Saguaro Highlands Design Guidelines


September 17, 2004

Supplement to the Desert Ridge

Architectural and Community Design Guidelines (Revised July 2001)


Following these guidelines does not eliminate the need to submit to the Aviano Architectural Review Committee and/or the Desert Ridge Design Review Committee prior to installation! This Aviano Supplement applies only to residential lot design in the Aviano community.

Table of Contents



Introduction 1

Specific Guidelines 3

Legal Description 3


Landscape Design Review Guidelines 4

Landscape Plan Submittal 4

Residential Landscaping 7

Irrigation 9

Rock Ground Cover and Boulders 9

Grading and Earth Shaping 10


Walls/Fences 11

Driveway/Driveway Extensions 11

Fireplaces/Barbeques 12

Gates 12

Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Water Features 12

Flagpoles 13

Ornamentation/Art and Sculpture 13


Skylights 14


A. Prohibited Plant Materials 15

B. Aviano Submittal Guidelines 16

C. Design Review Application 17

D. Landscape Submittal Worksheet 18

E. Request for Installation Approval 19

F. Pool/Spa/Hot Tub/Water Feature Guidelines 20

G. Landscape Submittal Example 22

H. Use and Benefit Easement Example 25


Considerable planning has gone into the design and development of Aviano at Desert Ridge. The purpose of the Aviano at Desert Ridge Supplement to the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines (the Aviano Supplement) is to strengthen the intent of the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines and to help make Aviano a unique community within the Desert Ridge development. The goal for the Aviano community is to encourage creativity and diversity while maintaining a balance with the natural desert environment, to promote neighborly consideration and to address issues of privacy and architectural consistency, which will preserve property values and community image. The basis for the Aviano Supplement is to ensure that the integrity of the neighborhood vision developed for Aviano at Desert Ridge remains intact into the future.

Each homeowner will receive two booklets:

o Desert Ridge’s “Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines,” latest edition (the small booklet)

o Aviano’s “Aviano at Desert Ridge Supplement to the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines” (the Aviano Supplement)

This Aviano Supplement is binding upon all persons who may at any time construct, reconstruct, refinish, alter or maintain any improvements within Aviano at Desert Ridge or make any change to the natural or existing surface drainage or plant life. Homeowners are also obligated to review and follow the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines.

Please review both the AARC and DRDRC guidelines if you are considering changes to your yard or house. An application for design approval is required when any significant change is to be made, and is typically processed in 30 days or less. Application forms are included at the back of this booklet.

The Aviano Architectural Review Committee (AARC) and the Desert Ridge Design Review Committee (DRDRC) will jointly review proposed yard construction (landscape, pool, walls, fountains, etc.) The AARC will evaluate each proposed landscape design, alteration, addition, etc. for consistency with this Aviano Supplement and all other Desert Ridge Design Guidelines, as well as appropriateness to its own lot, to the existing improvements and to the community as a whole. The AARC will evaluate proposed improvements on the basis of creating and maintaining a distinctive desert image, compatibility with neighboring lot improvements, and from one lot to the next, functionality, and quality of visual appearance, materials, textures, mass and durability; and use and preservation of views from the site.

The DRDRC will further review architectural changes made after initial construction of the home (proposed window or door changes, room additions, lighting, roof-equipment attachments, ornamentation, etc.).

This Aviano Supplement does not replace the Desert Ridge Residential Area Design Guidelines or the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines, but rather strengthens them to make Aviano a truly unique community within Desert Ridge.

For additional information, please contact:

Desert Ridge Community Association – Master Association Office

Rossmar &-Graham


Community Manager – Aviano

Rossmar & Graham


Call Center – Aviano

Rossmar & Graham



The Aviano Supplement contains specific requirements and prohibitions and applies to all exterior areas of the Lot outside the house wall. The Aviano Supplement applies to all improvements made after the date of these Guidelines; including construction, installation, addition, alteration, repair or change affecting the exterior appearance of the lot or additional dwelling improvements thereon.

These guidelines are intended to include and supplement the existing Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines, latest edition. Any changes to the Aviano Supplement will require approval by the Desert Ridge Design Review Committee.


This Aviano Supplement pertains to the Aviano at Desert Ridge community. The Aviano at Desert Ridge legal description is as follows: Portions of Sections 13 Township 4 North, Range 3 East and portions of Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 4 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, Superblock ten (10).



In view of the landscaping goals and objectives as outlined herein, it is strongly recommended that each Owner obtain the assistance of a qualified landscape professional thoroughly familiar with all aspects of site and landscape design in the region.

Landscape planning shall show sensitivity to existing adjacent landscapes in terms of species, design concept and views. This is not to suggest that repetitive landscape treatments are required or encouraged.

Timing of Residential Landscape Improvements

Front Yard and side and rear yard landscape improvements, which are visible from neighboring property, shall be completed within sixty (60) days after close of escrow.

Each Owner shall be responsible for dust control and prevention of erosion or sedimentation before, during and after installation of landscape.

All disturbed areas not subject to immediate building and landscape construction shall have appropriate erosion prevention measures (such as seeding, etc.) implemented as specified by the AARC.

Phasing of landscape improvements may be permitted subject to approval by the AARC. Landscape plans shall clearly indicate immediate and future improvements. A definitive timetable for the installation of such future improvements may be required by the AARC.

1. All Owners shall submit Landscape Plans to the Aviano Architectural Review Committee for specific review and approval within 30 days of start of pool and landscape construction.



1. Each resident shall supply the Aviano Community Association with three (3) complete sets of Front, Side and Rear yard Plans (refer to Residential Landscaping Section) and a completed Design Review Application (Appendix B), along with a completed Landscape Submittal Worksheet (Appendix C), prior to initiating landscape related work.

2. Plan requirements (plans may be combined if legible):

All plans must show lot lines, building setbacks, Use and Benefit Easements (if applicable), footprint of house, and any adjacent streets. Minimum drawing scale is 1”=10’-0”.

• Layout Plan: showing any existing or new wall and paving locations, including pools, pool equipment screening, turf locations, headers, and any other structural items such as fireplaces and barbeques. All items must be dimensioned and any necessary City of Phoenix, and Desert Ridge setbacks are to be noted on plans. Any grade changes or mounding is to be noted on plans for location, size and elevation.

• Planting Plan: showing all tree and shrub locations as well as species and size information as well as decomposed granite color and size. If boulders are used, size and location must be noted on plan.

• Low-voltage Lighting Plan (if applicable): showing fixture and transformer locations and fixture type and wattage.

• Hardscape Details: any vertical structural elements such as walls, gates, fireplaces, and barbeques must have details submitted with the drawings including, scale, materials, and finishes and colors.

3. Front, Side and Rear yard (refer to Residential Landscaping Section) Submissions shall be accompanied by a $250.00 review fee and submitted to the Aviano Community Association. Review fees cover professional design review and installation inspections.

4. Separate Front yard and Rear yard submissions are discouraged, but will be provided with an additional review fee of $200.00, payable with second submittal.

5. A Separate Pool submittal is discouraged but will be provided with an

additional review fee of $200.00, payable with second submittal.

6. Appendices F, G, and H are intended to be examples and checklists of what the reviewers will look for in the submittals. Refer to these prior to submitting plan for review to ensure an expedient turn-around.

Review Process

1. The Aviano Community Association will distribute a copy of the plans to the Desert Ridge Design Review Committee as well as the Aviano Architectural Review Committee (AARC) for review.

2. The AARC will issue a written response within thirty (30) days upon receipt of a submission and review fee. The response will include a summary of comments per the Landscape Submittal Worksheet.

3. No reviews will occur without all the required design elements and payment included with the first review.

4. Plans may require a second submittal for review if noted on the first review. The Homeowner must submit two (2) revised copies to the Aviano Community Association to receive a final approval.

5. Failure to obtain approval within two reviews, resulting in additional submissions, will require the applicant to pay an additional review fee of $100.00.

Construction Review

1. The AARC may review work in progress and give notice of non-compliance. Absence of such reviews and notifications during construction does not constitute either approval by the AARC of work in progress or compliance with the Aviano Supplement

2. Final Review. Upon completion of the work, the Owner must submit a completed Request for Landscape Installation Form (Appendix E) to the Aviano Home Owners Association. The AARC will then conduct a review within fifteen (15) business days and will issue a written notice of approval or conditional approval, based on compliance with the final approved plan on file with the Aviano Home Owners Association

3. If the work is not in compliance with the Approved Final Submittal and all Design Guidelines and Supplements, a written notice will be issued to the Owner within ten (10) business days of the review. The Owner shall have thirty (30) calendar days to remedy non-compliance. When corrections are complete, the landscape will be re-inspected for compliance. If the landscape is not in compliance, the applicant will be required to pay $150.00 for each additional inspection, until the landscape is approved.

4. Enclosed/private rear yard landscape will only be reviewed as it relates to outside visibility, screening impact, and setback restrictions. In visible lots, rear yards will be inspected based on all conditions set forth in the guidelines and supplements. The Homeowner assumes responsibility for hardscape, pool enclosures and planting installation consistent with the City of Phoenix requirements.

Variances, Changes and Appeals

Any requests for variances, changes and appeals to the board must be submitted to the Aviano Home Owners Association in writing, including a detailed description. These items will be reviewed jointly by the Desert Ridge Review Committee and the AARC. The procedures for each of these are as described in the “Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines”


Applications and plans shall be sent to:

Aviano Community Association

c/o Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management

9362 East Raintree Drive

Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

(480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax

Model Home Landscaping

Model homes have been designed to follow the main intent of the “ Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines” and the “Aviano Supplement”. In some cases, certain exceptions have been made as temporary alterations, which will be revised at the home turnover to a future homeowner.


Turf, lawn or grass is not permitted in front yard areas. All turf, lawn or grass shall be screened from view from adjacent lots and property. Turf must be setback four feet (4’-0”) minimum from lot/property lines, or neighboring masonry walls and fences. On lots with a U.B.E., turf may extend to the property line on the benefited side of the lot. (see supplemental declaration to the CC & R’s 2.4(d) regarding restrictions on use). Turf cannot exceed 15% of the total lot area. Plants must be selected from the approved plant palettes in the Desert Ridge Residential Area Design Guidelines. Prohibited plants for the Aviano community are listed in Appendix A of this Aviano Supplement.

a. Front Yard – Front and side areas that are non-enclosed.

b. Front Courtyard (Private)- an area in the front yard that is enclosed by a minimum three foot (3’-0”) high solid masonry wall and gate, or an enclosed area interior to the architecture. This area will be treated similar to a Rear Yard (Private). Refer to the Hardscape Walls/Fences section for further descriptions of allowable wall conditions.

c. Rear Yard (Visible) –Areas enclosed by full wrought iron view fencing that are visible, including side yards and rear yards. Full wrought iron view fencing is comprised of wrought iron fencing on top of block wall. The height of wrought iron in a full wrought iron view fence shall be greater than three feet 3’-0”.

d. Rear Yard (Private) – Landscape areas in the rear or side yard, which are enclosed within a solid masonry wall or partial view fence. Partial wrought iron view fencing is comprised of wrought iron fencing on top of block wall. The height of wrought iron in a partial wrought iron view fence shall be less than 3’.

Front Yard Guidelines:

The Aviano Architectural Review Committee prior to installation shall approve landscape designs for front yards, including hardscape improvements. Turf is prohibited in front yards. Plant species shall be from the appropriate plant lists in Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines.

1. Front yard area is defined as the total amount of area from the back of street improvements (sidewalk or curb where occurs) to the face of house, less the minimum area required for driveway. Front entry courts are considered part of the front yard, but are subject to specific guidelines.

2. Cacti and succulents shall be used in clusters with other plants, accents, boulders and berms to create points of interest in the front yard.

The minimum requirements per front yard shall be:

1 - 24” box tree minimum (located between the street and front building setback)

1 - 15 gallon tree, tall shrubs or cacti per 500 square feet

7 - 5 gallon tall shrubs, small shrubs or cacti per 500 square feet

12 - 1gallon ground covers per 500 square feet

3. Ornamentation: Driftwood, wagons, skulls, tombstones, wagon wheels and other non-approved sculptures are not permitted in the front yards.

Courtyard Guidelines:

Items that are not allowed in the front yard but may be allowed in Private Courtyards, per the approval and discretion of the Committee and the Aviano Design Review Committee include:

• Water features/fountains per Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines

• Turf areas (each lot still has a maximum allowance of 15% of total lot area and four foot (4’-0”) setbacks from any walls or adjacent homes.

• Approved ornamentation such as art/sculpture.

Rear Yard Guidelines:

The Aviano Architectural Review Committee prior to installation shall approve landscape designs for rear yards, including hardscape improvements. These improvements will not need to be inspected unless located on a visible rear yard.

Pool areas must comply with City codes and regulations and will be reviewed with the landscape submittal by the AARC. Any other ancillary structures will be reviewed by the DRDRC.


All irrigation clocks, valves and equipment shall be located or screened from direct view from the street. Any irrigation equipment located on the side of houses within views of neighboring lots, property or streets shall be painted and maintained to match the house color.


Decomposed Granite

All non-paved, disturbed, front yard areas shall be top-dressed and finished with decomposed granite to two inches (2”) depth. All decomposed granite visible from neighboring property shall be compatible with the residential character and color scheme of Aviano. Decomposed granite used in the front yard or visible rear yard location must be1/2” minus granite in Madison Gold (mined at Madison Granite at I-17 and Happy Valley Road). In non-visible locations, acceptable sizes are 1/2” minus and 3/4” screened and acceptable colors are Madison Gold, Desert Gold, Pink Coral, Yavapai Coral, Desert Brown, Apache Brown, and Spanish Gold from approved sources. Colored rock other than decomposed granite is not permitted. Samples shall be submitted to the AARC for approval. Visible riprap is not allowed on a permanent basis. Native rock, pit run rock, or river run rock shall not be allowed. Non-functional river rock “stream beds” are not permitted. Polyethylene film under desert-landscaped areas is not permitted.


Boulders shall be of naturally weathered granite and of a color similar to indigenous Sonoran Desert granite and selected to match or complement decomposed granite. Color samples shall be submitted to the AARC for approval. Boulders shall be used as an accent; large massings are discouraged. Boulders must be integrated into the ground and buried to a depth of at least 1/3 of boulder height.


1) All grading shall have smooth slope transitions and shall be constructed to approximate natural grade forms and transitions. Subject to engineering requirements, engineered slopes shall be “naturalized” by a combination of:

a) Rounding of abrupt changes in vertical and horizontal angles beginning a minimum of two feet (2’-0”) before top of slope and two feet (2’-0”) beyond toe of slope.

b) Additions of fill or excavations to engineered areas to diversify widths, lengths and heights, eliminating straight lines and uniform shapes.

c) Smooth and natural slopes should be used for all berming and shaping. Slopes exceeding 3:1 generally are not acceptable.

2) Grading shall not:

a) Raise or lower the grade along a lot wall, lot fence, or adjacent building.

b) Force a drainage pattern causing flooding of adjacent lots or common areas.

c) Create standing water.


Hardscapes are any hard-surface improvements at or near ground level. Hardscapes include, but are not limited to, pool decks, sidewalks, stepping stones, patios, wood decking, driveways and other hard-surfaced features. Landscaping between the hardscape and view fence is encouraged. The AARC must approve any additional hardscape areas.


All perimeter and property walls have been designed and built by Toll Brothers for the Aviano Community. Side yard walls will be returned to the building architecture at the discretion of Toll Brothers based on the neighboring conditions. These walls cannot be extended into the front yard area. No alterations, or demolition are allowed to any builder provided walls, with the exception of the side yard fence block return walls, which may be removed and replaced for pool construction access.

Additional walls in the front yard will be allowed if they are 3’-0” maximum height, and designed with similar finishes and colors to complement the architecture of the home. These walls must be submitted for review.

In some cases, a courtyard is formed interior to the building or garage with connections of architectural elements. In this condition, a courtyard wall may exceed the 3’-0” height with a 5’-0” maximum, if it does not protrude from the building plane. This condition must be submitted for special review based on neighboring views, including location, height and details.

On Use and Benefit Easement lots, where there is no shared wall, a 5’-0” maximum height wall may extend to the neighboring building wall. These walls must also be submitted for a special review based on neighboring views including details on the attachment to the adjacent architecture.

Driveway/Driveway Extensions

1. Each Lot may have only one driveway entrance to the fronting street. No dual entry drives are permitted. Driveway entrance may not be altered from the location as installed by the Builder.

2. Driveways shall remain as provided during the original construction for access to garages only and shall not be expanded to accommodate sports or play equipment or rear yard access.

3. Driveway material must be integral colored concrete or integral colored concrete pavers, complementary with the house color and adjacent native desert earth colors. Asphalt, and painted concrete are prohibited. Bright or contrasting colors are prohibited. Driveway material may extend to sidewalk only. Sidewalk and apron must remain concrete as installed by the Builder. Surface staining is subject to AARC approval.

4. Texture and score patterns, exposed aggregate, heavy rock salt, coarse broom and coarse trowel finishes are allowed. Smooth finish surfaces are prohibited.

5. Distance between Score Joints or between a Score Joint and an Expansion Joint shall not exceed six feet (6’) in any direction.


Covered and uncovered fireplaces and barbeques must be submitted to the Aviano Architectural Review Committee for approval prior to construction and shall be designed and constructed to be an extension of the architecture of the house. Colors and materials shall be incorporated from the architectural elevation.

1. Fireplace structures, built in barbecues, serving counters and seat walls must be offset five feet (5’-0”) from side and rear lot lines or adjacent homes. These structures are not to be attached to perimeter walls or adjacent homes.

2. Fireplace structures are not to exceed eight feet (8’-0”) in height at any point of the structure.


Gates are to be constructed of metals or woods to integrate with the building architecture and must be designed to conceal the rear yard. All gates are to be approved by the AARC.


1. Pools, hot tubs and spas are allowed in side or rear yards only. Pools, spas, and pool equipment shall be screened from view from neighboring lots and property by design, location, or screen walls. Pools, hot tubs and spas shall be built in and integrated into the pool deck and surrounding landscaping in all yards Visible From Neighboring Property.

2. Pools, hot tubs, spas and associated paving, must be setback three feet minimum from any community or neighbor wall or fence.

3. Pools, hot tubs and spas or their equipment are not allowed in a Use and Benefit Easement.

4. Built-in spas and hot tubs may be elevated a maximum of twenty inches (20”) above grade when forming an integral part of the poolscape. Design materials and colors shall be consistent and compatible with the building architecture.

5. Pools and spas shall conform to the requirements of the City of Phoenix. Equipment shall be screened from view from neighboring lots, common areas, and the street by wall enclosures. Slides, diving boards or other accessories shall not be visible from neighboring lots and property.

6. Water features are not allowed in the front yards other than private courtyards, and must not be visible from the street. Water features in semi-private and enclosed rear yards are acceptable.

7. Water features in landscape areas composed of pre-cast concrete, cast “stone”, artificial rock/stone or any other material not designed as an integral part of the house are not permitted.


1. Freestanding flagpoles will not be permitted for permanent use on any residential lot. Flags of modest size (3’ x 5’ maximum) may be displayed from wall or soffit mounted brackets.

2. Under no circumstances shall the height of flags or banners extend higher than eight feet (8’-0”) above the lowest finished floor. Flags are to be kept in good condition.

Ornamentation/Art and Sculpture

Ornamentation, art or sculpture visible from surrounding property or lots is not permitted. Components such as posts or fences to mark the homesite corners, freestanding fountains, statues, wagons, wagon wheels, representations of animals, weather vanes, or any other miscellaneous items will not be permitted outside private areas either at the time of initial construction or later. Such objects are permitted in the private areas and must not be seen from any neighboring property.



The visible portions of skylight frames are subject to the finish requirements described the Desert Ridge Guidelines. Flat panel tinted glass style skylights only are allowed. No frosted or opaque plastic skylights will be approved. ‘Solatube’ skylights are allowed but shall not be visible when viewed from the fronting street.


Prohibited Plant List

The approved plant lists provided in the Appendices were carefully chosen for their appropriateness and availability. Certain plants are frequently requested which are not on the residential plant list. The plants on the following list are prohibited in the residential areas because of their size at maturity, high water use, invasive roots or inappropriateness to the Sonoran desert.

Prohibited Plants: The following materials are prohibited from use within Aviano at Desert Ridge

• All Palms (Palmae) that will exceed six feet (6’-0”) at maturity. Dwarf varieties that will attain a height less than six feet (6’-0”) at maturity are allowed, but only within fully enclosed rear yard areas.

• All Pines (Pinus), Cypress (Cupressus), False Cypress (Chamaecyparis), Juniper or Cedar (Juniperus), whose height may reasonably be expected to exceed feet (6’-0”), will be prohibited. Dwarf varieties that will attain a height less than six feet (6’-0”) are allowed, but only within fully enclosed rear yard areas.

• All Eucalyptus species

• Ficus and Oleanders (Nerium Oleander and Thevetia Species). Dwarf varieties will be allowed within fully enclosed rear yard areas.

• Fountain Grass (Pennisetum Socateum).

• All varieties of Citrus. Dwarf varieties that will attain a height less than feet (6’) at maturity are allowed within fully enclosed rear yard areas.

• Common Bermuda Grass (Cynodon Dactylon).

• Mexican Palo Verde (Parkinsonia Aculeata).

• Desert Broom

• Chilean Mesquites are discouraged due to their weak trunk strength

Appendix b:



1. Completely fill out the architectural submittal form located in Appendix B of this Supplement.

2. A pool checklist must be filled out, signed and attached for any and all pool, spa, and water feature installations.

3. Include a physical and mailing address to receive correspondence.

4. Include phone numbers that you or your landscaper/pool company can be reached at

5. All submittal forms must be signed by the homeowner

6. Make checks payable to Aviano Community Association in the amount of $250.00

7. Submit two (2) sets of your plans, your check, and a completed architectural form to the following address:

Aviano Community Association

Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management

9362 East Raintree Drive

Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

(480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax


• For prompt processing, submittals should be turned in no later than 3:00 PM each Monday of the week.

• Submittals will be ready for pick-up no later than thirty (30) working days following the Monday submittal.


Design Review Application (Applications and Plans shall be sent to:

Aviano Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham

9362 E. Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, AZ (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax)

Name Building Address

Mailing Address

Phone Village # Lot #

Non-View Lot [ ] Full View Lot [ ] Partial View Lot [ ]

(Check One)

Please provide a description of the request in detail; use additional pages as necessary. Please provide drawings, types of materials to be used, color(s), dimensions of improvement and location on lot. Two sets of plans should be submitted. Plans must include a statement that the design is in compliance with the design guidelines.

Work to be performed by: Phone:

The Homeowner agrees to maintain the improvement if the Aviano Architectural Review Committee (AARC) grants approval. The Homeowner further agrees to comply with all city, county and state laws and to obtain all necessary permits. It is the right of the AARC or DRDRC to inspect completed work.

Homeowners Signature Only Date


(This area to be completed by the reviewer)

The request as submitted above is:

[ ] Approved [ ] Disapproved/Incomplete (resubmit two copies of revised plans) :

Signature - Aviano Architectural Review Committee Date


(Applications and Plans shall be sent to:

Aviano Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham

9362 E. Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, AZ (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax)

Landscape Submittal Worksheet Date: _________________

Lot # _________________

( Homeowner: ( Landscape Designer:

Address: Address: __________________________________

Phone: Phone:

Contact: ______________________________________

Note: Check box for contact

The following checklist is intended to serve as a guide for Landscape Submission for Aviano at Desert Ridge Homeowner Association Review. This worksheet must be completed and submitted with a $250.00 review fee upon first review. Incomplete worksheets will not be reviewed.

Plan Submittal Worksheet

|Approved |Incomplete | |

|* | |Front yard Landscape Area = Sq. Ft. |

| | |1 Plant per 26 Sq. ft. (minimum) = |

| | |Supplemental trees (1 per 500 Sq. ft) = |

| | |Total number of plants provided = |

| | |Grading plans or notes |

| | |Hardscape upgrades/lighting |

| | |Rear yard landscape Area = Sq. ft. |

| | |Total number of plants provided = |

| | |Rear yard turf area = |

Plan Review Checklist

|Approved |Incomplete | |

|* | |Base Information Complete |

| | |Scale, property line, use and benefit easement (if applicable), floor plan, adjacent condition, |

| | |building envelope |

| | |Hardscape (Non-Builder) |

| | |Dimension, detail, finishes, elevation |

| | |Grading (Shaping) Plan |

| | |Flow lines, contours, spot elevation, native |

| | |Planting Plan |

| | |Layout, top dressing, plant legend |

| | |Irrigation Plan |

| | |Point of connection, controller, backflow, valves, labels |

| | |Lighting Plan |

| | |Layout, equipment, details, spec sheets |



(Applications and Plans shall be sent to:

Aviano Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham

9362 E. Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, AZ (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax)

Please Note: This form must be completed in its entirety in order to be considered by the Aviano Architectural Review Committee (AARC). Incomplete forms will be returned to the property owner.

Name ______________________________________________________________________________________



Phone ____________________________________________ Lot Number _____________________

The project was completed on_____________ per the AARC approved design dated____________

Inspection request 1st___________ 2nd_____________ 3rd_____________

An inspection was done on _________________

The request is: [ ] Approved [ ] Disapproved/Incomplete (resubmit for inspection)




__________________________________________________ ____________________________

Signature- Aviano Architectural Review Committee Date

Please note you have two opportunities to meet the Final Inspection conditions. Failure to do so will result in the need for a third inspection and as such is subject to an additional $150.00 fee.


(Applications and Plans shall be sent to:

Aviano Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham

9362 E. Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, AZ (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax)



Architectural Guidelines


Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Water Features





The following is a list of design guidelines, which must be adhered to when installing a swimming pool, spa, hot tub, or water feature. These items are not allowed in any front yard. Please provide these guidelines to your contractor to help insure compliance with the Desert Ridge Community Association Architectural and Community Guidelines.

Please check each box below to indicate compliance:

Swimming pools and spas shall be located three feet from any view fence and must conform to City code.

Above ground spas are prohibited in rear yard view lots.

Entry for pool or spa construction will not be granted across a common area or through the Association’s walls.

Pool/spa equipment, where visible from neighboring property must be screened by a block wall, finished and painted to match the adjacent wall.

Pool/spa equipment must be at least five (5) feet from a view fence.

Swimming pool slides less than six (6) feet in height must be located at least five (5) feet from the property line and fifteen (15) feet from any view fence.

Swimming pool slides greater than six (6) feet in height must be located at least fifteen (15) feet from the property line and fifteen (15) feet from any view fence.

Swimming pool slides may not be higher than ten (10) feet.

Rock or water features associated with pools and spas may not be greater than six (6) feet in height, or higher than the fence.

Rock or water features integrated with a pool or spa must be setback a minimum of three (3) feet from any property line.

Raised hardscapes (deck, patios, platforms, etc.) may not exceed six (6) inches in height.

Backwash water must be retained on owner’s lot. A backwash hole filled with rocks may be dug, but must not drain off owner’s property.

Screening and fencing for safety and security must comply with the City of Phoenix Code Requirements. Chain link fences are prohibited.

Safety/security fences on lots with view fences must be painted to match the color of the view fence pickets.

Additional walls must match the color of the view fence wall.

Covered and enclosed pools and spas require DRC approval. Design, materials and colors must be consistent and compatible with the Dwelling Unit.

If applicable to your property, pool, hot tubs and spas and/or their equipment are not allowed in a Use and Benefit Easement. See Page 11 of the Supplement to the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines book-8-2-2004.

Signature of Homeowner Date














Lot #________________ Owner_________________ Company______________




Please address:

❑ Rear and side walls should be labeled and heights shown. Label partial or full view fence if applicable.

❑ Please separate plant legends- for different zones- front yard/court yard/rear yard. Different areas have different plant lists.

❑ Some plants listed are not on the approved plant list. See plan for plant substitution/re-location requirements.

❑ Provide botanical names for plant material.

❑ Identify/clarify irrigation controller location- cannot be visible from street.

❑ Identify/clarify lighting transformer location.

❑ Trees are to be located 5’-0” from the property wall.

❑ Drainage and grading is not indicated.

❑ Building envelopes, and property walls are not indicated on plans.

❑ Mound elevations must be shown on the plan.

❑ Boulder type should be specified on plan.

❑ BBQ will need to be submitted separately or detailed with paint colors, stucco textures, dimensions and construction materials called out in resubmittal.

❑ Paving materials for the driveway should be clearly labeled.

❑ Palms are not allowed in partial view lots or full view lots.

❑ Lawn area exceeds maximum allowable for rear yard square footage.

❑ Provide lawn area percentage (15% of total lot area max).

❑ Sod type needs to be called out in the plant legend.

❑ Lawn areas too close to property walls (4’ minimum).

❑ Granite type/size needs revision.

❑ Water Feature will need to be submitted separately or detailed with paint colors, stucco textures, dimensions and construction materials called out in resubmittal.

❑ Show and label the use and benefit easement.

❑ Plant quantities are lower than required.


Lot #________________ Owner_________________ Company______________




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❑ Please note: access for pool construction will not be allowed from rear or side yard common area/wall. Side yard return walls may be removed for pool construction, but must be replaced with same wall type at completion of construction.

❑ Rear and side walls should be labeled and heights shown.

❑ Pool flush drainage must be indicated.

❑ Need more information, dimensions, heights, labels, materials.

❑ If spa is raised, it can’t exceed 20” max.

❑ Pool equipment must be located at least 5’ from view fence and screened from view.

❑ Pools/Pool equipment is not allowed in a use and benefit easement.

❑ Pool checklist must be filled out and submitted.



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