College of Engineering

Major Design Project Asmt #12D:

Synthesis Design Phase

GEU110 Fall 2005

Engineering Design Professor Freeman

Due: Wednesday 30 November Reading: Ch. 7, 10, Design Text

← Project Proposal and Problem Formulation (completed)

The general background and proposal has been completed and the teamwork is in progress. You have defined the need and formulated the problem in many ways.

← Design Goals And Ergonomics (completed)

The general and specific goals have been decided. Constraints and specifications have been determined along with ergonomic considerations for the project. A problem formulation technique has been used with your problem.

Project Background Research and Patent Information

Background research and patent search is complete and summarized. The technical knowledge for the project has been gained and described in sufficient detail for the design phases to proceed.

❑ Synthesis – Alternative designs

1. Synthesis – Hold a project meeting, and in that meeting, use brainstorming and at least one of the other methods described in Chapter 7 besides brainstorming to stimulate creativity and generate alternative ideas and solutions for your project. This list should be long (>10 alternatives). Keep notes or minutes of the meeting. Include a brief description of each idea, and where appropriate, sketches of ideas. You must also discuss any blocks that you think exist for your project. The goal of this meeting is to generate creative design ideas for your project, not to evaluate them yet. You should start writing this section for your report.

2. Develop in additional detail the more promising alternatives, you must have two or more solutions or alternative designs for your project. Write these up and also why you discarded some of the ideas from #1 above.

3. Summary – Hand in your meeting minutes, the list of creative ideas (descriptions, sketches), the selected alternatives (description and details) and a cover letter that summarizes your meeting in one page. In the letter, tell me how your meeting went, how the team worked together, how you felt about this phase and your opinion of the usefulness of the technique you chose.

Keep a copy for reference as you continue work on your project and remember to incorporate this work into your final project. I will return this as soon as possible with comments.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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