Activate B1 - Pearson English


Activate B2

Common European Framework (CEF)

Learning and Exam skills

Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)


|A2 |A2 |1 |KET |3.0 |246-380 |- |1 |

|B1 |B1 |2 |PET |4.0 |500-650 |57-86 |3 |

|B1+ |B1+ | | | | |- | |

|B2 |B2 |3 |FCE |5.0 |650-720 |87-109 |4 |

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|Reading |I can understand an interview in a magazine. |8/9 |B2 |Understand cohesive references. |Media studies: Talent |

| | | | |Identify the topics in paragraphs. |shows |

| | | | |Answer multiple choice questions. | |

| | | | |Match words in a text / definitions | |

|Language |Vocabulary: entertainment, phrasal verbs |10/11 | | | |

| |Change word class using prefixes and suffixes. |14/15 | | | |

| |Review of Present tenses. | | | | |

| |Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can produce a brief oral summary of a text. |13 |B2 |Summarise. | |

| |I can give information about a band I know. | |B2 |Give information | |

| |I can say which instrument I would like to learn to play. | | |Express preference | |

|Listening |I can understand short conversations in different contexts. |12 |B2 |Ask and answer questions about routines | |

| |I can ask and answer questions about my free time activities. | |B2 |Ask and answer questions about recent activities. | |

| |I can ask and answer questions about other people’s routines and | | |Give reasons | |

| |preferences. | | | | |

| |I can ask and answer questions about recent activities and give | | | | |

| |reasons. | | | | |

|Writing |I can rewrite sentences using given words. |16/17 |B1 |Reformulate sentences with given words. |Compare letter writing |

| |I can plan and write a formal letter of application in response to| | |Formal letter response to advertisement. |conventions |

| |an advertisement. | | | | |

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|Unit 2 |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

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|Reading |I can understand a narrative article about encountering a |18/19 |B2 |Understand the structure of a text and add missing sentences.|Environmental science: |

| |dangerous animal. | | |Understand words from context. |animal defences |

| | | | |Identify the topics of paragraphs in a story. |Describing local |

| | | | | |wildlife |

|Language |Vocabulary: Describing and classifying wildlife. Phrasal verbs. |20/21 | |Classifying vocabulary |Environmental science. |

| |Narrative past tenses. |24/25 | | | |

| |Collocations | | | | |

| |Use of definite, indefinite and zero articles. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise a story. |23 |B2 |Summarise. | |

| |I can describe wildlife in my country. | |B2 |Describe animals. | |

| |I can give my opinion of the scariest animal in the world and give| |B2 |Give opinions + reasons. | |

| |my reasons. | | |Describe events. | |

| |I can describe a personal encounter with a dangerous animal of | | |Describe picture and speculate. | |

| |insect. | | | | |

| |I can say which animals I would like to see, and give my reasons. | | | | |

| |I can talk about freak weather events and describe my experiences.| | | | |

| |I can talk about collaboration between humans and animals. | | | | |

| |I can describe a photograph and speculate about the context. | | | | |

|Listening |I can understand a talk about how animals react to weather. |22 |B2 |Complete sentences from comprehension. | |

| |I can listen to a teacher giving instructions. | |B2 | | |

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|Unit 2 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Writing |I can expand notes to write sentences. |26/27 |B2 |Expand notes. | |

| |I can plan and write a fictional story from a given opening | |B2 |Plan narrative story. | |

| |sentence. | | | | |

|REVISE |Grammar, vocabulary, cloze passage | | |Cloze | |

|Unit 3 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can understand an article about the work of a TV presenter. |30/31 |B2 |Summarise information on specific topics. |Careers |

| | | | |Search for specific information. | |

| | | | |Answer multiple choice questions. | |

|Language |Vocabulary: work and the working situation |32/33 | |Using time markers. | |

| |Review of future forms including future in the past. |36/37 | | | |

| |Using future time clauses and time markers. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can talk about why people choose different jobs. |35 |B2 |Explain preferences |Careers |

| |I can talk about jobs I would or wouldn’t like to do and give my | |B2 |Express preferences + give reasons. | |

| |reasons. | |B2 |Interview friends about their futures. | |

| |I can speculate about which jobs I would be good at doing. | | |Make notes | |

| |I can talk about my immediate future and long term future. | | | | |

| |I can talk about which jobs give job satisfaction. | | | | |

|Listening |I can understand people describing their work, applying for a job |34 |B2 |Predict the language I will hear. | |

| |and changing jobs. | | |Answer multiple choice listening questions | |

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|Unit 3 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Writing |I can write an informal letter describing future plans, making |38/39 |B2 |Make notes. |Academic skills |

| |suggestions and giving reasons. | |B2 |Reformulate sentences. | |

| |I can write in appropriate language. | | |Write informal letter. | |

|Unit 4 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can read a magazine article about courses to deal with behaviour|40/41 |B2 |Identify topics in paragraphs. |Health and citizenship |

| |problems. | |B2 |Match words / definitions | |

| |I can understand personal letters giving advice. | |B2 | | |

|Language |Vocabulary: describing personalities and relationships |42/43 | | | |

| |Modals for abilities and obligations |46/47 | | | |

| |Modals for speculation about the past, criticism, and lack of | | | | |

| |obligation. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can speculate about activities in photographs. |45 |B2 |Speculate. |Rules of behaviour for |

| |I can summarise a text and describe my feelings about it. | |B2 |Summarise. |teenagers. |

| |I can talk about what annoys me in relationships. | |B2 |Describe feelings. | |

| |I can give advice about what someone should/shouldn’t do. | | |Organise and lead a group discussion, eliciting opinions from| |

| |I can talk about positive and negative behaviour and possible | | |all participants, responding and stimulating responses, and | |

| |causes. | | |finally reaching a conclusion. | |

| | | | |Give advice. | |

|Listening |I can understand an interview with an expert about relationships |44 |B2 |Interview | |

| |between teenagers and their friends. | |B2 | | |

| |I can understand individuals talking about problems in their | | | | |

| |relationships. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 4 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Writing |I can understand and complete a letter to an Agony Aunt. |48/49 |B2 |Complete cloze passages using lexical sets and identifying |Academic skills: Time |

| | | |B2 |the grammatical function of the missing word. |management in writing |

| | | | |Plan how to use time when writing for a specific deadline. | |

| | | | |Plan and write a well-structured, informal letter giving | |

| | | | |advice. | |

|REVISE |Grammar, vocabulary, cloze passage | | |Cloze | |

|Unit 5 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can understand a magazine article about changes in education |52/53 |B2 |Compare and contrast information from different sources. |Social history, |

| |systems in different historical periods. | |B2 | |education |

|Language |Vocabulary: education and learning |54/55 | | | |

| |Comparative structures. |58/59 | | | |

| |Using question words and intonation. | | | | |

| |Phrasal verbs, determiners: plenty of, all of, many, few, a great | | | | |

| |deal of, a little | | | | |

|Speaking |I can discuss differences between the brains of boys and girls. |57 |B2 |Compare and contrast photographs. | |

| |I can say which course I would be interested in taking and give my| |B2 |Ask and answer detailed questions to compare different | |

| |reasons. | |B2 |vocational courses. | |

| | | | |Express preference + give reasons. | |

|Listening |I can understand interviews with people talking about vocational |56 |B2 |Multiple speakers. |Vocational training |

| |training. | | |Combine information from different sources. | |

|Writing |I can write a well-structured essay on co-education, contrasting |60/61 |B2 |Discursive essay writing |Academic skills |

| |different systems, summarising and drawing conclusions. | |B2 | | |

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|Unit 6 |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Reading |I can understand an article about body image and making changes in|62/63 |B2 |Prediction in reading. |Health and self-esteem |

| |personal appearance. | |B2 |Insert missing sentences by using synonyms and topic matches.|Academic reading skills|

| |I can read a paragraph and form an opinion about the content of | | | | |

| |the following paragraph before reading it. | | | | |

|Language |Vocabulary: describing physical appearance |64/65 | | | |

| |Adjective order in describing physical appearance. |68/69 | | | |

| |Zero, 1st ,2nd , 3rd and mixed conditional forms | | | | |

| |I can use the correct syllable stress in words. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise someone’s opinion in detail. |67 |B2 |Summarise opinions. | |

| |I can agree or disagree with opinions on a topic, giving my | |B2 |Agree / disagree. | |

| |reasons. | |B2 |Express opinion + reason + example. | |

| |I can choose an individual I would like to meet, and give my | |B2 | | |

| |reasons. | | | | |

| |I can speculate about reactions to changes in my appearance. | | | | |

|Listening |I can understand 5 individuals describing different events and |66 |B2 |Multiple speakers. | |

| |identify the topic. | |B2 |Identifying topic. | |

| |I can understand a teacher giving detailed instructions. | |B2 | | |

| |I can understand two students trying to follow the instructions. | | | | |

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|Unit 6 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Writing |I can plan and write a formal letter reacting to a newspaper |70/71 |B2 |Layout and language of a magazine article. | |

| |article about a planned magazine. | |B2 | | |

| |I can use the appropriate layout and language. | |B2 | | |

|REVISE |Grammar, vocabulary + 3 cloze passages | | |Cloze | |

|Unit 7 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can understand a brochure describing 4 different museums. |74/75 |B2 |Information brochure |Science, technology, |

| | | |B2 |Understand words from context. |life science |

| | | | |Scan for specific information | |

|Language |Vocabulary: science and technology |76/77 | | |science / technology |

| |Passive structures |80/81 | | | |

| |Reformulating sentences in passive forms. | | | | |

| |Collocations | | | | |

| |have/get something done | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise information in a brochure. |79 |B2 |Summarise. |Academic skills. |

| |I can give my opinion of the value of Harry Potter’s invisibility | |B2 |Express opinion, make suggestion. | |

| |gadget and suggest how it might be useful. | |B2 |Describe picture. | |

| |I can describe photographs of scientific and technological | |B2 |Give short talk. | |

| |inventions. | | |Say when I don’t understand, ask for repetition or | |

| |I can give a short talk giving my opinions in reaction to a | | |clarification. | |

| |printed statement. | | |Say when I am unsure about something. | |

|Listening |I can listen to 8 conversations and identify the topic. |78 |B2 |Multiple speakers. | |

| | | |B2 |Identify topics. | |

| | | |B2 |Gist listening. | |

| | | | |Answer multiple choice questions. | |

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|Unit 7 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

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|Writing |I can write a review of a science fiction film. |82/83 |B2 |Plan, structure and write film review. | |

| |I can summarise the plot, describe the characters and events and | |B2 |Edit review, correcting mistakes and improving it. | |

| |give my opinion supported by examples. | |B2 | | |

|Unit 8 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can understand a magazine article about a young, celebrity chef,|84/85 |B2 |Skim the text for gist. |Food science: Health |

| |describing his background and achievements. | |B2 |Scan the text to find specific information. |and diet |

| | | | | |Academic reading skills|

|Language |Vocabulary: food and food preparation |86/87 | |Organising vocabulary in categories. | |

| |Categorising foods |90/91 | | | |

| |Gerunds and infinitives: structures and uses | | | | |

| |Collocations with prepositions | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise a text explaining a person’s attitude to their |89 |B2 |Summarise attitudes. | |

| |work. | |B2 |Discuss diets. | |

| |I can discuss fast food and express my opinions about foods and | |B2 | | |

| |eating habits. | |B2 | | |

| |I can discuss diets and exercise and express my opinions. | | | | |

|Listening |I can listen to a talk about nutrition and take notes. |88 |B2 |Note taking |Academic skills: taking|

| |I can identify the communicative purpose of the talk. | |B2 |Answer multiple choice questions. |notes |

| |I can understand a listener asking questions after the talk. | |B2 | | |

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|Unit 8 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Writing |I can prepare and write a formal report on a sports club, |92/93 |B2 |Report writing |Academic writing skills|

| |explaining the reasons for writing, describing problems, | | | | |

| |suggesting solutions, making recommendations and drawing | | | | |

| |conclusions. | | | | |

|REVISE |Grammar, vocabulary, reformulating sentences, cloze passages | | | | |

|Unit 9 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can understand a magazine article about the use of logos on |96/97 |B2 |Predict from headlines and subheads. |Business, commerce, |

| |fashion items. | | |Read for gist and identify the topic of each paragraph. |fashion, logos |

| | | | |Insert missing sentences in the correct position by reading | |

| | | | |before and after the gap. | |

|Language |Vocabulary: shopping, fashion |98/99 | | | |

| |Reported speech: statements and questions |102/103 | | | |

| |Using collocations in completing cloze passages. | | | | |

| |Verbs used in reporting. | | | | |

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|Unit 9 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise a text listing two causes for a trend. |101 |B2 |Summarise. |Trade , commerce |

| |I can say why I think the use of logos is a good or bad idea. | |B2 |Justify an opinion. |advertising and |

| |I can describe my favourite TV advertisements. | |B2 |Describe products, identify likely users. |marketing |

| |I can give reasons why an advertisement might be effective. | |B2 |Describe videos and emotional responses to videos. | |

| |I can describe products and talk about likely customers. | | | | |

| |I can describe music videos. | | | | |

| |I can discuss their value in promoting music and artists. | | | | |

|Listening |I can understand an interview about celebrity endorsements for |100 |B2 |Interview | |

| |products. | |B2 |Answer comprehension questions. | |

| |I can understand two students talking about product placement in | |B2 |Listen again to check answers. | |

| |James Bond films. | |B2 | | |

|Writing |I can prepare notes and write an answer to an email. I can use |104/105 |B2 |Respond to an email. | |

| |paragraphs, punctuation and spelling correctly. | |B2 | | |

|Unit 10 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can read an article in which four people describe getting into |106/107 |B2 |Combine information from different sources. |Citizenship |

| |trouble. | |C1 |Skim for gist. Scan for detail. | |

| |I can read quickly to get an idea of the topics. | | |Use context to understand unfamiliar words. | |

| |I can read more carefully to find specific information. | | | | |

| |I can understand the meaning of words from their context. | | | | |

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|Unit 10 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Language |Vocabulary: the processes of justice, putting verbs in the correct|108/109 | | | |

| |sequence. |112/113 | | | |

| |Expressing wishes and regrets | | | | |

| |Using prefixes to change the meaning of a word. | | | | |

| |Clauses of reason, purpose, result, contrast and cause. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise the text explaining the feelings of each |111 |B2 |Summarise information and attitudes. | |

| |individual. | |B2 |Describe past and present ambitions. | |

| |I can talk about what I wish for now and what I wished for in the | |B2 | | |

| |past. | | | | |

| |I can discuss how friends can support others who are in trouble. | | | | |

| |I can discuss if rules and punishments should be more or less | | | | |

| |severe. | | | | |

| |I can discuss different types of fraud. | | | | |

|Listening |I can understand a girl talking about boys and girls who get into |110 |C1 |Listen to 8 short dialogues; identify context, speakers and | |

| |trouble. | | |topic. | |

|Writing |I can write an essay about using community service as a form of |114/115 |B2 |Write opinion essay. | |

| |punishment. | | | | |

|REVISE |Grammar, vocabulary, cloze, word formation | | | | |

|Unit 11 | | | | | |

|Reading |I can understand a narrative article about the supposed ‘curse’ of|118/119 |B2 |Understand words from context. |History: ancient Egypt |

| |Tutankhamen. | | |Match words with definitions. |and exploration in 1922|

| | | | | | |

|Unit 11 Contd |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Language |Vocabulary: history and archaeology |120/121 | | | |

| |Modals: expressing degrees of certainty. |124/125 | | | |

| |I can select the correct form of a word for the grammatical | | | | |

| |context. | | | | |

| |I can select the precise word I need from a group of words with | | | | |

| |similar meanings. | | | | |

| |Using the passive for reporting. | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise a historical story. |123 |B2 |Summarise narrative. | |

| |I can discuss the value of learning history. | |B2 |Discuss ideas. | |

| |I can talk about the historical periods which interest me. | |B2 |Describe preferences. | |

| |I can describe photographs to a partner and answer her questions. | |B2 |Ask answer questions about photographs. | |

|Listening |I can understand five people talking about experiences connected |122 |B2 |Collect information from different audio sources. |Creative writing |

| |with history. | |C1 | | |

| |I can discuss the topics and make predictions about the content | | | | |

| |before listening. | | | | |

| |I can listen to a teacher giving instructions and then answering | | | | |

| |questions from students. | | | | |

|Writing |I can write an exciting story which has a given ending. |126/127 |B2 |Narrative writing | |

| |I can edit a story for language, clarity and style. | | |Editing | |

| | | | | | |

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|Unit 12 |CEF |Pages |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |CLIL |

| | | |ref | | |

|Reading |I can read a web page describing different summer camps in the |128/129 |B2 |Collect information from different sources. |Reading skills |

| |USA. | |B2 |Scan for detailed information. | |

|Language |Vocabulary: holidays and travel |130/131 | | |Geography: describing |

| |Compound nouns: using hyphens |134/135 | | |landscapes |

| |Defining and non-defining relative clauses. | | | | |

| |Collocations | | | | |

| |Using present participles | | | | |

|Speaking |I can summarise a text from memory. |133 |B2 |Summarise from memory. |Geography: describing |

| |I can say what I would or would not like about a summer camp. | |B2 |Present extended description. |cities |

| |I can give an extended description of my best or worst holiday. | |B2 |Describe places. |Geography: the impact |

| |I can describe my ‘dream’ holiday. | |B2 |Discuss issues. |of tourism and travel |

| |I can describe cities, their features and problems. | | |Compare holidays. | |

| |I can discuss the environmental impact of different means of | | | | |

| |travel. | | | | |

| |I can express my opinions about the impact of tourism on tourist | | | | |

| |destinations. | | | | |

| |I can compare holidays in my own country with holidays in foreign | | | | |

| |countries. | | | | |

|Listening |I can understand an interview with a man who likes to take |132 |B2 |Answer detailed questions about what is said. | |

| |holidays in cities. | | | | |

|Writing |I can write a magazine article describing a journey. |136/137 |B2 |Plan, structure, write magazine article. | |

| | | |B2 |Choose appropriate language, edit. | |

General description

Activate B2 is a course in general English for teenagers. It covers the grammar and vocabulary required for B2 level in a manner which is appropriate for teenaged learners. In addition, the exercise types train students in examination skills since they echo task items found in the FCE examination.

The reading skills development work includes a wide range of text types, including magazine articles, stories, reports and letters. Listening includes interviews, reports, discussions, radio programmes as well as 12 authentic video clips on the DVD. Students are trained to do multiple choice comprehension questions, identify topics, completing cloze tasks, and understand words from context. Listening tasks include basic comprehension, identifying speakers and contexts and noticing attitudes.

In speaking, students are trained to ask for and give information, ask for and express opinions giving reasons, discuss topics, undertake surveys, tell stories, describe pictures and objects, maintain extended conversations and produce oral summaries. Students are also trained to write formal and informal letters, reports, creative stories and reviews.

CLIL and cross-curricular work

The topic material in the book and on the DVD provides many links across the learning curriculum. There are links to citizenship, arts, science, history, geography, and social studies. Topics also approach important behaviour related topics which are important for teenage learners such as health, fitness, support for people in difficulties, a good diet, career choice, crime and punishment and respect for rules.

This topic work will benefit from the students’ background knowledge in these areas as well as extending the students’ knowledge and understanding. The training in both language and academic learning skills in Activate B2 will be transferable across the curriculum, so, the training in planning written tasks, academic reading skills and note taking will generate benefits in many different curriculum areas.




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