Energy Resources WebQuest - Mr. French's Science classes


There are many energy sources used in the United States today. Energy is a part of every aspect of our lives. It is important to learn about energy and its impact on our society.


Students will learn about energy sources using web-based resources and create Interactive PowerPoint presentations or Student-Generated Videos to bring before the Town School Alternative Energy Council to discuss their findings and make a proposal for a responsible energy plan.


1. Students in groups of 4 or 5 will tackle the following energy sources.

• Wind

• Solar

• Biomass

• Geothermal

• Natural Gas

• Nuclear Energy

• Hydroelectric

2. Student groups will research information about all of the energy sources, using at least three of the web resources listed and maybe other sites that they research independently.

The research on the Energy Sources will include:

• description of the energy source, including renewable or nonrenewable

• history of the energy source

• where the energy source is found and how it is recovered

• how energy is stored in the source and how the energy is released

• how the energy source is used today

• advantages and disadvantages of the energy source

• economic impacts of the energy source

• environmental impacts of the energy source

• future of the energy source

• what is the cost of this source

• Other interesting facts about the energy source.

• Resource/Bibliography listing slide – to show where you got your info from.

• Use this website: Easy Bibliography Making to help you create your bibliography.

• Must have a minimum of 3 sites on your bibliography.

3. Student groups will present their findings to their chosen groups and make their arguments for what types of energy should be added into their sustainable energy proposal plans. In this proposal, they will need to create a plan that will “preserve our natural resources”, while still meeting the economic and energy needs of today’s society.

4. Student groups will use their laptops to create with either the Interactive PowerPoint presentations or Student-Generated Videos on their proposals.



American Wind Energy Association

Wind & Hydropower Technologies

Wind Energy

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Alliant Energy

Energy Information Administration

How Wind Power Works

Alternative Energy Resources Info


American Solar Energy Society

Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Solar Energy

Energy Information Administration

Solar Energy Industries Association

Alliant Energy

How Solar Cells Work

Alternative Energy Resources Info


Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Biomass Energy

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Alliant Energy

Biomass Energy

Biomass Energy Data Book

Alternative Energy Resources Info


Geothermal Energy Association

Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Technologies Program

Power House

Kids Korner

Geothermal Energy Facts

Geothermal Energy Education Office

Alliant Energy

Alternative Energy Resources Info

Natural Gas

Natural Gas Supply

Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Natural Gas

Benefits of Natural Gas

Energy Information Administration

Kids World

Natural Gas in the News

Kids Korner

Alternative Energy Resources Info

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy Institute

Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Energy Information Administration

How Nuclear Energy Works

Nuclear Energy

The World Almanac for Kids

Students' Corner on Nuclear Energy

Alternative Energy Resources Info


National Hydropower Association

Wind & Hydropower Technologies

Energy Information Administration's Kid's Page

Department of Energy's Kids Zone

Facts about Hydropower


Energy Information Administration

Alliant Kids

How Hydropower Works

Department of Environmental Protection

Energy from Moving Water

Alternative Energy Resources Info


Students will evaluate each group using a 1-to-4 rubric, which includes knowledge of the energy source, level of participation in the research and presentation, design and creativity of the presentation, and how prepared the group is as a whole.

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Knowledge of the Energy Source |Shows a full understanding of the|Shows a good understanding of the |Shows a good understanding of parts|Does not seem to understand the |

| |energy resource. |energy resource. |of the energy resource. |energy resource very well. |

|Collaboration with Peers |Almost always listens to, shares |Usually listens to, shares with, |Often listens to, shares with, and |Rarely listens to, shares with, and|

| |with, and supports the efforts of|and supports the efforts of others |supports the efforts of others in |supports the efforts of others in |

| |others in the group. Tries to |in the group. Does not cause |the group but sometimes is not a |the group. Often is not a good team|

| |keep people working well |"waves" in the group. |good team member. |member. |

| |together. | | | |

|Enthusiasm |Facial expressions and body |Facial expressions and body |Facial expressions and body |Very little use of facial |

| |language generate a strong |language sometimes generate a |language are used to try to |expressions or body language. Did |

| |interest and enthusiasm about the|strong interest and enthusiasm |generate enthusiasm, but seem |not generate much interest in topic|

| |topic in others. |about the topic in others. |somewhat faked. |being presented. |

|Preparedness |Student is completely prepared |Student seems pretty prepared but |The student is somewhat prepared, |Student does not seem at all |

| |and has obviously rehearsed. |might have needed a couple more |but it is clear that rehearsal was |prepared to present. |

| | |rehearsals. |lacking. | |


Class discussion, emphasizing the fact that every energy source has advantages and disadvantages and that it is important to use many energy sources to provide the energy needed in the U.S. Debate on which energy source(s) are best for our local area and global needs.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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