Sample Lesson Plan




NUR 420 Leadership Practicum and Role Transition

Unit V Directing: Stress and Time Management

Sample Lesson Plan

Lesson Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will:

1. Identify factors that cause stress.

2. Describe the consequences of stress.

3. Discuss characteristics of work and personality, which may account

for sources of stress for professional nurses.

3. Identify both personal and organizational methods for managing


4. Discuss the importance of identifying goals and setting priorities.

5. Identify common barriers to effective time management.

6. Describe strategies for effective time management.

Content Outline:

1. The Nature of Stress

1. What is stress?

2. Causes of stress

3. Managing stress

2. Time Management

1. Principles of time management

2. Barriers of time management

Teaching/Learning Activities:

1. Discussion

2. Experience meditation or other stress reducing activity

3. Stress Assessment

Critical Thinking Focus:

Assess personal and professional stressors and analyze perceptions and reactions to those stressors.

Identify the presence of time waster activities within the span of a normal day.

Reading Requirements:

Sullivan, E. J., & Decker, P. J. (2005). Effective leadership and management in

nursing (6th ed., pp. 202-215). Upper Saddler River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

In addition to the book, seminar leader will identify additional readings.



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