English 10 Academic Syllabus - Loudoun County Public Schools

English 10 Academic Syllabus

Mrs. Nielsen


Phone: 571-252-2200

Mrs. Harding



The English 10 course is a survey of literature with a focus on British authors and cultures. We will explore a variety of genres, analyzing the development of literature, cultural archetypes, critical perspectives, and cultural themes. Learning and incorporating literary terminology into discussion and written expression, we will acquire a common language to use when referring to literary works. We will engage in daily reading with a focus on reading for enjoyment while enhancing reading skills. Vocabulary enrichment, grammar, writing, critical analysis, technology integration, and team collaboration are also major components of this course.


- 3-ring binder

- lined notebook paper

- composition book or spiral notebook

- blue or black pens

- #2 pencils

- index cards

- 4 divider tabs labeled writing,

vocabulary, literature, and grammar


Some of the major works we will cover this year include (but are not limited to):

Beowulf by Anonymous

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

*A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

*The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

We will also cover a variety of poetry and excerpts from other works throughout the year. As always, you are encouraged to purchase any of the novel selections so that you can mark them as you read.

There will also be independent reading assignments, which we will discuss in full when the time arrives. For now, know that you will have free choice from a comprehensive list of titles. You will be responsible for sharing the book with the class in the form of a project/report.


Homework is designed as a tool for practice and preparation for the upcoming class; therefore, homework and assignments are expected to be completed BEFORE class on the appropriate due date. Late homework will be accepted for half credit (50%) up until it is discussed or covered in class. You will receive two “get out of jail free” passes for the entire year, which will give you an extra day to turn in an assignment that you may have forgotten to complete or left at home. The assignment is expected to be turned in the following class period, or you will not receive credit.

*Papers/projects/major assignments drop 5% per class that they are late. It is imperative that you turn work in as quickly as possible to avoid these penalties.

When you are absent, the school-wide make-up policy applies. Please remember that it is YOUR responsibility to see us for missed work! Take advantage of block scheduling and come see us the day you return to school, whether you have our class or not. This will prevent you from getting further behind.


Your grade will be calculated based on a point scale. You will be told how many points each assignment is worth prior to the due date. Unless noted otherwise, the scale below is the standard point system:

HOMEWORK – 10-20 points

QUIZZES – 30-50 points

TESTS – 100 points (unless otherwise indicated)

PROJECTS – 70-100 points

ESSAYS – 100 points

CLASSWORK/PARTICIPATION – 5-50 points (depending on assignment)


All students are expected to be in class on time. Students will receive the following consequences for being tardy (SBHS policy).

1st tardy: warning

2nd tardy: warning, retraining of how to arrive at class on time

3rd tardy: 30 minute lunch detention, phone call or email to parent/guardian

4th tardy: Two 30 minute lunch detention, phone call or email to parent/guardian

5th tardy: referral for administrative options


1. Come Prepared!

On Time

Bring Supplies



Work hard, try hard

Good Attitude


Listen when others talk

Positive comments only

Manners Matter!!!

CLASSROOM DONATIONS are greatly appreciated. We are especially in need of: tissues and sanitizing wipes.

Signed Syllabus Agreement

Due: Thursday, September 4th

1) Student Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________

I have read this syllabus and asked any needed questions to ensure I understand all that is expected and required this year in English class. I plan to adhere to these expectations so that I have a productive and enlightening year.

2) Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

3) Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________

4) Parent/Guardian Email: ______________________________________________________


You need to know how to read to learn about the world…


…but you need to know how to write to change the world.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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