |

Endangered Species Trading Cards Grading Rubric / Peer Review

Name: _________________________________________________________________

|Component |Point value |

|Picture of species |1 |

|Common name and scientific name |0.5 |

|General classification |0.5 |

|Location |0.5 |

|Habitat |0.5 |

|Population decline over time |1 |

|Causes of endangerment (MUST be detailed and specific for that particular species) |2 |

|Appearance (neat, easy to read, uses color, appealing layout, printed front/back) |1 |

|TOTAL (per card) |7 |

|TOTAL (all cards) |70 |

|Card number |Points earned |Comments / Peer initials |

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FRONT of card


(may be hand drawn or digital)

Common name

Scientific name

General Classification

(ie. mammal, bird, plant, etc.)

BACK of card


(where it can be found in the world)


Population decline over time

(should be quantitative – use numbers!)

Specific and detailed causes of endangerment

(NOT just “overexploitation”)

Total Points Earned


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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