
(use tab key not cursor to move around document)

Evergreen Valley Only (Assigned by Curriculum Specialist(

San Jose City College Only New Course Proposal #      

Evergreen Valley and San Jose City Colleges Course Revision Proposal # S07-46/07-034

Course No. and Title: ESL 337: English Pronunciation 1 Version: 2

~~Save a copy to your Desktop before proceeding~~

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|3/2/07 |Hanson/Takei/Longacre |Proposer (Faculty) |

|3/12/07 |SW |Division Curriculum Committee (EVC only) |

|3/15/07 |s/Lois Lund |SJCC Division Dean |

|3/15/07 |Rita Karlsten |EVC Division Dean |

|3/15/07 |Lauren McKee |EVC Administrative Services Supervisor |

| | |(codes and loading) |

|4/4/07 |Pat Short |SJCC Administrative Services Supervisor |

| | |(codes and loading) |

|      |Carol Bristow |Technical Services Librarian (EVC only) |

| | |(Library Sign-off Completed) |

|4/4/07 |Romero Jalomo |Associate Vice Chancellor |

|3/16/07 |s/Sue Hager |IPCC Curriculum Specialist |

|3/7/07 |Lois Lease |ACCC Curriculum Specialist |

|3/15/07 |Eric Narveson |Chair, ACCC |

|4/10/07 |s/Nancy Gressley |Chair, IPCC |

|4/10/07 |IPCC Approved |Prerequisite Validations (approved by ACCC/IPCC) |

|4/26/07 |Lois Lease |ACCC Agenda Date |

|4/26/07 |Eric Narveson |ACCC Action (Chair notifies proposer) |

|      |Kuni Hay |EVC Vice President, Instruction |

|4/4/07 |Wm. T. O'Hare |SJCC Vice President, Instruction |

|3/15/07 |Erlinda Martinez |EVC Schedules & Catalog Technician |

|4/4/07 |Jennifer Green |SJCC Schedules & Catalog Technician |

|3/15/07 |E. Gressel/J. Valdez |EVC Articulation Specialist |

|4/4/07 |Pat Coletto |SJCC Articulation Specialist |

|4/4/07 |Ruth Villasenor |District Curriculum Coordinator |

|      |David Wain Coon |EVC, President (new courses only) |

|      |N/A |SJCC, President (new courses only) |

|      |N/A |Chancellor (new courses only) |

Submit to Governing Board* for Meeting Date N/A      (Certifying Board Approval)


San Jose/Evergreen Community College District

|College: |Prepared By(:Hanson/Takei/Longacre |

|( New Course (All new courses require Board approval) |Date:       |

| |Course Approval Date:       |

| Course Revision (Check only items below that are being revised) |Date of Revision:3/2/07 |

| |Revision Approval Date:       |

| |

* These items may vary between campuses



| 1. Course Discipline | 22. Graduation Requirements | 41* Course Same As |

| 2. Course Number | 23. Graduation Competencies | 42.* Course No Longer Same As |

| 3. Course Title | 24. History/Institut. Requirements | 43* Course Replaces |

| 4.* Reason for Proposal | 25. AA/Non AA Status | 44* Course No Longer Replaces |

| 5. Units | 26. Pre-Collegiate College Skills | 45.* Department Number |

| 6.* Catalog Description | 27. Class Size | 46.* CID/CIP |

| 7.* Short Schedule Description | 28a. Retake Code | 47. SAM Code |

| 8a*. Course Lecture Content | 28b. Repeatability | 48.* TOPS Code |

| 8b*. Course Lab Content | 29. Faculty Loading | 49. State Classification Code |

| 9. Course Learning Outcomes | 30. FTE | 50. Coop. Education Program |

| 10.* Methods of Evaluation | 31. Student Contact Hours | 51* Transfer Code |

| 11.* Textbook List | 31a. Lab Hours Justification | 52. Discipline |

| 12. College Level Materials | 32.* First Offered | 53. Course Number |

| 13.* Homework | 33.* Extraordinary Costs | 54. Computer Title |

| 14. Prerequisites | 34.* Program Status | 55* Materials Fee Justification |

| 15.* Corequisites | 35. District GE | 62A-L. Prerequisite Validation Pages |

| 16. Advisory Read & Write Levels | 36. Recommended CSU GE | 62M. Board Agenda Item Page |

| 17. Advisory Math Levels | 37. Recommended UC Articulation | |

| 18. Open Curriculum | 38. Baccalaureate Status | |

| 19. Recommended | 39. Recommended IGETC | |

| 20. Method of Instruction | 40. Articulation Efforts | |

| 21a.* Grading | | |

| 21b.* Credit By Exam | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Section A: To Be Completed by Course Proposer/ |

|(note: Some fields have help information. Help is indicated by the (symbol. |

|Press the F1 key on your keyboard to display help. ) |

|Some items can vary between campuses, Items with an EVC, should be filled in by EVC and items with an SJCC should be filled in by SJCC. |

|1. Course Discipline: ESL |2. (Course Number: 337 |

|3. (Course Title : English Pronunciation 1 |

|4.( EVC Reason For Proposing Course Or Change To Course: |

|To make the course 3 units and to update the title, outcomes, content, textbooks, homework, and grading |

|4.( SJCC Reason For Proposing Course Or Change To Course: |

|To make the course 3 units and to update the title, outcomes, content, textbooks, and homework |

|5a. (Fixed Units: 3.0 |5b.(Variable Units: (Minimum)      To (Maximum)      |

|Lecture hours: 3.0 Lab hours:       |Enter Unit increment:       |

|6. ( EVC Catalog Description: (9 Lines/80 Char. Max. Per Line): |

|English Pronunciation 1 introduces students to articulatory phonetics and the intonation, stress, and rhythm patterns of English. Concurrent enrollment 0.5 |

|unit in ESL 330L is strongly recommended. |

|6. (SJCC Catalog Description: (9 Lines/80 Char. Max. Per Line): |

|English Pronunciation 1 introduces students to articulatory phonetics and the intonation, stress, and rhythm patterns of English. Concurrent enrollment in (ESL |

|332 or ESL 333 or ESL 334) and ESL 207 is strongly recommended. |

|7. EVC Short Schedule Description (100 Char. Max.): Focuses on the sounds of English and stress and intonation patterns in basic communication |

|7. SJCC Short Schedule Description (100 Char. Max.): Focuses on the sounds of English and stress and intonation patterns in basic communication. |

|8a. EVC Course Lecture Content (150 Lines/80 Char. Max Per Line) Use Outline Format (Control+Tab keys to indent): |

|    Articulation and aural discrimination |

|The letters of the alphabet and phonemic symbols |

|vowels, glides and r-shaded vowels |

|Voiced vs. voiceless consonants |

|Plural and possessive nouns |

|Third person singular verb endings |

|Past tense verb endings |

| |

|Stress Patterns |

|Syllable stress |

|Stress in compound nouns |

|Stress in short answers |

|Sentence stress |

|Reduction of function words |

| |

|Intonation |

|Sentence intonation |

|Question intonation |

| |

|Linking and blending |

|final consonant and initial vowel |

|final and initial consonant blends |

| |

|Rhythm |

|1. alternation of long and short syllables |

| |

|   |

| |

|(course lecture content cont’d – next page) |

|      |

|8b. EVC Course Lab Content (150 Lines/80 Char. Max Per Line) Use Outline Format (Control+Tab keys to indent): |

|      |

| |

|(course lab content cont’d – next page) |

|      |

|8a. SJCC Course Lecture Content (150 Lines/80 Char. Max Per Line) Use Outline Format (Control+Tab keys to indent): |

|A. Articulation and aural discrimination |

|Letters of the alphabet and phonemic symbols |

|Vowels, glides and r-shaded vowels |

|Voiced vs. voiceless consonants |

|Plural and possessive nouns |

|Third person singular verb endings |

|Past tense verb endings |

|B. Stress Patterns |

|Syllable stress |

|Stress in compound nouns |

|Stress in short answers |

|Sentence stress |

|Reduction of function words |

|C. Intonation |

|Sentence intonation |

|Question intonation |

|D. Linking and blending |

|1. Final consonant and initial vowel |

|2. Final and initial consonant blends |

|E. Rhythm |

|1. Alternation of long and short syllables |

| |

|8b. SJCC Course Lab Content (150 Lines/80 Char. Max Per Line) Use Outline Format (Control+Tab keys to indent): |

|      |

| |

|(course lab content cont’d – next page) |

|      |

|9. Course Learning Outcomes/Objectives: (Enter 6 - 12 Learning Outcomes—20 Maximum) |

| |

|Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: |

|With increasing accuracy the student will be able to: |

|1. Articulate the letters of the alphabet and the consonant and vowel sounds of English |

|2. Recognize common phonemic symbols and spelling patterns |

|3. Aurally discriminate between and orally produce often confused vowel and consonant sounds |

|4. Lengthen vowels with /y/ and /w/ glides and pronounce r-shaded vowels as in hard, bird, girl |

|5. Pronounce final –s morphemes in words and within linked discourse |

|6. Pronounce final –ed morphemes in words and within linked or blended discourse |

|7. Place stress correctly in common two and three-syllable words and compound nouns |

|8. Stress focus words in simple sentences and questions and reduce function words |

|9. Use falling and rising intonation appropriately in sentences and questions |

|10. Link final consonants with initial vowels as in stop it, hand it in |

|11. Blend final and initial consonants as in What time, need time |

|12. Produce rhythmic, natural sounding speech with alternating short and long syllables |

| |

| |

|10.( EVC |

|Methods of evaluation and examination: (title 5 requires that a grade is based on demonstrated proficiency , at least in part, by means of essays or problem |

|solving exercises or skills demonstrations.) List Methods of Evaluation and Examination Used in This Course |

| |

|Quizzes |

|Exams |

|Problem solving exercises |

| |

| |

|For degree applicable courses: List critical thinking example(s): |

|      |

| |

|10.( SJCC |

|Methods of evaluation and examination: (title 5 requires that a grade is based on demonstrated proficiency , at least in part, by means of essays or problem |

|solving exercises or skills demonstrations.) List Methods of Evaluation and Examination Used in This Course |

| |

|Aural discrimination quizzes |

|Graded speaking activities/dialogues |

|Listening/response assignments |

|Assigned recordings or performance |

|Final Exam |

| |

|For degree applicable courses: List critical thinking example(s): |

|      |

| |

|11a.( EVC Textbook List/Learning Materials |

|(Include Author, Publisher, City of Publication, and Year) |

| |

|Gilbert, Judy B. Clear Speech from the Start. New York: Cambridge, 2001. |

|Lane, Linda. Focus on Pronunciation 1. White Plains: Longman, 2005. |

|Kozyrev, Joann R. Sound Bites. New York: Houghton Mifflin. 2003. |

|Beisbier, Beverly. Sounds Great Book 1. Boston: Thomson/Heinle. 1994. |

| |

|11b. I have consulted with the Librarian and the Library Sign-off Page is completed and is on file with the Library. |

|11a.( SJCC Textbook List/Learning Materials: |

|(Include Author, Publisher, City of Publication, and Year) |

| |

|Gilbert, Judy B. Clear Speech from the Start. New York: Cambridge, 2001. (most recent) |

|Lane, Linda. Focus on Pronunciation 1. White Plains: Longman, 2005. |

|Kozyrev, Joann R. Sound Bites. New York: Houghton Mifflin. 2003. |

|Beisbier, Beverly. Sounds Great Book 1. Boston: Thomson/Heinle. 1994. (most recent) |

|12. (I Verify That The Textbooks/Learning Materials Listed Above Are College Level Materials. Yes No |

|13.( EVC Outside homework/assignments: Hours Per Week( =6 |

|List Assignments That Will Be Required Outside Of The Classroom (25 Lines/80 Char. Max): |

|1. Listening to audio segments via CD, tape, or online media |

|2. Recording assigned segments for playback and self-evaluation |

|3. Preparing for class speaking dialogues, group discussions, interview, role plays |

|4. Out-of-class speaking assignments |

|5. Use of lab materials (software) for practice |

|For degree applicable courses: List critical thinking example(s): |

|      |

|13.( SJCC Outside homework/assignments: Hours Per Week( =6 |

|List Assignments That Will Be Required Outside Of The Classroom (25 Lines/80 Char. Max): |

|Use of online material for practice |

|Preparation and practice of dialogues or short oral presentations |

|Recording and play back for practice (Lab) and /or submission to instructor |

|Review of class material |

|Review of sound-spelling patterns |

|For degree applicable courses: List critical thinking example(s): |

|      |

|14.( Course Prerequisite (A Grade Of “D” Is Implied Unless Otherwise Stated. Go to item 61A to determine which prerequisite validation forms are necessary): |

|Placement based on assessment |

|15. EVC Course Corequisite: none |

|15. SJCC Course Corequisite: none |

|16. Advisory Reading And Writing Levels: |

|17. ( Advisory Math Level: |

|18. ( Open Curriculum: |

|( Open curriculum *: |

|Indicate Necessary Steps To Enroll:            |

|19.( Recommended Preparation (prior/concurrent): Concurrent enrollment in ESL 332 or 333 or 334 |

| |

|SJCC: Concurrent enrollment in (ESL 332 or ESL 333 or ESL 334) and ESL 207 is strongly recommended. |

|NOTE: Complete justification supplement for Distance Education courses. |

| |

|20.( Method of Instruction: For Distance education courses: |

|EVC: Completion of Telecourse Justification or Internet Course |

|Supplement required. |

|SJCC: Completion of Distance Education Course Supplement required. |

|21a. EVC Grading: |21b. EVC Credit By Exam Allowed: |21b. SJCC Credit By Exam Allowed: |

|21a. SJCC Grading: | | |

| |Yes No |Yes No |

|Section B: To Be Completed by Course Proposer and Division Dean |

|22. Graduation Requirements: |This Course Meets Cultural Pluralism/Ethnic Studies Requirements: |

| |Yes No |

|23. Graduation Competencies: | | |

| | | |

|Degree |Meets Competency |Meets Competency |

|AA |First Semester Year:    |Last Semester Year:    |

|AS Degree |First Semester Year:    |Last Semester Year:    |

|AAS Degree |First Semester Year:    |Last Semester Year:    |

|24. History And Institutions Requirement: |

|Meets History/Institutions Requirement When Taken With The Following Course:                 |

|25. ( AA/Non AA Status: |

| |

|Criteria (Course Is AA and AS-Applicable If Letters A-F Are All Checked): |

|A. Appropriate Prerequisite Level. |

|B1. A Graded Essay Written At College Level. |

|Or |

|B2. Essay Not Appropriate - Skills Demonstration Course Or Significant Problem Solving. |

|C1. College Level Vocabulary, Study Skills, Reading Material; Or A Lab Or Activity Class. |

|Or |

|C2. College Level Reading And Writing (See #12). |

|D. Multiple Measures Of Evaluation Are Employed (See #10). |

|E. Two Hours Of Homework Required For Every Lecture/Theory Hour, Or This Is A Lab, Or This An Activity Class And Does Not Require Homework. |

|F. Course Work Calls For Critical Thinking Exercises. |

|Check The Following That Apply: |

|G. Course With A Math Content Equal To Math 12 or 11A or 11R or 11S or 13, And A-F Above. |

|H. Reading, Writing Or ESL Course No Lower Than One Level Below Engl. 1A, And A-F Above. |

|I. Course Is Part Of A Non-Baccalaureate Occupational Major And Meets A-F Above. |

|J. This Course Has Baccalaureate Status. (See #38.) |

|26.( Complete this item only for courses that are NAA (see #25 above): |

|Is this a pre-collegiate basic skills course in reading, writing, math or ESL? Yes No |

|If Yes, indicate # of levels below transfer and area: level: |

|If No, is this a skill typically needed for an |

|AA or AS applicable vocation course? Yes No |

|27. Faculty Recommended |For Lecture: 30 |[For Office Use Only] |

|Class Size: |For Lab:     |Final Class Size: 30 |

|27a. Most similar course on 2006 Class Size List |Course Name: ESL 327 Class size: 30 |

|28a. Retake Policy Naming Conventions |[For Office Use Only] |

| |Retake Code: 03.0A |

|28b.( Repeatability: Status: |

|Number Of Times Repeatable: |

|Maximum Units: 3.0 |

|29.( Faculty Loading: FTE Lecture: 20.0000 |Variable Loading: |

|FTE Lab:       |FTE Lecture: From       To       |

| |FTE Lab: From       To       |

|30. Total FTE For Course: 20.00 |Variable Total FTE For Course: |

| |From:       To       |

|31. Student Contact Hours: |Lecture Per Week: 3.0 |Variable Hours |

|(Based on 17.5 weeks) |*Lab Hours Per Week:      |Lecture Hours: From     To      |

| |*If hours exceed 3 lab hours to 1.0 unit ratio, |Lab Hours: From     To      |

| |justify below (#31a): | |

|31a. Lab Hours Justification:       |

|32.( EVC First Semester Intend To Offer: Year: 2008 |

|32.( SJCC First Semester Intend To Offer: Year: 2008 |

|33.( EVC Extraordinary Costs: none |

|33.( SJCC Extraordinary Costs: none |

|34. EVC Course Program Status: |

| |

|Most courses are part of programs listed on the college Program Inventory, are General Education or Transfer, or Stand Alone. What is the Program of this |

|course? |

|Part of a program entitled English as a Second Language |

|with TOPS Code: 4930.80 |

|GE or Transfer (be sure that a GE or transfer item is checked consistently on this document) |

|(Stand Alone (not part of any program; not GE, and not Transfer) |

|Created to be part of a 18 unit state approved certificate or major |

| |

|34. SJCC Course Program Status: |

| |

|Most courses are part of programs listed on the college Program Inventory, are General Education or Transfer, or Stand Alone. What is the Program of this |

|course? |

|Part of a program entitled       |

|with TOPS Code:       |

|GE or Transfer (be sure that a GE or transfer item is checked consistently on this document) |

|(Stand Alone (not part of any program; not GE, and not Transfer) |

|Created to be part of a 18 unit state approved certificate or major |

| |

|35. (District GE: |35a. Course has District GE Status: |35b. |

| |Yes No |Recommended Areas: |

| | |Area 1 |

| | |Area 2: |

| | |Area 3: |

| | |Default:     |

|36. (CSU GE: |36a. Recommended for CSU GE Status: |36b. |

| |Yes No |Recommended Areas: |

| | |Area 1: |

| | |Area 2: |

| | |Area 3: |

| | |Default:     |

|37. (UC Articulation: |37a. Recommended for UC Articulation: | |

| |Yes No | |

|38. Baccalaureate Status: |38a. List of criteria needed to establish |38b. Course should have Baccalaureate status (transfers to CSU): |

| |Baccalaureate Status: (check all that apply*) |Yes No |

| |Meets AA-Applicable standards of rigor | |

| |Non-Occupational course counting as units in a |38c. Recommended for articulation with CSU as a course in a major. |

| |major |Recommended for articulation with CSU as an elective in a major. |

| |There is documentation that the same, similar, or| |

| |analogous course is taught in the CSU system. | |

| |Occupational course within a major | |

| |Apprenticeship course (cannot be transferable) | |

| |*To have Baccalaureate Status 1 must be checked, | |

| |plus 2 or 3 or 4. Courses with Baccalaureate | |

| |Status transfer to CSU. | |

|39. (IGETC Status: |39a. Recommended for IGETC: |39b. Recommended IGETC Categories: (1 code is preferable; 2 codes maximum)|

| |Yes No | |

| | |Code 1: |

| | |Code 2: |

| | | |

| | |Complete if more than one code is chosen |

| | |Default Code:    |

|40.( Describe Articulation Efforts:      |

|Section C: To Be Completed by Division Dean and Technical Staff |


|41( EVC This Course Is The “Same As”: ESL 337 First Semester Good For: Year:2008 |

|41( SJCC This Course Is The “Same As” :ESL 327 First Semester Good For: Year:2008 |

|42(. EVC This Course No Longer The “Same As”:       Last Semester Good For: Year:     |

|42(. SJCC This Course No Longer The “Same As”:       Last Semester Good For: Year:     |

|43(. EVC This Course “Replaces”:       First Semester Good For: Year:     |

| |

|Has the course inactivation form been completed? Yes No |

|43(. SJCC This Course “Replaces”:       First Semester Good For: Year:     |

| |

|Has the course inactivation form been completed? Yes No |

|44(. EVC This Course No Longer “Replaces”:       Last Semester Good For: Year:     |

|44(. SJCC This Course No Longer “Replaces”:       Last Semester Good For: Year:     |

|45. EVC Dept.: 2ESL |46.( EVC CID: 1520 |47. Sam: |48.( EVC TOPS CODE:4930.82 |

|45. SJCC Dept.: 1ESL |CIP: 32.0199 | |48.( SJCC TOPS CODE:4930.82 |

|(Ex: 1ENGL or 2ENGL) | | | |

| |46.( SJCC CID: 1520 | | |

| |CIP: 32.0199 | | |

|49. State Of California Course Classification: |

|50. Cooperative Education Program: Yes No |

|51.(Transfer Code: EVC: SJCC: |


|51.( Discipline:ESL |52.( Course Number: 337 |53.( Short Title (30 char max.): ENGLISH |


| | | |

|MATERIALS FEE JUSTIFICATION: (to be completed by proposer and/or division dean) |

| |

|54. EVC Will this course routinely require a materials fee? Yes No |

|If yes, complete the materials fee justification form—click on link below : |

|54. SJCC Will this course routinely require a materials fee? Yes No |

|If yes, complete the materials fee justification form—click on link below: |

|\\Do_data_whse\r&p\Curriculum\Material Fee Justifications\_Regulations\_Materials Fees Justification Form.dot |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

If this course has a Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s) or Advisory Level(s), you must complete all of the following appropriate validation pages.

Prerequisite Validation

Prerequisite Validation: (If any of the items below is checked, the validation forms must be filled out.)

A . This course has a required course prerequisite within the same or related discipline, e.g., Accounting 1 for Accounting 2 or Electronics 1 for Laser 101. If you cannot check (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) below, fill out 62A. Prerequisites from unrelated disciplines need statistical validation and are not to be used when proposing a course. Ask your district researcher about the process for establishing statistical validation.

B. This course has an audition or tryout or related requirement. If you cannot check (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) below, fill out 62K.

C . This course has a required course prerequisite outside of the same or related discipline, such as English 1A for Western Civilization. Statistical evidence must be presented within two years to require this as a prerequisite. It is preferable to list the course as an advisory rather than a prerequisite. Consult your local researcher if you are interested in pursuing this option. If you cannot check (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) below, fill out.

Note: One Prerequisite Validation Form is required for each prerequisite/corequisite to be validated; prerequisites linked by "or" statements may be grouped together on one page.

Check one of the following and complete the justification required.

(1) This prerequisite is required by law or government regulations (Title 5, §55201d3&cl). Work Experience and Supervised 200 labs would check this item. Justification: Cite the law or regulation.

(2) The health or safety of the students in this course requires this prerequisite (Title 5, §55201c4). Justification: Indicate how this is so.

(3) Any combination of "at least three of the campuses of the UC or CSU ...reflect in their catalogs that they offer the equivalent courses with the equivalent prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s)." Justification: Cite three CSU and/or UC courses, prerequisites, and catalog year.

(4) This course has no course prerequisite or reading or writing or math level.

(5) This is a lab course. The primary course will have the validation evidence.

Do not go on if you have checked any of the above numbers.

(6) If you did not check a number above, then check here indicating that you will demonstrate that the content of the proposed course as reflected in the course outline clearly builds upon and requires the content of the prerequisite. Choose one or more of the following pages to demonstrate the relevance of your prerequisite or advisory level.

[62A.] Course Prerequisite/Corequisite Within the Same or Related Discipline Validation Form:

If you completed items 14 or 15, you will need to fill out this page.

1. Course & Number 337 Prerequisite Course & Number placement by assessment

2. Course & Number       Corequisite Course & Number      

3. Fill out a separate form for each prerequisite. OR

4. Cite three CSU and/or UC courses, prerequisites, and catalog year.

Any combination of "at least three of the campuses of the UC or CSU ...reflect in their catalogs that they offer the equivalent courses with the equivalent prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s)." Justification:

Institution Course(s) Prerequisite(s) Catalog Year




• You will need to demonstrate that the prerequisite will assure that "a student has the skills, concepts

and/or information that is presupposed in terms of the course for which it is being established, such that a student who has Not met the prerequisite is highly unlikely to receive a satisfactory grade in the course, for which the prerequisite is being established; or the corequisite course will assure, that a student acquires the necessary skills, concepts, and/or information, such that a student who has Not enrolled in the corequisite is highly unlikely to receive a satisfactory grade in the course or program for which the corequisite is being established...."

|Column 1 |Column 2 |

|List the major concepts, skills, or kinds of knowledge that a student|State why each of the listed items is essential in relationship to content |

|will learn in the prerequisite or corequisite course that are |listed in the course outline. |

|essential to the successful completion of this course. | |

|1. Aural comprehension of basic language |Students in ESL 337 must have some basic listening and speaking skills in order|

|2. Basic knowledge of the sound system of English |to work on pronunciation improvement using content geared to a low-intermediate|

|3. Basic speaking skills |level of proficiency. |

|      (next page) |      (next page) |

|      (next page) |      (next page) |

[62K.] Audition or Tryout

5. If there is an audition or tryout or related requirement for this course, fill out this form.

6. Course & Number       Requirement =      

Check that the following statement is true:

YES For any certificate or associate degree requirement which can be met by taking this course, there is another course or courses which satisfy the same requirement. List the substitute courses(s) here:




[61L.] Required Course Prerequisite/Corequisite Outside the Same or Related Discipline Validation

• Course & Number Prerequisite Course & Number

• Course & Number Corequisite Course & Number

• You will need to demonstrate that the prerequisite will assure that ..."a student has the skills, concepts and/or

information that is presupposed in terms of the course for which it is being established, such that a student who has

not met the prerequisite is highly unlikely to receive a satisfactory grade in the course...for which the prerequisite is being established; or the corequisite course will assure...that a student acquires the necessary skills, concepts, and/or

information, such that a student who has not enrolled in the corequisite is highly unlikely to receive a satisfactory grade

in the course or program for which the corequisite is being established...."

• To demonstrate this, list in Column 1 major concepts, skills, or kinds of knowledge that a student will learn in the

prerequisite or corequisite course that are essential to the successful completion of this course. In Column 2, state

why each of the listed items is essential in relationship to content listed in the course outline.

• In addition, you will need to demonstrate within two years that there is statistical evidence that the prerequisite is

necessary for success in the course. See your local researcher for how to do this.

|Column 1: Concepts, Skills, Kinds of |Column 2: Why the item in Column 1 is |

|Knowledge |essential for the successful completion |

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|Outline your research plan here: | |

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|To: Governing Board |Item:       |

|From:      , Chancellor |Date:       |

|Subject:      , NEW COURSE PROPOSAL |

|Board Consideration: Action |

Course and Title:             Units

Lecture Hours:      

Lab Hours:      

Advisory Basic Skills:      



Recommended Preparation:      

Course Description:      

Credit Status:

Faculty Recommended Class Size:      


Recommended Action:

The Chancellor recommends that the Governing Board approve this course proposal.

Fiscal Implication:


Background and Reasons for Recommendation:


Consequences of Negative Action:

Steps Following Approval:


|Item Submitted by:       President, |

|Item Reviewed by:       Assoc. Vice Chancellor;       Chancellor |

|Final Disposition: Vote: |

| Advisory Vote: |



(For Curriculum Staff Use Only)

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|1/8/08 |48 |Lois Lease |Corrected TOP code to #4930.82 | | |

|5/24/13 |6, 19 |Sue Hager |replace ESL 194 with ESL 207 | | |

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