COMMUNITY OPERATING PLANComplete parts A-D before the presentation/event, and then parts E implementation. Use this outline as a guide for developing all programs and presentations.? The questions in each section are designed to help you in the development process. You must answer all of the questions listed, but if you feel there is other important information please include that as well.? A. PROJECT INFO:Event: Marlborough 3rd and 4th GradeTopic: Food and Physical ActivityEvent Date: 11/13Location: Marlborough Elementary SchoolIntern Name(s): Laura Howenstine & Casie ReynoldsTeam Leader: Casie ReynoldsPreceptor: Karen BalnisPerson responsible for writing the COP: Laura Howenstine & Casie ReynoldsB. NEEDS ASSESSMENT: 1. Identify site contactOur site contact is Joe Benham, the physical education teacher at the school.2. Identify populationa) Gender: Both boys and girlsb) Age: The kids are age 8-10c) Education level: The kids are in 3rd and 4th graded) Number of participants: There were 16 students in one class, and 17 in the other. There is a teacher and an aide in each classroom.3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did you get to observe the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the participants and any other pertinent information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe classroom management techniques).The topics were suggested/chosen by Joe. He gave us three topics to include in a total of two presentations. We decided to focus on two main topics and work a food safety discussion into each project. We decided to focus on commercials and advertising at a basic level that the younger children will understand.a) Other programs recently presented: Influences on food choicesb) What the audience knowsMyPlateTo eat a rainbow of foodsWe need food for energyWhen we don’t eat we don’t feel goodc) What the audience wants to know - what is relevantHow much food do I need?What are good energy sources?Why is candy not a good choice?Will good foods make me run faster?d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issuesAlthough the children are only one grade apart, they are quite different in their education and maturity level. For the third graders we plan to do much more activity and repetition when it comes to concepts. The third graders have a carpet in the front of the room to sit on, so we plan to alternate between that and their desks for added movement. We plan to give a more broad version of the lesson to the 3rd graders and explain it to the 4th graders in more detail.4. Setting - tour of facilitya) Room size and set up (diagram)3rd Grade: SmartboardRugStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksTeacher’s Desk‘Take a Break’ CornerComputer DeskHandwashing SinkDoorSmartboardRugStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksTeacher’s Desk‘Take a Break’ CornerComputer DeskHandwashing SinkDoor4th Grade:Computer DesksComputer desksComputer desksSmartboardOpen SpaceTeacher’s DeskHandwashing SinkStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksTeacher’s DeskDoorComputer DesksComputer desksComputer desksSmartboardOpen SpaceTeacher’s DeskHandwashing SinkStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksStudent DesksTeacher’s DeskDoorb) Presentation resourcesAvailability of food prep area In each classroom there is counter space next to the handwashing sinks, or a desk in the front of the 4th grade class.AV resources - space available for visual teaching aids: In each of the rooms there is a SmartBoard, as well as 2 large dry-erase boards.5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation: Our presentations will be on Tuesday afternoon from 12:36-1:26 and 1:28-2:18.6. Durationa) Attention span: Especially with the third graders, their attention span will be short due to their age. We plan to keep their attention with activities and class interaction. A typical attention span for children this age is 10-30 minutes.b) Conflict with other activities for population: Our presentations are Tuesday in the afternoon which is challenging because the 3rd grade will be coming in from recess so it may take a bit of effort to get them settled down and ready for our presentation. 7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility: Teachers’ and Joe8. Budgeta) Will there be a charge: Nob) Funds to cover supplies: We have a $10 limit for each lesson, charged to a p-cardc) Cost of marketing: $09. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans: Joe has been very responsive and helpful via email, as well as directing to the correct location within the school.10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment.Food and nutrition related knowledge deficit related to lack of prior nutrition related education as evidenced by request of topics by site contact.C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when… the process of your work):Meeting DatesDates scheduled for planning and who will attend.Wednesday 10/15Casie and Laura (Observation of classrooms)Thursday 10/16Casie and Laura (Gathering the sitebook and initial planning)Wednesday 10/22Casie and Laura (Tentative lesson planning)Friday 10/24Casie (Outline Production)Monday 10/27Laura (COP writing)Wednesday 10/29Casie and Laura (Finishing Lesson planning)Friday 10/31Casie, Laura, and Karen (7-day Meeting)7 day meeting - Scheduled for 10/31 with Karen.Evaluation meeting scheduled for: 11/2014(Usually held directly after presentation but may be scheduled for later).Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do to prepare?We prepared by observing both of the classes before we began planning our lessons. When we observed we were looking at the classroom setup, the students’ behavior, if there was a certain class dynamic, and trying to pick up on ways the teacher controls the classroom. We were able to also pull knowledge from prior experience. Both Casie and I have taught in classrooms of young children before so we are familiar with how to work with them. How did you go about the development process? Who was involved? Casie and I worked together to develop this lesson for each age group. We observed the classroom first. We met Joe on-site and he directed us to the rooms in the school and introduced us to the teachers. We developed our presentation topics based on those given by Joe. After observing and reading through the sitebook we worked together to form a rough draft lesson plan. We worked together to revise our rough draft and come up with something more concrete. We discussed different food activities and finally decided on one that we think uses the topic and will engage the children.What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how did you find them? Relate back to your assessment section.We are using MyPlate as a visual resource to give the kids more exposure to it and to explain a bit further what each food group does for our bodies. We also used several online resources and children’s teaching websites to generate ideas for activities and worksheets. We are also following along with the 5210 message in the community in reiterating 2 hours of screentime per day and 1 hour of activity.D. DEVELOPMENT (what… the outcome of your planning and development): Measurable Learning Objectives:In this lesson we want the children to be able to tell us the difference between high energy and low energy activities, explain why we need food and what it does for our bodies, and give examples of high energy activities.Outline of presentation:Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member responsible for them. Include descriptions of the content, learning activities, food activities, visuals, education materials and evaluation methods/materials. (May attach as separate document.) Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:Auditory: The initial discussion and recap from last week, discussing nutrients obtained from the foods we eat, discussing physical activity and high energy activities vs low energy.Visual: Using a MyPlate visual, using a handout with pictures and descriptions of exercise.Kinesthetic: Hand washing, food sample, instant recess, and filling out their activity logs.List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your planning.Linguistic: Various discussions during class, sharing high and low energy activity ideas.Bodily-Kinesthetic: Instant recess, food sample.Musical: Using a video with a song about healthy foodsIntrapersonal: Use of activity logs and giving various examples of physical activity to choose from.Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether your learning objectives were met. Our first objective is to discuss the relation of food and what the nutrients do for our bodies. We are accomplishing this by discussing MyPlate and the food groups, while narrowing in on what each group provides for us. Our second objective is for the kids to determine the difference between a high energy activity and a low energy activity. They will do this by giving us examples during our discussion. Our final objective is for the kids to list a variety of ways that they can be physically active and expend energy. They can do this during our discussion of various activities, as well as when they receive the handout with idea listed.What problems did you encounter in the development process?We did not have any specific problems during the planning process, but we are both bus y individuals and it was at time difficult to schedule a meeting time that worked for both of plete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.E. IMPLEMENTATION and EVALUATION: For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of the presentation, using examples. Include any last minute changes to the planned setting, audience, number of participants. Based on our first presentation at the school we decided to change the recipe that we sampled for this presentation. A few days before the presentation we tested that recipe and made a few changes to make the muffins healthier. We made the muffins for class the day before in order to lessen our prep time on the day we were on-site. We met a few hours before the presentation to go over everything and made a few changes to our outline. We decided to add a video at the beginning in order to engage the kids and get their attention instead of starting with a discussion. The presentations went, for the most part, as planned. The 3rd graders were a bit down and not as engaged as we thought they would be. This made it more difficult to have a discussion with them and made the instant recess not as fun. The 4th grade class was much more excited and enthusiastic. They loved the instant recess and asked for seconds of the muffins. During our MyPlate discussion they were naming nutrients, like calcium in dairy products, and were able to give several plant sources of protein, which I was a bit surprised by. Both classes, to some extent, made the connection between food and physical activity, which was our overall goal.Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well? The presentations did go as planned for the most part. We did expect that the 3rd graders would have a tough time with this topic, which they did, and the 4th graders would have a better grasp on the topics presented. The 3rd grade teacher was not present during the class, which, we believe, would have affected their behavior for the better. We had a difficult time keeping their attention and getting them to make the connection between the food we eat and our level of physical activity.How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on preceptor feedback.Overall the audience reacted well. The kids seemed to have fun and the 4th graders really enjoyed the muffins we brought. The teachers and our preceptors both put several positive comments on the evaluations. Everyone seemed to agree that the actual presentation was effective, but that we could have done better controlling the classroom, specifically 3rd grade. How well did the audience grasp your objectives?Overall I think the message was received relatively well by each class. We wanted the kids to make the connection between the foods we eat and the physical activity we do. We wanted them to be able to tell the difference between high energy and low energy activities, which they did. They gave us examples of each category of activity, as well as told us that you need more food if you frequently do high energy activities.What would you do differently/the same the next time - or what would you change if you had more time? How effective do you feel your program/material was for the target audience?Next time I would try and engage the entire class more and repeat their answers to questions. It is difficult to hear children sometimes and it is easy to have one-on-one conversations but that leaves the rest of the group bored. We would also add activity to more of the presentation, like having the kids come and write a physical activity on the front board, versus having a discussion about it. This could engage the kids more and help keep their attention.Recommendations for future Interns:Use nametags and call the kids by nameSpend the extra 20 cents and get name brand muffin cups. The muffins stick to cheap ones.If the kids seem low on energy during an instant recess give them examples of what to do.Financial Report: Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the project, food cost for testing the food activity; please note that labor costs include hours worked by ALL team members)Labor ($25/hour): $612.50Food: No additional cost, we used presentation materials to recipe test.Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28), see following link for cost of copies , and other supplies)Labor ($25/hour): $125.00Copies: $0.04/page x 40 pages = $1.60Food: $11.16Other supplies and costs: Overall costs: $750.70Within one week of the presentation, provide internship preceptor with a completed COP, Presentation Evaluation form, Handout(s), a Team Leader Report, and PDE if completed by an outside supervisor. (PDE required for sites with 2 presentations or >32 hours). Attach a copy of the materials, PowerPoint, and any handouts/resources used for the presentation. ................

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