Mrs. Crnich's 4th Grade - Homework

Name It, Verb it, Big Picture Book Summary1. Name and underline the book title. Example: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing2. Name the author (and don’t forget to capitalize both first and last names).Example: Judy Blume3. Pick a verb from the list below:Verb List: tells, describes, explains, showsExample: describes4. Add the “big picture” or main idea of the story.Example: This is about a boy named Peter who has to deal with his crazy brother, Fudge.5. Now put the sentence together. This is your beginning sentence. Example: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, by Judy Blume, describes the story of a boy named Peter who has to deal with his crazy brother, Fudge.6. Next, write 1-3 more detail sentences to support your “Name it, Verb it, Big Picture” sentence.Example: Fudge gets himself into all kinds of trouble, including swallowing his brother’s turtle and breaking his arm when he pretends to be a bird.7. Then, write one last sentence that tells the final ending.Example: In the end, it all works out when Peter’s parents bring home a puppy just for him.7. Finally, end with a recommendation sentence.Example: I recommend this book because …. ORI don’t recommend this book because….8. Now, put it all together:Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, by Judy Blume, describes the story of a boy named Peter who has to deal with his crazy brother, Fudge. Fudge gets himself into all kinds of trouble, including swallowing his brother’s turtle and breaking his arm when he pretends to be a bird. In the end, it all works out when Peter’s parents bring home a puppy just for him. I recommend this book because it made me laugh! There were many funny parts, and most kids can relate to a little brother who is a pest! NAME ___________________________________Name it, Verb it, Big Picture Story Summary1. First, write the beginning sentence:Name it ______________________________________________________________Author_______________________________________________Verb It _______________________________Big Picture ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Second, write your 1-3 detail sentences that support the big picture._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Next, write the ending sentence.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Finally, write your recommendation sentence or sentences.I recommend (or don’t recommend) this book because ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now put it all together on another sheet of paper. Check off these steps:_____I wrote details in my summary that prove I read the book carefully._____My sentences flow and make sense._____All of my words are spelled correctly._____I capitalized the author’s names and the character’s names._____I put commas in the correct places._____I wrote neatly and do not have scratch-outs or doodles on my summary._____My name is on my final summary._____These notes are attached to my final summary. ................

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