Target Sheet:

-95250142875Applied Single Award & Entry LevelWJEC ‘Entry Level’ taught in conjunction with content from Applied Single Award Science – to allow access to WJEC Double Award Science GCSE.Applied Context It is important to understand energy transfer if we are to efficiently generate electricity or use energy in the home. Learners can apply their knowledge in a number of fields including electricity generation and sustainable development. 00Applied Single Award & Entry LevelWJEC ‘Entry Level’ taught in conjunction with content from Applied Single Award Science – to allow access to WJEC Double Award Science GCSE.Applied Context It is important to understand energy transfer if we are to efficiently generate electricity or use energy in the home. Learners can apply their knowledge in a number of fields including electricity generation and sustainable development. 952533528001.1.1 ‘Underpinning Energy Concepts’001.1.1 ‘Underpinning Energy Concepts’4660905000625Please note:Some of the tasks and questions that you are expected to complete will not be in this booklet. You will need to bring the following to each of your lessons:exercise book pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and calculator.00Please note:Some of the tasks and questions that you are expected to complete will not be in this booklet. You will need to bring the following to each of your lessons:exercise book pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and calculator.-152717310197Name: _______________________________________Class: ________________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________00Name: _______________________________________Class: ________________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________-47625-28575Target Sheet: (dual) Applied Single Award & Entry Level WJECSingle Award = 1.1.1 “Underpinning Energy Concepts” 00Target Sheet: (dual) Applied Single Award & Entry Level WJECSingle Award = 1.1.1 “Underpinning Energy Concepts” Subject Specific Targets Single Applied 1.1.1BEFORE UnitI have LEARNEDI understand how temperature differences lead to the transfer of energy.Sankey diagrams to show energy transfers; energy efficiency in terms of input energy and energy usefully transferred in a range of contexts including electrical power generation, transmission and use of energy.I am able to draw & interpret Sankey diagrams drawn to scale.NB. On foundation tier, the equation will be given in the form required if it involves a change to the subject. I can use the following equations to find useful information relating to both the generation and use of electricity: power = voltage × currente.g. in relation to the power output of wind turbines, water turbines and solar panels and power consumption of household appliances. energy transfer = power × timeI understand the relationship between watts and joules.I know how to investigate energy transfer and the efficiency of energy transfer in a range of contexts; the interpretation, analysis and evaluation of data and methods used in investigations. Investigations to include: ? the energy output from a renewable source (e.g. energy output and the construction / location of a wind turbine) ? the efficiency of an electric kettleI understand the terms ‘sustainable’ and ‘carbon footprint’ when applied to generation of electricity or the use of electricity and energy (e.g. natural gas).I understand Carbon footprint as a measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide and methane emissions of a defined population, system or activity.I am able to make a comparison of the carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gases using given data. I can use the measurement of the carbon footprint in terms of mass equivalent of carbon dioxide (kgCO2eq) and global warming potential of a gas; the use of the relationship: kgCO2eq = (mass of a gas) × (global warming potential of the gas)It is important for us to understand energy transfer if we are to efficiently generate or use energy in the home. In this topic, we will aim to understand some key concepts which can then be applied to sustainable energy generation and use. Forms of energyYou should be able to recognise the main forms of energy. There are ten common energy types which need to be remembered. The easiest way to remember them is to make a word or phrase out of them. The first letter of each word is the first letter of each energy type.Lee - Eats - Hot - Soup - Most - Evenings - Kicking - Gravel - Not - Chippings.? Light ? Electrical ? Heat (thermal energy) ? Sound ? Magnetic ? Elastic potential ? Kinetic (movement energy) ? Gravitational potential ? Nuclear ? Chemical.The important thing to remember is:energy is never created or destroyed - it is only ever changed. For example: in a battery-powered toy car, the chemical energy in the battery is changed into kinetic energy as the car moves. Some energy changes are good (called useful energy changes). However, many energy changes are negative, called waste energy. Waste energy is a change that happens that we don’t necessarily want. For example, televisions change electrical energy into light and sound (useful energy). However, they also produce heat energy that we don’t need making the television get hot; this is wasted energy.54386331434228Useful00Useful5438633499574Useful00Useful5438055955249Wasted00WastedDescribe the energy changes in the following by drawing diagrams in your exercise book like the one above. In your diagram, show the useful energy and the wasted energy.Q. What is the energy conversion in each of the solar cells?22028155022851671073330835Light 00Light Q. What are the energy transfers in a wind turbine?Q. What are the energy transfers in a hairdryer?Efficiency -635554990The efficiency of an energy transfer is the percentage of the energy transferred to useful energy output.020000The efficiency of an energy transfer is the percentage of the energy transferred to useful energy output.When we generate electricity or use energy in some way, the process will involve the transfer of energy. However not all of this energy is transferred usefully.Whenever energy is transferred in a process, some energy is lost. For example if we generate electricity from coal only some of the energy stored in the coal is transferred to the electricity. The rest of the energy is wasted e.g. lost as heat energy to the surroundings.For example: In a coal-fired power station, only 400J was transferred to generate electricity for every 1000J of energy stored in coal. 600 J of energy was wasted as heat energy to the surroundings. We can use the equation below to calculate the efficiency of the process:In a coal powered station chemical energy stored in coal is used to generate electricity. Not all that energy is converted into electricity. Some of the energy is lost to the surroundings as heat energy.No ‘machine’ is 100% efficient. Task: Think of 10 ‘machines’ or ‘appliances’ you use at home. How do they lose energy?57505601825625Activity: Which bulb is the most efficient?Tasks: Answer the following questions in your exercise book. Both lightbulbs will ‘lose’ heat. (a) Which light bulb do you predict will lose the most heat (b) which lightbulb is the least efficient?Draw a table to record the results of the above experiment.Name the independent variable? Name the dependent variable? List all of the control variables: How could you have improved the experiment?You can show the energy conversions for a lightbulb by drawing a simple ‘energy transfer’ diagram as below: How many joules of heat energy is wasted?308736419546000175512819050Electrical Energy 100J Light Energy (Useful) 60J Heat Energy (Wasted) ? JCopy this typical exam question and answer: “What happens to the ‘lost’ heat energy”? Answer: Applying the principle of ‘conservation of energy’ the wasted heat energy heats up the surroundings and becomes less useful.-81280368300Captain Matthew Sankey developed Sankey diagrams as a clever way of illustrating both energy transfers & efficiency by drawing the width of the arrows to scale. Sankey diagrams summarise all the energy transfers taking place in a process.00Captain Matthew Sankey developed Sankey diagrams as a clever way of illustrating both energy transfers & efficiency by drawing the width of the arrows to scale. Sankey diagrams summarise all the energy transfers taking place in a process.Sankey Diagrams: Activity:What is the Sankey diagram of a filament bulb (below) telling you?Answer: For every 10 J of electrical energy supplied to the lamp only 1J is transferred to the surroundings as light energy. The remainder, 9J (10J – 1J) is transferred to the surroundings as heat energy.We can draw Sankey diagrams for any process. Make sure you can draw a Sankey diagram and use a Sankey diagram to find information.285752857Top tips:Useful energy is represented by the width of the horizontal arrows. You can think of this as the ‘Wasted energy falls on the floor’. (Exam questions and text books often get this wrong however!) The WIDTH of the arrow must be drawn to scale (the length is not important).00Top tips:Useful energy is represented by the width of the horizontal arrows. You can think of this as the ‘Wasted energy falls on the floor’. (Exam questions and text books often get this wrong however!) The WIDTH of the arrow must be drawn to scale (the length is not important).Both Sankey diagrams below show:The energy transferred from coal to electrical electricity (generated in a power station). 3957320129541Sankey diagram showing ‘efficiency’ as a %020000Sankey diagram showing ‘efficiency’ as a %261303124460Sankey diagram showing ‘energy’ in joules (J)020000Sankey diagram showing ‘energy’ in joules (J)Activity:Draw both of the Sankey diagrams (below) to scale using graph paper or squared paper. Self-check them before showing them to a friend to check. Finally, glue them into your book and ask your teacher to check them. (Tip: use a pencil and ruler). Task: Which lightbulb is the most efficient? How do you know? Test yourself:Q1.Q2.Energy transfer calculationsAn electric current is the movement of a charge through an electrical conductor. When an electric current flows in a circuit, energy is transferred from the power supply to the components in the circuit.Energy is measured in joules, J. Power is measured in watts, W.Power can be calculated using the equation: P = V × Ipower (W) = potential difference (V) x current (A)The amount of electrical energy transferred to an appliance depends upon the power rating of the appliance and the time for which it is switched on. Remember your units: 1 kW = 1000W The power of an electrical appliance tells us how much electricity it transfers in one second. 1 W = 1 J/s Energy transferred from electricity can be calculated using:E = p × tenergy(J) = power(W) × time(s)or energy(kWh) = power(kW) × time(hours)Remember your units: 1 kJ = 1000J 1 hour = 60 × 60 = 3600 seconds2709545567690P is the power in kW t is the time in hours.E is the energy transferred in kilowatt hours, kWh 00P is the power in kW t is the time in hours.E is the energy transferred in kilowatt hours, kWh Example 1: A 2500W electrical fire is switched on for 4 hours. Calculate the energy used in that time and the cost of using the appliance if 1 unit costs 9 pence.E = p x tEnergy used = 2.5kWh × 4hours = 10 kWh Cost = 10kWh x 9pence = 90penceExample 2: A 2.0 kW kettle is used for an average of 90 minutes each day. Calculate the energy used by the kettle each day. (Cost of 1 unit = 10 pence).The time the kettle is used each day = 90minutes = 1.5 hours.Energy used each day (kWh) = power(kW) × time(hours) = 2.0 kW x 1.5 hours = 3.0 kWh Cost = 3 kWh x 10 pence = 30 pence.-33655426085Sustainability (in the context of energy) is about using energy resources in such a way that we do not put at risk the ability of people in the future to meet their own energy needs.020000Sustainability (in the context of energy) is about using energy resources in such a way that we do not put at risk the ability of people in the future to meet their own energy needs.What is sustainability?If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever. Living sustainably is about living within the means of our environment and ensuring that our lifestyle doesn’t harm other people. 35210785725Sustainable energy includes both energy efficiency and renewable energy. Both energy efficiency and renewable energy can be thought of as the twin pillars of sustainable energy.400000Sustainable energy includes both energy efficiency and renewable energy. Both energy efficiency and renewable energy can be thought of as the twin pillars of sustainable energy.Sustainability means that we use resources while remembering the future generations that follow us. We can be sustainable by:? using energy more efficiently. ? reducing our dependence on non-renewable energy resources such as fossil fuels. All renewable energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and ocean energy are sustainable. -138430596900Carbon FootprintThe carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of activities which release greenhouse gases on the environment. It calculates all the greenhouse gases (e.g. methane and carbon dioxide) we are expected to produce in all our activities and measures them in units of carbon dioxide.00Carbon FootprintThe carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of activities which release greenhouse gases on the environment. It calculates all the greenhouse gases (e.g. methane and carbon dioxide) we are expected to produce in all our activities and measures them in units of carbon dioxide.Sustainable energy is different to low-carbon energy, which is sustainable only in the sense that it does not add to the CO2 in the atmosphere.It is feared that the climate is changing due to man-made emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases trap energy in the Earth’s atmosphere so causing the atmosphere to warm. Gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases.Almost all our activities have a carbon footprint. Sometimes it is obvious that there is a carbon footprint. If we came to school by car or on a bus, fossil fuel was burnt producing carbon dioxide.Sometimes it may be less obvious that there is a carbon footprint.Every time we run a tap there is a carbon footprint. Why? Energy is needed to make water pipes to deliver our water. Water pipes also need to be put in place. Roads may need digging up to repair water mains. Energy is needed to clean the water etc. If we are using energy there will always be a carbon footprint.Energy production always has a carbon footprint, no matter what form of energy we produce.For example, a wind turbine produces about 5 g of CO2 for every 1 kWh of electricity produced. Why? We need to construct the wind turbines using steel which is an energy intensive process, the turbines need transporting by lorry to be put in place and there will need to be maintenance. Carbon dioxide equivalentCarbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas. When we measure our carbon footprint we need to measure other greenhouse gases as well. The total greenhouse gas emissions are measured in units of mass equivalent of carbon dioxide (kgCO2eq).Not all gases have the same greenhouse effect. To calculate the carbon footprint we need to convert the mass of a greenhouse gas, such as methane, into the mass of carbon dioxide that causes the same greenhouse effect. The following table compares three greenhouse gases.The carbon dioxide equivalent tells us that releasing 1 kg of CH4 into the atmosphere is equivalent to releasing 21 kg of CO2. Releasing 1 kg of N2O into the atmosphere is about equivalent to releasing 298 kg of CO2. Methane is a gas produced when cows belch. To help combat methane production, research is being conducted into breeding cows that produce less methane.-56833317We can convert the mass of any gas into the carbon dioxide equivalent using:mass equivalent of carbon dioxide (kgCO2eq) = (mass of gas) × (global warming potential)020000We can convert the mass of any gas into the carbon dioxide equivalent using:mass equivalent of carbon dioxide (kgCO2eq) = (mass of gas) × (global warming potential)Task: In 1980, Australian dairy cows produced about 2800 litres of milk each year. 33g of methane was released by the cow for each litre of milk the cow produced. (a) Calculate the total amount of methane produced each year. (b) Calculate the mass equivalent of carbon dioxide in units of kgCO2eq Test yourself:1. State two pillars of sustainable energy. A fossil fuels and energy efficiency B renewable energy and energy efficiency C renewable energy and the carbon footprint 2. Select the units of mass equivalent carbon dioxide. A kgCO2 B kCO2eq C kgCO2eq 3. Select the correct statement from below given: The carbon dioxide equivalence of methane is 21 and that of nitrous oxide is 298. A The carbon footprint of 1 kg methane is greater than 1 kg nitrous oxide B The carbon footprint of 1 kg nitrous oxide is greater than 1 kg methane C The carbon footprint of 1 kg methane is about the same as 1 kg nitrous oxidePast paper questions (d) Calculate the efficiency of the oil power station (2) ................

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