Charles van Marrewijk - Universiteit Utrecht

Jacobus Gijsbertus Maria (Charles) van Marrewijk

15 September 2017

Personal Information

|Address | |

|Kriekenpitplein 21–22 |3584 EC, Utrecht |

|The Netherlands |Fax: *31–30–253 7373 |

|Tel. *31–30–253 7109 |e–mail: |

|Miscellaneous | |

|Born 23 February, 1959 |Married, three children |

|Home page: |

Ranking and Editorial

▪ Ranked 31st Economist in China; RePEc based on Ideas, November 2016.[1]

▪ Ranked in the global top 1.0% for total paper downloads and top 2.2% for total citations in Social Science Research Network (SSRN), October 2016.

▪ Ranked in the global top 5% by REPEC for (i) number of works, (ii) number of distinct works, (iii) number of distinct works, weighted by number of authors, (iv) number of journal pages, and (v) closeness measure in co-authorship network (November 2016).

▪ Scholar Google (September 2017): 3525 citations (1499 since 2012), h-index: 26 (19 since 2012), i10 index: 53 (33 since 2012).

▪ European Editor, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, since 2010.

▪ Editorial Board, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society, since 2014.

▪ Book Review Editor, Journal of Regional Science, since 2017 (Associate Editor 2011-2016).

▪ Guest editor special issue Papers in Regional Science, 2017

▪ Guest editor special issue Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society, 2016

▪ Guest editor special issue Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2013

▪ Guest editor special issue Journal of Regional Science, 2012

▪ Journal of International Business Studies, Editorial Review Board, 2009 – 2010

▪ Guest editor special issue Journal of Regional Science, 2009


▪ Purdue University (Krannert), U.S.A., 1985–1987 (Ph.D. 1988, M.Sc. 1987).

▪ Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1981–1985 (M.A. 1985, B.A. 1983 [cum laude]).

Work Experience

▪ Professor of Economics, December 2008–; Utrecht University, The Netherlands (part-time from January 2014 to August 2017).

▪ Professor of Economics, January 2014 – August 2017; Xi'an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.

▪ Associate Dean of Research, International Business School Suzhou, China, 2014–2016.

▪ Director Tjalling Charles Koopmans Research Institute, The Netherlands, 2009–2013.

▪ Professor of Economics, 2003–2008; Associate Professor of Economics, 1992–2008; Assistant Professor of Economics, 1990–1992, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam Trustfund, The Netherlands.

▪ Professor of Economics and Scientific Director, 2007–2008, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, The Netherlands.

▪ Research Fellow, Tinbergen Institute, The Netherlands, 1992–2008.

▪ Research Fellow, NAKE, The Netherlands, 1993–2012.

▪ Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1987–1990.

▪ Teaching and Research Assistant, Purdue University, U.S.A., 1985–1987.

▪ Research Assistant, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1983–1985.

Visiting Positions

▪ Professor of Economics, Kingston University, London, UK, 2007, 2008, 2009.

▪ Professor of Economics, University of Adelaide, Australia, July–September, 2005.

▪ Professor of Economics, University of Adelaide, Australia, July–November, 2004.

▪ Professor of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, June–July 2003.

▪ Professor of Economics, Technical University Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2003.

▪ Associate Professor of Ec., University of Cambridge, UK, July–August, 2000.

▪ Associate Professor of Ec., Yale University, USA, June–August 1999.

▪ Associate Professor of Ec., Saint Louis University, Philippines, July–September 1997.

▪ Associate Professor of Ec., Benguet State University, Philippines, July–September 1997.

▪ Lecturer in International Economics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1995.

▪ Consultant, Voronezh State University, Russia, March–April 1995.

▪ Associate Professor of Ec., Xavier University, Philippines, July–September 1994.

▪ Assistant Professor of Ec., Cornell University, U.S.A., March–August 1992.

▪ Lecturer in Macroeconomics, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1991.

Teaching Experience

▪ Development Economics.

▪ Economic Growth.

▪ Geographical Economics.

▪ Urban Development.

▪ Globalization.

▪ International Finance.

▪ International Trade.

▪ International Economics.

▪ Economics for Managers.

▪ Introductory Economics.

▪ Macroeconomics.

▪ Microeconomics.

▪ Trade Policy.

▪ Econometrics.

Honors and Grants

▪ Research Development Fund PhD grant (Fushu Luan), Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, China, 2016.

▪ Research Development Fund PhD grant (Zhe Yuan), Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, China, 2015 (I replaced Ron Schramm, the original recipient).

▪ Suzhou Industrial Park Jinji Lake Double Hundred Talents program Award (RMB 400.000, about 60,000 euro), China, 2015.

▪ MECODEstudies (Management & Economics Development Studies) PhD scholarship (Lydia Lumanauw) for Utrecht University, Indonesia, 2014.

▪ China Scholarship Council Research Grant, PhD research (Shiwei Hu), Utrecht University, 2013.

▪ Finnish Government Institute of Economic Research (VATT), PhD research (Saara Tamminen, second part), 2012.

▪ Ministery of Economic Affairs Research Grant, PhD research (Marcel van den Berg), Utrecht University, 2010.

▪ Ecorys Consulting Research Grant, PhD research (Saara Tamminen, first part), Utrecht University, 2010.

▪ China Scholarship Council Research Grant, PhD research (Han-Hsin Chang), Utrecht University, 2010.

▪ Teaching Award, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2008.

▪ Research Grant, Erasmus University Trust Fund, the Netherlands, 2004.

▪ Research Grant, Erasmus University Trust Fund, the Netherlands, 2003.

▪ ‘Top researcher’ Grant, Department of Economics, Erasmus University, 2002.

▪ ‘Top researcher’ Grant, Department of Economics, Erasmus University, 2001.

▪ ICT–Education Grant, Erasmus University Rotterdam, College van Bestuur, 1999–2001.

▪ Research Grant, Erasmus University Rotterdam Trust Fund, the Netherlands, 1999.

▪ Honorary Certificate, Benguet State University, the Philippines, 1997.

▪ Research Grant, Erasmus University Rotterdam Trust Fund, the Netherlands, 1996.

▪ Honorary Certificate, Xavier University, the Philippines, 1994.

▪ Honorary Certificate, Cagayan de Oro College, the Philippines, 1994.

▪ Research Grant, Dutch Scientific Organization, the Netherlands, 1993.

▪ Research Grant, Erasmus University Rotterdam Trust Fund, the Netherlands, 1992.

▪ David Ross Research Grant, Purdue University, U.S.A., 1987.

▪ Fulbright Scholarship, U.S.A., 1985.


Ranking of publications as reported below is as follows.

▪ Books and chapters in books:

o Top; one of 6 Top publishers on Utrecht University (UU) list, see Appendix.

o International; one of 23 International publishers on UU list.

o Oth English; any other book or chapter in English

o Oth Dutch; any other book or chapter in Dutch

▪ Journal articles: based on Web of Science (WoS) Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) article influence score (ais) as reported in 2015 Journal Citation Reports (JCR); classification based on percentile distribution for 3216 journals.

o Star; WoS SSCI top 5% journals (percentile 95+; ais score 1.995+)

o A; WoS SSCI next 10% journals (ais percentile 85-94; ais score 1.125-1.995)

o B; WoS SSCI next 15% journals (ais percentile 70-84; ais score 0.725-1.125)

o C; WoS SSCI next 30% journals (ais percentile 40-69; ais score 0.341-0.725)

o D; WoS SSCI next 40% journals (ais percentile 00-39; ais score below 0.341)

o Oth English; any other article in English

o Oth Dutch; any other article in Dutch

Books in English

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2017), International Trade, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. (ISBN 9780198753759; 489 pages). (Top publisher).

▪ Beugelsdijk, S., S. Brakman, H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2013), International Economics and Business, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge U.K. (ISBN 9781107654167; 498 pages). (Top publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2012), International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. (ISBN 978–0–19–956709–6; 698 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2009), The new introduction to geographical economics, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 978–0–52–169803–0 and 978–0–52–187532–5; 568 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2007), International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., with Study Guide by D. Ottens and S. Schueller. (ISBN 0–19–928098–3 and 978–0–19–928098–8; 691 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Brakman, S. H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and A. van Witteloostuijn (2006), Nations and firms in the global economy: an introduction to international economics and business, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. (ISBN 978–0–521–83298–4 and 978–0–521–54057–5; 446 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2002), International Trade and the World Economy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. (ISBN: 0–19–925004–9; 386 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2001), An Introduction to Geographical Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. (ISBN: 0–521–77967–7 and 0–521–77039–4; 350 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1998), The Economics of International Transfers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. (ISBN: 0–521–57214–2; 219 pages) (Top publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1993), Disequilibrium Growth Theory: An Application of the Filippov Solution to Economics, 1993, Avebury, U.K. (ISBN: 1–85628–250–3; 159 pages) (other English publisher).

Books in Chinese

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2006), International Trade and the World Economy, the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press (Chinese translation, simplified characters; ISBN 7–81098–464–0/F; 436 pages).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2005), An Introduction to Geographical Economics, the Southwest University of Finance and Economics Press (Chinese translation, simplified characters; ISBN 7–81088–181–7; 429 pages).

Books in Dutch

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1999), Mondiale Economie: Feit en Fictie, Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (ISBN: 90–5712–021–6; 157 pages) (Other Dutch publisher).

Journal articles in English

▪ Berg, M.R. van den, and C. van Marrewijk (2017), “Imports and productivity: the impact of geography and factor intensity,” Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 26(4): 425-450. (ISSN: 0963-8199) (D journal; ais 0.185; 23%).

▪ Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, S. Brakman, and C. van Marrewijk (2017), “Heterogeneous resilience and the Great Recession’s trade collapse,” Papers in Regional Science 96(1): 3-12. (ISSN: 1056-8190) (B journal; ais 0.821; 74%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2017), “A closer look at revealed comparative advantage: gross- versus value-added trade flows,” Papers in Regional Science 96(1): 61-92. (ISSN: 1056-8190) (B journal; ais 0.821; 74%).

▪ Brakman, S., J.H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2016), “Urban development in China,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 9: 467-477 (ISSN: 1752-1378) (A journal; ais 1.181; 86%)

▪ Rougoor, W., and C. van Marrewijk (2015), “Demography, growth, and global income inequality,” World Development 74: 220-232. (ISSN: 0305-750X) (A journal; ais 1.255; 87%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2015), “Regional resilience across Europe: on urbanization and the initial impact of the Great Recession,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 8(2): 225-240. (ISSN: 1752-1378) (A journal; ais 1.181; 86%).

▪ Brakman, S., C. van Marrewijk, and M. Partridge (2015), “Local consequences of global production processes,” Journal of Regional Science 55(1): 1-9. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Brakman, S., R. Inklaar, and C. van Marrewijk (2013), “Structural change in OECD comparative advantage,” Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 22(6): 817–838. (ISSN: 0963-8199) (D journal; ais 0.185; 23%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2013), “Reflections on cluster policies,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 6: 217–231. (ISSN: 1752-1378) (A journal; ais 1.181; 86%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2013), “Lumpy countries, urbanization, and trade,” Journal of International Economics 89(1): 252–261. (ISSN: 0022-1996) (Star journal; ais 3.130; 98%).

▪ Chang, H.–H., and C. van Marrewijk (2013), “Firm heterogeneity and development: evidence from Latin American countries,” Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 22(1): 11–52. (ISSN: 0963-8199) (D journal; ais 0.185; 23%).

▪ Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, and C. van Marrewijk (2013), “Heterogeneity and development: an agenda,” Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 22(1): 1–10. (ISSN: 0963-8199) (D journal; ais 0.185; 23%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and A. van Witteloostuijn (2013), “Cross-border merger & acquisition activity and revealed comparative advantage in manufacturing industries,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 22(1): 28–57. (ISSN: 1058-6407) (A journal; ais 1.282; 88%).

▪ Hinloopen, J., R. Wagenvoort, and C. van Marrewijk (2012), “A k-sample homogeneity test: the Harmonic Weighted Mass index,” International Econometric Review 4(1): 17–39. (ISSN: 1308-8793) (Other English journal).

▪ Storper, M., C. van Marrewijk, and F.G. van Oort (2012), “Processes of change in urban systems,” Journal of Regional Science 52(1): 1–9. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and A. Oumer (2012), “The border population effects of EU integration,” Journal of Regional Science 52(1): 40–59. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2012), “Power laws and comparative advantage,” Applied Economics 44(12): 1483–1507. (ISSN: 0003-6846) (D journal; ais 0.281; 33%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2011), “References across the fence: measuring the dialogue between economists and geographers,” Journal of Economic Geography 11: 371–385. (ISSN: 1468-2702) (A journal; ais 1.880; 94%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2009), “Heterogeneity at different spatial scales,” Journal of Regional Science 49(4): 607–615. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2009), “Economic geography within and between European nations: the role of market potential and density across space and time,” Journal of Regional Science 49(4): 777–800. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2008), “It’s a big world after all: on the economic impact of location and distance,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 1: 411–437. (ISSN: 1752-1378) (A journal; ais 1.181; 86%).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2008), “Empirical relevance of the Hillman condition for revealed comparative advantage: 10 stylized facts,” Applied Economics 40: 2313–2328. (ISSN: 0003-6846) (D journal; ais 0.281; 33%).

▪ Witteloostuijn, A., S. Brakman, and C. van Marrewijk (2007), “Welfare distribution effect of a price reduction in the Dutch gas transport market,” Energy Policy 35: 6299–6308. (ISSN: 0301-4215) (B journal; ais 1.011; 82%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and K.G. Berden (2007), “On the static and dynamic costs of trade restrictions for small developing countries,” Journal of Development Economics 84: 46–60. (ISSN: 0304-3878) (Star journal; ais 2.390; 96%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2007), “Transfers, non-traded goods, and unemployment: an analysis of the Keynes – Ohlin debate,” History of Political Economy 39(1): 121–143. (ISSN: 0018-2702) (C journal; ais 0.482; 53%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2006), “Comparative Advantage, Cross-Border Mergers and Merger Waves: International Economics Meets Industrial Organization,” CESifo Forum 1/2006: 22–26. (ISSN: 1615-245X) (Other English journal).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2005), “Geographical economics and the role of pollution on location,” ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics, 3: 28–48. (ISSN: 0972-9313) (Other English journal).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2001), “On the empirical distribution of the Balassa Index,” Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv / Review of World Economics, 137: 1–35. (ISSN: 1610-2878) (B journal; ais 0.876; 77%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1999), “Capital accumulation, learning and endogenous growth,” Oxford Economic Papers, 51: 453–475. (ISSN: 0030-7653) (B journal; ais 0.883; 77%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and M. van den Berg (1999), “The return of Zipf: towards a further understanding of the rank-size distribution,” Journal of Regional Science, 39(1): 183–213. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (1999), “On the limits and possibilities of the principle of minimum differentiation,” International Journal of Industrial Organization 17: 735–750. (ISSN: 0167-7187) (A journal; ais 1.187; 86%).

▪ Michael, M.S., and C. van Marrewijk (1998), “Tied to capital or untied foreign aid?,” Review of Development Economics 2: 61–75. (ISSN: 1363-6669) (D journal; ais 0.281; 33%).

▪ Fisher, E., and C. van Marrewijk (1998), “Pollution and economic growth,” Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 7: 55–69. (ISSN: 0963-8199) (D journal; ais 0.185; 23%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, J. Stibora, A. de Vaal, and J.–M. Viaene (1997), “Producer services, comparative advantage and international trade patterns,” Journal of International Economics 42: 195–220. (ISSN: 0022-1996) (Star journal; ais 3.130; 98%).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, R. Gigengack, C. van Marrewijk, and R. Wagenvoort (1996), “Negative feedbacks and industrial location,” Journal of Regional Science 36: 631–652. (ISSN: 0022-4146) (A journal; ais 1.363; 89%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, J. Stibora, and A. de Vaal (1996), “Services tradeability, trade liberalization and foreign direct investment,” Economica 63: 611–31. (ISSN: 0013-0427) (A journal; ais 1.515; 91%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1996), “Trade policy under imperfect competition: the economics of Russian roulette,” De Economist 144: 223–58. (ISSN: 0013-063X) (C journal; ais 0.464; 51%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1995), “Transfers, returns to scale, tied aid and monopolistic competition,” Journal of Development Economics 47: 333–354. (ISSN: 0304-3878) (Star journal; ais 2.390; 96%).

▪ Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, and C. van Marrewijk (1995), “Why do sanctions need some time to work? adjustment versus learning by the target,” Economic Modelling 1/2: 75–86. (ISSN: 0264-9993) (D journal; ais 0.324; 38%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1994), “Two-sector disequilibrium growth,” European Journal of Political Economy 10: 373–388. (ISSN: 0176-2680) (C journal; ais 0.672; 66%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1993), “A note on transitivity and the intersection of indifference curves,” Economic Notes: 528–534. (ISSN: 1468-0300) (Other English journal).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1993), “Transfer problems in a multi-country world: endogenous, optimal and coordinated aid,” Asian Journal of Economics and Social Studies (formerly Asian Journal of Economics) 12: 41–57. (ISSN: 2383-0948) (Other English journal).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and P.A.G. van Bergeijk (1993), “Endogenous trade uncertainty: why countries may specialize against comparative advantage,” Regional Science and Urban Economics 23:681–694. (ISSN: 0166-0462) (B journal; ais 1.045; 83%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1993), “Sector-specific capital, 'bang-bang' investment and the Filippov solution,” Journal of Economics (formerly Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) 57: 131–146. (ISSN: 0931-8658) (C journal; ais 0.464; 51%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1993), “Disequilibrium growth theory in an international perspective,” Oxford Economic Papers 45: 311–331. (ISSN: 0030-7653) (B journal; ais 0.883; 77%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1993), “On opulence driven poverty traps,” Journal of Population Economics 6: 67–81. (ISSN: 0933-1433) (B journal; ais 0.981; 81%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1992), “Trade uncertainty and the two-step procedure: the choice of numéraire and exact indexation,” De Economist 140: 357–372. (ISSN: 0013-063X) (C journal; ais 0.464; 51%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, C.G. de Vries, and C. Withagen (1992), “Optimal localized production experience and schooling,” International Economic Review 33: 91–110. (ISSN: 0020-6598) (Star journal; ais 2.078; 95%).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1991), “A note on endogenous transfers,” Journal of Economics (formerly Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) 54:171–178. (ISSN: 0931-8658) (C journal; ais 0.464; 51%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1991), “Growth, budget deficits and fiscal policies in an overlapping generations model,” Journal of Economics (formerly Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) 53: 185–203. (ISSN: 0931-8658) (C journal; ais 0.464; 51%)..

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and C.G. de Vries (1990), “The customs union argument for a monetary union,” Journal of Banking and Finance 14: 877–887. (ISSN: 0378-4266) (B journal; ais 0.913; 79%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and P.A.G. van Bergeijk (1990), “Trade uncertainty and specialization: social versus private planning,” De Economist 138: 15–32. (ISSN: 0013-063X) (C journal; ais 0.464; 51%).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and P.A.G. van Bergeijk (1990), “Giffen goods and the subsistence level,” History of Political Economy 22: 145–148. (ISSN: 0018-2702) (C journal; ais 0.482; 53%).

Articles in Dutch (all of these in category: any other article in Dutch)

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2016), “Globalisering: toen en nu,” Tijdschrift voor het Economisch Onderwijs 110: 14-17. (ISSN: 0169-9067).

▪ Rougoor, W., and C. van Marrewijk (2015), “Afrikaanse bevolkingsgroei zorgt voor meer ongelijkheid tussen landen,” One World, 30 June 2015.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2012), “Reactie op: de economentop 40 van 2012,” Economisch Statistische Berichten 97 (4649 & 4650): 770. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Lejour, A.M., C. van Marrewijk, and E. de Jong (2012), “Canon Internationale- en ontwikkelingseconomie,” Economisch Statistische Berichten 97 (4633): 244–247. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2010) “Ooggetuigen: de mythe van de aanbodketen,” Economisch Statistische Berichten 4590: 468–469. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Faber, G., and C. van Marrewijk (2009), “De crisis en de schommelende wereldhandel,” Economisch Statistische Berichten Dossier 4563s: 20–24. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, en C. van Marrewijk (2008), “Nobelprijs economie voor Paul Krugman,” Economisch Statistische Berichten 4546: 660–663. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2007), “Empirie van de economische geografie,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4513 S: 22–26. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2006), “China nog lang geen economische wereldmacht,” Geografie 15(9): 14–17.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2005), “China zweet: een sprookje?,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4 November 2005: 500. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2004), “Economische groei en agglomeratie,” Tijdschrift Politieke Ekonomie 25(2): 40–59. (ISSN: 1875-8797).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (1999), “De empirische verdeling van de Balassa index,” Maandschrift Economie, 63: 310–319. (ISSN: 0013-0486).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (1999), “Nederlandse export: bloemen en groenten,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2 April 1999, No. 4197: 255–257. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1998), “Tunneleconomie,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4 September 1998, No. 4165: 656–658. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (1998), “Moderne handelstheorie en lokatietheorie,” Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift 52: 479–507. (ISSN: 0013-0575).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1997), “Ojé, boekhouden,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 13 August 1997, No. 4116: 619–620. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1997), “Overheidspolitiek en economische groei,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 14 May 1997, No. 4106: 394. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1997), “De geloofwaardigheid van muntzones,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 19 March 1997, No. 4098: 235. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1996), “De beperkingen van de handelstheorie,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 17 July 1996, No. 4066: 628. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1996), “Agglomeratie-effecten,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1 May 1996, No. 4056: 410. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1996), “Alles is al uitgevonden,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 10 April 1996, No. 4053: 321. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1989), “Risico en rationaliteit,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 25 January 1989, No. 3691: 92–94. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

Chapters in books in English

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (forthcoming), “Space and International Business,” in: G. Cook and F. McDonald (eds), The Routledge Companion to International Business and Economic Geograpy, Routledge (International publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2015), “Factor prices and Geographical Economics,” ch. 3 in: C. Karlsson, M. Andersson, and T. Norman (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography, Edward Elgar, pp.: 67-82 (International publisher).

▪ Chang, H.H., C. van Marrewijk, and M. Schramm (2015), “Empirical studies in Geographical Economics,” ch. 19 in: C. Karlsson, M. Andersson, and T. Norman (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography, Edward Elgar, pp.: 391-411 (International publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2014), “New Economic Geography: endogenizing location in an international trade model,” ch. 30 in: M. Fischer and P. Nijkamp (eds.), Handbook of Regional Science, Springer, pp.: 569–589 (International publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., G. Garita, H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2010), “Economic and financial integration and the rise of cross-border M&As,” in: P.A.G. van Bergeijk and S. Brakman: The gravity model in international trade, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.: 296–322 (Top publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2008), “Absolute advantage,” in: K. Reinert and R. Rajan (eds.): Princeton encyclopedia of the world economy, Princeton University Press (Top publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2008), “Intra-industry trade,” in: K. Reinert and R. Rajan (eds.): Princeton encyclopedia of the world economy, Princeton University Press (Top publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2008), “Agglomeration and government spending,” in: S. Brakman and H. Garretsen (eds.), Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise, MIT Press Ch 5: 89–116 (Top publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2007), “Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: the facts as a guide for international economics,” in G. Gregoriou and L. Renneboog (eds.), International Mergers and Acquisitions Activity since 1990: Recent Research and Quantitative Analysis, Academic Press / Elsevier, MA, Ch. 2: 23–49 (International publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2007), “Agglomeration and aid,” in: S. Lahiri (ed.), Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid, Vol. I in book series: Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, eds. H. Beladi and E.K. Choi, Elsevier, MA, Ch. 3: 31–53 (International publisher).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2006), “Geographical economics model with congestion,” in: N. Schuh and P. Schuster (eds.), New regional economics in central European economies: the future of CENTROPE, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Proceedings of OeNB Workshops, No. 9, Vienna: 17–35 (Other English publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2006), “Industrial location and competitiveness,” in: A. Vaidya (ed.), Globalization: encyclopedia of trade, labor, and politics, Vol I, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, U.S.A: 109–120 (Other English publisher).

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2005), “Locating economic concentration,” in: S. Brakman and H. Garretsen (eds.), Location and competition, Routledge, London and New York: 1–31 (International publisher).

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and A. Schram (2004), “Empirical research in geographical economics,” in: S. Brakman and B. Heijdra (eds.) The monopolistic competition revolution in retrospect, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K: 261–284 (Top publisher).

▪ Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, and C. van Marrewijk (1994), “Some hidden costs of the new world order,” in: M. Chatterji, H. Jager and A. Rima (eds.) The economics of international security: essays in honor of Jan Tinbergen, MacMillan, London: 168–182 (International publisher).

Chapters in books in Dutch

▪ Lejour, A.M., C. van Marrewijk, and E. de Jong (2015), “Canon Internationale- en ontwikkelingseconomie,” in: De canon van de economie, ESB.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2010), “De mythe van de aanbodketen,” in: A. Jolink (ed.), Ooggetuigen van de crisis, SDU uitgevers, Den Haag: 104–109.

▪ Hinloopen, J. and C. van Marrewijk (2003), “Concentratie van economische activiteit: de empirie,” in: S. Brakman and H. Garretsen (eds.), Lokatie en concurrentie, Preadviezen van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staathuishoudkunde 2003, Utrecht, 1–32.

Book reviews in English

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2015), book review on “Growing Income Inequalities: Economic Analyses,” J. Hellier and N. Chusseau (eds.), Houndsmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, in: Journal of Income Distribution 22(1). (ISSN: 1874-6322).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2013), book review on “From agglomeration to innovation: upgrading industrial clusters in emerging economies,” A. Kuchiki and M. Tsuji (eds.), IDE-JETRO, Palgrave MacMillan, 2010, in: Review of Regional Studies 42: 271–273. (ISSN: 0048-749X).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2011), book review of: Handbook of regional growth and development theories, by R. Capello and P. Nijkamp (eds), Journal of Regional Science 51(1): 217–219. (ISSN: 0022-4146)

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and S. Schueller (2001), book review of: The political economy of capital controls, by Guenther G. Schulze, De Economist, 149: 137–138. (ISSN: 0013-063X).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2000), book review of: Global capital flows: Should they be regulated?, by Stephany Griffith-Jones, foreword by James Tobin, Journal of Economic Literature, 38: 138–140. (ISSN: 0022-0515).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1994), book review of: Aggregation, consumption and trade: essays in honor of H.S. Houthakker, by Louis Phlips and Lester D. Taylor (eds.), De Economist 142: 233–234. (ISSN: 0013-063X).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1991), book review of: Primary commodity prices: economic models and policy, by Alan Winters and David Sapsford (eds.), 1991, De Economist 139: 132–133. (ISSN: 0013-063X).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1990), book review of: Production structure and international trade, by Makoto Tawada, De Economist 138: 212–213. (ISSN: 0013-063X).

Book reviews in Dutch

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1996), “Economische ongeletterdheid,” book review of: Pop internationalism, by Paul Krugman,” Economisch Statistische Berichten, 8 May 1996, No. 4057: 433–4. (ISSN: 0013-0583).

Working papers in English

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2017), “Resilience, supply chains, and the Great Recession,” CESifo Working Paper No. 6505.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2015), “The location of cross-border mergers & acquisitions in the USA,” CESifo Working Paper No. 5331.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2015), “A closer look at revealed comparative advantage: gross- versus value-added trade flows,” CESifo Working Paper No. 5321.

▪ Hu, S., S. Brakman, and C. van Marrewijk (2014), “Smart cities are big cities: comparative advantage in Chinese cities,” CESifo Working Paper No. 5028.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2014), “The crisis and regional resilience in Europe: on the importance of urbanisation and specialization,” CESifo Working Paper No. 4724.

▪ Chang, H.–H., C. van Marrewijk, R. Stringer, and W. Umberger (2013), “Investment, awareness, supermarkets, and profits: heterogeneous chili farmers in Indonesia,” Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute Working Paper No. 13–13.

▪ Berg, M. van den, and C. van Marrewijk (2013), “Imports and productivity: the impact of geography and factor intensity,” Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute Working Paper No. 13–12.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2012), “Reflections on cluster policies,” CESifo Working Paper No. 3963.

▪ Chang, H.–H., and C. van Marrewijk (2012), “Impact of trade on viability and exporter selection with heterogeneous fixed costs in the Melitz model,” Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute Discussion Paper No. 12–08.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2011), “Lumpy countries, urbanization, and trade,” CESifo Working Paper No. 3669.

▪ Swart, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2011), “The pollution effects of mergers and acquisitions: asymmetry, disaggregation, and multilateralism,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper TI 2011–073/2.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and A. Oumer (2011), “The positive border effect of EU integration,” CESifo Working Paper No. 3335.

▪ Brakman, S., R. Inklaar, and C. van Marrewijk (2010), “Structural change in OECD comparative advantage,” CESifo Working Paper No. 3033.

▪ Swart, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2009), “Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: a piece of the natural resource puzzle,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper No. 09–053.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2009), “Economic geography within and between European nations: the role of market potential and density across space and time,” CESifo Working Paper No. 2658

▪ Brakman, S., C. van Marrewijk, and A. van Witteloostuijn (2009) “Market liberalization in the European natural gas market: the importance of capacity constraints and productivity differences,” Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute Discussion Paper No. 09–15 and CESifo Working Paper No. 2697.

▪ Hinloopen, J., R. Wagenvoort, and C. van Marrewijk (2008), “A K-sample homogeneity test based on the quantification of the p-p plot,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper No. 2008–100/1.

▪ Brakman, S., G. Garita, H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2008), “Unlocking the value of cross-border mergers and acquisitions,” CESifo Working Paper No. 2294.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2008), “Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: on revealed comparative advantage and merger waves,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper No. 08–013/2.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2007), “It’s a big world after all,” CESifo Working Paper No. 1964.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2006), “Comparative advantage, the rank-size rule, and Zipf’s law,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper 06–100/1.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2006), “Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: the facts as a guide for international economics,” CESifo Working Paper No. 1823.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2006), “Agglomeration and aid,” CESifo Working Paper No. 1750.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2005), “Comparing distributions: the Harmonic Mass index, Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper 05–122/1.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2005), “Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: on revealed comparative advantage and merger waves,” CESifo Working Paper No. 1602.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2005), “Transfers, non-traded goods, and unemployment: an analysis of the Keynes – Ohlin debate,” CESifo Working Paper No. 1588.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2005), “General geographical economics model with congestion,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper 05–100/2.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2005), “Emirical relevance of the Hillman condition for revealed comparative advantage: 10 stylized facts,” Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, Discussion Paper Series nr. 05–24.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2005), “Basic exchange rate theories,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper 05–024/2.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2005), “Geographical economics and the role of pollution on location,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper 05–018/2.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and K.G. Berden (2004), “On the static and dynamic costs of trade restrictions,” University of Adelaide, School of Economics, Working Paper 2004–06 and Centre for International Economic Studies, Discussion Paper 0414, University of Adelaide (with Koen Berden).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2004), “An introduction to international money and foreign exchange markets,” University of Adelaide, School of Economics, Working Paper 2004–02 and Centre for International Economic Studies, Discussion Paper 0407, University of Adelaide.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2004), “Locating economic concentration,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 04–066/2.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2004), “Dynamics of Chinese comparative advantage,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 04–034/2.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (2004), “Empirical relevance of the Hillman condition and comparative advantage,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 04–019/2.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2002), “Location competition and agglomeration: The role of government spending,” CESifo Working Paper Series, No. 775.

▪ Berden, K.G., and C. van Marrewijk (2001), “Maintenance costs, obsolescence, and endogenous growth,” Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 01–060/2.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (1999), “On the empirical distribution of the Balassa index,” Ministery of Economic Affairs, Research Memorandum 9902.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (1997), “Spatial duopoly with a reservation price,” University of Copenhagen, Centre for Industrial Economics, Discussion Paper 97–16.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1997), “Capital accumulation, learning and endogenous growth,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 97–067/2.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1997), “Transfers, money and the balance of payments,” Systems, Organisations and Management Research Institute, Research Report 97C36.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1997), “Transfers, and non-traded goods: Ohlin was right again,” Systems, Organisations and Management Research Institute, Research Report 97C17.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and M. Michael (1996), “Foreign aid tied to capital transfers and economic development,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 96–139/4.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and M. van den Berg (1996), “The return of Zipf: an explanation of the rank-size rule, Systems, Organisations and Management Research Institute, Research Report 96C29.

▪ Hinloopen, J., and C. van Marrewijk (1995), “On the limits and possibilities of the principle of minimum differentiation,” European University Institute, EUI working paper ECO No. 95/25.

▪ Fisher, E.O’N., and C. van Marrewijk (1994), “Pollution and economic growth in a model of overlapping generations,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 94–84.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, J. Stibora, and J.-M. Viaene (1994), “Capital goods and Baumol’s Law,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 94–42.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1994), “Transfers, returns to scale, tied aid and monopolistic competition,” Systems, Organisations and Management Research Institute, Research Report 94505.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, F. van der Ploeg, and J. Verbeek (1993), “Is growth bad for the environment? Pollution, abatement and endogenous growth,” The World Bank, Policy Research Working Papers WPS 1151.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, J. Stibora, and A. de Vaal (1993), “Trade in producer services between developed and developing countries,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 93–239.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, J. Stibora, A. de Vaal, and J.-M. Viaene (1993), “Producer services, comparative advantage and international trade patterns,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 93–239.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1993), “Sector-specific capital, ‘bang-bang’ investment and the Filippov solution,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 93–88.

▪ Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, and C. van Marrewijk (1993), “Why do sanctions need some time to work? Adjustment versus learning by the target,” Tinbergen Institute, Discussion paper TI 93–27.

▪ Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, R. Gigengack, and R. Wagenvoort (1993), “Congestion and industrial location,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 554.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1992), “Two-sector disequilibrium growth,” University of Amsterdam, Research Memorandum Nr. 9209.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1992), “Exogenous growth theory,” Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, Discussion paper series, 9205/G.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1991), “Disequilibrium growth theory in an international perspective,” Tinbergen Institute, Research Memorandum Series TI–1991/64.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1991), “Disequilibrium growth theory: a two-sector approach with efficient rationing,” Tinbergen Institute, Research Memorandum Series TI–1991/49.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1991), “Endogenous population growth: a problem for development,” Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, Discussion paper series, 9109/G.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1991), “Disequilibrium growth theory in an international perspective,” Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, Discussion paper series, 9103/G.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1991), “On the economics of tied aid,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 444.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1990), “Boycotts, private production, optimal production, the choice of numéraire and exact indexation,” Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, Discussion paper series, 9008/G.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1990), “Endogenous trade uncertainty and specialization against comparative advantage,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 367.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1990), “Endogenous population growth and the economy,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 363.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1990), “An allocation mechanism, a measure of risk aversion and an experiment,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 350.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1989), “The real interest factor in a growing overlapping generations model,” Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, Discussion paper series, 8917/G.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1989), “Endogenous transfers: a note on Bhagwati, Brecher and Hatta,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 342.

▪ Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, and C. van Marrewijk (1989), “Uncertain trade,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 311.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and C.G. de Vries (1989), “The customs union argument for a monetary union,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 309.

▪ Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (1989), “Transfer problems in a multi-country world: endogenous, optimal and coordinated aid,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 297.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1988), “Relative ignorance and risk aversion,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 262.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, and J. Verbeek (1989), “The real interest factor in a growing overlapping generations model,” Tinbergen Institute, Research Memorandum Series TI–1988/18.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van, C.G. de Vries, and C. Withagen (1988), “Optimal localized production experience and schooling,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 253.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1988), “Incentive compatibility and informational efficiency,” University of Groningen, Institute of Economic Research, Research Memorandum nr. 249.

Miscellaneous in English

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2005), “An overview of cross-border mergers and acquisitions for five countries,” FM Corporate 1: 18–19.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1988), Three Essays in Mathematical Economics, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1988, Purdue University, (Krannert Graduate School of Management), U.S.A.

Miscellaneous in Dutch

▪ Brakman, S. en C. van Marrewijk (2012), “Ingreep in zorgpremie verstoort de markt,” NRC Handelsblad 5 november, p. 14; also in NRC Next.

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (2003), Economische groei en agglomeratie, Erasmus University Rotterdam, inaugural lecture, 31 October, 2003 (ISBN: 90 9017532 6).

▪ Marrewijk, C. van (1996), “Halfbakken eenheidsworst,” NRC Handelsblad, 22 August.

Professional Activities


▪ Addison, Wesley, Longman

▪ Agricultural Economics

▪ Annals of Regional Science

▪ Cambridge Journal of Economics

▪ Cambridge University Press

▪ Canadian Journal of Economics

▪ De Economist

▪ Economics Bulletin

▪ Economic Theory

▪ Environment and Planning A

▪ Environmental and Resource Economics

▪ European Journal of Political Economy

▪ Geographical Analysis

▪ Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions

▪ History of Political Economy

▪ International Journal of Industrial Organization

▪ Journal of Development Economics

▪ Journal of Economic Geography

▪ Journal of Economic Literature

▪ Journal of Economics

▪ Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

▪ Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade

▪ Journal of International and Theoretical Economics

▪ Journal of International Business Studies

▪ Journal of International Economics

▪ Journal of International Money and Finance

▪ Journal of International Trade and Economic Development

▪ Journal of International Trade Law and Policy

▪ Journal of Population Economics

▪ Journal of Public Economics

▪ Journal of Regional Science

▪ Labour Economics

▪ Oxford Economic Papers

▪ Oxford University Press

▪ Papers in Regional Science

▪ Pearson Education

▪ Regional Science and Urban Economics

▪ Regional Studies

▪ Review of Development Economics

▪ Review of International Economics

▪ Review of Regional Research

▪ Review of Regional Studies

▪ Scandinavian Journal of Economics

▪ Small Business Economics

▪ Spatial Economic Analysis

▪ Socio-economic Planning Sciences

▪ Tinbergen Institute Research Bulletin

▪ Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv / Review of World Economics


▪ Member of the University Research Review Panel, Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University (2016– ).

▪ Member Visitation Committee Netherlands Bureau of Economic Analysis (CPB), chairman Aart Jan de Geus (2016).

▪ Member of Team achieving AACSB accreditation, Head of Research, International Business School Suzhou (2015-2016); IBSS started as a business school in 2013, it achieved AACSB accreditation in February 2016; the fastest track ever worldwide.

▪ Member of Research Committee, International Business School Suzhou (2014 – ).

▪ Head of Research, International Business School Suzhou (2014–2016).

▪ Member of the Business School Management Team, International Business School Suzhou (2014–2016).

▪ Member of the University Research Committee, Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University (2014– ).

▪ Director, Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, Utrecht University (2009 – 2013).

▪ Member Ifo World Economic Survey Expert Group (2013 – ).

▪ Member Me Judice Economenpanel, the Netherlands (2012 – ).

▪ Member of the Board, Utrecht University School of Economics (2009 – 2013).

▪ Research Director, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (2007 – 2008).

▪ Committee Member of European Union ISCH (Individuals, Society, Cultures, and Health) COST action IS1104 “The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools, and policy evaluation.”

▪ Co-organiser ''Research on Monday'' Seminar series, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tinbergen Institute (2007 – 2008).

▪ Chairman Academic Board, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2007 – 2008)

▪ Chairman Examination Committee, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2007 – 2008)

▪ Chairman Editorial Board, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2007 – 2008)

▪ Member Nereus Scientific Advisory Board (2006 – 2008)

▪ Chairman of the Academic Advisory Board, International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics, Department of Economics, Erasmus University (2005 – 2008)

▪ Member of the Academic Board, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2005 – 2007)

▪ Member of the Examination Committee, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2005 – 2007)

▪ Coordinator of international and macroeconomics courses, Department of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2005 – 2008)

▪ Member of the Scientific Board (VCW), Department of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2003 – 2006)

▪ Member of the Educational Board (OLC), Department of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2002 – 2004)

▪ Member of the Internationalisation Committee, Department of Economics, Erasmus University (2002 – 2003)

▪ Member of the Educational Board, Tinbergen Institute (2000 – 2004)

▪ Member of the Management Team, Capaciteitsgroep Algemene Economie, Erasmus University (2000 – 2001)

▪ Organiser and Project Leader of the ICT program ACTIE, Erasmus University (1999 – 2001).

▪ Co-organiser Discussion Session on International Transfers, European Economic Association, Santiago de Compostella, 1999.

▪ Webmaster Department of Economics Research (1999 – 2008).  

▪ Member of the Board (Dagelijks Bestuur) and Financial Controller, vakgroep Toegepaste Economie, Erasmus University (1995 – 1997).

▪ Member of the Education Committee, founding the profile International and Economic Business Studies, Department of Economics, Erasmus University (1997).

▪ Member of the Science Committee, Department of Economics, Erasmus University (Vaste Commissie voor de Wetenschappen, 1996 – 1997)

▪ Member of the Programme Committee, European Economic Association, Istanbul, 1996.

▪ Organiser ''Research on Monday'' Seminar series, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tinbergen Institute (1990 – 1995).

▪ Financial controller vakgroep Internationale Economie, Erasmus University (1990 – 1995).

Seminar and workshop presentations at

▪ Arizona State University, U.S.A.

▪ Benguet State University, The Philippines.

▪ Berlage Institute, The Netherlands.

▪ Cagayan de Oro College, The Philippines.

▪ Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

▪ CESifo Summer Institute, Italy.

▪ CESifo, Munich, Germany.

▪ Cornell University, U.S.A.

▪ Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics.

▪ Erasmus University, The Netherlands.

▪ European University Institute, Italy.

▪ Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

▪ IHS and OeNB, Vienna, Austria.

▪ Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands.

▪ Ministery of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands.

▪ Monash University, Australia.

▪ New York University, U.S.A.

▪ Purdue University, U.S.A.

▪ Rotary Club, The Philippines.

▪ SOM School, Groningen, The Netherlands.

▪ Technical University Chemnitz, Germany.

▪ The World Bank, U.S.A.

▪ Tinbergen Institute, The Netherlands.

▪ University of Aarhus, Denmark.

▪ University of Adelaide, Australia.

▪ University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

▪ University of Antwerp, Belgium.

▪ University of Cologne, Germany.

▪ University of Cyprus, Cyprus.

▪ University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

▪ University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

▪ University of Konstanz, Germany.

▪ University of Limburg, Belgium.

▪ University of Maryland, U.S.A.

▪ University of Melbourne, Australia.

▪ University of Montreal, Canada.

▪ University of Osnabrück, Germany.

▪ Voronezh State University, Russia.

▪ WSHIFM, Warsaw, Poland.

▪ Xavier University, The Philippines.

Conferences and workshops

▪ Agglomeration and Growth: High-end Forum of Space Development Strategy for the 13th 5-year Plan in China, keynote speaker, Renmin University, Beijing, China (2015)

▪ International Economics and Finance Society, invited speaker, Shanghai, China (2013)

▪ Regional Science Meeting, Dutch – Israeli workshop, University of Groningen (2013)

▪ Nederlandse Economen Dag, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam (2013)

▪ North American Regional Science Council 60th Conference, Atlanta, USA (2013)

▪ North American Regional Science Council 58th Conference, Miami, USA (2011)

▪ Multinational Strategies, Networks, and Regional Economic Development Conference of the Regional Studies Association, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2011).

▪ ERSA conference, Jönköping, Sweden (2010)

▪ Productivity and internationalization, The Hague (2010)

▪ Urban development, Rotterdam, organizer (2010)

▪ Economic dynamics and innovation, Utrecht University, organizer (2009)

▪ Are cities more important than countries?, Rotterdam, organizer (2008)

▪ Globalization and employment, Villigst Workshop, Schwerte, Germany (2006)

▪ INFER, 5th workshop on International Trade, Kingston University London, U.K. (2006)

▪ New Regional Economics in Central European Countries, Institute for Advanced Studies and Oesterreichischer Nationalbank, Austria (2006).

▪ Global Economy, CESifo Conference, Germany (2006)

▪ CESifo Summer Institute, Italy (2005)

▪ The economics & finance of extremes, Eurandom (2005)

▪ On the wealth of nations: extending the Tinbergen heritage, Tinbergen week, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2003).

▪ Spatial Environmental Economics, University of Heidelberg and University of Mannheim (2003).

▪ European Economic Association (1987, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2002).

▪ Econometric Society European Meeting (1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2006, and 2008).

▪ Royal Economic Society (1997).

▪ Western Economic Association (1996).

▪ European Society for Population Economics (1991).

▪ Regional Science Association (1994).

▪ Society for Economic Dynamics and Control (1994).

▪ Economics of International Security, The Hague (1992).

▪ European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (1990 and 1993).

▪ Dynamic Disequilibrium Modelling, University of München (1993).

▪ European Research Workshop on International Trade, CEPR (1993, 1998).

▪ Environment, Trade and Growth, Deakin University and Journal of International Trade and Development (1996).

▪ The Monopolistic Competition Revolution after Twenty-Five Years, University of Groningen (2000).

Organized conferences

▪ Urban development in China, International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, 25-26 June 2015 (co-organized with Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, and Tiago Freire). In cooperation with Regional Science Association International (RSAI), Regional Science Association China (RSAC), and Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society (CJRES).

▪ Heterogenous resilience: what can we learn from the regional impact of shocks? International Institute for Social Studies, 30 October 2014 (co-organized with Steven Brakman and Peter van Bergeijk). In cooperation with Papers in Regional Science (PIRS).

▪ Nations and regions/cities after the great recession: austerity or creative destruction and boom?, with Richard Baldwin, Matthew Turner and others, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, 13–14 December 2012 (co-organized with Steven Brakman and Mark Partridge). In cooperation with Journal of Regional Science (JRS).

▪ Firm heterogeneity and development, 6–7 October 2011, Utrecht University (co-organized with Peter van Bergeijk). In cooperation with Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (JITED).

▪ Urban development: patterns, causes, foundations, and policy, with Janet Bercovitz, Simona Iammarino, Michael Storper, and Phil McCann, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, 13–14 December, 2010 (co-organized with Michael Storper and Frank van Oort). In cooperation with Journal of Regional Science (JRS).

▪ Tjalling C. Koopmans centennial: global warming and climate change, with William Nordhaus and Rick van der Ploeg, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 15 October, 2010 (co-organized with Janneke Plantenga and Erik Stam).

▪ Economic dynamics and innovation, with Wolfgang Keller and Xavier Gabaix, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 9 November, 2009 (co-organized with Jaap Bos).

▪ Are cities more important than countries?, with Edward Glaeser, Gianmarco Ottaviano, Stephen Redding, and Jacques Thisse, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, 30–31 October, 2008 (co-organized with Steven Brakman). In cooperation with Journal of Regional Science (JRS).


▪ Marcel van den Berg (2014), Does Internationalization Foster Firm Performance?, Utrecht University

▪ Shiwei Hu (2014), Development in China and Africa, Utrecht University

▪ Saara Tamminen (2014), Heterogeneous Firms, Mark-Ups, and Income Inequality, Utrecht University

▪ Han–Hsin Chang (2013), Heterogeneity and Development, Utrecht University

▪ Martijn Boermans (2012), International Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, Utrecht University

▪ Julia Swart (2012), Natural Resources and the Environment, Erasmus University

▪ Gus Garita (2008), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Sergey Pekarski (2007), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Koen Berden (2006), Erasmus University Rotterdam

Ph.D. Committees

▪ Malka de Castro Campos (2016), Utrecht University.

▪ Kan Ji (2013), Tilburg University.

▪ Coen Rigtering (2013), Utrecht University (chair)

▪ Beate Cesinger (2013), Utrecht University (chair)

▪ Jan de Dreu (2013), Utrecht University

▪ Lu Zhang (2013), Utrecht University

▪ Mikko Pohjola (2013), Utrecht University

▪ Tristan Kohl (2012), University of Groningen

▪ Yi Zhang (2011), Utrecht University

▪ Bastian Westbrock (2010), Utrecht University

▪ Hans de Kruijk (2010), Erasmus University

▪ Thomas Dirkmaat (2010), Utrecht University

▪ Michiel van Leuvensteijn (2009), Utrecht University

▪ Gerard Marlet (2009), Utrecht University

▪ Eddy Bekkers (2008), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Maarten Bosker (2008), University of Utrecht

▪ Ze Zhu (2007), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Karen Watkins Fassler (2007), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Antonius Viva Hardiyanto (2007), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Annette Balaoing (2006), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Maria Cristina Mohora (2006), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Caterina Marchionni (2005), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ André van Stel (2005), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Hugo Rojas–Romagosa (2005), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Felix Eschenbach (2004), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Gunnar Thorvald Niels (2004), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Grzegorz Jan Kula (2004), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Lucio Vinhas de Souza (2003), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Pieter van Foreest (2002), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Jolanda Peeters (2001), University of Nijmegen

▪ Tomas Koegel (1999), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Harm Zebregs (1998), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Joachim Stibora (1995), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Albert de Vaal (1995), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Mike Dell (1994), Erasmus University Rotterdam

▪ Jos Verbeek (1993), Erasmus University Rotterdam


|Year |Organization / company |Sector / description |

|2016 |CPB Neth Bur Economic Policy An |Visitation Committee |

|2015 |Ministery of Foreign Affairs |Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership |

|2010 |Gasunie |Natural gas; gas market integration |

|2007 |Stegeman |Meat processing |

|2006 |StoraEnso |Berghuizen; paper |

|2005 |Gasunie |Natural gas; pricing report |

|2005 |Gasunie |Natural gas; strategy report |

|2004 |Gasunie |Natural gas; competition report |

|2004 |Johnson Pumps |Water cleansing and irrigation |

|2004 |General Electric |Wind energy |

|2003 |Wavin |Construction |

|2002 |Flexsys |Rubber industry |

|2002 |DYKA |Construction |

|2001 |ENKA |Textiles |

|2000 |CVC / Acordis |Twaron; fibers |

|1995 |NYFER / Nijenrode School of Bus. |Report on spatial distribution of ec. activity |

|1994 |Ministry of Economic Affairs |Report on development assistance |

|1994 |Ministry of Development / OECD |Report on tied aid |

Appendix Utrecht University School of Economics publisher list

|Top Publishers (6) |

| |Cambridge University Press |

| |Harvard University Press |

| |MIT Press |

| |Oxford University Press |

| |Princeton University Press |

| |University of Chicago Press |

| | |

|International Publishers (23) |

| |Academic Press (Elsevier) |

| |Allen & Unwin |

| |Ashgate |

| |Brookings Institution |

| |Columbia University Press |

| |Cornell University Press |

| |Duke University Press |

| |Edward Elgar |

| |Elsevier |

| |Johns Hopkins University Press |

| |Kluwer Academic Publishers |

| |Mcgraw-Hill |

| |New York University Press |

| |North-Holland (Elsevier) |

| |Palgrave Macmillan |

| |Prentice Hall Press |

| |Routledge |

| |Sage |

| |Springer |

| |Thomson |

| |University of California Press |

| |Wiley Blackwell |

| |Yale University Press |

|Only the Elsevier imprints Elsevier, Academic Press, and North-Holland, as listed above, are |

|included. |


[1] RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 82 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. The Ideas database is hosted by the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.


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