Welcome to Fourth Grade

Welcome to Fourth Grade!!Mrs. Eckley’s Class, South Hill Elementary2014-2015I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Fourth Grade! This is an exciting beginning, and I am looking forward to working and learning with each of you.??? ??? First, to introduce myself…this is my seventh year teaching 4th grade at South Hill, and my eighth year as an ICSD teacher. Before joining the ICSD staff, I worked at a school in Buffalo, NY, two years in a 4th grade classroom and two years as literacy support staff. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania, and have found Ithaca to feel just like home! My husband and I have two children, a son, Avi, who is three, and a daughter, Scout, who is a very busy age one. I like to spend my spare time doing outdoor activities with my husband, kids, and puppy, trying craft projects, enjoying music, and reading all kinds of books! Now on to the important information…Communication between school and home is very important to your child’s educational success. I’ve enclosed Parent Homework that will give you the chance to tell me about your child’s family, culture, learning styles, and more, as much as you feel comfortable. I use email as my main source of communication, as well as an updated website (mrseckley.). If you need to speak to me in person, please call the school and leave a message, send a backpack note, or email me at amy.eckley@icsd.k12.ny.us or mrseckley4@ and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible and we can arrange a chat.You will receive a handbook from South Hill that describes expectations for behavior, the school calendar, attendance policies, etc. Please read it carefully, and save for reference. Also, I have enclosed my classroom expectations that I go through carefully with the students, and which they are responsible for following. A supportive classroom community is of?great importance to me, where children can take the risks they need to learn and grow. This requires children to act respectfully and kindly toward each other.Arrival: Our day begins at 7:40…children who ride buses will either enjoy breakfast or head directly to the classroom upon their arrival. We have a variety of morning routines, academic practice activities, and community jobs to be done prior to 8:00. Walkers, car riders, etc. should plan on being in the classroom around 7:40 as well. Announcements, the Pledge of Allegiance, and our morning meeting begin promptly at the 8:00 bell. Attendance will be taken at that time. Snack: Our recess and lunch is from 10:50-11:35. Fourth graders are growing fast, and water and a small snack helps them to maintain focus during those crucial morning lessons. I strongly encourage you to send in a healthy snack daily to keep your student’s energy up. Please do not send candy or sugary foods…there will be plenty of celebrations where such treats are enjoyed. If you are able to contribute a healthy snack, such as crackers or fresh fruit, to our class at any time, we greatly appreciate it! While we do have a water fountain in our classroom, the students can keep a water bottle at their desk, so that they can get a drink without interrupting the lesson or their own activities. Any drink other than water (juice, flavored water, milk, etc.) should be saved for lunch only (sticky messes!)Homework: Reading for pleasure is important to the development of reading skills, therefore I assign 20 minutes of reading each night, student choice within a criteria. Math workbook pages are assigned nightly, and occasionally over the weekend. There will also be spelling projects (tests are on Friday) occasional grammar, and occasional book report projects. Missing homework is recorded, and students will be responsible for turning it in the next day. There may be some work that requires an internet connection and computer, but more on that later.Each student has a Homework Folder meant to carry assignments, notices, and notes from school. Students should take responsibility for checking their folder each night and passing along important information to you. Completed homework can be kept in this folder and returned to school each day. I've enclosed a page about homework expectations for students and parents, since you are our most important partner! Homework should not be done by parents…nor should it feel too hard (math is meant to reinforce daily lessons) or take hours….if you feel this way, please connect with me immediately about it. Your support in providing a quiet space without distractions, and a regular time to do this work is critical to student’s success in this aspect of 4th grade. Also, talking with your child about their homework is important. They should feel successful with it. Sharing: Part of our classroom routine is a daily morning meeting, where each child has a chance to share. I will always encourage children to do talking shares, bring in books they love, a story they’ve written, art they’ve created, to play music they are learning, etc. Please do not allow children to bring in toys to share in class (I follow a strict no toys from home rule). If you have a special skill that you’d like to share with our class...(for example, playing/teaching chess, demonstrating a craft, or playing an instrument) we would love to have you join us! Send me a note and we’ll schedule it!Volunteers: We will be asking for volunteers for a variety of things, such as field trip chaperones, holiday celebrations, etc. Watch the calendars, newsletters, and websites for when these events occur, and contact me if you are able to help! Specials: We operate on the school schedule of Day 1-4 rotation. Our special is always from 1:20-2:00 pm. Our pattern is P.E.- Music- P.E.- Art. Curriculum: See attached Curriculum pagePersonal Items: Please label your child’s clothing and belongings, especially hats and gloves, coats, etc. South Hill has a Lost and Found in the Cafeteria. No need to bring a lot of other stuff from home.School Supplies: You should have received a list in the 3rd end-of-year report card. Thank you for your contributions to our classroom community! Students will also need a backpack or bag that can hold their reading book, snack, workbook, and homework folder. Finally…thank you, for all that you do to prepare your youngster each and every day for school. I truly believe that a child’s success in school is assured through parents and teachers working together for their benefit. I look forward to this year of working with you and your child.Sincerely,Amy EckleyAttached: Curriculum Page, Classroom Expectations, Homework Expectations, Parent “Homework” ................

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