Guide to Adoption of Uniform Security Policy

Intrastate and interstate consent policy options Collaborative

Appendix A:

Central Bibliography of Consent Documents

Intrastate Analysis

Apgar, C. (2007, April 7). HITSP Security and Privacy Workgroup: Consent vs. Authorization—Legal Delimitations and Use. HITSP.

BlueCross BlueShield of Oklahoma. (2008, January 31). Standard Authorization Form To Use or Disclose Protected Health Information. Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Cohn, S. P. (2006, June 22). Letter to the Secretary; recommendations re: Privacy and Confidentiality Recommendations in the Nationwide Health Information Network. Retrieved from .

Coiera, E. & Clarke, R. (2004, April). E-Consent: The Design and Implementation of Consumer Consent Mechanisms in an Electronic Environment. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 11, 2, 129.

Commonwealth of Virginia. (2007, July 3). Uniform Authorization to Use and Exchange Information. Attorney General’s Office.

Dimitropoulos, L. L. (2007, June 30). Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange: Final Implementation Plans. RTI International.

Federal Register. (2000, December 28). Rules and Regulations, 65, 250.

Florida Medical Association. (n.d.). Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information.

Illinois Department of Public Health. (2007, October 9). Consent for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information to the Illinois Health Information Network. Retrieved from .

Karmel, J. & Colello, A. (2007, March 16). Consent Laws: Disclosure to HIEs for the Purpose of Treatment—Now and Into the Future…New York State Department of Health.

New York State Department of Health Medicaid Program. (2007, May 7). Consent for Access to Information. New York Department of Health.

New York State Department of Health & New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (n.d.). Working Towards Better Care for You and Your Family. [Brochure].

Oswalkd, M. (2006, June 12). “Sealed Envelopes” Briefing Paper: Selecting Alerting Approach. National Health Service: Connecting for Health. Retrieved from .

Partnership for Safe Families. (2004, November). Consent for Information. Retrieved from Iowa Department of Human Services: .

Pritts, J. & Connor, K. (2007, February 16). The Implementation of E-consent Mechanisms in Three Countries: Canada, England, and the Netherlands (The ability to mask or limit access to health data). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Rockville, Maryland. Retrieved from .

Security and Privacy Technical Committee. (2007, October 15). HITSP Manage Consent Directives Transactions package, Version 1.1. Retrieved from .

State of California. (2007, March). Canada Health Infoway, Inc.: White Paper on Information Governance of the Interoperable Electronic Health Record. Institute of Government, School of Government, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

State of North Carolina. (n.d.). Sample Authorization: State of North Carolina. Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services.

Interstate Analysis

American Law Institute. (n.d.). Drafting Cycle. Retrieved from .

American Law Institute. (n.d.). Model Penal Code: Sentencing. Retrieved from .

Americans for Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions. (n.d.). What is UCITA? Retrieved from .

Americans for Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions. (2003, August 1). Letter from NCCUSL President to Commissioners. Retrieved from .

Broun, C., Buenger, M., & McCabe, M. (2006). The Evolving Use and the Changing Role of Interstate Compacts: A Practitioner's Guide. American Bar Association.

Center for Law & the Public’s Health. (2008, June 17). The Turning Point Model State Public Health. Retrieved from .

Cornell University Law School. (n.d.). Law by Source. Retrieved from .

Council of State Governments. (n.d.). 10 Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet. Retrieved from the National Center for Interstate Compacts: .

Council of State Governments. (n.d.). Amending and Enforcing Compacts. Retrieved from .

Council of State Governments. (n.d.). Compacts as a Tool of the Game Fact Sheet. Retrieved from the National Center for Interstate Compacts: .

Council of State Governments. (n.d.). What Makes an Interstate Compact Fact Sheet. Retrieved from the National Center for Interstate Compacts: .

Dimitropoulos, L. L. (2006, December 29). Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Foundation of Research and Education of American Health Information Management Association. (2008, March 10). State Level Health Information Exchange: Coordinating Policies that Impact the Access, Use, and Control of Health Information. Retrieved from .

Harvard Law School. (2008). Retrieved from .

Health Care. (2009, February 25). Retrieved from Wikipedia: .

Health Information Taskforce. (2007, August 15). Report from the Health Information Protection Taskforce to the State Alliance for E-Health. Retrieved from .

Hodge, J. & Gostin, L. (2002, January). The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. Retrieved from .

Illinois General Assembly, Legislative Research Unit. (n.d.). About the Legislative Research Unit. Retrieved from .

Meserve, R. W. (2000). Model Rules on Professional Conduct, Commission on Evaluation of Professional Standards, Chair’s Introduction. Center for Professional Responsibility. Retrieved from .

National Alliance for Health Information Technology. (2008, April 28). The National Alliance for Health Information Technology Report to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Retrieved from .

National Center for Interstate Compacts. (n.d.) Fact Sheet, Council of State Governments. Retrieved from the National Center for Interstate Compacts: .

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (2002). A Few Facts about the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act. Retrieved from Uniform Laws Commission: .

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (2002). Final Laws and Acts. Retrieved from Uniform Laws Commission: .

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (2002). Frequently Asked Questions about NCCUSL. Retrieved from Uniform Laws Commission: .

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (2002). Introduction. Retrieved from Uniform Laws Commission: .

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (2002). Proposals and Criteria. Retrieved from Uniform Laws Commission: .

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (2006-2007). Annual Report. Retrieved from Uniform Laws Commission: .

National Conference of State Legislatures. (2007). Major Health Information Exchange Legislation, 2007, Comparison of Five State Proposals, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Texas, Vermont. Retrieved from .

National Conference of State Legislatures. (2007). 2007 State Legislation on Health Information Exchanges and Networks. Retrieved from .

National Conference of State Legislatures. (2009). Critical Roles for State Legislatures in Health IT Activities Related to Health Information Exchanges. Retrieved from .

Robinson, K. (personal communication, August 18, 2009). Communications Office. National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, Chicago Office.

State Alliance for E-Health. (2008). Accelerating Progress Using Health Information Technology and Electronic Health Information Exchange to Improve Care. Retrieved from .

State of Alaska. (n.d.). The Collaborative. Retrieved from .

State of California. (2009, January). A Guide for Accessing California Legislative Information on the Internet. Retrieved from .

State of Illinois. (2007, November 18). State of Illinois Report of the Illinois Delegation to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Retrieved from .

World Health Organization. (2009). Health. Retrieved from World Health Organization:


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