One Penn State 2025 Signature Initiative Membership

[Pages:7]One Penn State 2025 Signature Initiative Membership


One Penn State 2025 Executive Committee ................................................................ 2 One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 1 ....................................................................3 One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 2 ....................................................................4 One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 3 ....................................................................5 One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 4 ....................................................................6 One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 5 ....................................................................7

One Penn State 2025 Executive Committee

Renata Engel, Co-Chair, Vice Provost f or Online Education Yvonne Gaudelius, Co-Chair, Vice President and Dean f or Undergraduate Education Kelly Austin, Vice President f or the Commonwealth Campuses and Executive Chancellor Kimberly Blockett, Prof essor, English, Penn State Brandywine Rich Bundy, Vice President f or Development and Alumni Relations Michael B?sges, Interim Vice President f or Inf ormation Technology and Chief Inf ormation

Of f icer Kathryn Drager, Interim Dean of the Graduate School, Vice Provost f or Graduate Educ ation Melissa Hardy, Distinguished Prof essor of Sociology and Demography Garrett Huck, Assistant Prof essor of RHS, Penn State Hazleton Tracey Huston, Vice President f or Outreach Dale Jones, Chancellor and Chief Academic Of f icer, Penn State Wilkes -Barre Lance Kennedy-Phillips, Vice Provost f or Planning, Assessment and Institutional Research Clarence Lang, Susan Welch Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts and Prof essor of Af rican

American Studies Tracy Langkilde, Dean, Eberly College of Science Mary Lou D. Ortiz, Associate Vice President f or Budget and University Budget Of f icer Damon Sims, Vice President f or Student Af f airs Sara Thorndike, Senior Vice President f or Finance and Business and Treasurer Marwan Waf a, Chancellor, Penn State Scranton Marcus Whitehurst, Vice Provost f or Educational Equity

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One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 1

Provide a Seamless Student Experience

Melissa Kunes, Co-Chair, Assistant Vice President, Executive Director, Of f ice of Student Aid Daniel Murphy, Co-Chair, Director of Commonwealth Campus Support Ashley Adams, Director of Student Af f airs ? Penn State World Campus Tony Anderson, Learning Tools and Learning Management System Manager Penny Carlson, Assistant Vice President, Executive Director f or Academic Services and

Assessment Robert Crane, Associate Vice Provost, Penn State Global Programs ? retired, emeritus William Fritz, Director, World Campus Admissions and Student Aid Lori Anne Hawn, Director of Graduate Student Services Karen Kyle, Associate Director, Commonwealth Campus Financial Of f icers Wayne Leone, Project Manager, OPAIR Tryphena Miska, Associate Registrar Renea Nichols, Assistant Teaching Prof essor Misty Patcyk, Director, LionPATH Development and Maintenance Of f ice Jacqueline Reid-Walsh, Associate Prof essor of Education (Language & Literacy Education)

and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Carolyn Saona, University Bursar Janet Schulenberg, Senior Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies Ike Shibley, Associate Prof essor ? Penn State Berks Scott Simonds, Director of Student Af f airs ? Penn State York Vince Timbers, Interim Director of Admissions Douglas Wolf e, Prof essor of Materials Science and Engineering Maria Soyoso-Capuder, Student Member

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One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 2

Achieve Curricular Coherence

Jef f Adams, Co-Chair, Associate Vice President, Undergraduate Education William Kenyon, Co-Chair, Associate Prof essor of Theatre Beth Seymour, Co-Chair, Teaching Prof essor of Arts and Humanities ? Penn State Altoona Andrew Cole, Associate Prof essor of Landscape Architecture Michele Duf f ey, Assistant Teaching Prof essor of Kinesiology Ivan Esparragoza, Prof essor of Engineering ? Penn State Brandywine Harold Hayf ord, Assistant Teaching Prof essor of Math ? Penn State Altoona Kelly Kerstetter, IT Project Manager Suzanna Linn, Liberal Arts Prof essor of Political Science Darcy Medica, Director of Academic Af f airs ? Penn State Schuylkill Karen Pollack, Associate Vice Provost f or Outreach ? Penn State World Campus Felisa Preciado Higgins, Associate Dean f or Undergraduate Education Maggie Slattery, Assistant Dean and Director, Of f ice f or General Education David Smith, Associate Dean f or Advising and Executive Director, Division of Undergraduate

Studies Ann Taylor, Assistant Dean Assistant Dean f or Distance Learning and Director of the John A.

Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

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One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 3

Design Relevant and Responsive Programs

Gary Chinn, Co-Chair, Assistant Dean of Digital Learning, College of Arts & Architecture Kelly Grif f ith, Co-Chair, Director, Of f ice f or Summer Session Elizabeth Wright, Co-Chair, Associate Dean f or Academic Af f airs, OVPCC and Director of

Academic Af f airs? Penn State Hazleton Monty Alger, Prof essor of Chemical Engineering Rebecca Gardner, Senior Director, Planning, Research and Communications, Institutional

Planning & Assessment and Senior Director of Special Projects ? Penn State Harrisburg Paula Hamaty, Associate Registrar Jennie Ishler, Director of Marketing Analytics and Market Research ? Penn State World Campus Sarah Kettell, Education Programmer/Analyst Bob Orndorf f , Senior Director of Career Services & Af f iliate Associate Prof essor in Counselor Education Shashank Priya, Associate Vice President f or Research, Prof essor, Materials Science and Engineering Victoria Raish, Online Learning Coordinator Alan Rieck, Associate Vice President and Associate Dean f or Undergraduate Education Emily Rimland, Inf ormation Literacy Librarian and Learning Technologies Coordinator Ann Taylor, Assistant Dean Assistant Dean f or Distance Learning and Director of the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Suzanne Wayne, Project Portf olio Manager, Outreach Inf ormation Technology Anita Yuskauskas, Assistant Teaching Prof essor and Coordinator, HPA ? Penn State Lehigh Valley Michael Zeman, Student Engagement Network, Director Laura Young, Student Member

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One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 4

Engage Learners Throughout Their Lifetimes

Tracy Hoover, Co-Chair, Associate Dean f or Undergraduate Education, College of Agricultural Sciences

Jim Nemes, Co-Chair, Chancellor and Chief Academic Of f icer and Prof essor of Mechanical Engineering? Penn State Great Valley

Donna Bayer, Instructional Designer Mary Boyadzhiev, Business Analyst, OPAIR Sara Carlson, Survey Research Manager Sandy Clemmer, Director, Penn State Executive Programs Paul Clif f ord, Chief Executive Of f icer of the Penn State Alumni Association John Drake, Director, The Center f or Business Development and Community Outreach ?

Penn State Scranton Pam Drif tmier, Executive Director, Prof essional and Community Engagement Jon Emigh, Associate Director of Marketing Strategy and Operations Cathy Holsing, Director, Of f ice f or Digital Learning, College of Engineering Peter Idowu, Assistant of Graduate Studies ? Penn State Harrisburg Bob Kubat, Assistant Vice President f or Undergraduate Education and University Registrar Chris Lucas, Associate Vice President, User Success ? Penn State IT Greg Miller, Senior director of Outreach Marketing Deyo Olorunnisola, Director of Admissions, Schreyer Honors College Brynn Rousselin, Director f or Osher Lif elong Learning Institute Niharika Sharma, Director of Student Financial Services, Of f ice of the Bursar

Andrea Tessier, Senior Director of Statewide Continuing Education and Workforce Development

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One Penn State 2025 Guiding Principle 5

Achieve the Highest Level of Efficiency of University Resources

Kevin Snider, Co-chair, Chancellor ? Penn State New Kensington Jennif er Stedelin, Co-Chair, Associate Vice President, Enterprise Systems & Services, Penn

State Inf ormation Technology Todd Clouser, Associate Registrar, Inf ormation Technology Manager, Of f ice of the University

Registrar Stephanie Flanagan, Organizational Change Management Lead f or SIMBA Rich Heininger, Director of Inf ormation Technology, University Budget Of f ice John Hoh, Senior Director of Inf ormation Technology Rina Kumar, Director, WorkLion Management Of f ice Wayne Leone, Project Manager, OPAIR Shuchi Nalepa, Director, Enterprise Solutions, Penn State IT John Papazoglou, Associate Vice President, Auxiliary and Business Services Tim Radio, Records and Advising (RAD) Team Lead, LionPATH Development and

Maintenance Organization (LDMO) Crystal Ramsay, Assistant Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning with Technology Jef f Smith, Associate Vice President, Outreach & Online Education Operations Doug Tice, Associate Bursar

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