CP English 11

Honors English II Syllabus

Course Overview, Rules, Procedures, and Expectations

Mr. Tangredi (tangrec@)

2021 - 2022

Course Overview:

This course is designed to give an understanding and appreciation of world literature, from the early foundations of myths and folktales to the contemporary era. Students will explore literature from various genres through reading, analyzing, organizing, discussing, creating, and writing in various modes of discourse. The course will use a variety of learning and assessment strategies, including tests, projects, essays, cooperative learning activities, oral presentations, discussion, graphic organizers, journaling, and vocabulary and grammar activities.

Works Covered:

Various Short Stories & poems from My Perspectives

Night by Elie Wiesel

Oedipus by Sophocles

The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare

Anthem by Ann Rand

Additional Supplemental Texts, Essays, and Nonfiction Speeches, including political campaign speeches and advertisements, The Gettysburg Address, Letters From a Birmingham Jail, Speech to the Virginia Convention, etc.


• Composition Notebook

• Pens, Pencils, Highlighters

• My Perspectives Textbook (Pickup is TBD)

• 1-2 books selected for the Independent Reading Projects

• GCS Laptops (see below)

Grading Policy:

Class Grade: GCS Grading Scale:

Test, Essays, and Projects (40%) 90 – 100 = A

Quizzes and Notebook Checks (30%) 80 – 90 = B

Classwork (20%) 70 – 80 = C

Homework (10%) 60 – 70 = D

Below 60 = F

Schoolwide Rules & Expectations:

1. Be Respectful. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Listen actively, tolerate differing viewpoints, show interest, and practice common courtesy.

2. Be safe. Masks are to be worn at all times, and you must have your OneCards out as well.

3. Be prepared. Bring all required materials to class every day, and have notebooks out on your desks before the bell rings.

4. Be responsible. Do what you’re supposed to do, admit to mistakes, accept the consequences of your actions gracefully and learn from it…then move on. We’re all here to grow, so let’s do it together!

Laptops: I encourage you to bring your school issued, GCS laptop every day. While not required, it will be helpful to have them regularly, especially since I will be setting up Canvas and OneNote pages to facilitate learning. Notes, lessons, and other links and activities will be posted to OneNote weekly, so it will be helpful to have access whenever you need it. Again this isn’t required- and you will be asked to put your laptop in your bags if you are caught playing games and will be receive a call home- but it will be helpful to have. All the same, be sure to charge them every night and bring them as often as possible.

Cell Phone Policy:       Unless otherwise noted, cell phones should always be in a backpack or pocket. Students may use ear buds and/or personal sound audio devices if the teacher permits it.  The volume of the audio device headsets is only for the user to hear and must not interfere with being able to hear directions from others or authorized staff.


1.      Students may not access any personal electronic devices during any test or quiz.  Students accessing a device during test or quiz time will receive a zero on the test or quiz and be referred to an administrator.  There will be no make-up test or quiz.  Such unauthorized access will be considered cheating as any unauthorized material can be quickly deleted. 

2.      Students may not access personal electronic devices to access information during assignments unless clearly directed by the teacher for that assignment.

Cheating is defined as - Taking credit for someone else's ideas - sharing information with peers, getting information from outside sources without acknowledgement including online resources, or any kind of unfair advantage for an assignment or grade - is considered as cheating and will result in a zero and referred to an administrator (as defined in the GCS handbook).  Examples are:  photographs of tests or assessments; assessment materials; sending or receiving texts, emails, or any other social media or electronic communication.

Bathroom: ** No passes may be used during the first or last 10 minutes of class (Page High School Policy). **

Tardy Policy:

Students will receive warnings for the first 2 tardies, then a parent contact will be made for every tardies 3-5. Tardies 6-11 will result in ISS, and any tardies after 12 will receive a referral to OSS.

Absences/Make-up Work:

❖ In accordance with GCS guidelines, once a student returns to school following an absence, assignments given prior to the absence will be due on the date the student returns to school.

❖ The following Late Work Policy will apply to any missed assignments: students will have a 3 day grace period to turn in work for full credit. After the grace period is over, the student will have 10 points taken off of the assignment until the grade is a 50. After that point, the assignment can still be submitted but cannot receive a grade higher than a 50. **The last day that ANY late work can be turned in is the Monday before the end of the quarter**

❖ Students will be given one free CW/HW pass per quarter. Use it wisely!!!

❖ If a student is absent from class but is still considered present (i.e. school functions) homework is still due, and it is up to the student to schedule a time to make up any missed tests or quizzes.

Mr. Tangredi’s Contact Information (e-mail is preferable):

E-mail: tangrec@ School Phone: (336) 370-8200 ext. 1634 Google Voice #: 336-485-5752

Please sign and have your parent/guardian sign and return this portion of the syllabus:


Parent/ Guardian Signature: __________________________________________

Preferred Parent/Guardian Email: ______________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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