Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the ...

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

Use the map below to answer question number 51.


USI. 2a

51. What number represents Europe on the map above?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Use the map below to answer questions 52 and 53.



52. Which geographical region is represented by the number 8 on the map above?

F. Coastal Range

G. Coastal Plain

H. Interior Lowlands

J. Basin and Range


53. Which number represents the Coastal Plains region of North America?

A. 8

B. 6

C. 5

D. 2


54. Which river was explored by the Spanish?

F. Ohio

G. Hudson

H. Rio Grande

J. Colorado


55. Along what bodies of water did inland port cities grow?

A. Gulf of Mexico

B. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

C. Great Lakes

D. Mississippi and Missouri Rivers

Use the map below to answer question number 56.



56. Which group of American Indians was located in the southwestern part of the US?

F. Pueblo

G. Sioux

H. Iroquois

J. Inuit

USI. 3b

57. Which of the following topics affected the way American Indians (First Americans) met their basic needs?

A. Transportation and military

B. Artifacts and objects

C. Maps and globes

D. Geography and climate


58. Who established the French settlement of Quebec?

F. Samuel de Champlain

G. John Cabot

H. Francisco Coronado

J. Robert LaSalle

Use the graphic organizer below to answer question number 59.



59. What does the letter B represent in the diagram above?

A. Francisco Coronado

B. Roberto La Salisbury

C. Samuel De Champlain

D. Robert LaSalle


60. What obstacles were faced by the early European explorers?

F. Railroads and highways

G. Wars and battles

H. Technology and computers

J. Poor maps and navigational tools


61. Which of the following is an accomplishment of early European explorers?

A. To practice their religion freely

B. Claimed land

C. Lack of supplies

D. Spread of Christianity


62. One reason for conflict between the American Indians (First Americans) and the Europeans was

F. the struggle over money

G. the European desire for American Indian corn

H. the struggle over land

J. disagreement over ships


63. Who learned farming techniques from the American Indians?

A the English

B the Spanish

C the Portuguese

D the Dutch

Use the graphic below to answer question 64.



64. Which would replace the “?” in the graphic organizer above?

F Brought trading posts

G Brought world resources

H Brought European diseases

J Established world religions


65. Ghana, Mali, and Songhai built empires through

A. trade

B. manufacturing

C. war

D. religion


66. The two major reasons for Europe establishing colonies in North America were

F. religion and war

G. religion and disease

H. religion and hunger

J. religion and economics


67. What colony was settled by Puritans for religious freedom?

A. South Carolina

B. Virginia

C. Massachusetts

D. Georgia


68. Which early colonial settlement became known as the Lost Colony?

F. Jamestown

G. Plymouth

H. Roanoke Island

J. Massachusetts Bay


69. What settlement was created as an economic venture by the Virginia Company of London?

A. Williamsburg

B. Jamestown

C. Plymouth

D. Salem


70. Which colonial region was known for good harbors, a humid climate, large farms and slavery?

F. Mid-Atlantic

G. New England

H. Northwestern

J. Southern


71. What mountain range runs through the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies?

A. Appalachian Mountains

B. Rocky Mountains

C. Coastal Range

D. Coastal Plains


72. Which of the following would best complete the graphic organizer below?

F New England

G Mid-Atlantic

H South

J Western


73. Which group of people was brought or captured in Africa, shipped to the colonies, sold into labor, and owned as property for life?

A. Slaves

B. Indentured servants

C. Artisans

D. Large landowners


74. People who could not pay their way to the colonies but agreed to work for a person who paid for their passage to the New World are known as

F. artisans

G. slaves

H. women

J. indentured servants


75. Which people live predominately in the South, and relied on slaves or indentured servants for labor?

A. women

B. farmers

C. artisans

D. large landowners


76. Colonial governors were usually appointed by whom?

F. King

G. Settlers

H. Religious leader

J. Town council


77. The Proclamation of 1763 kept the colonists from moving west of the

A. Mississippi River

B. Appalachian Highlands (Mountains)

C. Rocky Mountains

D. Smoky Mountains


78. The Declaration of Independence states that people have natural rights to

F. life, liberty, property

G. life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

H. life, liberty, freedom

J. life, liberty, pursuit of love


79. In which document would you find the quotation below?


A The Constitution

B Articles of Confederation

C The Mayflower Compact

D The Declaration of Independence


80. The author of the pamphlet “Common Sense” was written by:

F. Lord Cornwallis

G. Benjamin Franklin

H. Thomas Paine

J. Paul Revere


81. Who was the commander of the Continental Army?

A. Lord Cornwallis

B Thomas Jefferson

C Benjamin Franklin

D George Washington


82. What battle marked the beginning of the American Revolution?

F. Yorktown

G. Saratoga

H. Valley Forge

J. Lexington and Concord

Use the illustration and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.



83. What colonial claim about the Boston Massacre is supported by this illustration?

A. Most of the American colonists in Boston were killed.

B. British soldiers fired on unarmed colonists.

C. There were more soldiers than civilians at the Boston Massacre.

D. Colonists were better equipped for war than British soldiers were.

Use the following quotation to answer questions 84 and 85.

Boston Colonists, December 16, 1773

“Boston harbor is a teapot tonight!

The Mohawks are come!”


84. To what historical event does this quotation refer?

F. The Boston Massacre

G. The Boston Tea Party

H. The Battle of Lexington

J. The Boston Harbor


85. Which two men led the event that was referred to in the quote on the previous page?

A. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin

B. Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine

C. John Adams and Samuel Adams

D. Samuel Adams and Paul Revere


86. What document would complete the graphic organizer above?


F The US Constitution

G The Articles of Confederation

H The Bill of Rights

J The Virginia Company of London


87. The Virginia Plan was written by ______________.

A Thomas Jefferson

B James Monroe

C George Mason

D James Madison


88. The Judicial branch determines if laws are _____________.

F democratic

G logical

H unbiased

J constitutional


89. The political party that wanted a weak national government or states’ rights, no national bank, and supported farmers was known as:

A Democratic Republicans

B Federalists

C Republicans

D Democrats


90. The Federalists (Hamilton) believed in all of the following EXCEPT:

F limits on states’ rights

G strong national government

H no national bank

J building big business


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