Latin III

Latin III

Stage 31 Vocabulary List


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus |to neglect | |

|oro, orare, oravi |to beg | |

|praetereo, praeterire, praeterii |to pass by, go past | |

|reficio, reficere, refeci, refectus |to repair | |

|seco, secare, secui, sectus |to cut | |

|spero, sperare, speravi |to hope, expect | |

|veho, vehere, vexi, vectus |to carry | |

|vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctus |to tie up, to bind | |

|volvo, volvere, volvi, volutus |to turn | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|catena, catenae (f) |chain | |

|cliens, clientis (m) |client | |

|dux, ducis (m) |leader | |

|favor, favoris (m) |favor | |

|fraus, fraudis (f) |trick | |

|mos, moris (m) |custom | |

|patronus, patroni (m) |patron | |

|praecox, praeconis (m) |herald | |

|rationes, rationum (fpl) |accounts | |

|tempus, temporis (n) |time | |

|vultus, vultus (m) |expression, face | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|altus, alta, altum |high, deep | |

|angustus, angusta, angustum |narrow | |

|idem, eadem, idem |the same | |

|progressus, progressa, progressum |having advanced | |

|publicus, publica, publicum |public | |

|serenus, serena, serenum |calm, clear | |

|superbus, superba, superbum |arrogant, proud | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|haudquaquam |not at all | |

|ubique |everywhere | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|ante (+accusative) |before, in front of | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|In animo volvere |to wonder, turn over in the mind | |


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