2015-20163rd year of MedicineJPEMS Program - Pathophysiology module3343275851281018853158496935Publically presented on:October 6th 2015 in Szeged50698409504045Under the supervision of Zsófia Mezei-Leprán MD., Ph.DAbnormalities of the LDL metabolism:Erwan WilliamsonPhilomène Toquetphysiology, pathophysiology and treatmentsLeticia SzadaiC O N T E N T1.Introduction2.Physiology of LDL metabolism2.1.Synthesis of LDL2.1.1.Exogenous pathway2.1.2.Endogenous pathway2.1.3.The reverse cholesterol pathway2.2.Regulation of uptake of LDL by cells2.2.1.Hepatic uptake of LDL2.2.2.Extra-hepatic uptake of LDL3.Pathophysiology of LDL metabolism3.1.Increased synthesis3.1.1.Metabolic syndrome3.1.2.Diabetes type 1 and 23.1.3.Hypothyroidism3.1.4.Hypercorticism3.1.5.Nephrotic syndrome3.1.6.Infection3.1.7.Ethanol intake3.1.8.Drug intake3.1.9.Menopause3.2.Reduce uptake by the cells 3.2.1.Familial hypercholesterolemia3.2.2.Familial defective ApoB-1003.2.3.PCSK9 mutation3.2.4.ARH mutation3.2.5.Cholesterol 7-hydroxylase deficiency3.3.Harmful LDL3.3.1.Sitosterolemia3.3.2.Oxidized LDL3.3.3.Small density LDL3.3.4.Uremia4.Treatments5.Summary6.References7.DeclarationABBREVIATIONS:ABCA1:ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 Apos:apo(lipo)proteinsARH:autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia gene ASCVD:arteriosclerosis cardiovascular diseaseCAD:coronary artery diseasesCE:cholesteryl esterCETP:cholesteryl ester transfer proteinChol-E:cholesterol estersCM:chylomicronCVD:cardiovascular diseasesCYP7A1:Cholesterol 7 -hydroxylaseEGF:epidermal growth factorFDB:familial defective apoB-100FH:familial hypercholesterolemiaHDL :high-density lipoproteinheFH:heterozygous FHHL:hepatic lipaseHMG-CoA:3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoAhoFH:homozygous FHIDL:intermediate density lipoproteinLCAT:lecithin-cholesterol acyltranferaseLDL:low-density lipoproteinLDL-C:low-density lipoprotein cholesterolLDLR:LDL receptorsLP:lipoproteinLPL:lipoprotein lipaseLPS:lipopolysaccharidesLXR:liver X receptorMTP:microsomal triglyceride transfer proteinNPC1L1:Niemann-Pick C1-like 1ox-LDL:oxidized LDLPCSK9:proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9PPAR:peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorsdLDL:small dense LDLSRBI:scavenger receptor BISREBP:sterol regulatory element binding proteinTG:triglycerideTSH:thyroid - stimulating hormoneVLDL:very-low-density lipoproteinWHO:World Health Organization1.IntroductionThe abnormalities of LDL metabolism are usually associated with the most severe cardiovascular diseases (CVD), for example coronary artery diseases (CAD), peripheral artery diseases and stroke including atherosclerosis. These disorders of fat metabolism strongly correlate with plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level (Marais, 2015). If the balance of LDL metabolism collapses, it causes a rise in the concentration of serum LDL and the building-up of arterial plaque that leads to atherosclerosis. However, nowadays the elevation plasma LDL level becomes a global proposition. As the pathological amount of LDL and its inner content, cholesterol, are accumulating in vessel walls, it affects a blockage in the bloodstream. Consequently, the raised level of cholesterol increases the risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Raised BC: 2008 diseases give an image about the significant consequences of the abnormalities of LDL metabolism, like increased cholesterol, all over the world. Actually, according to WHO statistic the incidence of elevated cholesterol level was the highest in Europe (54% for both genders). This average is followed by America with 48% for both genders, and then Africa with 22.6% and South East Asia with 29.0% in 2008 (Fig. 1.).Overall, a big number of patients are concerned about the abnormalities of LDL metabolism, therefore the first aim of the present report to demonstrate the importance of LDL abnormalities and its therapy in a point of view.2.Physiology of LDL metabolismDietary fat and endogenous lipid synthesized in the liver must be transported between tissues and organs to be metabolized there. This plasma transportation is provided by water soluble macromolecules: lipoproteins. Lipoprotein metabolism abnormalities are a major cause of atherosclerosis.2.1.Synthesis of LDLThe low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a globular molecular complex. Besides chylomicron, very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), it belongs to the lipoprotein’s family, which are responsible for transporting lipid molecules, especially cholesterol. The structure of LDL, as other lipoproteins, might be separated to amphilic and nonpolar portions. The micro emulsion’s surface has an encompassment of amphilic phospholipids and non-esterified cholesterol while the inner part contains a large number of hydrophobic triacylglycerol and cholesterol esters (Chol-E) with a function of storing and carrying of cholesterol. The different types of lipid-protein complexes are differentiated by their densities, diameters and molecular weight. The more the complex contains proteins, the higher density it has. And the more the complex contains lipids, the lower density it has.(chylomicrons <VLDL <IDL <LDL <HDL) (Silbernagl, 2009). These complexes also are distinguished from other complexes by their proteins composition (Figure 2).Lipoprotein particleApolipoproteinVLDL (very low density lipoproteins)Apo-B100, Apo-CI, Apo-EIDL (intermediary density lipoproteins)Apo-B100, Apo-ELDL (low density proteins)Apo-B100HDL (high density proteins)Apo-A1Chylomicrons Apo-B48, Apo-E, Apo-CIIFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 - Apoproteins of lipoproteinsThe apo(lipo)proteins (Apos) that are needed for serving lipids to the targeted cells. For instance, ApoAII and ApoB48 as structural elements, while ApoB100 and ApoE as ligands, ApoAI and ApoCII as enzyme activators. The way, which leads to LDL synthesis, is an endogenous pathway. It also exist an exogenous pathway, which can implicate into endogenous pathway and interferes with the LDL metabolism (Silbernagl, 2009). 2.1.1.Exogenous pathwayDietary lipids are absorbed via the small intestine and packaged into large particles known as chylomicrons, which contain the intestine-specific ApoB48. Chylomicrons transport lipids from the gut to the periphery (skeletal, muscle and fat tissue), where their ApoCII activates the endothelial lipoprotein lipase (LPL); thus free fatty acids are split off and are taken up by muscle cells and fat tissue. Chylomicrons remnant particles eventually return to the liver where they bind to receptor via ApoE. They are endocytosed and in this way deliver their triglycerides as well as their cholesterol and cholesterol esters. Some, relatively enriched in cholesterol, integrate endogenous hepatic lipid pathways (Silbernagl, 2009).2.1.2.Endogenous pathwayVLDL transports endogenous?triglycerides,?phospholipids,?cholesterol, and cholesterol esters. Nascent VLDL released from the liver contains apoB100, cholesterol, cholesterol esters and triglycerides. In the bloodstream, VLDL picks up ApoCII (essential for LPL’s operation) and ApoE given by HDL. At this point, nascent VLDL becomes a mature VLDL. VLDL will come in contact with LPL on endothelial cells. LPL will remove triglycerides from VLDL for storage and energy production. The triglycerides are removed from VLDL with LPL. The composition of the molecule changes and it becomes intermediate-density lipoprotein, IDL. 50% of IDLs are recognized by receptors in the liver cells because of the apoB100 and apoE, their contents are endocytosed. For the other 50% of IDL, when their cholesterol content becomes greater than the content of triglyceride due to action of hepatic lipase, they become LDL, with apoB100 as the primary apolipoprotein. In the end of this procedure, the ApoB100 of LDL binds to the LDLR, on the surface of hepatic and extrahepatic cells. The LDL-LDLR complex is internalized in an endocytic vesicle to participate in a lysis subsequently the receptor will recirculate to the cell membrane to bind a new LDL molecule. As a result of this process, the intracellular cholesterol level mighty increase, for this reason the synthesis of LDL receptor and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) will be inhibited (Fig. 3.) (Silbernagl, 2009). The cholesterol content of cell is stored, used for cell membrane structure, or converted into other products such as steroid hormones or bile acids. If the cellular intake of LDL is damaged, resulting elevation of serum cholesterol level that induces atherosclerosis.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3 - Regulation of LDL receptor expression and cholesterol synthesis. reverse cholesterol pathwayHigh-density lipoprotein (HDL) plays an essential role in plasma lipid transport. HDL is also the major vehicle for the transport of cholesterol from peripheral cells to the liver for excretion and catabolism. This process, known as reverse cholesterol transport (Fig. 4.), occurs in three stages: extravascular, intravascular, and intrahepatic. In the extravascular phase, non-esterified cholesterol is removed from cell membranes by interaction with the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1). Dietary cholesterols (animals and vegetable) enter in the enterocyte via Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1-L1) receptor exposed on the luminal surface. Only dietary animal cholesterol is kept in the cell to be secreted in the blood via receptors. After being absorbed, vegetable cholesterol is thought it away in digestive tract via ABCG5 and ABCG8 receptors. Mutations of those receptors can cause a specific disease. It leads to secretion of vegetable cholesterol in the blood stream and increases the circulating cholesterol level.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4 - The revers cholesterol transport the intravascular phase, a plasma enzyme called lecithin-cholesterol acyltranferase (LCAT) converts the free cholesterol into cholesterol ester, which is then sequestered into the core of lipoprotein particle. HDL particles increase in size as they circulate through the bloodstream and incorporate more cholesterol and phospholipid molecules from cells and other lipoproteins, for example by the interaction with ABCG1 transporter. HDL engulfs cholesterol in excess in cells. For example, cholesterol from macrophages, which are coming from athermanous plaque. In the direct pathway, HDL transports cholesterol mostly to the liver or steroidogenic organs such as adrenals, ovary and testes. It is removed by HDL receptors such as scavenger receptor BI (SRBI), which mediate the selective uptake of cholesterol from HDL. Mature HDL gets back to nascent HDL and is able to capture cholesterol again. Indirect pathway is probably the relevant one. It is mediated by CETP. This protein exchanges triglycerides of IDL or VLDL against cholesterol-esters of HDL. CETP decreases the concentration of HDL cholesterol and increases the concentrations of CE in VLDL, IDL and LDL. As the result, IDLs are processed to LDL, which is removed from the circulation by LDL receptor pathway (Griffin, 2013).2.2.Regulation of uptake of LDL by cellsLow-density lipoproteins are the major carrier of cholesterol in the blood, accounting for more than 60% of total plasma cholesterol. Hepatic and extrahepatic tissues through LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis where it is internalized and degraded take up LDL to free cholesterol and amino acids. Uptake of native and oxidized LDL by monocyte-derived macrophages in the vessel wall results accumulation of cholesterol and formation of atherosclerotic plaques.2.2.1.Hepatic uptake of LDLThis receptor is regulated by lots of genes, proteins and transcription factors and when they are mutated, it leads to many diseases like hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc. LDL receptors complexes are present in clathrin-coated pits on the cell surface, which when bounds to LDL-cholesterol via adaptin, are pinched off to form clathrin-coated vesicles inside the cell. The modular adaptor protein, autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia gene (ARH) is required for LDL binding and internalization. Lacking autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia gene (ARH-/-) has severe hypercholesterolemia due to impaired hepatic clearance of LDL (Michaely, 2004). This allows LDL-cholesterol to be endocytosis and prevents the LDL diffusing around the membrane surface. This occurs in all nucleated cell but mainly in the liver, which removes 70% of LDL, form the circulation. Once the coated vesicle is internalized it will shed its clathrin-coat and will fuse with an acidic late endosome. The receptors are then either destroyed or they can be recycled via endocytic cycle back to the surface of the cell ready to receive another LDL. The level of free intracellular cholesterol regulates synthesis of receptor. If it is in excess for the need of the cell then the transcription of the receptor gene will be inhibited (). The number of LDL receptor isn’t only regulated by the blood cholesterol level but also by some molecules. Indeed, it proved that proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) accelerates degradation of LDL receptors (LDLR). PCSK9 is secreted from liver and binds a repeat domain in the extracellular portion of LDL receptor. PCSK9 locks the receptor in an open conformation that targets it to lysosomes for degradations. Some research study prove that heterozygote person for PCSK9 null mutations in 2.6% of African-Americans was founds to be associated with 28% reduction in LDL cholesterol and 88% reduction in cardiovascular risk (Seidah, 2014). LDL receptor (LDLR) can recognize differently apolipoproteins:ApoB100 (major pathway): VLDL, IDL, LDL can be endocytosed. ApoE (minor pathway): VLDL, IDL and chylomicrons can be endocytosed. ApoB and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) are necessary for lipoprotein assembly. MTP's lipid transfer activity is required for the assembly of lipoproteins. This activity renders nascent ApoB secretion-competent and may be involved in the import of triglycerides into the lumen of endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, MTP binds to apoB with high affinity involving ionic interactions. Some drugs have been developed in order to prevent the assembly of apo B-containing lipoproteins; thus inhibiting the synthesis of chylomicrons and?VLDL?and leading to decrease in plasma levels of LDL-C (Hussain, 2003). 2.2.2.Extra-hepatic uptake of LDLThe liver produces bile. It is a melange of 97% water, 0.7% bile salt, 0.2%?bilirubin, 0.51% acids (cholesterol, fatty acids). Bile acids allow fragmentation of large globules of dietary lipids leading to the formation of micro-droplets. This emulsion then facilitates the digestion of lipids by pancreatic lipase. Bile acid synthesis plays a critical role in the maintenance of mammalian cholesterol homeostasis. There are two pathways, which lead to the formation of bile acids: classical and alternative. Cholesterol 7-hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of bile acid form cholesterol in the classical pathway. This enzyme is the subject of feedback control. It is downregulated by sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) when the level of plasma cholesterol is low. On the opposite, it is upregulated by the nuclear receptor LXR (liver X receptor) when cholesterol levels are high. The effect of this upregulation increases the production of bile acids and reduce the level of cholesterol in hepatocytes (Chawla, 2000).3.Pathophysiology of LDL metabolismThe blood concentration of LDL has been proven to be causally linked to the prevalence of atherosclerosis (Huszar, 2000) and cardiovascular diseases. An increase of this low-density lipoprotein can be caused by several mechanisms; in this article we will try to review those mechanisms by citing the most famous pathologies described in the literature.3.1.Increased synthesisAn increased synthesis originates from deregulations often due to acquired poly-factorial causes, both genetic and environmental and it not well known until this day.3.1.1.Metabolic syndromeThe first etiology of high plasma level of LDL is the rich diet in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. It is often responsible for hypercholesterolemia and thus an increase of LDL plasma level. But this type of diet does not always explain the appearance of clinical and biological symptoms and is often linked to many other factors.3.1.2.Diabetes type 1 and 2Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are described as being risk factors for CVD and atherosclerosis by their influence on LDL metabolism. It is proven that patients with diabetes can have higher concentration of LDL and smaller LDL particles (Garvey, 2003), both risk factors.3.1.3.HypothyroidismThyroid hormones have been shown to have multiple effects on lipid metabolism and it’s been decades that hypothyroidism is known to induce hyperlipidemia. Approximately 1 to 11% of dyslipidemic patients have subclinical hypothyroidism (Pearce, 2012) even though the effect of thyroid hormones depletion is not clear. An increase of thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH) would have an impact on the increased synthesis of ApoB and the higher level of LDL cholesterol. T3 hormone may have an impact on sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 (SERBP-2) activity hence; a lower level of this hormone would mean a decrease of LDLR expression and thus a lower LDL clearance. Hypothyroidism could also affect intestinal cholesterol absorption due to thyroid hormone actions on Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 protein in the gut. Hypothyroidism seems also to have an effect on the size of LDL particle as it induces an increase of small dense LDL (Abbas, 2008).3.1.4.HypercorticismIt has been shown that in hypercortisolism diseases like Crushing’s syndrome, patients has metabolic syndrome associating high level of LDL, oxidized LDL and enhance the inflammatory process leading to the development of cardiovascular disease (Boero, 2015).3.1.5.Nephrotic syndromeAbnormal lipid metabolism is often described in patients with renal alterations, especially in nephrotic syndrome where we can observe high level of LDL as well as other dyslipidemia. The appearance of mechanism is still unclear but nephrotic syndrome has been shown to increase apolipoprotein levels like ApoB. It is believe that ApoB transcription is induced by low oncotic pressure caused by the renal failure (Vega, 1995)3.1.6.InfectionSome bacteria and virus has been proven to be responsible for coronary heart disease by significantly increasing plasma level of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL (Al-Ghamdi, 2011). It is interesting to see that LDL plasma level also have a consequence on the immune system. In fact, there is a significant relation between the plasma cholesterol level and the risk on infection as showed a 15 year cohort study (Iribarren, 1998).3.1.7.Ethanol intakeIt seems that the alcohol intake has an effect on LDL cholesterol level even though the studies conducted on the subject shows variable results. Those different results are believed to be linked to polymorphism in the population genome. Thus, studies on Italian and Turkish subject showed that alcohol intake increases the circulating LDL whereas studies on Japoneses brought opposite results (Brinton, 2012). Other studies showed that a low alcohol intake on monkey does not significantly change the amount of plasma LDL while a high intake tends to elevate it.3.1.8.Drug intakeIt is known that some drugs increase the plasma level of LDL. It is the case for the beta-blockers, such as atenolol, researchers has found an increase amount of LDL in the patient receiving such treatment (Fonseca, 2010).3.1.9.MenopauseSome studies show that LDL levels increase when women reach their menopause (Corr, 2000) linked to more frequent CHD. It is believed to be due to the sudden low sex hormone concentration, which were positively influencing biliary secretions.3.2.Decrease uptake by cell3.2.1.Familial hypercholesterolemiaThe genetic mutations leading to hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia can affect a lot of different protein implicated in the LDL metabolism leading to variable diseases that differ by their clinical and biological diagnosis. The most well known and most described of all is the familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). This disease is characterized by a mutation in the LDLR gene. Patients mutated in one of these two alleles have heterozygous FH (heFH) while a patient presenting two mutated alleles has homozygous FH (hoFH). This monogenic disease has the highest incidence, approximately one out of 500 people (Golstein, 2001) in 2001 for heFH, and is one of the most severe forms especially for those with hoFH. Its inheritance has an autosomal codominant pattern. Patients with hoFH have a homogenous distribution of their high LDL levels whereas heFH patients has different amount of plasma-LDL depending on their diet, environment and genetic predisposition. hoFH have several clinical symptoms. They develop cutaneous xanthomas and coronary atherosclerosis at a young age. Aortic root and coronary ostia are often initially damaged by LDL accumulation in the endothelial lumen. If the young patients are not taken care of quickly, they die prematurely of atherosclerotic cardiovascular complications. The longer the exposition to high LDL level is, worsen the symptoms and the prognostic are. Researchers found out that LDL levels in hoFH are inversely related to the remaining LDLR activity. This is why “receptor-negative” patients with less than 2% of normal LDLR activity rarely survive the second decade while “receptor-positive” patients with 2 to 25% of normal LDLR activity develop clinically observable atherosclerosis disease by the age of 30.Patient presenting heFH have significantly lower and variable LDL levels and thus, much more dependent on other factors making their prognosis difficult.Familial hypercholesterolemia caused by an abnormal LDLR can be caused by over 900 mutations of its gene. Some of them result in lowering the number of receptors on the cell’s surface while others disrupt the receptor's ability to remove low-density lipoproteins from the blood. The majority of them occurred in the ligand binding and epidermal growth factor (EGF) precursor homology regions in the 5' region. The majority of its mutations are missense, small insertion, and deletion. Approximately 10% to 15% of LDLR mutations are large rearrangements, such as exonic deletions and duplications, which cannot be detected by full-gene sequencing.The diagnosis of FH is based on the familial history and the appearance of premature coronary atherosclerosis, abnormal plasma lipidic composition and xanthomas. Because of the high number of mutations, the molecular diagnosis is difficult except if the patient comes from a population where a limited number of mutations predominate.3.2.2.Familial defective ApoB-100A less common disease has been described as similar to FH, with a reduced rate of LDL catabolism but with a normal LDLR activity. Familial defective apoB-100 (FDB) is characterized in most cases by a missense mutation (Arg3500Gln) in the LDLR-binding domain of this apolipoprotein B-100. Approximately 60 different mutations has been found affecting this gene. Its incidence can go up to 1 in 1,000 in Central Europe but is usually far less common world wild. Like in FH, high LDL cholesterol levels, normal triglycerides, xanthomas and early atherosclerosis characterize FDB. Even though the mean concentration of LDL is higher in FDB patient than in controls, studies often show a wide standard deviation. The appearance of atherosclerosis disease, like coronary disease, is slower but has been proved to be more dangerous than FH’s mainly because, in FDB, LDL itself is atherogenic. LDL produced from FDB homozygotes binds the LDLR with ~10% of normal affinity and its clearance reach one-third to one-quarter of the normal value so that we find in the bloodstream more particles carrying the deficient ApoB protein than particle bearing the normal one.The clinical diagnosis is very similar to heFH; patients presenting high level of plasma LDL and xanthomas. The most common mutation upon wish ApoB-100 is mutated can be detected using molecular techniques. It is important to notice that FDB is not always due to the single base pair substitution and can occur by other ApoB mutations.3.2.3.PCSK9 mutationMutations altering the PCSK9 protein are relatively new. Because PCSK9 inhibits endocytic recycling of LDLR, its gain-of-function missense mutation is responsible for a greater LDLR lysosomal degradation. Through this mechanism, the plasma LDL levels are much higher and the risk of CVD is increased. As different studies showed, depending of the cell type, PCSK9 has variable effects on LDLR metabolism; in kidney cells it seems to reduce LDLR levels whereas, in fibroblast, it does not affect LDLR expression (Benjannet, 2004). We identified three missense gain-of-function mutations in PCSK9 gene (Abifadel, 2003). Even though PCSK9 mutations is a very rare cause of hypercholesterolemia compared to mutation of LDLR and ApoB, its study is not without interest. Indeed, by studying this mutation, we are able to say that PCSK9 has a very important role in the LDL uptake by cells. An overexpression of this protein, mutated or wild-type, enhances the LDLR degradation by a post-transcriptional mechanism. On the other hand, three loss-of-function mutations (in-frame deletion and missenses) have also been described (Cameron, 2006). A large prospective study held for 15 years showed that those mutations reduced LDL levels by 28% and thus the frequency of CHD by 88% (Cohen, 2006). In addition with statins, the results were even greater.3.2.4.ARH mutationARH is an adaptor protein needed for a normal LDLR endocytosis. When ARH is mutated, the number of LDLR is greatly increased on the plasma membrane and LDL binding is also increased but its degradation is reduced. This is explained by understanding ARH role: by being an adapter between the LDL receptor and the complex clathrin/AP2, a loss-of-function mutation is responsible for an altered endocytosis of the ligand-receptor complex. It’s interesting to note that the binding between the lipoprotein ApoB-100 and its receptor is perfectly normal. Once again, the accumulation of LDL in the blood vessels leads to increase risk of atherosclerosis and CVD. The diagnosis of ARH deficiency cannot be distinguished from heFH or hoFH, the LDL plasma levels being between those two levels. One difference than can be found is in the onset of vascular alteration that can be clinically diagnosed; coronary atherosclerosis happen later than hoFH patients. ARH patients can also have large and bulky xanthomas.3.2.5.Cholesterol 7-hydroxylase deficiencyThe genetic deficiency of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase is responsible for a lower classical bile acid biosynthesis. This disease is extremely rare and leads to hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia. A study made by Pullinger et al. on three siblings presenting CYP7A1 showed a bile acid synthesis reduced by 94% (Pullinger, 2002). The hypercholesterolemia could be explained by the reduced hepatic LDLR activity due to 7α-hydroxylase deficiencies. The discoveries of this mutation are very important and suggest that the anabolism of cholesterol into bile acid is essential for the homeostasis of plasma cholesterol levels.3.3.Harmful LDL3.3.1.SitosterolemiaIn normal individual, cholesterol represents more than 99% of the sterols. In sitosterolemia, the plasma levels of a different form of sterol is elevated by more than 30 to 100-fold; sistosterol (Escolà-Gil, 2014). Affected individuals can have plasma LDL levels as elevated as in hoFH, especially in childhood. They develop planar xanthomas, aortic stenosis and premature CHD. A specific sitosterolemia feature is the appearance of a low-level hemolysis caused by the presence of plant sterol in erythrocyte membranes. Those patients have an increase fractional absorption of exogenous sterols and a defect in the acid bile biosynthesis leading to the accumulation of both cholesterol and sistosterol in the circulation and tissues. This disease is caused by mutations in two genes encoding ABC half-transporters (ABCG5 and ABCG8) (Berge, 2000). The diagnosis is based on the xanthomatosis visible in affected patients, and on the fact that they are hypercholesterolemia while their parents are normocholesterolemic. The biochemical diagnosis can be made by extraction of lipids from the plasma and gas-liquid chromatography of the sample.3.3.2.Ox-LDLOxidized LDL (ox-LDL) is now a good biochemical marker of the oxidative stress. Ox-LDL activates monocytes increasing the risk of LDL to infiltrate the blood walls. Metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder associating multiples dysregulation. We know that it provokes low-chronic inflammation and high oxidative stress added to the atherosclerosis and CHD risks (Holvoet, 2008). In case of biliary retention, it has been proven that the amount of ox-LDL is greatly increased (Comert, 2006). Inflammation and complement activation is also a source of oxidation as immune complex made of LDL seems to generate an oxidative stress leading to the production of ox-LDL (Salisubry, 2014)3.3.3.Sd-LDLThe size of the LDL particle has also been linked to the increase of CHD risk. The higher percentage of small dense LDL (sdLDL) is associated to the CHD events. High levels of sdLDL have been correlated with inflammatory markers, metabolic syndrome and altered lipid profiles (Brunzell, 2012; Kobayashi, 2015; Santamarina-Fojo, 2004).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 - Formation of sdLDL (Kobayashi, 2015)In hypertriglyceridemic condition, the CETP and the hepatic lipase is activated leading to a cholesterol-rich VLDL, thus a cholesterol-rich LDL. The HDL particle is transporting few concentration of cholesterol and is full of triglycerides. Therefore, the LDL is more harmful and the HDL hepatic cholesterol clearance is lowered.3.3.4.UremiaStudies showed that patients suffering from uremia presented a vicious cycle leading to harmful LDL. The decreased catabolism of IDL and LDL characteristic of uremia leads to their increased half-life in the plasma and further alteration of the ApoB protein. Those modifications can be oxidation, carbamylation and glycation leading to the lower binding LDL to its receptor, therefore the even greater reduction of their clearance. To compensate this decreased liver clearance, there is an increase clearance of these modified particles by the scavenger pathway. LDL particles are then taken up by macrophages via those scavenger receptors turning them into foam cells in the endothelial wall and enhancing atherogenesis.4.TreatmentsThe numbers of special therapies against LDL abnormalities has increased spectacularly in the last few decades. These treatments’ efficiency is based on its innovation and incidence. Nowadays, against atherogenic dyslipidemia, doctors and researchers could distinguish therapies between acquired and genetic diseases. In this part of the composition, I demonstrate a full range of treatments about the LDL debate.At first, there are genetic disorders in the LDL abnormal metabolism which including familial hypercholesterinemia, single-gene defect such as hyperlipidemia, familial hyperlipidemia. The familial hypercholesterinemia, as in the pathophysiology part it is written, causes very high level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by the mutation of the LDLR gene. It could be inherited in an autosomal dominant way and appear in a homozygous or a heterozygous form (Vogt, 2015). Then, ApoB defect as familial defective ApoB-100, PCSK9 mutation and ARH mutation are also classified to congenital disorders.A therapy for all of the genetic caused dyslipidemia is difficult to find, but a treatment, as early as possible after the final diagnosis, is mostly needed. The best touchstone in this case is the usage of statins. Statin is a HMG Co-A reductase inhibitor, which stops the assembly of cholesterol; leads to lowering LDL-C level and reduce the motility rate of post myocardial infarctions. It has a negative effect on increased synthesis of cholesterol then LDL. However, like every drug, statins also have side effects. Those who have muscle complaints, these are the most significant symptoms that stop the statin use (Moriarty, 2014). Statins are usually expended for acquired and genetic diseases, too. Besides statins, there are other acceptable medications, which are used simultaneously with these cholesterol synthesis inhibitors. Next, we place emphasis on the importance of PCSK9 inhibitors. Pro-protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is a serine protease that has a big role in LDLR circulation. By binding to this molecule, the PCSK9 enhance the receptor’s internalization in the lysosome and its degradation. That process leads to a decreased LDL receptor’ recirculation back to the cell membrane. With PCSK9 inhibitors, the latter mechanism is blocked and these retardants inhibit the LDLRs degradation then increase the expression of the LDLRs on the cell surface. This activity conducts reducing LDL-C level in plasma. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6 - Fig.1.Therapeutic mechanism of pro-protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibition. (Ahn, 2015)The PCSK9 inhibitors are mostly monoclonal antibodies including Alirocumab, Evolocumab, Bococizmumab, LGT-209, RG7652, and LY3015014. The other PCSK9-directed agents are small interfering RNA (as ALN-PCSO2), antisense oligonucleotide mimetic peptides and fusion protein using adnectin technology (as BMS-962476). All of these inhibitors are humanized with successful data (Ahn, 2015). These drugs are commonly used against congenital reduced hepatic uptake.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7 - PCSK9-directed agents in development (Ahn, 2015)For reducing LDL level and avoid cardiovascular diseases, there are other targeted mechanisms that are mediated by MTP. MTP are emerged in enterocytes, hepatocytes and they are needed in the synthesis of ApoB-containing lipoproteins. These proteins have also a big part of transferation phospholipids, triglyceride, cholesterol esters to the ApoB and synthesis of VLDL and chylomicron. By using MTP inhibitors, the TG level decreases due to blocked secretions of VLDL and synthesis of ApoB. Furthermore, these synthetic obstacles reduce dietary fat absorption by chylomicron and LDL-C concentration, too. These days, one type of MTP, so-called lomitapide, was approved and successful for treating homozygous familial hypercholesterinemia. Normally, ApoB plays a central role in assembling and secreting ApoB-containing lipoproteins and its concentration indicates the amount of LDL in plasma. Mipomersen is a 20 nucleotide antisense oligonucleotide that is used against ApoB mRNA. These inhibitors establish a bond with ApoB mRNA and generate a substrate against RNase H1, which cause lower level of ApoB protein and reducing concentration of LDL. Before, the mipormesen is becoming a humanized and efficacious nucleotide structure, it should undergo in two chemical modifications. First, it needs to be chemically transformed as a psosphorothioated ester to survive the hydrolysis and degradation by enzymes. Second, it should be modified with methoxyl sugar residues to gain a more stable version of mipormersen (Ahn, 2015). The lomitapide and the mipomersen have also successful results on treatments against congenital reduce hepatic uptake.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8 - Therapeutic mechanism of lomitapide and mipomersen. (Ahn, 2015) Finally, the last therapy method against arteriosclerosis cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is apolipoprotein A1 mimetics. However, these agents belong to HDL-C by imitating the effect of ApoA1 which leads to cholesterol intake from macrophages causally inverse progression of atherosclerosis (Ahn, 2015). It is also used against congenital disorders.As in the physiology part was mentioned, CETP has a big role in transferring cholesteryl ester and triglyceride among the circulating lipoproteins, especially HDL, LDL, VLDL. The CETP modulator (JTT-705) inhibits the CE and TG transport HDL between ApoB containing lipoprotein in blood. It has a good effect on HDL level elevation because in this case the TG and CE will deliver from HDL3 to HDL2 then to the liver. Thus, the LDL concentration will decrease. The CETP inhibitor ‘s effect could be seen against harmful LDL mechanism.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9 - Fig.4. The effects of dalcetrapib on CETP-mediated cholesterol transport. (Shinkai, 2012) In addition, we would emphasis other lipid-lowering agents. For instance, 10% reduction of LDL and 20% increase of HDL due to Vitamin B3 that blocks the VLDL synthesis. Then, fibrates could decrease the LDL level with 15% and the triglyceride level with 35% by stimulating lipoprotein lipase, fatty acid oxidation, and triglycerides elimination. The 2-Azetidiones blocks the sterol transporter at brush border and intestinal absorption of cholesterol, this process reduces the LDL concentration by 15%. The bile acid sequestrates also decrease the cholesterol and the LDL level. The last agent, omega-3, which inhibit acyl Co-A:1,2diacylglicerol acyltransferase and lead to reduction of non HDL cholesterol, ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-C, VLDL, ApoC, phospholipase A2, arachidonic acid and LDL(; Farinde, 2015). All of these agents have a positive effect on patients who are suffering from acquired form of LDL abnormalities.These diseases are also presented in the palette of LDL’ abnormal attitude. It is including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypercorticism, nephritic syndrome, infection, ethanol intake, types of drugs and menopause. The aim of treatment in acquired hypercholesterinemia is reducing the total and coronary vascular diseases. For a prosperous cure, the ailments should be parried by a lifestyle modification. The therapy is involving three pilots, these are ?dietary changes, exercise, behavioral therapy” [Najam, 2015]. Patients’ menu should not consist saturated fats, trans fats, especially cholesterol and include vegetables, fruits, omega-3 (eskimo-dietary), that increases the HDL concentration in plasma. Taking exercises are also needed two or three times per week to accelerate the speed of LDL metabolism. Last but not least, for a successful therapy, the patients’ strong mentality is indispensable. With a strength of will, most of the cases the strong mentality could vanish the diseases.Finally, for the next year, these treatments will be more and more developed to stop this abnormal mechanism and reduce the number of patients, which is everyone’s interest.5.SummaryTo sum up, there are many LDL regulatory mechanisms, which can be disturb and lead to several diseases. On one hand, some of those dysfunctions can be unavoidable. Receptors’ mutations, enzymes’ mutations, lead to an overproduction of cholesterol or a reducing LDL regulation. As the consequences, the excess of LDL accumulates in arteries and possibly causes atherosclerosis. This excess can also interferes with some organs’ physiological processes and leads to severe dysfunctions. On the other hand, some diseases can be avoidable. In order to prevent atherosclerosis, recommended levels of LDL and HDL are dependent of the number of cardiovascular risk factors. Those rates can be respected by supporting healthy lifestyles (reducing rich food in animal cholesterol and triglyceride, stop smoking and do exercises) and following a good compliance of treatment.6.ReferencesAbbas JM,?Chakraborty J,?Akanji AO,?Doi SA. Hypothyroidism?results in small dense?LDL?independent of IRS traits and hypertriglyceridemia. 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Appl Clin Genet. 2015;8:27-36. of content TOC \c "Figure" Figure 1 - Raised BC: 2008 PAGEREF _Toc305664165 \h 4Figure 2 - Table 1. Apoproteins of lipoproteins PAGEREF _Toc305664166 \h 5Figure 3 - Regulation of LDL receptor expression and cholesterol synthesis. PAGEREF _Toc305664167 \h 7Figure 4 - The revers cholesterol transport PAGEREF _Toc305664168 \h 8Figure 5 - Formation of sdLDL (Kobayashi, 2015) PAGEREF _Toc305664169 \h 17Figure 6 - Fig.1.Therapeutic mechanism of pro-protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibition. (Ahn, 2015) PAGEREF _Toc305664170 \h 20Figure 7 - PCSK9-directed agents in development (Ahn, 2015) PAGEREF _Toc305664171 \h 21Figure 8 - Therapeutic mechanism of lomitapide and mipomersen. (Ahn, 2015) PAGEREF _Toc305664172 \h 22Figure 9 - Fig.4. The effects of dalcetrapib on CETP-mediated cholesterol transport. (Shinkai, 2012) PAGEREF _Toc305664173 \h 23 ................

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