|Name |Angela |

|Main lesson aim (revise, extend, practise etc.) |Subsidiary aim(s) (revise, extend, practise etc.) |

|By the end of the lessons student will have : |By the end of the lessons student will have : |

| | |

|Recognised and revisited the forms of all the narrative tenses |Practised their reading skills i.e. reading for gist, scanning for detail and guessing the meanings of vocabulary in |

|Be aware of the differences in aspect when using the perfect and progressive form |context |

|Practised using these forms in a spoken and written narrative |Revised the pronunciation of regular past tense verbs |

|Extended and practised their vocabulary within the context of travel | |

| | |

|How will I know my aims have been achieved? (e.g. successful completion of ex.. will show …) |

|Successful identification of meaning form and use in consolidation exercise (cut ups) |

|Successful answers to concept checking of meaning |

|Successful completion of online quiz |

|Personal aims (Teaching skills YOU want to improve on in this lesson – consider action points from previous lessons) |

| |

|Assumptions (what your ss already know about the language, topic, skills that will help them in the lesson) |

|Most Ss will be familiar with past simple and continuous but the perfect and progressive forms are always challenging |

|Constant clarification on form and checking of meaning necessary (CCQs =concept checking questions) |

NB Make sure you give a stapled copy of the plan and all materials (e.g. correctly sourced handouts /copies of powerpoint slides) to the tutor BEFORE the lesson starts. To save trees, print 6 slides to an A4 handout.

|Anticipated problems and solutions (specific problems with tasks, classroom management etc. NOT language) |

|Problem |Solution |

|1.ss don’t perform tasks as required |Ensure initial instructions are clear, check with ICQs - instruction checking questions. Model and demo tasks |

| |where appropriate |

|2.ss don’t contribute in fluency activity |Monitor during lesson to assess ss abilities and then mix groups. |

|Materials (state the materials you’re going to use. NB you must reference all handouts and attach a copy with your plan) |

| |

|Powerpoint slides / handouts |

|Link to OUP grammar quiz (New English Fle) |

| |

| |

|Language Analysis Sheet 1: Structural grammar or Functional grammar |

|How will you present this language to the students? How will they first meet the language? Via a reading text |

|(Eg. Via a reading or listening text, via a situation/story, via a diagnostic task) |

|Name of structure/ function and marker sentence(s) |Meaning |Form |Pronunciation |

| |(ways of checking eg. concept checking questions, |(how to build the structure or key components of the |(phonemic script, stress, contractions, connected speech)|

| |timelines ...) |function) | |

|PAST SIMPLE |Used for a finished action at a specific time in the past|Subject + ‘ed’ (regular form) /(irregular form) |With regular verbs there are three possible sound |

|Regular verbs: started ,asked, grabbed, |often with a time phrase or implied time. | |endings: |

|Irregular verbs: saw, was/were, was blown out (passive) |CCQs to establish finished action | |/t/: asked /d/: grabbed/ ᶦd/: started |

|I went through to the cockpit |_______________________ | |/æskt //ˈgræbd// stɑrtɪd/ |

|PAST CONTINUOUS |Used to talk about events in the past that were |________________________ | |

|Was stepping out, was going out |unfinished at a certain time in the past or to stress the| | |

| |duration or repetitious nature of an action |Subject + was/were + ‘ing’ participle form |_____________________________ |

| |Illustrate with timelines | |The auxiliary ‘was’ and ‘were’ in the past continuous are|

|I was just stepping out |CCQs to establish duration | |weak forms and the participle is usually stressed e.g. |

| |__________________________ |Subject + had (‘d) + past participle |was/wəz/ stepping out |

|___________________ | | |/ˈwəz ˈstepɪŋ ˈæʊt/ |

|PAST PERFECT |To describe actions that happened before the past time we| | |

| |are talking about | |The auxiliary is often contracted I’d /d/ Stress on |

|Had landed, had reached, had disappeared, had become | | |participle |

| |Illustrate with timelines |_____________________ |We had just reached |

|The flight door had landed on the controls |CCQs to establish previous completed action |Subject + had (‘d) + been + ‘ing’ participle form |[we'd] ˈdʒəst ˈriːtʃt |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |To describe unfinished or continuing actions that started| | |

|PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS |before the time in the past we are referring to. | |__________________________ |

| |Illustrate with timelines. CCQs to establish duration. | |The auxiliary is often contracted and the ‘been’ becomes |

|Everything had been going well | | |a weak form |

| | | |..had been going well |

| | | |ˈhæd ˈbɪn ˈgoʊɪŋ ˈwel |

| | | | |

|Anticipated problems |Possible solutions |

| | |

|1 Unfamiliarity with form and meaning of perfect continuous aspect |1 Concept check and illustrate with time lines and other examples |

| | |

|2 Problems with pron on ‘ed’ endings of regular past verbs and weak forms | |

| |2 Drill and check |

|3 In the personalised speaking activity learners will make mistakes with the use of past structures | |

| | |

|4 Ss unable to grasp the focus on form |3 Monitor carefully and note errors for delayed error correction |

| | |

| | |

| |4 Use colour to highlight the patterns / elicit answers from ss and elicit further examples / monitor closely |

| |during practice exercises. |

|Stage NAME |Stage Aim |teacher activity |student activity |MAIN inter-action |teaching |

|& Time | | | | |aids |

|Vocabulary |Lead in to topic |Gives anecdote of personal experience over the summer |Ss match situation to meaning |T- ss |Slide 1 |

|0940-0945 | |Shows slide ‘Get away from it all’ | | | |

| | |Elicits possible meaning from SS | | | |

| Extension and |Discussion task |Group Ss |Ss discuss and extend the topic of ‘Getting away from | |Slide 2 |

|Practice |(personalised) |Give instructions for task |it all’ |s - s | |

|0945-1000 | |Check instruction for task ICQs | | | |

| | |Show slide 2 | | | |

| | |Monitors during discussion | | | |

| | |Elicits some feedback from groups | | | |

|Develop vocabulary |to give ss further practice of |Pair ss |Ss work together to consider the questions | |Slide 3 |

|1000-1005 |vocab connected with travel |Give task (check instructions – ICQs) |Contribute to feedback |s - s |and WB |

| | |Monitor during activity | | | |

| | |Feedback to WB – focus on pron where necessary | | | |

| | |Concentrate on plane travel during feedback (anyone | | | |

| | |nervous /why etc) | | | |

|Prediction 1005-1010 |To enable Ss to predict the | Display pictures |Ss contribute to prediction stage |T - ss |Slide 4 and pictures |

| |content of the story they are |Allow ss to speculate | | | |

| |about to read |Elicit possible situations | | | |

| | |Display predictions on WB | | | |

|Reading for gist |to allow ss to check their |Sets time for first reading (ICQs) |Ss read and contribute to story outline |T - ss |Handout text |

|1010-1015 |predictions for the reading text |Allow ss to check in pairs | | | |

| | |Nominate ss to provide outlines of story | | | |

| | |Checks against predictions | | | |

| |To allow ss to read the text |Sets task /checks instructions (ICQs) |SS scan and draw information from text |s - s |Slide 7 |

|Scanning for |again for further detail |Timed reading |Write answers on WB | | |

|information | |Monitor discretely and assist where necessary | | | |

|1015-1025 | |Asks ss to check in pairs | | | |

| | |Nominates ss to write answers on WB | | | |

| | |Concentrate on pron where necessary | | | |

| | |Feedback on PP | | | |

|Guessing vocabulary |to give ss further lexical |Sets task /check instructions ICQs |Ss read the text for a third time |s - s |Slide 8 |

|from context |knowledge from the text |Monitor during task |Discuss meanings and possible matching vocabulary in | | |

|1025-1040 | |Ask ss to check in pairs |context | | |

| | |Ss write on WB (check pron – word stress as appropriate | | | |

| | |and CCQs to check meaning) | | | |

| | |Extend with plummet/hurtle down (CCQ) if ss finish | | | |

| | |quickly | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Identification of |to identify/revise form of |Ask ss to underline examples of each tense from paras |Ss work together to identify tenses |t - ss |Slide 9 |

|narrative tenses |narrative tenses |2and 3 /ICQs |Concentrate on form of each |s - s |Colours |

|FOCUS ON FORM |(diagnostic) |Check in pairs | | | |

|1040-1050 | |Ask ss to put on WB in appropriate colour | | | |

| | |Draw attention to pron of ‘ed’ on regular past tense | | | |

| | |forms | | | |

| | |Elicit form of continuous and perfect forms | | | |

|FOCUS ON MEANING AND |Diagnostic exercise to establish |Ask ss to discuss and decide which tense would be better|Ss work together to discuss |s-s |Slide 10 |

|USE |meaning and use |in each sentence |Check concept with each other | |Timelines |

|1050-1100 | |Concept check (CCQs) and ask for justification | | | |

| | |Confirm with timeline for each situation (introduce what| | | |

| | |would be different in meaning if another form was used)| | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Consolidation |To revise and reinforce meaning |Group ss |Ss work together to provide definition/example |s-s |Cut ups |

|exercise |use and form |Give instructions for task ICQs |sentence/meaning/form for narrative tenses | | |

|1100-1110 | |Handout cut ups | | | |

| | |Monitor | | | |

| | |Show correct presentation and allow ss to check | | | |

| | |themselves | | | |

|Controlled practice |To allow the ss to practise the |Group ss |Ss work together to complete task |s-s |OUP website |

|1110-1125 |use of narrative tense |Give each group sentences to complete and enter on | | | |

| | |computer ICQs | | | |

| | |N.B. use contractions where appropriate | | | |

| | |Feedback on computer | | | |

| | |Stress on pron when form contracted | | | |

|Freer practice |To allow a free use of narrative |Regroup ss |Ss talk together and recount personal experiences |s-s |Slide 14 |

| |tenses in a personalised task |Set task and check instructions |using narratives tenses | | |

| | |Display task | | | |

| | |Monitor discretely for DEC (delayed error correction) | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Homework |To practise the use of narrative |T sets story task for homework |Ss write a narrative of 120-180 words using narrative | |Slide 15 |

|1125-1130 |tenses in a written exercise | |tenses and vocabulary associated with travel | | |


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