The English Revolution Reading Guide

The English Revolution Reading Guide21.5: Parliament Limits the English MonarchyObjective A: Identify conflicts between English rulers and Parliament.What was one obstacle to English rulers’ becoming absolute monarchs?When Elizabeth died, the throne passed to her cousin, ____________________, who was already king of ____________________. Although these two kingdoms shared a ruler, they were not united until __________.In 1628, Parliament refused to grant money to King ____________________ until he signed a document known as the _________________________________ which set forth the notion that the _____________ was higher than the _____________.What happened when Charles tried to arrest Parliament’s leaders in January 1642?English Civil War:From __________ to __________Charles’ supporters were called ____________________ or ____________________ vs.Puritan supporters of Parliament were called ____________________. Their leader was ______________________________.What happened to Charles in 1649?Define commonwealth:Cromwell became a ______________________________.Cromwell and the Puritans sought to ______________________________. They abolished activities they found sinful such as the ____________________, ______________________________, and ____________________.Objective B: Describe the Restoration and the Glorious Revolution.In 1659, why did Parliament ask the older son of Charles I to rule England?Because ____________________ restored the monarchy, the period of his rule is called the ____________________.______________________________ is Latin meaning “to have the body.”Gave every prisoner the right to be brought before a judge to …A monarch could not …Prisoners could not be held indefinitely without ____________________.England’s first political parties were the ____________________ who opposed James and the ____________________ who supported him.James offended his subjects by …____________________ and ____________________’s bloodless overthrow of King James II is called the ________________________________________.England had become not an absolute monarchy but a ____________________ monarchy, where ____________________ limited the ruler’s power. To make clear the limits of royal power, Parliament drafted a ______________________________ in 1689.Define cabinet:Who heads the cabinet? ................

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