Student Entrance Survey

English 111 D Student Survey

Autumn 1997

Please spend your time in the LAN answering the following questions about writing, revision, and your experience with computers. Use the cursor and arrow keys to move up and down; the computer will make more space for your responses. Before you begin, be sure that you have made a personal copy of this file (using the student extension file that your instructor has assigned you), otherwise your answers will not be saved. See page 14 of your student supplement if your don't remember what to do.

1. What is your name?

2. What classes are you taking this quarter, and why did you choose this class? Did you realize that this course would be computer-integrated? If you did, why were you interested in a computer-integrated class?

3. What kind of writing have you done in the past? How often do you write and how much each time? How long does it take you to complete the writing process? Who do you most often write for--yourself or others?

4. How do you begin the writing process? What gets you started? Where do you write? What do you write with: a pen, a pencil, a computer?

5. Do you use drafts when composing a piece of writing? What happens in these drafts? What kinds of changes do you make, and what do you look for in a finished product?

6. What was the last thing that you wrote for someone else to read? Who was this person? What was the purpose of this piece of writing? How did you feel about the piece, and did it accomplish what you hoped? What were its strengths and weaknesses?

7. Have you ever had a writing class that you really liked? What did you like about it? If you haven't ever liked a writing class, what would have improved your experience?

8. Describe your experience with computers. How well do you type? How do you feel about having a writing class that meets half the time in a computer lab?

9. Have you ever written on a computer before? What kind of writing have you done there? How do you feel about composing on computers? What are the advantages and disadvantages about writing with computers? If you haven't ever written on a computer, what interests you about the idea? What are your anxieties?

10. Do you like to write? Why or why not?

11. Have you ever studied drama (ie plays) in a class? What play(s) did you read? Have you ever attended a performance of a play? For a class? For your own enjoyment?

12. Do you have an email account? How often do you use it, and what do you use it for? What is your address? Are you familiar with the World Wide Web and Internet technologies?

13. How comfortable are you with Microsoft Word? Windows? Do you pick up new computer programs quickly?

***** When you complete this survey, please select print from the file menu and hand in your printed document. Whether or not you have completed the assignment, be sure to save your work on your floppy disk. If you have not finished, please complete this for homework and turn it in to me.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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