LESSON PLAN - Cercul Pedagogic


Name: Gabriela Şandru School: Școala Gimnazială

Date: 19th March, 2014 Tudor Vladimirescu, Tg.-Mureş

Class: 5th B Time of Lesson: 50 min.

No. of Students: 19 Textbook: Pathway to English /

Snapshot Starter

Level: Beginners Unit: In the house

Language Skills: listening, writing Lesson: What’s Daniel doing?

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1. to consolidate the use of the Present Continuous Tense.

2. to practice Present Simple versus Present Continuous.

3. to develop Ss’ listening and writing skills

Specific competences:

By the end of the class the students will be able:

1. to describe what is happening now.

2. to use the present tenses in real context.

3. to differentiate between repeated actions and actions happening at the moment of speaking.

Anticipation problems: Ss might need some help in the final stage of the lesson – the Flower Power Game.

Organization: Whole class, Group work, Pair work, Individual work, Team work

Teaching Techniques / Methods: song ‘What are you doing?”, listening to the tape, ‘Sound Detectives’ game, ‘Where am I?’ game, brainstorming, matching, video watching, multiple choice exercise, ‘Flower Power’ game, ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors’ game

Teaching aids: SB, CB, worksheets, whiteboard, markers, clue cards, video-projector, laptop, postcard templates, place cards, cassette-player, tape

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ACTIVITY 1: Warmer

Aim: to introduce the topic of the lesson and assure Ss accommodation to the English class.


1. T greets the Ss, asks for the absentees and how they feel.

2. T invites Ss to sing a few lines of the song ‘What are you doing?’ Ss sing along and mime the actions.

3. T asks Ss to read their homework & peer-correct the mistakes, if any.

4. T informs Ss about the aim of the lesson.

Interaction: T-S, S-T

Classroom organization: Whole class

Timing: 5 min.

ACTIVITY 2: Lead-in – Sound Detectives

Aim: to consolidate the use of the Present Continuous Tense.


1. T asks Ss to open their books at page 77 and copy the questions in exercise 4. T writes the title of the lesson ‘What’s Daniel doing?’ and the sentences in ex. 8/77 on the board.

2. T plays the tape (. Ss work individually. They are ‘sound detectives’ who have to identify the sounds, and write what the people are doing.

3. T then checks the answers with the whole class. Ss write the correct sentences on the board.

4. T asks Ss to write in their notebooks what is happening in the classroom right now. They should be ‘sound detectives’ again, pay attention to all sounds / movements and write as many sentences as they can in 2 minutes.

5. Ss compare their answers in pairs. Ss report their findings.

Interaction: T-S, S-T, S-S

Classroom organization: Whole-class, Pair work

Timing: 9 min.

ACTIVITY 3: Video Watching – Grammar Genius

Aim: to develop listening skills and to consolidate the use of the Present Continuous Tense.


1. T invites Ss to play a concentration game. Ss watch part of a video clip and memorize as many activities people are doing. When the video is paused, T elicits sentences in the present continuous tense from the whole class.

2. T asks Ss to watch a video (3 min) and gives out Ws with questions to be answered.

3. Ss watch the video twice and answer the general understanding questions first and then the questions checking understanding of specific details.

4. Feed-back: T checks answers with the whole class.

Interaction: T-S, S-T, S-S

Classroom organization: Individual work, Group work

Timing: 10 min.

ACTIVITY 4: Where am I?

Aim: to develop writing skills and to use the present tenses in real context.


1. Ss work in groups. They are given blank postcard templates and asked to imagine that they are writing a postcard while they are sitting on the balcony of their hotel room or outside a café. They should naturally use the Present Continuous to describe what is happening at the moment they are writing (e.g. “The sun is shining” or “The children are playing beach volleyball”) and the Present Simple for their daily routine while on holiday (e.g. “I go to the swimming pool every day.” or “I always have breakfast in the same café.”).

2. T demonstrates the activity and sets a time limit of 5 minutes for the writing task.

3. Ss perform the task. Meanwhile, T mounts postcards on board so they are visible to everyone.

4. Ss read their postcards and the rest of the class guesses which place they were supposed to be in, matching the description they hear with the places displayed. Postcards are paired and Ss rewarded with red-points.

Interaction: S-S, T-S, S-T

Classroom organization: Group work, Whole-class

Timing: 15 min.

ACTIVITY 5: ‘Flower Power’ Game

Aim: to give further practice in the correct of use Present Simple versus Present Continuous.


1. T lays paper flowers on the floor. Each flower has a verb card with an adverb, a subject card and a symbol of the sentence type – affirmative, negative or interrogative.

2. Ss work in two teams. Representatives from each team stand at both ends of the line, facing each-other. They are to make correct sentences using the prompts on each flower, one at a time. As they progress, they leap along to their opponent’s side of the line until they meet their opponent. When they meet, they rock-paper-scissors: the winner continues from where he stopped, whereas the student who lost is replaced by another student in his team who begins from the start of the line again. When they meet again, they rock-paper-scissors and the game continues until one team reaches the end of the line. There is a good chance that the game won’t finish until recess time.

3. Ss play the game. T monitors and helps.

4. If there is a winning team, they are rewarded with red points in the T’s register.

Interaction: T-S, S-S

Classroom organization: Individual work, Team work

Timing: 10 min.

ACTIVITY 6: Homework

Aim: to use the present tenses correctly.

T asks Ss to solve the exercises on page 54 in their LB.

Interaction: T-S

Classroom organization: whole-class

Timing: 1 min




A. Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. Mark Spark and Betty Brain are:

a. doctors

b. scientists

c. teachers

2. Mark is waiting for:

a. Cousin George

b. Cousin John

c. Cousin Jenny

3. He is staying for:

a. breakfast

b. lunch

c. dinner


B. Watch the video again and choose the correct option:

1. What are Mark and Betty doing in the lab?

a. They are looking at some experiments.

b. They are working on some experiments.

c. They are waiting for some of Form

2. What is Mark making?

a. A gift for a relative.

b. A carton of milk for his cousin.

c. A mobile phone.

3. When is George coming?

a. He is coming today for a short visit.

b. He is coming today for a long visit.

c. He is coming for a short visit.

4. What does George love?

a. He loves meat and music.

b. He loves to eat and music.

c. He loves milk and music.

5. Why is Mark wearing a tie?

a. Because he loves ties.

b. Because it is a souvenir from his cousin.

c. Because it is a present from George.

6. Who hates vegetables?

a. Mark.

b. Betty.

c. Mark’s cousin.

7. Why is Mark cooking vegetables?

a. Because George hates vegetables.

b. Because George loves meat.

c. Because George is a vegetarian.

8. What happens when George comes to visit?

a. It is always a storm.

b. It is always a disaster.

c. It is always a pleasure when he stays for dinner.

9. How long is George finally staying?

a. He is staying for a week.

b. He is staying for dinner.

c. He is staying two weeks.


March, 19th

Dear Dana,

I’m having a great time here in London. I’m staying in a hotel by the river Thames. I can see the Big Wheel from here. It is spinning. There are lots of people waiting to go on the wheel. There is a boat on the river. I think it is a restaurant boat. People are having lunch – they are eating and drinking. There are birds flying around the boat. Some children are feeding the birds. I can see the Tower Bridge. It is opening its gates. The boat is passing under the bridge.

It’s great to be here! Ahh…

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