Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires

Departamento de Inglés

Asignatura: Inglés

PROGRAMA de 5to Año A,B y C: 2014

Nivel A

Expectativas de logro

Se espera que los alumnos

• Comprendan textos orales y escritos provenientes de diversas fuentes y correspondientes al nivel. 

• Produzcan textos orales y escritos teniendo en cuenta las características del tipo textual, el propósito comunicativo y la audiencia.

• Usen el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales correspondientes al nivel.

• Reflexionen sobre la relevancia del inglés en el mundo actual y las diferencias y similitudes culturales.

• Se comuniquen en forma correcta y apropiada en situaciones varias y accedan a la cultura de los pueblos de habla inglesa, como así también al universo de información que utiliza el idioma inglés.

• Desarrollen respeto por sí mismos, sus pares y la comunidad en general.

• Adopten conductas de responsabilidad y solidaridad, entre otros valores, indispensables en el aspecto formativo de la enseñanza.

Unidad 1: Revision

Vocabulary: Routines. Personal Information. Past Experiences. Holidays. School. Friends.

Grammar: Present Simple. All forms. Questions. Adverbs of Frequency. Information Questions. Past Simple. Verb to Be. Regular and Irregular Verbs. Present Continuous. Going To- form.

Listening: Personal Information. Personality traits. Adjectives. Description.

Writing: My interests. Last Summer Holidays. My friends. My Experience at CNBA last year.

Writing: Description of a person/ a personality I admire

Intensive and Extensive reading: Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Edgar Alan Poe)

Extensive Reading: “The Long Rain” by Ray Bradbury.

Unidad 2:

Vocabulary: health and fitness words and expressions.

Grammar: Auxiliary Verbs. Question Tags.Giving Advice. Should. Ought to. You´d better. Present Perfect with for and since-How long… ? Information (Wh) and Yes-No questions.Past Perfect for recognition in reading practice.


“A day´s Wait” by Ernest Hemingway in “The Splintering Frame”.

“Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen”by O. Henry in “A Complete Course in English”.

“Ten Ways to Improve your Career” from Business Wire / newpaper articles and web pages (group assigment) / web articles on travel and tourism (group assigment).

Unidad 3: Are you Going to a Gig Soon?

Vocabulary: Entertainment and Events (agenda, album, booking, etc)

Expressions: Don´t go crazy! Make a good Impression… , promote, release.

Grammar: Simple and Continuous Tenses. Simple Present Tense. Verb to be and Other Verbs. All Forms. Wh-questions. Prepositions. Linking Words. Adverbs of Frequency, for Sequencing Ideas. Then, Next, Suddenly, When, In the End. Going To- for Plans and Intentions. Will and Going to for Predictions. Present Continuous for Future.

Speaking: Asking about weekend plans. Comparing longer term plans.

Speaking: News Story

Listening: TV programme extract. Colloquial language. Communicating by SMS.

Reading comprehension: More than words

Intensive and Extensive Reading: Marionettes; Cristina Rosenthal.

Writing: An Interview to a Celebrity.

Film Viewing: “The King´s Speech”

Unidad 4: What Will the World Be Like? The Environment. Life in the Future. Nature.

Vocabulary: development, environment, challenge, crime, oil, poverty, employment…/built-in, well equipped/ generate, predict/ Expressions: I hope so, I Hope not/ You must be joking! …

Grammar: “Will” or “Going to” . All Forms and Uses.

Reading: Newspaper Articles.

“David Swan” by N. Hawthorne in “Complete Course in English”.

Listening: Environmental Issues. Boston Futuretech Conference

. Reading: web articles on horror films (group assigment) / a biography of Alfred Hitchcock / web page articles on “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock / web articles on gastronomy (provided bystudents / group assignment).

. Video: “Psycho” a film by Alfred Hitchcock (1960).

Unidad 5: Could It Be a Masterpiece?

Vocabulary: Materials and Shapes. Works of Art: masterpiece, graffiti, sketch…/signature…

Designer,annual, up- and- coming…/ Expressions: Worth a fortune, unauthorized image…

Grammar: Modals for Deduction . Must, might, may, can, could (not) +be.

Listening: Match a Description to a Photograph.

Writing: Description of a Picture.

Reading Comprehension. Extract from The Shadow of the Wind.

The Secret World of Animals

Writing: a description within a narrative

Reading: Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat by R Dahl.

Unidad 6: What Have you Been Doing?.

Vocabulary: Festivals. Marathon, Sculpture… , attend, perform, careless, careful…

Grammar: Present Perfect Simple and Continuous. Present Perfect with already, yet, just.

Game: Guess What I´ve been Doing!

Reading: Festivals in Brazil and Argentina. World Cup 2014.

Writing: Describing Festivals and Celebrations.

Listening: It might be You. Song by Stephen Bishop.

Unidad 7: Travelling. If the Passenger next to you is Like his…

Vocabulary: Travelling by Plane. Homesick, Phobic, Chaotic… / Miss, remind, frighten…

Expressions: a goog deal, go out parting, etc.

Grammar: Revision of Zero and First Conditionals. Future Sentences with when, even if, as soon as, Advice and Warnings with unless/ in case/ even if/ otherwise.

Conditional type II and III

Reading: “Tea” by Saki in British and American Short Stories.

Bibliografía Obligatoria: Según lo asignado por cada profesor/a

-Seligson, P. Essential English. Coursebook 4 Intermediate. (2010) Richmond-China

- “From the Cradle to the Grave” Short Stories. Edited by Clare West (1993) OUP.

-Dixon, R. “Complete Course in English 4” (2000) Prentice Hl Regents, Englewood Cliffs. UK.

-“Discovering Fiction” Student´s Book 1. Cambridge University Press (1997) Cambridge. UK.

-Mignani, A. “Sweet and Sour”. ( 2001) Black Cat Pusblishing- Cibed. Canterbury.

-Mignani, A. “The Splintering Frame”. (2001) Black Cat Publishing. Cideb.Canterbury

-Booklet prepared by the teacher (Prof. Voloch)

-Taboos and Issues: photocopiable lessons on controversial topics by Richard Mac Andrew and Ron Martinez. Thompson & Heinle.

- Oxford Practice Grammar Basic by Norman Coe, Mark Harrison and Ken Paterson. OUP.

Bibliografía de Consulta: Según lo indicado por cada docente

- Murphy, R. “English Grammar in Use. Intermediate” (1997) CUP. Cambridge.

-Fowler, W.S.”Test and Practise your English”. Beginners to Intermediate. Nelson. Hong Kong

-English Grammar at ​.edufind.c​om/english​/grammar/g​rammar_top​ics.php



-English Vocabulary In Use, pre-intermediate & intermediate by Stuart Redman. CUP.

- Literature Books:

- "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" by Edgar Alan Poe. Penguin Books. (The Fall of The House of Usher, The Mask of the Red Death, Tell-Tale Heart) The Black Cat and Other ( to be prepared by the students)

-“Marionettes Inc.” by Ray Bradbury.

- “A Twist in the Tale” (Christina Rosenthal) by Jeffrey Archer.

- “Never Stop on the Motorway” by Jeffrey Archer.

- “Animal Farm” by George Orwell (Penguin Book

- Newspaper articles (provided by the teacher and the students).

- “New Opportunities, Education for Life”, Upper-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.

- “New Opportunities, Education for Life”, Upper-Intermediate. Language Powerbook. Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.

- “Intermediate Language Practice”. Michael Vince. MacMillan Heinemann.

- “Market Leader. Pre-Intermediate Business English Course Book. New Edition”. David Cotton, David Falvey & Simon Kent. Pearson Longman.

- “Market Leader. Pre-Intermediate Business English Practice File. New Edition”. John Rogers. Pearson Longman.

- “Market Leader. Intermediate Business English Course Book. New Edition”. David Cotton, David Falvey & Simon Kent. Pearson Longman.

- “Market Leader. Intermediate Business English Practice File. New Edition”. John Rogers. Pearson Longman

- “The Illustrated Man”, Ray Bradbury. Flamingo Modern Classics.

. De consulta para el alumno:

- Longman’s Learners Dictionary of Contemporary English. Advanced. New Edition. Longman.

- “Oxford Bilingual Dictionary”. Oxford University Press.

- IV. Material Audiovisual

- -Canciones. The Times they are changing ( Bob Dylan)and moreFILMS: “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock. 1960.

Audio: New Success Upper Intermediate (Pearson)

-Películas: Cortos: The Black Cat; The Tell Tale Heart. The Raven. Animal Farm: animated movie.

Nivel B

I- Objetivos: Que el alumno

-Desarrolle una actitud de confianza con respecto a sus posibilidades de aprender una lengua extranjera respetando los diferentes ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje, y reconociendo el error como constitutivo del aprendizaje

•Pueda construir el conocimiento lingüístico y pragmático- discursivo para la comprensión y la producción de textos escritos y orales a partir de situaciones contextualizadas y significativas

• Reflexione acerca del funcionamiento del lenguaje

• Construya espacios de articulación entre la lengua extranjera y las otras disciplinas

Pueda adquirir confianza en sus capacidades y autoestima para desenvolverse con seguridad e independencia en el trabajo y ante situaciones que se presenten en la actualidad, enfocándose hacia la eventual inserción en el mundo laboral y profesional

II- Contenidos:

Unidad 1:

Grammar: Revision of all tenses, stative verbs, word patterns, articles, synonyms, be/get used to

Vocabulary: wordbuilding; multipart verbs with up and down, collocations, metaphors, key topic vocabulary (people and relationships, transport, free time activities, hobbies, occupations)

Functions: Preferences, describing people, telling jokes

Writing: argumentative essay, reports.

Reading: short stories, articles, matching headings and paragraphs, scanning for specific information

Grammar focus: Future Tenses: Future Continuous, Future Perfect.

Use of English: question tags.

Vocabulary: Adverbs of Manner. Word formation: compound nouns. Music.

Recycling: Linkers.

Writing: An informal letter / email.

Listening : predicting, identifying location, understanding attitude, listening for specific


Speaking: talking about family, comparing, making suggestions, expressing uncertainty

Literature: Short story “The fun they had” by Isaac Asimov. Play “An inspector calls” by J.B Priestley.

B- Grammar: The Passive. Review.

C- Grammar: Relative Clauses with who / which / that / where / when / whose

Vocabulary: Defining words and objects.

Writing: A description. A report.

Unidad 2:

Grammar: Reported Speech: verb patterns, reporting verbs, indirect questions, question tags, connectors

Vocabulary: idiomatic language, multi-part verbs with on and out, confusable words, key topic vocabulary (the media, communications, the weather, food and drink, travel and tourism)

Functions: agreeing and disagreeing, clarifying and asking questions, giving and asking for advice.

Writing: a letter of application, a description

Reading: poetry, texts with paragraph gaps, answering questions

Listening : identifying roles, listening for gist and specific information

A- Grammar: Full infinitives (with “to”) and –ing forms after verbs.

Use of English: prefer, would rather, had better.

Vocabulary: Travel and tourism. Word formation. Metaphors (life).

Writing / Speaking: A presentation.

B- Grammar: Reported Speech. Reported Questions, Requests and Commands.

Vocabulary: Crime. Common suffixes. Phrasal verbs.

Recycling: Verb tenses. Question forms.

Writing: A formal letter.

C- Grammar: Result Clauses: so, such, too, enough.

Use of English: infinitives of purpose.

Vocabulary: Health and fitness. Collocations: make / do.

Writing: An article.

D- Grammar: The causative

Vocabulary: Art and Artists. Word formation: suffixes.

Recycling: Synonyms

Writing: A letter of application. A review.

Speaking: talking about experiences, speculating, agreeing and disagreeing, giving examples

Literature: Novel: Cry Freedom by John Briley. Short story: “A sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury

Unidad 3

Vocabulary: multi-part verbs with off and over, collocations, wordbuilding, key topic vocabulary (science and technology, entertainment, education, health and fitness)

Functions: polite requests, justifying arguments, making suggestions

Writing: a formal letter.

Reading: summarizing, completing texts with sentence gaps

Listening : a song, taking lecture notes, identifying situations and people

Speaking: a topic presentation, discussing photos and texts, problem solving

Literature: , Play “Lady Windermere´s fan” by. O. Wilde; Short story: “The fly”

A- Grammar: Modals. Modal Perfect.

Use of English: Parts of Speech. Word formation: prefixes. The unreal past.

Vocabulary: Entertainment. Sport. Phrasal verbs.

Writing: An essay.

B- Grammar: Conditional Sentences: Third Type.

Recycling: Zero, First and Second Conditional Types.

Use of English: unless, in case, as long as. Wishes and regrets.

Vocabulary: Science and technology.

Writing: A poem.

C- Language focus: Wish. Inversion Construction.

Vocabulary: Crime and punishment.

Writing: A story.

III- Bibliografía Obligatoria: Según lo asignado por cada profesor/a

❖ Richmond Essential English Course 4, by Paul Seligson. Intermediate. Coursebook. Workbook. Units 3 and 4.

❖ Your Power 1, by P. Seligson, R. Adlard, T. Ottway, L. Thompson. Richmond Publishing. Student’s Book. Language Booster. Workbook. Unit 4.

Steve Taylore- Knowles. Laser B1+ Student´s Book (2008)Ed. Macmillan Hellas, Greece

Steve Taylore- Knowles. Laser B1+ CD-ROM (2008)Ed. Macmillan Hellas, Greece

Kildaff, Hamer, Mc Cannon “Working with short stories” (1999)Ed. Cambridge University Press. United Kingdom

J. B. Priestley. An inspector calls.( 1992) Heinemannn, England

Oscar Wilde .The plays of Oscar Wilde (1997) Ed. Wordsworth, Great Britain

Briley John. Cry Freedom (2010). Oxford University Press

Student’s Book. Workbook.

❖ Successful Writing Intermediate, by Virginia Evans. Express Publishing. Units 2, 3, 9, 12 and 13.

❖ Birth and Fate, by Roald Dahl.

❖ The Shepherd’s Daughter, by William Saroyan.

❖ Louise, by W. Somerset Maugham.

❖ The Giver, by Lois Lowry.

❖ The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde.

❖ The Life and Times of Shakespeare, by Chiara Pizzorno. Black Cat Publishing.


IV- Bibliografía de consulta y/o complementaria: Según lo indicado por cada profesor/a

-Michael Vince. First Certificate Language Practice (2003)Ed. Macmillan Education, Oxford

-Steve Taylore- Knowles. Laser B1+Activity Book (2008)Ed. Macmillan Hellas, Greece

Your Power 1, by P. Seligson, R. Adlard, T. Ottway, L. Thompson. Richmond Publishing. Student’s Book. Language Booster. Workbook.

• Successful Writing Intermediate, by Virginia Evans. Express Publishing.

• First Certificate Language Practice, by Michael Vince. MACMILLAN.

• New Success. Intermediate. Pearson Longman. Units 10 to 14.

• New Success. Upper Intermediate. Pearson Longman. Units 1 to 4.

• Dictionaries.



Que los alumnos puedan hablar, discutir, poner por escrito, ideas referidas al mundo que los rodea, a fenómenos sociales y culturales y a obras literarias, musicales o cinematográficas utilizando un registro correspondiente a cada situación y manejando la gramática y el vocabulario con fluidez.

Que los alumnos manejen las herramientas y sepan cómo buscarlas en la redacción de trabajos de tipo más formal.

Que los alumnos puedan elaborar un pensamiento crítico al referirse a aquello que les rodea tanto como a los textos u obras que se analicen en clase.


Eje temático: Hipótesis

Essential English 4 Unit 4. A, B, C

Artículos ¨South Korea to Swap Textbooks for Tablets¨

¨Does Punctuation Matter?¨

¨Does Prison Work?¨

Canción: “Changes”. David Bowie


Voz Pasiva: Todos los tiempos.

Condicionales Tipo I y II.

Vocabulario: Crimen y castigo.

Relaciones personales.

Cuento: ¨My Son the Fanatic¨ de Hanif Kureishi. La literatura Post-Colonial.

Películas: Una a elección entre

a) Spanglish, de J.L. Brooks.

b) Gran Torino, de Clint Eastwood

c) East is East, de Damien O´ Donnell

Eje discursivo: Escritura de un texto de literatura comparada.


Eje temático: El discurso de los otros.

Essential English 4. Unit 4 D, E, F

New English File Advanced. Unit 3 A


Past Simple/ Past Perfect

Estilo Indirecto.

Especulación y deducción


Reporting verbs.

Sonidos y Voz humana.

Cuento: “A Rose for Emily¨, de William Faulkner. El gótico sureño.

Análisis de serie: Black Mirror, episodio ¨Be Right Back¨. Ciencia ficción y tecnologías.

Eje discursivo: Ensayo argumentativo académico.


New English File Advanced. Unit 3 B, C, D

Eje temático: La mirada sobre lo posible y lo imposible.



Inversión y énfasis.

Usos irreales del Past Simple.


Descripción de libros

Vocabulario relativo al dinero.

Novela: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Mark Haddon. Literatura contemporánea, la mirada sobre la diferencia.

Eje discursivo: Escritura de una reseña literaria.


Se evaluará en forma permanente el trabajo en clase, la presentación de material a la misma, la participación y la entrega de actividades realizadas en clase tanto como el desempeño y la entrega en tiempo y forma de trabajos domiciliarios y los resultados en las evaluaciones presenciales.


Se realizarán trabajos escritos monográficos domiciliarios, pequeños trabajos realizados en clase y también evaluaciones presenciales formales.

BIBLIOGRAFÍA: Según lo asignado por cada profesora

Libro de Texto

Seligson, P. Essential English 4. ¨Unit 4¨. Richmond.

Oxenden, C. & Latham-Koening, C. New English File Advanced SB and CB ¨Unit 3¨. OUP

Artículos varios de Timesaver.:Newspaper Articles to Get Teenagers Talking. Scholastic

De lectura del alumno

Kureishi, H. ¨My Son the Fanatic¨ in Love in a Blue Time. London: Faber, 1997.

Faulkner, W. ¨A Rose for Emily¨.

Haddon, M. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. London: Vintage, 2004

• “Hop Frog “ by E. A. Poe

• “The Cask of Amontillado” by E. A. Poe

• “The Tale Tell Heart” by E. A. Poe

• “Dead in Jericho” C. Dexter- Oxford Bookworms level 6

• “An inspector calls” by Prestley

Much Ado About Nothing ,by William Shakespeare

Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen


East is East. Dir: O' Donnell, D. Miramax, 1999.

Gran Torino. Dir: Eastwood, C. Warner, 2008.

Spanglish. Dir: Brooks, J.L. Columbia, 2004.

De consulta del alumno

Practice Advanced Grammar. OUP


How To Write An Essay: 10 Easy Steps[pic]

Purdue Online Writing Lab

Diarios online:

NY Times

The Guardian

Diccionarios online:



Urban Dictionary

Bibliografía del docente:

English File Intermediate. Teacher's Book. 2099. OUP

Greengwood, Jean. Class Readers. Oxford Reading

Williams. R. Marxism and Literature. 1977. OUP

Lodge, D. Modern Criticism and Theory. 1988.  Pearson

Ur, Penny. A Course in Language Teaching, CUP

Timesaver.:Newspaper Articles to Get Teenagers Talking, Scholastic

Todos los materiales de trabajo eventuales que puedan ir surgiendo a lo largo de la cursada, y cambios en la literatura prevista, también formarán parte de la evaluación final de los alumnos regulares o libres por resolución.

Los alumnos que rindan examen final deberán presentar un portfolio completo de los trabajos realizados durante la cursada.

Buenos Aires, 2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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