Syllabus for Tenth Grade English - Sullivan County School ...

Syllabus for Tenth Grade English

Mrs. Osborg Phone: 570-946-7001 Email:

Class Description

Tenth grade English introduces students to literature and writing geared for college preparation. The literature-based curriculum will focus on American literature. In addition, students will study vocabulary and grammar, and they will complete various writing assignments and projects.

Grading Policy

• Grading is based on a numerical system. Point values are assigned to all work. For example, a simple homework assignment may be worth 20 points, while a major test may be worth 200 points. At the end of the quarter, the points a student earns are divided by the sum of the points possible, producing a percentage grade.

• Students are responsible for any assignments they miss while they are absent. Students will have one day for each day of absence to make up missed assignments. Any assignments that students have prior knowledge of and are due the day the student is absent WILL BE DUE THE DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS TO CLASS. If a student is absent the day a test has been scheduled, the student must be prepared to take the test the day he or she returns to class.

• It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher on the day of his/her return to get assignments that he/she has missed and/or to make up any tests that he/she has missed.

• Late assignments will lose points for each day they are late. Certain assignments and projects will not be accepted late at all.

• All assignments must be completed by the student alone. No copying is permitted. Students involved in copying (whether they copied or allowed someone else to copy) will receive a zero for the assignment, will not be permitted to redo the assignment, and will be written up for cheating.

• Plagiarism (submitting someone else’s words or ideas as your own) will result in a zero for the assignment; students will not be permitted to redo a plagiarized assignment; and students who plagiarize will be written up.

• No extra credit work will be given. If you are dissatisfied with your grade, ask yourself the following: Am I doing all my homework? Do I study for tests? Do I pay attention in class? Do I complete all my assignments? Do I see the teacher for help during Support?

Classroom Expectations

1. Be on time and prepared.

2. Respect others and their property.

3. Pay attention. Listen. Raise your hand and wait to be called on if you have something to contribute.

4. Use appropriate language.

5. Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to leave it.

6. Obey all school rules.

Please complete the following and return by Tuesday, August 30th.

English 10, Period ___


I have read and I understand the syllabus for this class. I agree to abide by the Classroom Expectations.

________________________________ _______________________________ ________

Student Signature Student Name Printed Date


I have read and I understand the syllabus for this class.

________________________________ _______________________________ ________

Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Name Printed Date

How do you prefer to be contacted? __________________________

Contact information: ________________________________________________________________________

Is there anything you would like me to know about your child? _______________________________________







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