English 12A 2009

Welcome to English 10 – A!!!

Teacher: Mr. Ellis

Room: B-8

E-mail: ellisj@

Phone: 655-2142, ext. 7730

Website: misterellis.

Text Service: Text @mrelli to (619) 377-7277

Course Objectives:

Students will:

- Read a variety of texts and be able to evaluate, discuss, and assimilate this literature through class discussions, projects and assignments.

- Write in a variety of forms (paragraphs, essays, creative writing, research paper).

- Listen to peers and the teacher when appropriate and provide feedback, especially during class presentations.

- Speak and communicate appropriately in a variety of forms (group discussions and individual speaking situations).

Required Materials:

Each student must have EVERY DAY:

- Pen or pencil

- Spiral notebook

- Folder or binder

- Any required texts

Thematic Units:

- “What is an American”

- “American Thought in Time”

- “Persuasion in America”


Students will:

1. Participate fully every day in class.

2. Use time outside of class to prepare for class discussion and practice.

3. Complete assignments in a timely manner.

4. Arrive to class on time every day with required materials.

5. Respect themselves, others, and the classroom.


Final Grades:

Students’ final grades will be weighted:

80% Semester Grade

20% Final Exam Grade

Semester Grade:

Students’ semester grades will be weighted:

75% Assessment

Tests, quizzes, essays, etc.

25% Practice and Participation

Journals, reading logs, vocabulary, writing process, etc.

*Students’ 1st Quarter Grades will serve as a progress report grade.

Grading scale:

The grading scale at Williamston High School is as follows:

93 or up = A

90-92 = A-

88-89 = B+

83-87 = B

80-82 = B-

78-79 = C+

73-77 = C

70-72 = C-

68-69 = D+

63-67 = D

60-62 = D-

59 or lower = F



- Tests

- Quizzes

o Vocabulary

o Writing

o Reading

- Essays and Research Paper (final drafts)

Note: All essays and the research paper MUST be turned in on the due date. Each day it is late will result in a 10% penalty; papers will NOT be accepted more than four days after the due date.


- Writing Process:

o Research/Pre-writing

o Writing Plan/outline

o First drafts

o Editing/Revising

- Reading/Drafting/Revising Days

- Notebook Assignments

- Presentations

- Vocabulary Definitions

Note: Unexcused late participation assignments that meet all expectations of the assignment will receive half points if turned in during office hours within one week of the original due date. No assignment will be accepted after one week of the original due date.

Power School Codes:

o Mi – missing

▪ Student did not turn in the assignment and has a zero

o Ex – exempt

▪ Student is excused from the assignment

o Lt – late

▪ Student turned in the assignment late and received a reduced score

Make-up work:

• Every student should assume that there are assignments for any class that he or she misses.

• If a student misses a test, quiz, reading/drafting/revising day, presentation, or any assignment turn in, the student may make up the assignment within one week of the due date before school during office hours.

o After one week, the grade remains a zero permanently

• If you are absent:

1. Check with a classmate for the notes/assignment that you missed.

2. Check the Absent clip on the board for handouts.

3. Check my website: misterellis. for the posted notes or assignments

4. All assignments, except for essays, will be accepted for full points as per the Student Code for attendance.

Tardy Policy:

Students who are in the room when the bell rings are considered on time. The consequences for tardies are as follows:

1st and 2nd: Verbal warning

3rd and 4th: Note or email home to parents/guardians

5th and beyond: Referral to office

Office Hours:

Office hours will be posted at the beginning of each week. Students may seek extra help, re-take tests, make-up tests, etc. Also, my website contains information about assignments, deadlines, test dates, etc.


All work completed MUST be your original work. School board policy for plagiarism will be followed.

Positive Consequences:

Students who meet all expectations can expect to:

1. Make new connections to literature and people.

2. Improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

3. Communicate more effectively in the world around them.

4. Earn a passing grade.

Negative Consequences:

Students who choose to disrupt the learning of others may receive one of the following:

1. A Verbal Warning

2. Parental Contact

o Note home

o Email

o Phone call

3. Detention

o Before school during office hours

o 30 silent minutes in classroom – no headphones, no talking, no sleeping

4. Behavior Referral

Teacher Responsibilities

As the teacher, my responsibilities will include:

• Preparing and presenting lessons to ensure student mastery of English 10 goals

• Providing clear instructions and deadlines for assignments and tests

• Establishing a clear set of classroom rules and procedures

• Providing a fair system of grading

• Expecting the best effort from all of my students!

English 10A Agreement:

I have read the Course Syllabus for English 10A and I understand its content. If there are questions about any of the policies, the best method for contact is through email.

• Email: ellisj@

• Text Service: Text @mrelli to (619) 377 – 7277

o A great way for students AND parents to receive notices about due dates and deadlines!

• All essays are due ON the due date; late essays will receive a 10% deduction per day; essays will NOT be accepted more than four school days after the due date.

o For example: If a 100 – point essay is due on Thursday, September 27, the final draft is due by 2:45 that day. By 2:45 Friday, up to 90%. By 2:45 Monday, up to 80%. By 2:45 Tuesday, up to 70%. By 2:45 Wednesday, up to 60%. After that – zero.

• Unexcused late participation assignments that meet all expectations will receive half points if turned BEFORE SCHOOL within one week of the original due date.

o For example: If an assignment is due on Friday, September 14, it needs to be completed by the beginning of class for full points. Students who wish to earn half points may turn in the assignment during office hours before September 21st. After that – zero.

• If a student misses a test, reading/drafting/revising day, presentation, or any assignment turn in, the student may make up the assignment within one week of the due date before or after school.

o For example: If a unit test is on Thursday, October 18, and you miss that day (excused or unexcused,) you have until Thursday, October 25 to take the test before school. After that – zero.

Teacher Signature Date

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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