Section A Vocabulary

Section A Vocabulary

1 Fill the gaps using relationship vocabulary.

|1 |I have r……………………….. living in Madrid. |

|2 |On Fridays I like to h………………………. with my friends in a shopping centre. |

|3 |She never panics or worries. She’s very l………………-……………… . |

|4 |I love my cousins. We g……………………….. really well. |

|5 |They have stopped going out together. They s………………………. last week. |

| |………./5 |

2 Fill the gaps with work vocabulary.

|1 |In my job I have to d……………………… with the public. |

|2 |He a……………………….. for a job in a hotel last week. |

|3 |What kind of s……………………….. do you need for that job? |

|4 |I’ve got an i……………………….. for a job in a hamburger restaurant. |

|5 |I have sent my c……………………….. to sixty companies. |

| |………./5 |

3 Match the words with their definitions.

|witness | |stealing from a house |

|burglary | |attacking and stealing from a person |

|mugging | |someone who saw a crime |

|robbery | |stealing a car |

|theft | |stealing from a bank |

| | |………./5 |

4 Fill the gaps with crime vocabulary.

|1 |He received a 3 month s……………………….. for corruption. |

|2 |The j……………………….. sent him to prison for 5 years for stealing a car. |

|3 |The j……………………….. decided she was guilty of killing her husband. |

|4 |The athlete is in c……………………….. for using drugs. |

|5 |There were 3 s……………………….. for the crime. |

| |………./5 |

Section B Grammar

5 Fill the gaps with the present perfect simple or past simple using the words in brackets.

|1 |I ………………………………(watch) Frank de la Selva on TV last night. |

|2 |She ………………………………(visit) the Prado Museum. |

|3 |I ………………………………(met) my best friend when I was 6. |

|4 |When ……………… you ………………(see) Borja? |

|5 |I ………………………………(finish) my maths homework yet. |

| |………./5 |

6 Underline the correct modal verb.

|1 |You can’t / must do your homework. If not, your teacher will phone your parents. |

|2 |I couldn’t / mustn’t go out last night. |

|3 |My sister doesn’t have / isn’t allowed to practise karate in the sitting room. |

|4 |You are able to / mustn’t jump out of windows. It’s really dangerous. |

|5 |You aren’t allowed / don’t have to pay. It’s free. |

| |………./5 |

7 Fill the gaps with CAN’T, MIGHT and MUST.

|1 |I ………………. go shopping if the rain stops. |

|2 |Oh no. I ………………. have left my umbrella at school. |

|3 |George ………………. have eaten my chocolate mousse. He has chocolate all over his face. |

|4 |Pamela ………………. have done it. She’s away. |

|5 |You ………………. be hungry. You’ve just eaten a big Spanish omelette sandwich with bacon and chips. |

| |………./5 |

8 Make questions from the answers.

|1 |They robbed a post office. |4 |He identified the mugger. |

| |…………………………………………………….. ? | |…………………………………………………….. ? |

|2 |A bus killed the man. |5 |Simon did it. |

| |…………………………………………………….. ? | |…………………………………………………….. ? |

|3 |She saw Juanjo. | | |

| |…………………………………………………….. ? | | |

| |( | |………./5 |

Section C Writing

An email (80-100 words)

Imagine that you are spending the summer doing voluntary work in another country. Write an email to a friend describing your experience. Include details about where you are and how long you have been there and the good and bad aspects of your experience. ………/10



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