

Materials & Supplies

List 5 materials recommend to have with you and why. For each material / supply, describe 1 -2 examples from the text of how these items helped characters in specific situations or could have helped them. These do not have to be objects. You can include characteristics, personality traits or other “internal supplies”

Your Name

English 2 Honors Period A2

Identify 5 things to avoid or remember to do and the potential consequences if this advice is not followed. For each, describe 1 – 2 situations from your book when characters did not follow these tips and the consequences OR they did follow your recommendations and how it benefitted them.

Title of Book

by Author

Trouble Shooting

Table of Contents

Page #

Plot Summary . . . . . . . . . . .

Ten Important Steps . . . . . .

Materials & Supplies . . . . . .

Trouble Shooting . . . . . . . .

Your Guide to …. Topic Here

Caption Describing Picture

Plot Summary

*Spoiler Alert!

*Include Title (italicized) and author at the beginning of your summary.

*Remember to write in

present tense.

*Yes you can allude to parts that happen at the end of the book.

*Focus on the parts of your novel that most relate to your “How-to Topic”

*As you introduce characters, always briefly explain who they are.

Caption or Quote





Caption describing picture or graphic.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Steps continued






Main Inside Heading

10 Most Important Steps

*Describe specific examples for each step and explain why it is important!







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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