Stage 3 Vocabulary List

Stage 3 Vocabulary List

Latin I


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus |to walk | |

|aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus |to open | |

|bibo, bibere, bibi |to drink | |

|circumspecto, circumspectare, | | |

|circumspectavi, circumspectatus |to look around | |

|clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus |to shout | |

|duco, ducere, duxi, ductus |to lead | |

|exeo, exire, exivi, exiturus |to go out | |

|exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus |to wait for, expect | |

|fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxux |to flow | |

|pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictus |to paint | |

|porto, portare, portavi, portatus |to carry | |

|pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsates |to hit, knock | |

|recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatus |to recite | |

|respondeo, respondēre, respondi, responsus |to reply, answer | |

|revenio, revenire, reveni, reventus |To return, come back | |

|rideo, ridēre, risi, risus |to laugh, smile | |

|Seco, secare, secui, sectus |to cut | |

|surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus |to rise up | |

|teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentus |to hold, have | |

|tondeo, tondere, tondi, tonsus |to trim, shave | |

|video, vidēre, vidi,visus |to see | |

|verbero, verberare, verberavi, verberatus |to beat, strike | |

|voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus |to call | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|barba, barbae (f) |beard | |

|forum, fori (n) |forum | |

|fustis, fustis (m) |club, stick | |

|ianua, ianuae (f) |door | |

|leo, leonis (m) |lion | |

|navis, navis (f) |ship | |

|novaculum, novaculi (n) |razor | |

|peto, petere, petivi, petitus |to seek, head for, attack | |

|pictora, picturae (f) |painting, picture | |

|pictor, pictoris (m) |painter | |

|poeta, poetae (m) |painter | |

|Sanguis, sanguis (m) |blood | |

|senex, senis (m) |old man | |

|taberna, tabernae (f) |shop | |

|tonsor, tonsoris (m) |barber | |

|venalicius, venalicii (m) |slave-dealer | |

|versum, versi (n) |verse, line of poetry | |

|villa, villae (f) |house | |

|vinum, vini (n) |wine | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|fortis, fortis, forte |brave, strong | |

|iratus, irata, iratum |angry | |

|magnus, magna, magnum |great | |

|multus, multa, multum |much, many | |

|occupatus, occupata, occupatum |busy, occupied | |

|perterritus, perterria, perterritum |terrified | |

|scurrilis, scurrilis, scurrile |obscene, dirty | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|ferociter |fiercely | |

|intentē |intently | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|ad |to, toward | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|et |and | |

|non |not | |

|Sed |but, however | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|ecce! |look! See! | |

|salve! |Hello! Greetings! | |

|negotium agit |he does business | |

|non venit |he does not come | |

|ad villam |to the house | |

|in sella |in/on the chair | |

|in taberna |in the shop | |

|inquit |he says, he said | |

|ē taberna |out of the shop | |


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