Honors English 10- World Literature

Honors English 10- World LiteratureMr. GreenbergerEmail: rgreenberger@mrgreenberger.Follow me on Twitter: @mrgreenbergerOverview: The English 10 program integrates language and composition within the study of world literature. The course presents the universality of the human condition through its expression in a variety of cultures and historic time periods. This is a higher level course and college preparatory class designed to prepare students for the rigors of upper level course work.Literature: The major works in the course include:CinderellaIn the Time of the ButterfliesThe Nectar and the SieveNightOedipusThings Fall Apartand additional fiction and non-fiction worksHonors students will do the majority of major work reading at home. Being current with the assigned reading will lead to success in the position: The English Ten curriculum includes many varieties of writing with an emphasis on exposition. Research: Research is a major component of the course, and is incorporated in several ways. There will be one major project and occasional mini projects; more information will be distributed later.Grammar: A grammar skill will be integrated into lessons regularly through drills. Vocabulary: The vocabulary component of the course is an extensive weekly program. Assignments will be given on Monday, and quizzes are on Fridays. Students will be responsible for the vocabulary assigned as a majority of the work will be completed out of class.Independent Reading: In addition to in class reading, students will read an additional novel outside of class each quarter. For each novel, students must complete an in class assessment. Independent reading will be explained on the first day, but parents need to be aware that students need to select a book right away.Pre-Course Reading: This summer students were given reading assignments. These assignments are due no later than September 29, 2014.Grading Policy: The policy is as follows:Classwork: 50%, Homework: 10%, Assessments (Tests, Quizzes): 20%, Class performance (20%)Missing Assignment Policy:To encourage students to build resilience and understand that completing work for school is necessary for success, the English Department is implementing the following policy with regard to Missing Assignments: (assignments NOT turned in)1st offenseWarning and reminder (Yellow Sheet)2nd offensePhone call home by Teacher + Required Tutoring Session/Coach Class w/Teacher or Department Chair3rd offensePhone call home by Department Chair + Required Tutoring Session with Department Chair4th offensePhone call home by Department Chair + Required Tutoring Session with Department Chair + Academic Referral to Guidance5th offensePhone call home by Department Chair + Required Tutoring Session with Department Chair + Academic Referral to AdministrationAll Required Tutoring Sessions with the Department Chair will be held after school on Thursdays from 2:15-3:00. Missing work will be completed ONLY during these sessions in order to be turned in for credit. Contact Mrs. Plovan, English Department Chair for any questions. Rplovan@ or 410-887-1700.Students will receive one copy of materials. If lost, the files may be found on the class website.Redo Policy: Students who score a 70% or less on any required major assignment (as designated by the classroom teacher) are required to REDO the assignment until it reaches the level of a 70-90%. In order for the completion the REDO assignment, the following conditions MUST apply: Original assignment must have been completed and turned in ON TIME.Original assignment showed initial TRUE effort.REDOs are for classwork or homework, NOT tests or quizzes.Students must come to coach class for instruction before assignment can be completed.Student has 1 week to complete the assignment after receiving the poor grade.REDOs completed during classtime will NOT count.The highest grade a student can receive for a REDO is 90%Late Work: Late work will not be accepted without an excused absence.Lateness to Class:First lateness: A verbal warning/logged into STARSSecond lateness: A call home/logged into STARSThird lateness: Detention/logged into STARSFourth lateness: Referral/logged into STARSTesting: 10th graders will no longer take the HSA but will instead take the PARCC exam in the spring. It is important you familiarize yourself with the test and content at .Teacher Expectations:No hats or headgear of any kind. This is not only a school, but a countywide policy. Take the hat off and leave it off. I want to see your face.Absolutely no cell phones, videogames, iPods, MP3 players, or other electronic devices are to be used without specific permission granted. I see it and it’s mine. You are here to learn and these devices only inhibit learning. No food or drink in the classroom. These can also become distracting and nine times out of ten, mice food. Misbehavior of any kind will not be tolerated. For me, respect is automatic. I give it to you the moment you walk through the classroom door. I should hope that you would do the same for me. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and the things around you.Please be on time. Being prompt is part of being courteous. Required MaterialsThe following materials MUST be obtained for this class:1” binder OR a separate section, designated for English only, of larger binder 5 binder dividers labeled:ObjectiveNotesVocabularyGrammarWritingLoose-leaf paper (please maintain supply throughout the year!)Pencils (#2 pencils only – mechanical are fine)Blue/black ink pensHighlighters (variety pack with multiple colors is best)Post-it NotesIndex cardsSuggested MaterialsThe following materials are suggested materials for the class. Students do not need to have these materials; however they may be helpful to have on hand:Flash drivePencil case – one that fits in the binder is fineBlack Sharpie or other permanent marker – any sizeGlue stickOther:Bring all materials to class everydayUpon arrival, check the screen for what we will be doing and what is needed.Be seated and complete the daily drillBack-to School Night: September 4, 6:00-8:00 p.m.Please sign and return this slip.I have read and understand the information and procedures outlined in this syllabus.______________________________________________________________(Student Signature)(Date)______________________________________________________________(Student Name Printed) (Email)I have read my child’s syllabus.______________________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)(Date)_______________________________ (Parent/Guardian Name Printed)Please list the best times and the easiest way (phone number, email) for me to contact you.______________________________________________________________(Times) (Email/Phone #) ................

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