English 10- Syllabus

English 10 Syllabus

|Instructor |Ms. Anissa Osorio |E-mail |aosorio@ |

|Phone |718-325-8800 |Consul-tation| |

|Room # |108 |Period |Mon-Friday 2:30-3:30 |

|B Period |Remind: text @missosorio to 81010 |C Period |Remind: text @62bb8e to 81010 |

| |Google Classroom Code: 7geixw | |Google Classroom Code: cg7bau |

Description: The New York State grade 10 curriculum modules offer a variety of rich texts that engage students in analysis of literary and journalistic nonfiction as well as poetry, drama, and fiction. Working with these texts, students build knowledge, analyze ideas, delineate arguments and develop writing, collaboration, and communication skills. The lessons within the modules are linked explicitly to the Common Core Learning Standards, and provide a rigorous and pedagogically-sound approach for how the standards can come alive with thoughtful planning, adaption, and instruction.


▪ To improve and develop skills in both reading and writing through the insightful analysis of texts.

▪ To gain personal and educational growth through the reading of literary and non-fiction texts.

▪ To improve skills in reading, composition, rhetoric, listening, speaking, grammar, usage, vocabulary, and spelling.

▪ To work collaboratively with other class members to enhance appreciation and comprehension of complex texts.

▪ To analyze and improve individual writing and reading by keeping an ongoing portfolio of work.

Major Units of Study:

▪ Unit 1: Inside the Nightmare

▪ Unit 2: Outsiders and Outcasts

▪ Unit 3: Extending Freedom’s Reach

▪ Unit 4: All That Glitters

▪ Unit 5: Virtue and Vengeance

▪ Unit 6: Blindness and Sight

Course Texts:

Pearson Realize: My Perspectives ELA National Grade 10

In addition to the above list, students will be studying a variety of short stories, poetry, and nonfiction texts; working on computer-based reading programs that will be differentiated to meet their specific needs; and choosing fiction and nonfiction books for independent reading. This will all be explained, in more detail, later in the course.


Students will study and practice the modes of writing: narration, description, exposition, and argumentation. Extensive time will be spent on the development, organization, and clear articulation of student ideas and analysis. Students will also continue to search for authentic voice, expand stylistic techniques, and refine grammatical and writing skills.


During the school year, there will be weekly vocabulary quizzes on Fridays.

If you do not pass, they can be taken again during Consultation Period.

Evaluation: Standards Based Assessment

Measurement (e.g. tests) 60%

Performance (e.g. papers, projects, demonstrations) 20%

Practice (e.g. quizzes, homework, class work, lab work) 20%

Throughout the semester, this is how the assignments will be categorized. At the end of the semester, the total of the above categories will count for 85% of the total grade. The final exam will count for the remaining 15%.

The grading scale is standard:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 59% or below

Note: Students who are actively involved in their own learning and are willing to conference with the teacher after school may redo some assignments and assessments in order to master the material and improve their grades. I am typically available to work with students from 2:30-3:30 Monday through Friday.

Teacher/Parent Communication

Behavior – I will make every effort to handle discipline issues in the classroom, giving your student every opportunity to correct his or her behavior on their own. Situations that cannot be handled in class will be addressed by the administration per school policy. Parent conferences will be scheduled when these disciplinary approaches are in need of your support.

Academic Progress – Any grade less than a C (70-79%) in this course is will incur interventions ranging from “a student-teacher conference with an action plan” to “a student study team including parents, counselors and administrators.” Progress reports are sent home per school policy. You are also able to monitor your student’s progress on Google Classroom (reminder not all grades will be on Google Classroom).

Homework/Make-up Work – Google Classroom is your best resource for daily homework information and make up work. You can go to this website to find out if there is homework for the evening or, if your student was absent that day, what the student needs to do to get caught up in class. This website does not post information in advance and is updated each day by 3:00 PM.

Classroom Rules—

1. Be respectful and be KIND.

2. Be prepared and on time.

3. Sit in your assigned seat.

4. Do your own work! No cheating or plagiarism.

5. No drinks, except water or bottles with screw on lids.

6. No food.

7. No phones or i-pods (I will be collecting phones in the beginning of class.)

8. Follow all other school policies *Proper Uniform* . (Refer to Student Handbook.)

Policy on Plagiarism – Plagiarism is the use of the words, facts, ideas, or opinions of someone else without specific acknowledgement of their source. It is the attempt-deliberate or unintentional-to pass off as one’s own what in fact has been borrowed. To fail to indicate sources of information and/or to fail to identify them constitutes plagiarism. Any work which has been plagiarized will receive a 0 and the student will forfeit the right to re-do the assignment for credit. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated.

Further instructions – Students should keep this syllabus in their folder as a reference. For parents, a copy of this syllabus is also available online.

Parents: Please provide an e-mail address and a daytime telephone number that you would prefer I use to contact you regarding your student’s progress and/or behavior. Please sign below and send back with your student indicating that you have seen this syllabus. Also, please feel free to provide any additional information you would like me to have regarding your student or future communication in the space provided. Thank you.

________________________________ _______________________________

Print Student Name Student Signature Date

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Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_________________________________ _______________________________

Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone Number Parent/Guardian E-mail Address

Additional Information:




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